Best SEO Methods for Membership Sites as well as Increasing Traffic

Apr 14, 2023


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There are fortunately, some excellent free and paid SEO tools which can assist you in improving your search-engine optimization and increase your chance of seeing great results.

What SEO tools can do to help Your Site's Membership

These tools also help you monitor and measure the impact of your SEO actions so that you are able to quickly see what's working and which ones aren't.

If you're looking to take some of the guesswork from SEO and make what seems like an art something more like a scientific process, you should check these apps.

Keyword Research Tools

KeySearch Keyword Research Tool

You can always make an educated guess about who your intended audience might be searching for however, why not take advantage of the keyword research tools? These tools will more accurately identify if people are looking for information on your topic. discuss in your article.

Keyword Ideas

In addition, the best SEO keywords research tools will let you know the chance that you are likely to rank your website with respect to a specific search phrase. Because they can provide suggestions for keywords based on your initial idea they are great for providing the content with ideas.

Google Keyword Tool

However, unlocking the full potential of the top keyword research tools isn't completely free. However, some offer limited starter packages at no cost.

Page Speed and Uptime Monitors

As search engines such as Google have been reported to penalize websites that load slowly, you might be interested in utilizing a page speed monitor. Keeping tabs on how quickly your site's loading speed is important if you want to ensure you're delivering an enjoyable user experience for members.

Google PageSpeed Insights

There are powerful tools for free as well as paid out there that not only inform you of the speed at which your website is loading but how to improve it. For those on a budget, entering the address of their website in services such as GTmetrix as well as Google PageSpeed Insights at regular intervals is a good idea. Don't just check your homepage, though!


If you're concerned about loading times, subscribing to a top-quality monitoring service like Pingdom is a good way to learn more about your website's performance. The ability to track downtime by using a tool such as UptimeRobot can help you quickly react should your site ever go offline--something search-engine algorithms are not impressed with.

Uptime Robot

Slow loading times are not only frustrating to existing members, they can have a dramatic effect on conversion rates.

Statistics and Analytics for Visitors

If you want to find the activities of visitors to on your website You can't lose with Google Analytics. It's free, powerful, and easily integrates to WordPress as well as a variety of other platforms.

Google Analytics

One examples of ways Google Analytics can help with SEO is the capacity to track visitor numbers throughout time, track how long people are staying on your site as well as how visitors are finding your web pages. It is possible to set an objective for instance, a newly registered visitor that fills out a membership registration form, then evaluate how efficient your website can be in achieving this target.

Google Analytics Goals

Google Analytics also makes it easy to see the pages of your website that are not bringing in users. The reports on exit-pages and bounce-rates indicate pages that could have problems causing your visitors to prematurely leave your site. Google's search engine algorithm is said to take bounce rate into consideration when it determines where to rank content in its rankings.

Google Analytics Exit Pages
Google Analytics Plugin

Search Engine Visibility Tracking

Tools such as Google Analytics make it easy to see how many visitors your site is receiving. This gives you an opportunity to monitor the impact of your SEO efforts. Another, and more direct way to see whether your efforts to optimize your website to be search engine friendly pay off is to check the search engine search engine rankings for keywords as well as the search terms you're targeting.


This isn't a task that you need to manually. Utilizing both free as well as paid keyword tracking tools available to you, all you have to do is type in the search terms you're trying to convince Google to join with your site and allow the tool to do the work. Check in at regular intervals to check how your site as well as its content is ranked for your choice of keywords.

Final Reflections

SEO is a process that involves a lot of speculation and guesswork. There is no way to know what search engines like Google are looking for when evaluating content for their results pages.

However, by using the best SEO tools, you can arm yourself with data which will allow you to take a the right approach for improving the visibility of your site, growing your audience which will hopefully turn some of your site's visitors into paying members.

 What SEO tools do you employ to increase the traffic on your membership site? Let us know via the comments below.