Advertising a Mobile App for Marketing: 13 Tips you must know - (r)

Jul 31, 2023
Someone learning how to market a mobile app


Finding users who are interested in your app on mobile is not an easy task. Clutter from millions of companies bombards potential users from nearly every possible angle. When launching a brand new app, it's tough to make a dent and stand out.

Additionally, it could be costly to reach your target consumers.

Apps require a strong value proposition as well as an effective marketing plan for success.

In this blog, we'll cover everything you need to know about marketing a mobile application. You'll discover advanced tactics that you can infuse into your marketing plan today.

Before we dive in, let's take a moment to consider why a unified strategic plan is necessary for marketing a mobile app.

Why do you require A Marketing Strategy for your Mobile App?

Building a mobile app by hand is just half the challenge.

It is important to identify people who are interested about it as well.

There are a myriad of challenges that marketers have to face when they market an app.

There's lots of competition in the app market. More than 3.5 million applications are accessible on Google Play Store. Google Play Store, and greater than 1.6 million can be found through the App Store.

There are a variety of choices that users can choose from. You need to entice customers to download the app rather than other similar apps that are in the same genre.

There are more than 5.5 million apps that are available for download ( Source: Statista)

After you post and optimize your application in the App Store You must locate your customers.

It is essential to have the correct target, copy, and creative to be in place. Getting one of those wrong will have negative effects for your app download marketing campaign.

By choosing the wrong target it is possible to focus efforts on the incorrect direction.

With the wrong copy or creative, you could be reaching your prospective users but not having enough enough to entice them to download.

Keep in mind that installing an app will require users to sign a contract. They only have so much space on their phone and they only need a couple of steps to convert.

But, getting users just one aspect of your advertising strategy. Maintaining them is equally vital.

In the end, you don't want to focus on acquiring users that delete the application after just a couple of days.

It is essential to have continuous, constant strategies in order in order to ensure users are connected to the app and keep using it on a daily or weekly basis.

What is an Mobile App Marketing Strategy Work?

The cycle is continuous that app marketers go through while trying to be successful in attracting and keeping app users.

It's never a good idea to get a lot of idle users. You need the right proportion of active users to grow with you as you expand.

There is a multi-step procedure to change a user ( Source: Smashing Magazine)

The process kicks off with the awareness stage, when people begin to find your app. If they can see the promise of value and feel that your app has value then they'll decide to download it. It's the phase of acquisition.

Now that you have the data, you must retain those to continue using the application. If you lose them it's possible to launch re-engagement campaigns to win them back.

Each phase requires different strategies and techniques. Let's dive into each one deeper.

The Marketing of Mobile Apps Basic Strategies

In whatever sector you're working in, there are battle-tested tactics which you can employ during each phase of the mobile app's advertising process.

However, it's important to know which tactic can be useful at the level you're currently in.

Let's take a closer look at the awareness, acquisition, retention, and reengagement stages and the most common tactics related to each.


First, you need to ensure that your intended users are aware of your app. This is where an awareness-raising campaign can be used.

There are numerous types of awareness tactics you can employ:

  • Social Media MarketingBuilding an online social network made up of enthusiastic followers who are engaged with engaging, original information
  • Paid Advertising:Promoting brand content through paid social ads and search engine marketing. native ads and advertisements that display
  • Influencer Marketing:Partnering both macro and micro influencers in order to spread your app with their fans.
  • :Highlighting your app's worth and value in short-form blogs and long-form guides


Next, you want to nudge your prospective user toward converting. The types of campaigns you can use are called acquisition campaigns.

Some of the best acquisition tactics include:

  • App Store Optimization (ASO):Making sure your app uses the appropriate keywords and tags that users are looking for.
  • Giveaways:Promising your future users an opportunity to win instead of the download
  • Landing Page:Adding user proof and ensuring you have a well-designed location to gather possible email addresses and info
There are a variety of elements in the app listing for you to enhance. (Source: SEObility)


After you've acquired your users, you need to ensure that they stay with you.

It is your job to ensure they are interested. After all, it'll be expensive to find new users to replace them.

  • Push Notifications: The sending of native app notifications to customers who have opted-in to highlight new features or get them to open the application
  • Individualization Customizing your content in accordance with user preferences
  • regular updates:Announcing the latest app features to your user base in hopes they will try these out

All of these tactics are important for acquiring and nurturing customers.

Let's look into some innovative strategies that you can incorporate into your mobile app marketing plan today.

13 Innovative Marketing Strategies A Mobile App

There are so many methods to promote apps for mobile phones.

These are the most effective strategies that have generated success for various launched apps available on the market today.

1. Promote Your App through TikTok

Being one of the most well-known social media websites, TikTok is a ripe platform with a lot of active users that could be interested in your app.

The most effective way to make posts on TikTok is to look for trends, and then try different designs of content on your website to discover what works.

Additionally, there are a number of paid ads you can run, including brands taking over top view advertisements, feed-based ads brand-name hashtags and effects.

Different types of TikTok advertisements you can launch. (Source: Nimbull)

Tips for Marketing Your App through TikTok

  • Your video doesn't have the need to be the highest-quality video you've ever seen. Instead, you can create an engaging real-life pitch to show off your app.
  • Join forces with Speak with a TikTok creator to boost your content. It is possible to do this by paying them for their services, offering the creator an exclusive link that they can share with followers or by offering them exclusive access.
  • Be aware that content that works on other social networks may not always be compatible with TikTok. Create original, native content specially for TikTok.

2. Create the App Localization Strategy

This could involve altering the language, or setting the technical parameters based on the specs of different devices.

Think about the necessity of programming your app in multiple languages. When the app's versions appear on the market, more people can access the application.

This dramatically opens up the market for you to be addressed.

The market will grow larger If your app can be used with every device. If you're heavily relying on the Apple application, then you must look into investing in an Android app as well.

The App Store

By focusing on creating different versions of your app that are compatible with different languages and devices -- you can make sure you are expanding your market and reaching out to new users.

In the end, everybody ought to be able to enjoy your creation.

3. Post on Product Hunt

Product Hunt is the most popular site for new product launches.

There are thousands of new products featured in the listing at the time of their launch. Entrepreneurs can join for the cost of a listing and can create one for their item.

As people review it, they can vote for the product. This sends a signal that it is a good product to Product Hunt algorithm, and the product rises in the rankings.

It's considered to be a mark of honor in tech circles to be placed first by Product Hunt when you launch.

Product Hunt

Featuring your app on this website could lead to tens of thousands of customers, however, only if the app launch goes according to plan.

Strategies for a successful Hunt Launch Hunt Launch

  • Launch your listing early in the morning just after midnight on the West Coast. You'll have the entire day to concentrate on driving "upvotes," and you are able to earn a substantial amount prior to you know it. West Coast even wakes up.
  • Create a cohesive campaign that spans all channels to figure out the best way to advertise your Product Hunt listing.

4. Get excited on Twitter

Twitter's tech-savvy audience is another important source to consider for your app awareness and acquisition strategies.

Consider leveraging the organic and paid features of Twitter to increase downloads.

Through your organic feed you'll be able to build an entire community in your cause or kind of issues that this app is able to solve.

Check out this image in the Tweet Composer on Twitter:

Ads on Twitter set up

When you select the app location for your ad, Twitter can detect which sort of mobile user is engaged with your ad and then provide them with the appropriate download URL.

Tips for Downloading Drivers' Tips on Twitter

  • Create engaging content, including video and screenshots using your app. You can share via Twitter.
  • Make use of Twitter's Advanced Search function to target certain users who have a high level of impact who might be interested.
  • Check your luck with a Twitter Ad campaign. There is a specific App Install location which you can choose that will create a customized Twitter card.

5. Create Podcast Appearances

When those who are engaged listen to an ad or get an endorsement from a show host or a host, they are likely to install the app.

How I Built This Podcast on Wondery

If you get the chance to be as a guest on a show you should take the opportunity to share your ideas and your ideas for the faithful listeners.

Strategies for Marketing your Mobile App in a podcast

  • Focus on the value that your application will bring to users, and communicate your value proposition clearly for them. Make sure you are concise and persuasive in describing your proposition of value.
  • The host should provide a critique of the application on the air, or give an endorsement. They must be able to establish credibility among their viewers. is essential for driving greater downloads.

6. Begin Discussions on Reddit

The Reddit's specialized communities, which focus on particular topic makes it a ideal platform for promoting a mobile app.

Since each community is focused around a specific subject, it's easy to find people who are attracted to your application.

Use Reddit's search function to explore keywords related to your application. Participate in the conversation by engaging with others and sharing valuable insights.

Reddit Apple community

After spending a few minutes within the forums there, you are able to talk about what you're building and link to your website to determine whether any visitors are interested.

Be careful that you aren't overly promotional. It's important to remember that the Reddit community isn't a marketing channel; you don't want to hog the microphone.

Incorporate references to the building you're working on in an authentic way.

Tips for Marketing Your App on Reddit

  • Make posts on subreddits relevant to your topic that have 100+ active members. Even if a group is small, it can nevertheless generate valuable downloads.
  • Ask for feedback from your users within the community. Find out what users like about your app. They'll feel more connection to the app as they believe they have contributed in its development.
  • Promote the app on the r/Apple channel. This channel lets developers promote their work on Sundays.
  • Make your own subreddit when the app has launched and gained popularity. It is now possible to begin building an audience of users with a shared interest in your application.

7. Post on Hacker News

Hacker News is a media site owned by Y Combinator, one of the most renowned startups around the globe.

Many people across the world, Hacker News is a page they go to almost daily. The announcement of your launch Hacker News is an excellent method to draw attention on your product.

Hacker News

Do not just make use of Hacker News and use it to promote your app. for your application.

Join in conversation and build important connections with other users on the site.

Tips for Posting on Hacker News

  • You don't always need to create a brand new blog post dedicated to your business or app. Instead, you can look through the posts that are already in place and participate with the comments.
  • Co-ordinate with other posters in order to engage with your post when you create a standalone article.

8. Join Discord Communities

Discord communities are often informal groups that are centered on a particular topic.

As the popularity of Discord continues increase, so does the value of Discord as a marketing avenue.


When you are a part of the community, you may make the right relationships to accelerate your app's growth.


  • Don't just join and spam the group. Make time to invest in and contribute. Build relationships. Get feedback. Make sure to share your app at the right time.
  • Ask community members to share the app on their social contacts.

9. Partnership with YouTubers

YouTube is yet another way for showcasing your app. There is no better way for a user to learn about it then from someone on YouTube you love, or a fun demonstration video?

Join forces with YouTubers from other channels.

Tips for Marketing Your App on YouTube

  • Create a demonstration video for your application and also a video of you explaining why the app was created.
  • Reach out to growing YouTubers in your niche to see if they'd test the app and promote it in their videos. If you have the resources reach out to larger YouTubers about advertising sponsorship and partnerships.

10. Write on Indie Hackers

Indie Hackers is a go-to media site for tech adopters and builders. Inscribing your app on the site could result in downloads and sales in a positive way.

Indie Hackers

Similar to Product Hunt and Hacker News, you should collaborate with other posters in order to engage with your post when it is live.

Tips for Promoting Your App on Indie Hackers

  • Partner with an Indie Hackers influential person who has connections within the community. The more reputable and more time they've spent involved, the better it will be to gain their approval.
  • Tell your personal story in a real manner in the forums. The reason you created the application? What problem are you trying to find a solution to? What are your plans of the future for this app?

11. Receive real-time feedback

Gather feedback and invite others who are in your circle to use the application.

Whatever you do, try to persuade colleagues, acquaintances as well as your friends to install the app and be willing to share their experience.

You can share the app via your own social media pages and inspire your friends to share the same. Set out to get a few individuals to install your app everywhere you are.


  • Collect opinions and user experience feedback from people in social environments, universities cafés, or other spaces.
  • Offer small rewards such as virtual currency within the app, free trial or promotional items to those who are willing to download the app on demand.
  • Partner with colleges in order to test user-friendly software and get lots of students to download at once.

12. Establish a Beta User Group

Get feedback from those who have tried your app for first experience. What do they like and do they dislike? What are their experiences with what you create?

Beta groups can function like a central focused group and provide valuable information.

As the leader, though, you should make sure that you plan your meetings with the intent to make sure that you receive the information you're looking for.

A focus group is essential to get real feedback. ( Source: Question Pros)

This is perfect to test, get feedback as well as word-of-mouth marketing.

Tips for Your Beta Group

  • Utilize your friends, colleagues, and social media platforms for establishing a beta base. It's equally important to include those who do not know you or what you're building. A fresh set of eyes is always important for unfiltered input.

13. Create Burst Campaigns

Facebook ads for apps are excellent options to attract relevant customers. Pay per download and promote your app download links with the creation of a customized Facebook card.

Facebook ads can help get your application in the hands of customers. (Source: CleverTap)


  • Check and improve your advertisements daily. Scale up once you are continuously hitting an amount per download you feel comfortable with.
  • Create custom events using Facebook Ad Manager so you can determine if your ads work.


Marketing a mobile app needs constant coordination across a variety of channels.

For many, you're in it for long-term success. A well-planned advertising campaign for apps isn't just an event, but a marathon.

As you find out what is working, you are able to enhance and grow the number of users you have.

Learn how to do it more quickly and more efficiently.

Jeremy Holcombe

Content and Marketing Editor at , WordPress Web Developer, and Content Writer. Outside of everything related to WordPress I love the ocean, golf as well as movies. I also have tall people issues ;).