A Guide to Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Education in 2022 |

Jul 1, 2022

Synchronous learning. Learning that is synchronous.

These two terms aren't just buzzwords, they're a real possibility that, if you're providing any kind of online training there's a chance you've encountered them.

If you're not aware that they are basically the difference between following course content in real-time, in comparison to. going at your personal time. Also, in the day and age of online learning, when millions of us are taking our learning online and in the age of online learning, the question remains: what's the best way to instruct a course in a way that it is able to serve the people it needs to?

In this article in this article, we'll take on this topic. But fair warning, there isn't a right solution. The decision of whether asynchronous or synchronous learning is the best option for you and your students will depend a lot upon your objectives and the way they be taught. We'll walk through each option and help you figure out which one to try.

And, spoiler alert, you don't always have to decide between the two options. There are several course platforms with the ability of both. We'll talk about this too.

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    The article...

    Synchronous in contrast to. Asynchronous: What's the different?

      What is synchronous learning?

      Pros and negatives of synchronous learning

      What is Asynchronous Learning?

      Cons and Pros

    Synchronous in contrast to. Asynchronous: How do you pick

    Conclusion - Why not either?

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous: What's the difference?

In case you're struggling figure out the best option for your needs: synchronous vs. Asynchronous, let's go about what they are and what to consider in deciding.

What exactly is synchronous learning?

Synchronous learning is when a class learns something in the same moment. The traditional method of education usually works by synchronous learning. In this type of class, the students all sit down and listen to the same lecture.

Even in online classes, synchronicity (that's fancy-speak for at simultaneously), can be achieved via live teaching. In the case of virtual instructor-led instruction brings the students in a process of learning across a long distance. For a different example, one could claim that the content distributed to the students you want to reach is a form of synchronous learning if the students are all going through the material at the same time.

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Why you might choose synchronous learning

At a time where all courses can be recorded, why would you still choose the option of synchronous learning?

Well, it turns out that most people love the idea. Often people who buy online courses that are synchronous don't actually end up finishing the course. When there's no accountability and there's no support, it may be hard to get through an entire course on your own. There's still an opportunity for live learning that allows students to see the instructor face-to-face.

Although it may limit your size, as you cannot just sell thousands of copies of course recordings, synchronous learning can provide a better experience for some learners. And some instructors prefer the method, as it lets students benefit from the enthusiasm of their learners and deliver their best performances.

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Examples of synchronous learning


  • Leigh Metcalf manages an online community called Topstich Makers  that provides live sewing lessons, in which instructors host sewing sessions and lead participants through the process of making an item.      
  • A college professor guides students through a 1 hour seminar on philosophy.        
  • A marketing expert sells tickets to a live, marketing-for-small-business webinar which she delivers virtually.        

Pros and pros and

    Advantages of synchronous learning


  •         Students benefit from a high level of engagement creating relationships with the instructor and fellow students.            
  •         It works really well with certain types of learning. This is especially beneficial for students who aren't as self-directed and require being held accountable for learning.          
  •         Students are able to receive live assistance or seek clarification from their teacher.            

    Cons of synchronous learning


  •         Students are at risk of being left behind, especially those with a disability or socio-cultural factors threatening their success.            
  •         It's more difficult and requires that the students are capable of participating on live.            
  •         It could be an additional burden for teachers and may require the teacher to teach the same content over and over again.            

What is Asynchronous Learning?

Asynchronous learning occurs when students of a class take their time learning at their own speed. The most common way to achieve this is through an online course that has been recorded. The students can take the course as they like at their own schedule.

While online courses started in a way of synchronous learning and the majority of instructors urging students to design a course and forget that course. However, many companies are adding options to communicate as an supplement to pre-recorded courses. The most common way to do this is through an online community. This allows your students to connect with one another and increase their accountability.

What are the reasons to choose Asynchronous learning

Asynchronous learning can have its benefits too. One of the greatest advantages you can offer your students is that they can move at their own speed. It is not necessary to coordinate schedules for a live session. The group can start at any time they want to.

Some students with different style of learning or difficulties have cited synchronous learning as giving them the freedom to take their time learning and how they want. And for people with stuff going on in life Let's take for example the single parent who's juggling upskilling in shifts and other obligations, learning synchronously makes it much more likely that they'll become successful.

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There are benefits to asynchronous learning experience for you as an instructor as well. While we're not fans of the "create it and forget it" method of e-learning (which we'll go over in the next section), asynchronous learning does permit you to increase the size of your efforts, without needing to re-teach your course continuously.

Plus, it could give you the option to connect with more students who don't have time restrictions - It's frustrating to have a student say, "I really want to take this class, but I can't make it on those days."

Examples of Asynchronous Learning


  • The university provides the pre-recorded "Intro to Spanish" online course for students who live in other countries, and a live exam to be completed at the conclusion of the autumn session.        
  • A specialist in graphic design writes "Intro to Using Layers in Photoshop," and uploads it to the Skillshare .      

The pros and cons

    Asynchronous learning


  •         Students are able to access the course at any time, any place.            
  •         It is a great choice for learners who are self-directed and want to go at their own pace.            
  •         Teachers can often develop lesson material once and then concentrate on different aspects (although they should be updated).            
  • It integrates well with new methods of learning, such as microlearning.    

    Asynchronous learning


  • The students are not as engaged with the teacher (although an online community can supplement this).    
  •         Students who aren't self-directed struggle to remain engaged, and could lose interest.            

Synchronous in contrast to. Asynchronous: What to choose

What is the best way to choose between synchronous and asynchronous learning? There's not a universal rule of thumb for every case. But this chart will give you some questions to ask yourself when making a decision between synchronous and. Asynchronous to meet your specific requirements.


If yes...

If No...

Do your students have the ability to be self-directed and self-directed?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronizing

Does your material ever change?

Try Synchronizing

Try Asynchronous

Do students require real-time feedback and support?

Try Synchronous

Try Asynchronous

Are your students unable in joining through a live session, either due to their the way they learn or their lifestyle?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronizing

Will the students need to work on ideas in groups, participate in discussions, or work together?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronizing

Conclusion - Why not either?

Actually - and perhaps it's time to say this earlier - setting up a choice between synchronous vs. analogue is kind of an untrue distinction. It is possible to choose one of the two options while still creating a fantastic course!

One way to achieve this is offering live, synchronous training and offering recordings to your members. In this way, if attendees are able to participate live, they'll be able to reap all the benefits of those interaction. However, they will be able to catch up after too.

Feature Item 2 - Courses

Another method to achieve the experience of asynchronous course is to include the online community into your class! If students go through the material at their own pace it is possible to add live Q&A sessions, co-working timings, office hours or keep the conversation going through a forum as well as chats for all members. Online communities offer an advantage of having asynchronous course: accountability, relationship building, and getting questions answered without the hassle of having to run courses over and over.

    There's only one thing you need to mix asynchronous and synchronous delivery: an appropriate platform.

It's important to have a reliable integrated learning platform that gives you the ability to market and teach your course and to include community and recordings as well as other features.

And that's what we've built using . This software allows you to broadcast live or prerecorded classes, and add a variety of other features that your customers will love Live events, live streaming as well as polls and other questions. long-length content, chats for all-members, and more!

If you're teaching as part of an institution or business or business, we can also supply complete white-label training and community services, including your very own personalized app available in the store. Check out Mighty Pro to learn more.

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