9 Nifty Angular Component Libraries to Jump-Start Development - (r)

Mar 15, 2023
Illustration: A developer researching Angular component libraries.

Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework built using TypeScript and optimized for developing simple web-based applications. It is well-known for its flexibility that allows developers to focus on the features and functions. Incorporating component libraries into the mix adds an additional layer of efficiency and speed, enhancing development productivity and the overall performance of your application.

Yet, selecting the most suitable libraries for your needs isn't easy with the many available options. This article examines several of the best Angular component libraries, how they function and also the best way to incorporate all of them to the Angular application.

Why should you use a Component Library?

If you design them using your own code or use libraries from third parties componentry is the core of Angular applications. Each component relies on a template for its HTML and CSS elements, as well as TypeScript code that controls its behavior.

The primary benefit of component libraries is that they provide reuseable, pre-built UI components, which reduces the need for custom code as well as helping developers get their applications ready for use fast.

Angular's approach to components can help improve cross-team collaboration between programmers who may be writing TypeScript codes and web developers who provide templates. HTML to the templates.

Libraries of components are typically included in Angular projects using Node.js's Node.js npm Node Package Manager or using Angular's own command line interface (CLI).

What is a good component Library?

The component libraries on our list have been chosen according to a number of factors:

  • They provide a comprehensive set of UI components, making it easy for developers to quickly create beautiful and functional applications.
  • They offer good documentation and support, ensuring developers can get help when required.

9 Nifty Angular Component Libraries

Let's have a close glance at the top picks.

1. An Angular Material

Angular Material is the official Angular component library, offering a comprehensive UI collection while keeping current with latest Angular capabilities and API changes. Additionally, it comes with accessibility support, generating markup to enable the use of keyboards and assistance technologies such as screen readers.

Screenshot: Example of Material Angular component library buttons.
Material Library for Angular Components: Button examples.

What it does: Angular Material leverages Angular's built-in directives and services to offer a collection of highly efficient and data-bound components on top of Angular, making it easy to integrate interactivity into web-based applications.

Its strengths: Angular Material excels at providing pre-built UI components that conform to Material Design guidelines. It provides a variety of well-designed, customizable UI components that can be integrated into Angular applications with ease. The components comprise Navigation menus, buttons forms, dialog boxes, and many more.

If, for instance, you'd like to include buttons in your app then you should make use of to use the mat-button directive and modify it to suit your needs.

Here's a sample code excerpt:

Click me!

This code will generate buttons that have the main color scheme. It is possible to further personalize the button by adding event handlers and changing the text, and the look of the button.

2. NG-Bootstrap

The NG Bootstrap library is an open-source library that is built upon Bootstrap CSS, providing elements and patterns for design that many developers are already familiar with. This reduces the learning curve for new projects, making it a solid option for creating Angular applications quickly and efficiently.

Screenshot: NG-Bootstrap Angular component library carousel.
NG-Bootstrap Angular component library: carousel example.

The way it worksNG-Bootstrap extends the capabilities of Bootstrap components by allowing developers to utilize these components to create Angular directives. It also includes two-way data binding as well as additional Angular-specific features. This allows designers to develop responsive, mobile-friendly web applications which seamlessly integrate together with Angular.

What it does well: One of the key strengths of NG-Bootstrap is its support for accessibility functions, such as accessibility features, such as the W3Cs guidelines regarding Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) which makes it much easier for developers to create applications that can be utilized by people with disabilities. NG-Bootstrap also excels in the field of dialogs that are modal. With the Ng-Bootstrap Modal component, designers can create simple Modal dialogs that can be customized including size, background as well as keyboard compatibility.

Here's an example of how to create a basic modal dialog using NG Bootstrap.

  Modal title 
 Modal title x
Title text x 
 Modal body text goes here.
 Shut down
Modal title x Body text goes here. Close
the template /ng-template>Launch demo modal

In this example, the template element holds the contents to display the dialog including the header, body, and footer. The button element at the end of the code snippet triggers the opening of the modal upon clicking. The open() method is used to display the modal. It takes the template element as its argument.

3. Clarity

Clarity is an open source library that utilizes a shared visual language across its components to create a uniform, intuitive UI. The library is also well-documented, featuring a wealth of guides, tutorials as well as API reference pages, making it easy to understand and to use.

An illustration based on the Clarity Angular component library's logo.
Illustration from the official website for the Clarity Angular component library.

How it works: The Clarity design method is based on notion of "cards," which are used to group similar contents. Cards can be used to display individual pieces of content in a structured and organized manner. Clarity comes with a wide range of card elements that display data in a range of formats. The card components comprise headers, footers, as well as content sections. They is easily customizable using distinct designs and styles.

The cards can also be combined with other elements including dropdowns and modals as well as buttons -- to create more complicated UI layouts. The main goal of card-based design is to provide a flexible and modular system that can create complicated user interfaces quickly.

Its strengths: Clarity's extensive set of controls for forms is a definite strength. These controls include input fields, select boxes radio buttons and many more. Clarity also provides a range of data visualisations like line charts, bar charts as well as pie charts to help display data clearly and in an organized method.

Here's an example on how to use the Clarity input field component on the HTML form:


This code creates a form input field with the label as well as placeholder text. The input container clr-input as well as the clrInput directives are supplied by the Clarity library. They will design the input field accordingly.

4. Kendo UI

Kendo UI is a library for commercial use that was designed with performance in mind and ensuring quick load times and a smooth user experience. Additionally, it offers styles and themes to make your application more appealing and attractive. of your applications, as well as extensive documentation and a professional support group.

Screenshot: Data grid example using the Kendo UI Angular component library.
Example of a data grid using Kendo UI Angular component library. Kendo UI Angular component library.

The way it works Kendo UI employs strategies like virtualization or lazy loading to provide rapid loading speeds and a smooth user experience. This means that applications built by using Kendo UI are fast and responsive, even when dealing with large data sets. Kendo UI is also built on a modular architecture that enables developers to only use those components they require and reduce the library's size and increasing the performance of applications.

What it does well: Kendo UI is especially suited to enterprise-level apps that need extensive management of data as well as complex user interaction. Its grid component, for instance, supports functions like filtering, sorting, and grouping, allowing the developers to present huge data sets to users in a easy to manage manner.

Here is a code snippet of the method to make a simple Kendo UI grid in HTML:


This code will display the Kendo grid for your UI in your Angular application. You can customize the grid by passing various configuration options to the kendo-grid component.

5. PrimeNG

PrimeNG is an open source library that is designed to be easy for use and customization. Additionally, it comes with advanced accessibility features and internationalization support which makes it an excellent choice for global applications.

Official logo of the PrimeNG Angular component library.
Official logo for PrimeNG. PrimeNG Angular component library.

The way it works is: PrimeNG library provides an array of pre-built UI parts that designers are able to seamlessly integrate into Angular applications. It uses Angular's built-in directives and lifecycle hooks in order to allow seamless integration to the framework. The framework also provides a range of settings and options for customization so that developers can adapt components to their specific needs.

The areas where it shines: One of the major features of PrimeNG is its support for internationalization. PrimeNG supports many languages and provides translation services for the majority of its parts. This is made possible by the use of Angular's localization framework as well as messages files which are easily customizable and maintained.

In order to use internationalization within PrimeNG it is necessary to make translation files for the languages you wish to include. The files must include translations for all components you want to use within your app. To enable internationalization in PrimeNG You must change the translate attribute of a component to the true value. The component will use the files for translation to show the content in the desired language by the user.

Below is an example on how to use the calendar component with internationalization support in PrimeNG:

In this case it is the p-calendar component has it's translation attribute set as true as well as the [localeattributes are set. In this example, the [locale attribute has been set with the locale code for English (en). This ensures the calendar is visible in English for users who have chosen that language.

6. Nebular

Nebular is a set that includes more than 40 Angular UI components, which are offered in four customizable themes. This library was created by web development company Akveo is also equipped with an authentication module for users and an ACL-based security module to control more-granular access to specific resources. Akveo can help get started on your own admin dashboard with the Ngx-admin tool built with Nebular modules.

Screenshot: Example of a "smart" table using the Nebular Angular component library.
Nebular Angular component library: "smart" table example.

How it works: Nebular's UI approach is based on Akveo's Eva Design System, for which it also offers assets to teams who work using the design tools, such as Sketch as well as Figma.

Designers working with Nebular's CSS can generally refer to styling options semantically -like the color variables primary and success, as well as info, warning, and danger. However, they can also go above what Akveo has concluded that these are when they import advanced styling modifications in Sass files.

Nebular's library of components includes designs including lists, cards accordions, navigation aids, forms elements, tables of data as well as overlays and modals, plus widgets like spinners, date-pickers, as well as progress bars.

The information for Nebular's accordion part could be similar to this TypeScript:

import  Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy  from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'nb-accordion-demo',
 templateUrl: './accordion-demo.component.html',
 changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
 export class AccordionDemoComponent 

Its template could appear like this:

 First Item Heading /nb-accordionitem-headerContent that can be toggled for the First Item. 
The Second Item Heading is a nb-accordion item->

 Toggled Content for the Second Item. 

Where it excels: The Nebular library as well as the ngx-admin admin dashboard tool are free to use and that's an enormous plus for such a sophisticated set of tools. Security and authentication modules are a reflection of Akveo's attention to those administration-panel components.

Nebular is also a strong option for languages that read right to left (RTL). The users will discover CSS markups that support RTL (and LTR) layouts as well as methods such as getDirection() and setDirection() -- to determine and alter the layout's direction during runtime.

7. NG-Lightning

NG-Lightning is a fascinating addition to the component library line-up, since it's an Angular-based implementation of Salesforce's Lightning Design System (LDS). This system is a source of HTML and CSS elements, blueprints -- and designs guidelines for Salesforce developers using that platform's Lightning framework. The key aspects of LDS are represented in this collection of open-source Angular widgets, including the HTML and CSS.

Screenshot: Alert example for the NG-Lightning Angular component library.
NG-Lightning Angular component library: alert examples.

What it does: NG-Lightning has dependencies that set it apart from some of the other components libraries. Additionally, it is dependent on the officially-approved component dev kit, Angular Component Dev Kit, NG-Lightning applications link to the same CSS repositories used in Salesforce LDS. The CSS is available for download from the official Salesforce UX repositories or linked through an CDN.

However, the approach based on TypeScript to creating views is used by Angular developers. This scenario would trigger the metadata of the alert component in the above example:

import  Component  from '@angular/core';
 selector: 'app-demo-alert-basic',
 templateUrl: './basic.html',
 export class DemoAlertBasic 
 showTopAlert = false;
 onClose(reason: string) 
 console.log(`Closed by $reason`);

The component template of this official NG-Lightning example is:

div class="slds-notify_container">">
Your browser may be old. Your Salesforce experience might be degraded. More Details
The following is a list of alerts:

 you are currently in offline mode'). More Information

Your browser is not supported.Display alerts in the container

What it does well: Reflecting their grounding in the Salesforce LDS, NG-Lightning's developers are committed to web accessibility. Dynamically generated interfaces that make up the core of frameworks like Angular can often be challenging to users who suffer from visual or mobility disabilities. The NG-Lightning framework is compliant with the W3C's ARIA specifications guidelines, generating web markup designed to support aidive technology, such as screen readers.

8. Syncfusion UI

The Syncfusion User Interface is a light flexible library that allows users to select only the components that are essential to their application and reduce the overall size of the final bundle. It is easy to maintain, extend the library and upgrade it with new components or altering existing ones without impacting the other components.

Screenshot: Examples of cards using the Syncfusion UI Angular component library.
It is Syncfusion UI Angular component library: cards an example.

How it works: If a webpage loads it, the Syncfusion UI library is initialized and generates all the components on the basis of markup and configuration options. For example, the grid component allows users to sort, filter, or combine data. The chart component can display information in various types, such as bar, line and pie charts.

The library is also an array of utility functions and tools that can be employed to help simplify everyday routine tasks like the manipulation of data and validation. The library includes the data manager, which allows you to work with complicated data structures as well as the validation engine can be used to check the input of users.

What it does well: Syncfusion provides a extensive set of tools for customizing and thematic design, which allows developers to quickly create an aesthetically pleasing and consistent UI. It comes with a robust array of APIs and events that allow you to create custom functionality and interaction in addition to integration with the most well-known data sources like REST APIs, OData, and SignalR.

Here is an example of using an Syncfusion grid component into an Angular app:


This code creates a simple grid to display data from a data source. DataSource property is set to the dataSource property is set to display the data to display, and the E-Columns element is used to define the columns in the grid. Every e-column element defines the columns in the grid. This includes the field that will be displayed as well as the text for the header and the width of the column. This example also shows how you can format the information displayed in the grid using the format attribute.

9. Onsen UI

Screenshot: List examples for the Onsen UI Angular component library.
Examples of lists made using Onsen UI Angular component library. Onsen UI Angular component library.

What it does: Onsen UI is based on the Material Design philosophy of Google to ensure users that the UI of the application is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. It provides an extensive set of built-in themes that are able to be applied to components to enhance the look and feel of the app.

Where it excels: Onsen UI excels with its user-friendly interface and the ability to build cross-platform applications that look and feel like native apps. It provides a rich set of pre-designed UI components that are optimized to work on mobile devices. These components can be customized to fit the requirements of the app. It also includes functions like the FastClick feature that help to reduce the time taken for interactions with touch and lazy loading, which allows to speed up the loading of the application.

Here is an example code fragment that demonstrates how to create a simple button that uses the Onsen UI

Click me!

The code creates an icon with the words "Click me!" and the modifier class large--cta, which will change the look of the button in a bigger size and the color suitable for a call-to-action button.


Component libraries have become commonly accepted as the standard procedure when it comes to web development. Component libraries helped Angular become one of the top and well-known frontend development frameworks . They provide an efficient and convenient method to create UI components.

The libraries above provide built-in and custom UI elements that allow developers to build high-quality and reliable user interfaces that require less effort. In the end, choosing the right library is contingent on the particular requirements of the project and the developer's preferences.

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