Blended Learning: Everything You Should Know About 2024 |

Jan 7, 2024

Blended learning is a great option for teachers and students alike. It allows you to expand your efforts in teaching while improving the quality of your learning.

In this article We'll explain to you the notion of blended learning, including specific examples, and the many blended learning techniques you can incorporate to your routine.


What exactly is blended learning?

Blended learning can be described as a way of teaching that blends classes in a live setting and supplementary e-learning for example, online discussion as well as extra Asynchronous or synchronous classes or other activities that require a project. Blended learning blends the ideal of traditional learning - the enthusiasm and energy of a live classroom, with the versatility and flexibility of online learning.

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From its inception over many years, the word "Blended learning" is used to denote 1. Combining delivery media, 2. Mixing methods of instruction, and 3. mixing in-person and online instruction. However, we mostly use the word "mix" to refer to the combination of online and in-person instruction.1

Even in the traditional classroom the practice of blended learning has been commonplace rather than a single-time event. An analysis of UK institutions revealed that 69% had plans to incorporate blended learning. 82% said that they saw a greater need of blended education. In 2021 (during the outbreak), 60% of all US college students were taking an online class. It is predicted that online education will amount to $257.7 billion dollars in 2027.

Though we may associate an increase of learning on the internet with the spread of AIDS the fact is that colleges and universities have been supporting the online learning model for a long time, particularly supplementary learning in online forums or initiatives. The process has been made easier by the edtech software and tools to facilitate online learning including Blackboard and Canvas.

Canvas by Instructure

Online education is so prevalent that in 2023, it was decided that the University of California decided to eliminate a hole in their system-it had so many courses accessible online that students were able to earn an online diploma for far cheaper (they included the requirement for residency).

It's not just intended for high school or K-12. Any type of educational system that exists, whether it's corporate education or the first step of a course online business it is a great way to combine the best aspects in live-learning (the engagement, the topic versatility, and discussions) in conjunction with the most effective online learning (the accessibility ).

 Blended Learning could refer to:


  • Blending on the level of activity: when one learning activity is available online as well as in person.
  • Blending of course levels: If the course is in-person or online.
  • Blending on a program-level The concept of Blending is a common feature in an academic program, however not with certain courses or any other activity.

1. Read the full chapter 1 discussion Curtis J. Bonk and Charles R. Graham, The Handbook of Blended Learning Global Perspectives as well as the Local Design (John Wiley & Sons, 2005).

Here are some mixed learning examples


  • 83% of students at universities think that an online degree can be more effective ( Erudera ).
  • A majority of students in universities and colleges want at a minimum a portion part of their studies to be conducted online (and 41% prefer to completely be connected to the web) ( UNESCO ).
  • A survey of new college students in 2022 showed that 27% of them would prefer blended learning and 29% would prefer entirely online education. This is a change from past trends, but still significant ( New America ).
  • It is estimated that there is 2.79 millions U.S. post-secondary students doing their degree online ( NCES ).
  • Between 2019 and 2020, the pandemic has caused an increase in postsecondary online education from 37 to 74%. .

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Systems of blended learning

The development of blended learning is because of the rapid growth of platforms for blended learning and technology requirements for teaching in a large-scale manner on the internet. The blended learning technology is always evolving with new features adding new features.

For example the formidable Co-Host(tm) can create course outlines using AI. These capabilities will keep evolving and adjusting blended learning in line with the advancement of technology.

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Blended Learning vs. hybrid learning What's the different?

The words "blended learning" and "hybrid learning" are frequently utilized in conjunction. Sometimes "hybrid" means the combination of two students in-person and on the internet in the same classroom (sort similar to how we define a hybrid event)--while"blended" learning can be usually described as the blend of both online and in-person learning for every learner.

The benefits of blended learning

There are many benefits of learning online, and one of the easiest ways for them to be defined is that it provides the greatest combination of both! Since both online and in-person learning offer benefits and advantages, blended learning gives students the chance to take advantage of every option while minimizing the negatives.

This is what makes the perfect place to learn blended. As an example, online learning can be a bit isolated. However, blended learning allows you to connect with other students once in a while to meet new people!

An New America survey on blended learning within community colleges revealed that the top reasons why students favored blended learning was the possibility of setting times that can be flexible and the chance to meet friends during class as well as a belief in higher-quality education, a reduction in the commute, and an additional incentive to leave the comfort of their homes.

Blended learning advantages that go along with learning in-person


  • Flexible learning: Online education lets students learn in the convenience at their home and online education can be conducted with the students' own convenience. It is a viable option to those who have other commitments to manage (e.g. the parent who is working in the present ).
  • accessibility Blended learning is more accessible to different types of learners, and allow them to choose their own course.
  • Environmentally friendly: There's no necessity for classes (or heating or cooling systems, and neither is electricity). Learning online is environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
  • Scalable: Even blended learning provides the possibility of scaling. For instance, if you had to teach three intro classes, you could combine these together into one online discussion group.
  • Easier than ever: Tech to support online learning is constantly improving and making it easier to access.

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The benefits of blended learning that are associated with the ability to learn in person


  • Engaging: If students have trouble paying attention online, live learning can enhance this.
  • Connecting: Students attending classes together are able to form meaningful friendships and connections.
  • Flexibility: In-class learning offers an array of flexibility, the instructor can alter the topics and discussions when students are in the class.

Blended Learning examples


  • An instructor at a college adds the need for the use of a virtual element in their class, for example participating in virtual discussions as well as writing blog entries about the material as well as creating an Asynchronous project to students.
  • Walmart gives its customers only Global Walmart Academy that combines online and live training experiences for its 2.3 million associates.
  • Amazon has built classrooms inside their fulfillment centers, to train employees to utilize their talents related to the work they do at Amazon as well as those that aren't. These centers provide opportunities to upskill to highly sought-after careers.
  • Many executive MBA courses include live as well as online instruction to make up for the busy routines that are typical of MBA students. A lot of them work full-time while finishing their MBA degrees.
  • The U.S. Government's Federal Cyber Defense Skilling Academy assists in training federal employees using a mixture of live and online training.
  • University of Phoenix is famous for its online classes However, students can choose to take in-person classes, making for an environment of blended learning.

Blended online learning

Another method to include blended learning is to incorporate. Blended online learning is a method of learning. Instead of mixing live and virtual learning, blended online education blends elements of both time-based and synchronous learning an online learning platform.

You could, for instance, create an asynchronous course equipped with discussions groups and live chats live in real time. Also, it's possible to present a course live using an online livestreaming feature, but recordings are available after along with the ability to use asynchronous discussion boards.

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Like blended learning, blended online learning can bring many of the benefits of an in-person classroom to learning via e-learning. The benefits include the energy of live sessions and the discussions and interactions that occur live and also the ability to adapt you can bring students' concerns.

It's the difference that everything is done on a web-based platform. All the convenience and all the flexibility.

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Blended learning strategies

1. You can try a flip classroom

A common method of blended learning is called the flip classroom. In this model, students are able to study or attend lectures at home. In class, time is devoted to discussions or active participation.

It can be difficult to achieve in K-12 schooling however it is doable (younger students often require parental support). This method is widely used in higher education and is similar to the "tutorial" method of teaching that has been around for many centuries (it's the foundation of the Oxbridge method of teaching ).

2. Let the learning goals guide you.

Blending learning needs to be governed by factors that will help you achieve your goals for learning most effectively. Although it may sound obvious however, you could make use of each of the advantages of both online and live-based learning to reach diverse learning objectives. A classroom that is flippable is one of the finest examples.

Big Purpose- New Image

3. Select the best technology

The tech you choose to support blended learning will determine the effectiveness in your blended education plan. Naturally, the features you're looking for in a blended learning platform needs to be robust and functional. It should function well and should be simple for learners to use and navigate.

Here are some suggestions:


  • Beware of complicated stacks of technology. Look for options that allow users to integrate the capabilities of blended learning that you'd like while not mixing and match the software. This can cause more hassles.
  • Contact IT. If your institution has an internal IT department Check if there are existing solutions.
  • If you are thinking about interoperability, think about, if you want to ensure that your blended learning tech integrates with your existing student and teacher management software.

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4. Try to make the internet count

The most frequent methods for blended learning to be unsuccessful is to put all the responsibility on live classes, the online component being a non-optional. Online component of blended learning shouldn't be seen as an addition or added-on. Give it a chance to be a part of the learning process and provide the students real goals in their online learning.

A particular example is that an additional discussion room is the recipe for low uptake. You might consider adding 10 reflections on discussion and 10 comments to other reflective reflections in the course (e.g. by putting one-percent of each valued at twenty percent (or 20%) of your overall score). Incorporating skin into the blended learning game increases the chance that it'll perform well.

5. You cannot duplicate your learning experience in the classroom online.

Blended learning offers a virtually endless number of learning possibilities. Replicating the activities of the classroom within a virtual setting can seem like a waste of time.

Like a lecture is suitable.


  • Why not let students see the same film in a virtual chat?
  • Applying a theoretical concept to the world of popular cinema?
  • Try an online game which can be played in conjunction with the theme of your program?
  • In addition, how about developing their own blog or website?
  • Additionally, do you share via social media about subjects of the course?

The sky is the limit. Be imaginative when using the web for creating templates.

6. Don't create synchronous or Asynchronous divisions

It's easy to think that classes should be scheduled synchronously and that online classes should be Asynchronous. This isn't actually the reality. Online activities can be scheduled to be synchronous via chat rooms, live video and other. In-person activities do not have to be concurrent.

If you're trying decide between synchronous or asynchronous learning, this chart will assist you to understand the various types of learners that they best fit:


If yes...

If No...

Are your students self-directed as well as independent?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronization

Does your material ever change?

Try to sync

Try Asynchronous

Do you know if students need immediate assistance and the ability to provide feedback?

Try Synchronizing

Try Asynchronous

Do your students not be a part of participating in live sessions, or due to their the way of learning, or lifestyle?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronous

Will the students need to brainstorm ideas in groups, engage in discussions or even work together?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronous

7. Orient students

Instead of giving students a pass at blended learning, host an activity in your classroom (even at the computer lab, when you're allowed to connect) to get them started in the online aspect of your class. Use this as an opportunity to teach your students to connect to the platform for blended learning, as well as how to utilize different features and perhaps possibly even work on a project together.

Understanding the platform will increase the likelihood of learners making the most of the platform. Technical issues are among major obstacle to blended learning.

8. Read your data

Since blended learning comes through software that are able to engage with the information. Data you gather can give you a better understanding of what's working and what isn't regarding the use in blended learning.

Be sure to review the data frequently.

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9. Find a group to practicing

The process of integrating blended learning across all types of courses may be a challenge for people who are new. Create communities of practice in which you are able to discuss your concerns and gain knowledge from those who use blended learning successfully.

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Blended learning platforms


is a social and courses platform which comes with robust set of tools for hosting discussion forums, livestreaming or run live events that are Asynchronous and synchronous classes.

Deliver Online Courses - Livewell

Blended learning is a system for teaching It's an excellent choice for corporate and brand-related learning-with possibilities for an app that is branded through Mighty Pro. And for those running an online course or training business, it gives you everything you need for monetization-building packages, managing checkouts, and charging in 135 different currencies.

2. Moodle


Moodle is an institutional learning management system that comes with numerous types of material, as well as an impressive set of engagement options for collaboration in learning, like collaborative forums, discussion forums, or messaging.

3. Canvas By Instructure

Canvas is a great instrument to build an institution-wide learning hub that includes a strong LMS, good engaging tools, great mobile applications (better that Moodle) in addition to the learning Tool Interoperability (LTI) compatibility to work together with your institution's system of IT.

4. Blackboard Learn

One of the more common institutions LMS alternatives that offers a wide range of assignment and grading options and a variety of great collaboration options (like the discussion boards and live meeting features). The dashboard is easy to use by students and administrators.


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Blended learning can be an intimidating proposition when you're first trying it. However, if it's done right, it's a great way to provide possibilities for learning as well as expand the scope of your teaching. This guide can inspire you to explore blended learning and now you're prepared to bring your teaching on the internet!

If you want to test Mighty's blended learning platform it is possible to try it free of charge for 14 days-no credit card required.

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