5 Amazing Passive Income Options to help starving students

Jan 27, 2023


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If you're a student, it is not uncommon to be running a bit short of cash. When bills and rent have been paid, you may not have much money left to make plans for the future or to do the things you enjoy.

There's a wonderful phenomenon known as passive income.

If you're a student and have a a busy schedule, creating passive income streams is a great option, because it takes little to no ongoing effort. Additionally, since you're a student, you're likely to have the necessary knowledge and skills that you can monetize.

In this post we'll discuss five ideas to earn passive income for students like you. Get your books out!

The Tools You'll Need

Before we begin, let's review two main platforms that can aid you to earn an steady income in no time! These tools are both accessible to beginners.


WordPress WordPress is an open and flexible CMS (CMS) that allows you to build and manage information such as web pages and blog posts. It's open-source and free, so you can get it directly via the official website:

One of the best parts of WordPress is the ability to enhance its capabilities by through extensions and plugins.

You can accomplish things like...

  • Offer subscription billing
  • Paywall certain posts and pages
  • Let visitors download digital goods

This is what differentiates it from similar tools.

Five passive income ideas for Students

Now that you know what tools you'll need, let's take a look at five passive income options for students.

1. Create Tutoring Videos

As a student, you're in a position where you are able to share tutorial videos on your specific subject. Or, you can make instructional videos that can provide value to others in your position.

As an example, you could share study tips or advice about the college experience:

Due to the popularity of video-based content This approach holds plenty of opportunities. In addition, it is an ideal medium for training and sharing.

Actually, 54% of YouTube users use YouTube in order to resolve a dilemma. The other 56% go to YouTube to learn something new:

There are a variety options for how you approach videos for tutorials. It is possible to create small instructional clips.

Or you may want to create longer, in-depth videosthat serve more as a lecture or demonstration. This is an ideal choice if you already have a well-established online presence and an engaged viewers.

Webinar replays

All webinar platforms worth their salt will include an option to replay. You can therefore make a single recording of a webinar after which you pay for the replays indefinitely until voilathe passive income is coming in.

WATch >> how to allow free pageviews in the face of your paywall

2. Begin and Start a Blog and earn money from it.

Though blogs have existed for quite a while however, they're extremely well-loved. One of the main reasons for their popularity is the freedom. Blogs provide you with a space where you're totally in control of what you post.

In other social media, you're bound by the regulations of the particular website. But with blogs you're granted the creative freedom to express and write whatever you like.

The greatest benefit of blog sites is their potential to support multiple revenue streams.

3. Be an Affiliate Marketer

Marketing via affiliates can be a good choice if you have an online website, YouTube channel or another other website with a large audience. Once you have started creating content, you can join with companies who match your audience, niche, or even your values.

A few of the most popular affiliate programs are Amazon Associates, SEMrush, and HelloFresh:

If you sign up with one of your chosen brands, you'll receive a unique affiliate link. You can place your link in blog posts, comments sections, or your YouTube description box.

When a user visits the website and purchases a product you'll get a portion of the sales.

Some affiliate programs will even pay the affiliate for creating leads. If this is the case, you could earn a fee when users complete the desired step, like clicking on a hyperlink.

4. Sell Digital Products

Selling digital products is another great way to pursue and develop a passion or skill during your studies. In the case of instance, you could be studying business, but are interested in the field of art.

5. Make an Online Course

A course online is ideal if you are a skilled professional that others will want to learn. For example, you might...

  • Be fluent in the language
  • Specialize in crafting craft
  • Have everyday skills that are in demand, like cooking or baking

This way, only those with an account can access the content.

With just a couple of presses, and you'll get web pages (including courses) that can be mobile-responsive, optimized to make sales, branded as well as modern-looking. This is all that's with zero coding.

Once you have your members' email addresses on file, you'll be able to deliver targeted sales to their inboxes. It's a great method to get subscribers to the thought of selling. Additionally, it provides you with an additional place to post your affiliate links.


As a student, it could be among the most enriching and formative moments of your life. But, if you're low of cash, it might be difficult to make use of every minute of your time.

You can begin generating a passive income to earn extra money. For a quick overview, here are five ways to generate passive income for students:

  1.   Create tutoring videos.  
  2.   Begin to monetize and start blogs.  
  3.   Be an affiliate marketer.  
  4.   Sell digital products.  
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Take Action today!

Create passive income streams, then get paid for what you are able to do.

Do you have any questions about how to earn a passive income while studying? Are you able to suggest passive income strategies for students we didn't share? We'd like to hear about it in the comment section below.