10 Membership Acquisition Strategies You Must Try in 2022 |

Apr 13, 2022

You've spent years learning and building up expertise in your industry. You've spent endless hours honing your abilities and are now ready to share what you've learned to the rest of the world. Great! You may have already started your own membership company or still in the development stage.

Whatever your situation regardless of where you are, having a thriving community -- one that allows people to are able to work together on some thing, or where members have fun and connected is crucial. As there aren't any members and you'll be unable to achieve the ability to make money.

If you're trying to recruit members into your group or make them hooked on your courses and keep them coming to return time and again We have methods to acquire members that you can implement now to be more effective next day.

If you want more support for building your community Come join OUR Mighty Community for free and get to know other newly well-established community owners! We'd love to meet you. Sign up at no cost!

        This piece...    

1. Before you launch

1.1. Find your "ideal member"

1.2. Develop your Big Purpose

1.3. Interview potential members

1.4. Promote

2. 10 membership acquisition strategies

2.1. Create urgency

2.2. Bonus members

2.3. Hosting webinars

2.4. Give "teaser content"

2.5. Provide a trial trial at no cost

2.6. Check your course or the community

2.7. Ask for word-of-mouth recommendations

2.8. Utilize tiers to offer possible members the choice

2.9. Make registration easy

2.10. Make canceling easy too


Before you launch

There's been no better opportunity to create an online community, than at present. Thanks to the pandemic, everyone has been stuck at home, unhappy, and has turned to the internet for innovative ways to connect and opportunities to learn.

Before you hit that publish button, there are a few points you need to think about to gain visibility and grow an impressive community.

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Determine the "ideal user"

If you're planning to establish an active community, it is essential to be aware of who the people you are targeting. In marketing, this is called your target market. Here are some factors to take into consideration: who are these individuals and at what stage in their lives are they in (e.g. students, professionals, retirees)? What do these people are passionate about? What are their values? What are their priorities? What are their challenges and what can you do to address their pain points?

A different way of asking the question above is: if these individuals are accepted into your group and join your community, where are they in a year from now compared to when they started? (We refer to this as"a Year in the Life.) Be clear on what the course will look like, and how belonging to your local community can assist them to achieve their goals.

Develop your Big Purpose

In order to establish the foundation for a flourishing community there must be a purpose to bring people together. This is why you must be able to articulate an "big reason." The most crucial element of a thriving community is being crystal clear about what the goals of the group are. If you don't have a reason for bringing people together, no one would want to be part of your group or will not achieve the change they're seeking.

Another approach is to consider your big purpose is the primary motivation. It's why your community exists today -- because you're gathering the people required to achieve the community's goals.

Here's a template that we've designed to help you focus the purpose of your project is.


Interview potential members

While you're trying to figure out who your ideal members are and what your big purpose is, ensure that you gather all the data that you are able to. The best way to do this is to reach out to 15-20 individuals who you consider to be your ideal group members.

Discuss with them the issues they are currently struggling with, and be aware of the places where your local community may be able to help!. As an example, suppose there's a training course for career professionals about how to obtain an increase in rank: inquire when the last time they had a promotion, or what they found most frustrating and challenging when it came to asking for promotions.

If you conduct interviews with potential members, you can get a clear understanding of their pain points and determine how you can tackle them in your group. It is possible to go further and see what would motivate them to enroll and discover what they've found most intriguing and most annoying in the community or classes they've taken previously.

A better understanding of what members would like to see in a community can assist you in creating the most effective space you can!

The background work is guaranteed to produce an outstanding Community Design(tm) , and for this reason this is a member acquisition strategy in itself!


Like any other product or service, it is important to get the word out to as many people as possible. It could be the most effective service, but if no one knows about it why bother?

By employing effective methods for promotion, you can properly market your program and get the ideal client. The key to success here is- effective promotion techniques. You want to have proper methods in place to get the right people at the right time.

Here are some promotion tips and tricks to remember for member purchase.

Use email marketing

Are you on an email list? Awesome! This is a great start. Sending out emails to promote your group is an inexpensive (if you don't use an email marketing platform) It's a simple and efficient method.

It doesn't mean that you need to send your contacts a plethora of emails. Be selective and strategic with the amount of emails you send. If the recipients feel that you're sending them spam then they'll immediately unsubscribe and stop engaging with your posts this is precisely that you do not want.

Make sure to bring worth to your customers through sharing helpful tips and tricks, rather than just selling. Make sure to include frequent invitations , along with a call-to actions (CTA) to join your community.

Establish connections

The key for a good marketing strategy is networking. To start with start, it's a good idea to talk with the people you already interviewed to determine whom your "ideal person" is. After all, if you're a fan of them and you built an exclusive community for them, maybe they'll want to join. You should approach the invitation as an informal one and be aware that the timing might not be right for everyone. However, don't be too surprised if some of these people decide to join!

Do not stop there. Relations and networking form the core of lots of great businesses. A solid strategy for networking is crucial.

Here are some other social networking-related promotions that you might try:


  • Podcast guest appearances        
  • Participating in networking events        
  • Speaking at events or at conferences        
  • Posting in appropriate LinkedIn groups        
  • Asking other people to share your community launch        

Valid for presales

After you've completed all the work, from narrowing in to who your ideal client is to strategically promoting your community, you'll want to test your waters. Preselling is the place to come into. If you're offering a pre-sales for your course, you're ratcheting up the hype around the course, as well as measuring the level of interest among the people who will be attending.

It's easy for people to say, "oh yeah, I'd definitely join in that group!" and then not to show up. Having a presale validates this idea, and also shows that the people actually want to spend money for it.

Another advantage of a presale is that you can start generating revenue before you actually launch. If the community you're building has an element of a course that is strong that is a part of it, the presale could also serve to verify the idea of the course to ensure that the people who purchase it will purchase it. Maybe you're halfway through developing the course or nearing the end. Wherever you are in the process, it affords the opportunity to finish the course and see how much demand there is. You could even have an end goal you're looking to achieve such as If you're able to get 15 students to register, you'll definitely launch your course. If you fail, you'll be back to the drawing board.

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10 ways to acquire membership

Since we've gone through the pre-launch phase and are now focusing on recruiting members and retention , so you'll be able to build a powerful community.

The last thing you want after you've put hours into creating and marketing your community that you get is silence. Although you may have few bites, the goal for this is to build a steadily growing community, that is full of enthusiastic and engaged students who can will benefit from the information that you've put out.

Here are 10 ways to increase the number of members.

It's urgent!

Nothing will get people signing up to buy something faster than urgentness. Take a look at items that are hard to come by as well as popular events and concerts as well as the latest trending fashions. The online retailers are aware of the need for urgency whenever they make this claim and claim "only a few left available" ."

Sometimes, a bit of the urgency can be a positive thing. The addition of a deadline to an offer, or even to the membership ("One week to sign up") or even capping the amount of people who can participate ("Only two spots remain!") can be an important way to help people get off the fence.

If you think that people have all the time in the world to get registered it can take a long time and might not even bother.

Give members a bonus

The strategy described above is built on FOMO However, this member acquisition strategy is more about perceived value. Ensuring your community provides value and solutions for your members' problems is vital. However, why not give them something little extra? Now you've got a deal!

In exchange for signing up before the deadline, you can offer a 10% discount (this could be linked to your urgency strategy too), "last chance to save 10 %").

Everyone loves free stuff. Below are some bonus options that you could give away:


  • an ebook        
  • access or discounts to the course        
  • a coaching phone        
  • an exclusive webinar        
  • an elite subgroup        
  • merchandise        

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Hosting webinars

Another method to attract potential members is by offering webinars. Webinars provide value to your members and will keep them entertained as well as giving them the an opportunity to receive real-time feedback on questions and learning.

Webinars also establish you as an authority in your field and help to build credibility with your viewers. Your audience will begin to view you as an expert and they'll seek your website for suggestions

When they are done well webinars can teach your viewers what they want to know. In other words, while giving value and sharing your knowledge, you must present problems and providing solutions (e.g. the community you serve that people can sign up to ).

Give "teaser contents"

Don't just give away everything But instead, you should make them want to have. It's a "teaser." This can be done by offering a sample of your content such as on social media or via email to your list. Also, you can tease some of the intriguing parts of your community or course. Provide valuable insights and actions that future members could take toward their goal.

People will test the information or find something useful and might want to know more. Offering value through the use of a "teaser" is a tried and true way to build your brand that will result in more people joining your local community.

Offer a free trial

As with teaser videos, you could give potential members a free trial of your group. There are many ways you could offer a trial period. Another option is to offer prospective members a trial account, like two weeks of free access.

A different way of doing this is by offering a limited access trial for potential students where they get access to some options (perhaps they're limited to an entry-level tier) or have access to the class, but do not have access to the forum for discussion or material.

The benefits of free trials is that they allow people to try before fully investing. One benefit to providing an opportunity to try a trial free of charge is the possibility of acquiring the contact information of this individual to be able to send future offers.

However, there are disadvantages to these free trials though. Some people may sign up to try free trials but have no intention of actually sign up for a membership. Plus, if there's an endless flow of new members, or people who are not members accessing your content and not contributing to the community, this could affect retention negatively.

It's equally important to think about whether it's feasible to provide free trials, and what time period is appropriate for your company. If, for instance, your trial isn't lengthy enough to allow someone to experience the product, they're unlikely to commit and you've wasted both your time and time of the customer. However, your trial period should be short enough to convey the feeling of urgency that we discussed above.

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Check your course or your local community

Another method to attract new members and improve your courses is by providing the chance to try your course for a discount. These "beta test participants" get the full of the experience, as opposed to a trial membership, in return of providing feedback. Successful entrepreneurs know that testing a service before it's fully launched is necessary.

This can also allow for the control of quality. If you're running courses, the comments from beta testers can be valuable. Are certain elements of the course too lengthy or short? Do students fully understand the ideas? Do they have a technical problem that needs to be addressed? How are they finding the community's involvement?

Having a testing cohort is also a great way to get testimonials. If these individuals loved your program and enjoy being part of your group They'll be happy to give you comments and reviews even before you've launched for the general members of the public.

Ask for word-of-mouth recommendations

Word-of-mouth suggestions (whether they're natural or through testimonials) help reassure the quality of your course, its credibility, and the value of your program and make people feel more comfortable to sign up as a member.

Be aware that, at the final point, if you're providing worth and providing people with the tools they need to tackle their problems, they'll be compelled to shout about it to the world!

Tiers are used to provide prospective members the option of choosing

People like to have options. So, offering tiers or different types of membership levels is an excellent method of acquiring members. The tiered membership option gives you the ability to set different levels of accessibility to members.

Some communities or courses may offer three-tiered choices to their members. They include Top tier (most costly, but provides members unlimited access and exclusive content), mid-range tier (most popular, tons of content) and a lower-range tier (cheapest alternative, however limited content).

What's great about a tiered membership is that it lets people come in at the lower end of the spectrum, and they have the option to climb up to the highest appealing and sought-after offer once they're satisfied

Register your child easily

There is nothing that will stop someone from registering for membership other than an unpleasant or complicated registration process. They don't want be required to answer an endless amount of forms to join.

Make your members' registration as simple and easy as possible by only putting required fields in the registration form. Additionally, ensure the branding on your registration page matches the brand you use elsewhere. Make sure that your online registration is mobile-friendly, so potential members can register anywhere and at any time. (The application makes this simple! )

Don't wish to let potential clients go away because the registration process is too complicated, as there's no reason to stop them from paying for an account.

Make canceling easy too

Like registration, which should be straightforward, so too will your cancellation policies. Inform new members (and even those who are already members) what they are able to do in order to cancel the membership. Make clear the annual vs. monthly price at the time of registration, and remind them of the upcoming fees.

Nobody wants to feel trapped, especially in relation to what they're paying for. If members pay for their membership monthly or yearly, ensure that you state (on your site) how they can unsubscribe and how (e.g. using the login page, phone or email) and also that the process is easy for them.


If you put the strategies of gaining membership use, you'll be on the way to building an incredible community. If you're searching for an online platform that are able to bring together an active community, you're going to require one that will grow along with you.

is an all-in-one social platform that offers you the capability to build communities, create online classes  and offer paid subscriptions, broadcast live streams and even host virtual gatherings.

There are many ways that your community can come together by way of discussion board posts, live streaming, polls, and more. Being active and involved in your group of people will make them come back over and over.

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