A New Era Has Begun and the Cloud is a Platform for the Modern Developer

Nov 2, 2022


Yet, WordPress represents just a part of the development that happens through the internet. Are there any developers that don't use WordPress? They create, manage, and manage web applications for their company, clients and customers as well as themselves.

Until today, focused in the development of controlled WordPress hosting solutions , which meant that customers (and their clients) were not able to take advantage of the advantages of our platform on other non-WordPress-related projects, and to manage all their projects under "one umbrella." It made their work harder and less effective.

So we started looking for ways we could make their lives easier.

We received more and more feedback and the more time we spent talking with our beta testers about their ideas, the more we came to the realization that our customers struggled with a particular problem.

But there's a plot that isn't about just our customers.

We realized that this pain point is encountered by all developers, DevOps team, and the agency responsible for managing web projects. Everybody is struggling with this issue and are eager to find the best solution.

Developers shouldn't waste time worrying about hosting; they should Concentrate on Development

What's the issue?

Insimpleness of cloud hosting platforms.

Developers need to launch their applications fast. Developers need an infrastructure that will allow users to access everything together, all under the same platform.

An interface that's easy clean, easy, and simple to navigate in a manner which doesn't restrict development to a single framework, technique or library.

It is a platform that is simple to master and uses right from the beginning without the requirement for specific courses or platform-specific certifications.

An easy to use and transparent pricing structure. (Have you ever attempted to comprehend the pricing of AWS? Challenging!)

We were aware that's containerized architecture could help us meet these requirements and provide the platform and tools to developers so that they can do their best work.

On top of this, we knew we have:

  • 8+ years of experience in the industry of hosting
  • Support unmatched
  • Highly skilled engineers and developers that are able to solve every technical challenge
  • DevOps teams are second to none when it comes to organizing, managing and scaling the hosting platform.

That's why we built our brand new and improved hosting options on the same platform which makes our WordPress solutions so effective. Today, following more than a whole year of hard work , involving 320+ nians, 750plus beta testers and endless iterations, have released it to all users.

Introducing Applications Hosting and the Database Hosting Solutions

We're always evolving to offer industry-leading tools and solutions for today's developer. We are committed to providing the most efficient experience for businesses as well as developers that are built for speed and ease of use.

By adding new services that we offer developers, as well as DevOps teams in all sizes and shapes are now able to choose from a variety of hosting services to pick from to host their apps database, services, and WordPress websites. They have more flexibility than ever.

In particular, it is now offering:

Let's look closer at each.

WordPress Hosting that is managed WordPress Hosting (In A Nutshell)

Chart showing dramatic increase in website performance after migration to 's cloud platform.
Client performance after migration to GCP C2.

But the benefits don't stop at that point.

Additionally, they know that it saves them working hours every month. Less time spent doing repetitive yet critical tasks means lower overhead, and less expense for your business.

Application Hosting (In the nutshell)

Web development is an interesting moment that is a testament to how precise, nuanced and intricate the globe is. Our brand new Application Hosting solution simplifies the work of contemporary web developers.

It's easy by freeing you from the task of setting up containers, running servers, worrying about OS, managing backups, setting up SSL certificates, as well as creating domains that you have created -- anything that might prevent you from focusing exclusively on development.

Our development platform was that will help you to get your applications in front of users as quickly as it is.

How Do I Deploy an App to

Our product managers and engineers have worked on creating a streamlined process for your deployments. The procedure is comprised of just three steps:

  1. Automatically (on every commit) or manually deploy your app
  2. Develop, scale, and manage your processes in separate steps

It's that easy!

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There's no need to fret about setting up containers because we automatically detect and install applications developed in this growing list of languages or frameworks:

  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • Django
  • Rails
  • Java
  • Scala
  • Go
Screenshot of adding an application on 's cloud platform for developers.
Making an application available within My.

Effective Analytics for Monitoring your Applications

  • Bandwidth
  • Building time
  • Runtime
  • CPU usage
  • Memory usage
Screenshot showing bandwidth usage of a hosted application on 's cloud platform for developers
Bandwidth chart from Application Analytics.

What About Pricing?

Application Hosting offers resource-based options This means that you'll only be charged for the time you use it and nothing else. and the initial $20 is on us to both existing and new customers.

Find out more information regarding Application Hosting and start deploying your first application at one of our 26 data center sites.

Database Hosting (In a Nutshell)

Databases are an essential component of many web projects. Even though there are many apps that don't require databases, the vast majority require a database.

  • Redis

In the meantime, we're planning to add further features in the near-term!

What is the best way to deploy a database at

This is the procedure:

  1. Select the database type and the version you prefer.
  2. Select a place to deploy from the 26 data center locations currently available.
  3. Create resources for your database.

Voila Now you are able to create a brand new an e-commerce databases (with the absence of sharing resources!) for your own projects.

Screenshot of adding a database on 's cloud platform for developers.
Adding a database within My.

Additionally, you won't be charged for any internal traffic, as the requests remain within that same system!

The Powerful Analytics that Monitor Your Database

  • Storage
  • Runtime
  • Utilization of CPU
  • Memory usage
Screenshot of storage usage for a hosted database in 's cloud platform for developers.
Storage chart within Database Analytics.

What is the Price?

Similar to Application Hosting, Database Hosting offers a per-usage billing system which is based on the size and runtime of your database.

Find out more about Database Hosting at and deploy your first database at one of our data centers at 26 sites. Don't forget: you can get a discount of $20 for the first month.

What's Next?

This is only the beginning of 's new era. Our development and engineering teams are busy working on brand the latest features, fixing bugs, and iterating according to your feedback that you've shared.

Some of the new solutions we're working on include static site hosting, machine learning, cloud applications, and Function-as-a-Service at the edge -- to name just a few of the exciting things on our roadmap. On top of these our efforts, we'll continue to focus on creating our managed WordPress solutions better, as we continue to enhance them with each launch of features like edge caching that help make WordPress sites fast, reliable, and easy to control.


By expanding 's hosting solutions, we're enriching the ways we support businesses and developers, regardless of the technology that they're working with. Our CEO, who is a spokesman for us, has said:

We're building a platform where developers will find all the resources they need to operate an online service easily, so they can focus on creating and sharing their best work with all of the world. -- Mark Gavalda, CEO at

The new platform is here!an application platform that was designed to allow the modern developer to convert concepts into real, scaleable applications in the same way that you've thought of it.

Simple, fast, and all in one spot.

Thank you to our amazing customers who have trusted us to handle your business and for supporting us on this journey!

Cut down on time, expenses and improve site performance by:

  • Instant help from WordPress hosting experts, 24/7.
  • Cloudflare Enterprise integration.
  • Reaching a global audience with 35 data centers around the world.
  • Optimization with the built-in Application for Performance Monitoring.