An award for excellence: Jon Tewes Receives the Q4 2023 Springie Award -

Mar 13, 2024

In just 9 years, it's not much of a surprise Jon Tewes has won the Q4 2023 Springie Award! Jon is a Senior Solutions Architect and has often demonstrated the example of our fundamental value: be impactful Find ways to be better and to act promptly. This is evident in his way of life which is marked by strong emphasis on the importance of empathy and admiration.

Jon's influence can be seen in his strong relationships with supporting both his colleagues and clients. In his time working in our Amsterdam office, he effortlessly collaborated with our entire team in helping to build relations across distances. It included numerous one-on-one sessions with various staff members from the Sales team. This included AEs, SDRs, managers and manager and AEs. The highlight of this international collaboration was Jon's change to his own working hours that allowed him to begin his work mornings super early over the course of four weeks in order to personally instruct our brand-new marketing engineer Marco Aguero. Marco was able to begin work on his own with customers within a matter of weeks due to this partnership. Our head of the people department Louise Cherry Barber, met (virtually) to talk with Jon regarding his honor as well as his time at .

Jon's devotion to his work and dedication to the business's principles have made him a key component of our team. The positive energy, the ability to assist in resolving problems and his skills are essential in people's lives. Impact on coworkers as well as the overall well-being of .

We're extremely grateful to welcome Jon as a member of our team, and we're delighted to be able to acknowledge Jon for his award that he deserved. Jon's dedication to excellence as well as the embodiment of our fundamental values is a source of inspiration for everyone.

Keep reading for an abridged version of the interview. Jon:

Louise Cherry Barber: Jon I would be happy to felicitate you for getting your Springie award. It's long overdue. So, we're hoping that you're somewhat shocked by what we announced the news.

Jon Tewes:Absolutely amused. We know how we function together as a team within the PSI group. This is among the top people I've ever worked with and the opportunity to hear what they had to say regarding my work was inspirational. But just as easily this particular phrase can be reversed, and directed back to each of them. Everyone has their backs. And anything that any individuals do is something we take for ourselves as a collective effort regardless of whether the outcome is good or not. If something doesn't work or isn't working, we'll join forces with each other to make the necessary changes. This is something I could not have accomplished without these guys. They're extremely important to me. They are more important than the award certainly. It certainly was a delight to be presented with.

Louise Cherry Barber: It's amazing. It was so amazing to be an observer and being able to hear everyone from your team gathering to tell stories about your experience and the memories. It's amazing to hear about the importance of your team can be the experiences you've experienced in this place. When you think about the experience you had as a recipient of this award Springie Award, and living in the spirit of making a difference by gaining insight and act with urgency What suggestions would you offer to the peoplethat are currently spending more than nine years with us. What do you think will help you as a step to become a better person and live your life in accordance with these principles? Which is the most efficient way to incorporate them into your everyday life?

Jon Tewes:You need to be aware that I've had the privilege of working in various of companies that have various values. The values I'm adopting currently coincide to my fundamental values. So, living a different way is little different to me. This isn't a conscious decision, something that I strive to reach. That's how I see my everyday life. Being a believer in the power of difference and understanding the necessity to understand your actions, are the primary principles that are the basis of my actions every day. Our team works directly with the sellers who have been accepted into the program. You know, relating with the sellers and cooperating with them in order to discover what their problem is, then working out the quickest solution before providing them with the best selling experience is the way that I live my daily life. It's really nice to have an organization that truly mirrors my current use to do things, and I don't even need to think about it.

Louise Cherry Barber: It's not difficult to dismiss the issue when it's a fundamental aspect of what you're about. As you think about your experiences in this space What were the most enjoyable aspects of what you experienced?

Jon Tewes:Well this is a real fact. I've been around for quite a quite a while. However, at the core of me, I'm excited to do what I do. You've heard. But why do you think this? It's because, as I've said before that it's because my coworkers with, I am able to do my best in classes. There's also our own platform. We offer, as a the market for registered merchants. We are innovative, which means that I'm able to be part of the incredible people who are creating the future for our organization . This is the main reason why for me to be in this position.

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