Build an App With FastAPI for Python - (r)

Nov 28, 2022
Illustration: Programmer creating an application with FastAPI.

We should first learn the fundamentals.

The advantages of FastAPI

Below are some benefits that the FastAPI Framework provides to a project.

  • Easy to learn and code: FastAPI has already discovered almost all the information you'll need to build an API for production. If you are a developer who uses FastAPI it is not necessary to code all of it from scratch. With only a few pages of code you can create a RESTful API that is ready for use.
  • Documentation that is comprehensive: FastAPI uses the OpenAPI documentation standards, so documentation can be dynamically generated. This documentation provides detailed information on FastAPI's Endpoints, Responses to parameters, return codes.
  • APIs with fewer bugs: FastAPI supports customized data validation that allows developers to build APIs with less bugs. FastAPI's developers boast that the framework results in fewer human-induced bugs -- as much as 40% lower.
  • Type hints: The types module was added in Python 3.5. This allows you to specify the nature of a variable. When the type of a variable is defined, IDEs are able to offer better assistance and anticipate errors with greater accuracy.

What to Do To Start Using FastAPI

For this guide to follow and begin using FastAPI, you'll have to do a few things first.

It is a standard practice to keep your Python applications as well as their instances running on virtual machines. Virtual environments enable different package sets and configurations to run simultaneously, and avoid conflict due to inconsistent package versions.

$ python3 -m venv env

You'll also need to activate your virtual world. The command to do that will vary depending on your operating system and the shell you're working with. Below are CLI activation examples that work in a variety of different environments:

# On Unix or MacOS (bash shell): 
 # On Unix or MacOS (csh shell):
 # On Unix or MacOS (fish shell):
 # On Windows (command prompt):
 # On Windows (PowerShell):

(Some Python-aware IDEs are also able to be set to activate the current virtual environment.)

Then, download FastAPI:

$ pip3 install fastapi

The framework FastAPI can be used for creating APIs. However, to evaluate your APIs, you'll require an internet connection locally. Uvicorn is a lightning-fast Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI) web server that runs Python which is perfect for development. For installation of Uvicorn, run this command:

$ pip3 install "uvicorn[standard]"

Following successful installation, you can make a new file called within your application's directory of work. The file is your entry point into your application.

The layout of a FastAPI project within an IDE.
View of a basic FastAPI project in an IDE.

A Fast FastAPI Example

You will test your FastAPI installation by swiftly configuring an example endpoint. In the file, insert the following code. Finally, save the file

by importing fastapi FastAPI
application = FastAPI()
FastAPI()@app.get ("/")
 async root() Return "greeting":"Hello world"

The above snippet creates an initial FastAPI endpoint. The following is an overview of what each line does:

  • from Fastapi import FastAPI: The function of your API is provided via the FastAPI Python class.
  • app is FastAPI(): This creates the FastAPI instance.
  • @app.get ("/"): This is a python decorator that specifies to FastAPI it is the task that follows it is in charge of processing requests.
  • @app.get ("/"): This is a decorator that specifies the route. This creates a GET method on the site's route. The results are then returned via the wrap function.
  • Other operations that could be utilized to send messages could include, @app.put(), @app.delete(), @app.options(), @app.head(), @app.patch(), and @app.trace().

In the files directory, run the following command from your terminal, to launch the API server:

$ uvicorn main:app --reload

In this command, main is the module's name. The app object represents an instance of your program that is loaded to the ASGI server. The --reload flag tells the server that it should reload when you make any changes.

It is possible to see something similar to this on your terminal

$ uvicorn main:app --reload
 INFO: Will watch for changes in these directories: ['D:\\WEB DEV\\Eunit\\Tests\\fast-api']
 INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 INFO: Started reloader process [26888] using WatchFiles
 INFO: Started server process [14956]
 INFO: Waiting for application startup. The application has started successfully.

In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:8000 to confirm that your API is working. It should show "Hello": "World" as a JSON object displayed on the page. This shows how simple it is to develop an API with FastAPI. All you had to do was create an API route, and then return the Python dictionary as shown in the sixth line of the snippet above.

A FastAPI Hello World application running in a web browser.
FastAPI Hello World application in a web browser.

Using Type Hints

If you're using Python then you're used to annotating variables with simple data types like int, str, float, and the bool. In Python version 3.9 new advanced data structures were introduced. This allows you to work on data structures, such as dictionaries, tuples, and list. With FastAPI's type hints allows you to organize the data schema using Pythonic models. Then, utilize the pydantic model to provide hints for typing and benefit of the validation for data that is provided.

In the below example you will see how the usage of types of hints within Python is illustrated using an easy meal cost calculator, calculate_meal_fee:

def calculate_meal_fee(beef_price: int, meal_price: int) -> int:
 total_price: int = beef_price + meal_price
 return total_price
 print("Calculated meal fee", calculate_meal_fee(75, 19))

Be aware that type hinting does not change how your code is executed.

FastAPI Interactive API Documentation

FastAPI uses Swagger's user interface to offer automatic, interactive documentation for APIs. To access it, navigate to http://localhost:8000/docs and you will see a screen with all your endpoints, methods, and schemas.

Screenshot of the Swagger UI interface for documentation.
Swagger UI's documentation for FastAPI.

This browser-based, automatic API document is offered by FastAPI. It is free, so you don't need to do anything else to benefit from it.

A different API documentation that is accessible via a browser which is provided by FastAPI, can be found in Redoc. To access Redoc, navigate to http://localhost:8000/redoc, where you will be presented with a list of your endpoints, the methods, and their respective responses.

Screenshot of the Redoc interface for documentation.
Redoc's documentation on FastAPI.

Setting Up Routes in FastAPI

The decorator for @app lets you to specify the way to use the route like @app.get or, and supports GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, along with more obscure options, PATCH, HEAD and TRACE.

Building Your App With FastAPI

In this course we'll walk you through building a CRUD application using FastAPI. This application is able to:

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  • Create a user
  • Access a database entry of a user
  • Update for an existing user
  • Remove a specific user

In order to execute these CRUD actions, you will create ways to expose API endpoints. It will create an in-memory data store that will keep a user list.

Diagram of database table structure for CRUD examples.
Structure of a database table to provide CRUD example.

You'll use the Python library to perform the validation of data and manage settings by using Python annotations of type. To complete this course, you'll define the data's shape by defining classes and attributes.

The building of the App

Start by creating an account model for your users. The model of the user will include the following attributes:

  • id: A Universal Unique Identifier (UUID)
  • first_name: The initial name given to the user
  • last_name The name that is the last of the user
  • gender is the person's gender.
  • roles, which is an array of roles for admin and roles for users. roles

Create a new file called in your working directory, then paste the following code into to create your model:

In the code above:

  • The user class is an extension of BaseModel that is transferred from Pythonic..
  • You defined the attributes of the user, as discussed earlier.

The next step is creating your database. Change the content of the file with the following code:

 from typing import List
 from uuid import uuid4
 from fastapi import FastAPI
 from models import Gender, Role, User
 app = FastAPI()
 db: List[User] = [
 roles=[Role.admin, Role.user],


  • You created db by using the type List then passed it the User model
  • You created an in-memory database that has four users possessing the essential characteristics like the first name, last name, last_name, gender, as well as roles. The Eunit user Eunit is given the role of admin as well as user as well as user. The other three users are assigned only the position user. user.

Read Database Records

The database has been set up successfully. your in-memory database and populated it with users, so the next step is to set up an endpoint that gives a complete listing of all users. This is the point where FastAPI is in.

Within your file, paste the following code just beneath the Hello World endpoint. Hello World endpoint:

 async def get_users():
 return db

This code defines the endpoint users/api/v1/users, and generates an async operation, get_users, that returns the entire contents of the database db.

Backup your data, then you can test your user endpoint. Run the following command in your terminal to launch the API server:

$ uvicorn main:app --reload

In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:8000/api/v1/users. This should return an overview of all your users, as seen below:

Screenshot of user data returned by FastAPI GET request.
Data of the user is retrieved using FastAPI Database read request.

At this stage, the file will appear like:

 from typing import List
 from uuid import uuid4
 from fastapi import FastAPI
 from models import Gender, Role, User
 app = FastAPI()
 db: List[User] = [
 roles=[Role.admin, Role.user],
 async def root():
 return "Hello": "World",
 async def get_users():
 return db

Create Database Records

The next step is to create an endpoint that will create a new user in your database. Incorporate the following text into the file:

 async def create_user(user: User):
 return "id":

In this code snippet it is clear that you set the goal to create a brand new user. You used an decorator to generate the Post method.

Also, you created the function create_user that accepts the users from the User model and appended (added) the newly-created user into the database db. The endpoint then provides a JSON object that contains the newly created user's id.

You'll need to follow the automatic API documentation that is provided by FastAPI for testing your API endpoint, as seen earlier. This is because it is not possible to create a post-request using the web browser. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/docs to test using the documentation provided by SwaggerUI.

Screenshot showing parameters for FastAPI POST request.
Parameters required for a FastAPI POST request.

Removing Database Records

Since you're building an CRUD application the application you build will have to have the capability to remove a specified resource. This tutorial are creating an endpoint that will erase the user.

Incorporate the following code in your file:

 from uuid import UUID
 from fastapi HTTPException
 async def delete_user(id: UUID):
 for user in db:
 if == id:
 raise HTTPException(
 status_code=404, detail=f"Delete user failed, id id not found." )

This is a breakdown of line-by-line how that code works:

  • @app.delete("/api/v1/users/id"): You created the delete endpoint using the @app.delete() decorator. It's still /api/v1/users/id, but then it retrieves the id, which is associated with the id of the user.
  • async def delete_user(id UUID):: Creates the delete_user function that retrieves the id in the web address.
  • for user's db:: This tells the application to go through the users in the database and determine whether the id that was retrieved matches with the person in the database.
Screenshot showing parameters for FastAPI DELETE request.
Parameters for a FastAPI DELETE request.

Update Database Records

You are going to create an endpoint to update a user's personal information. The details that can be updated comprise the below parameters: first_name, last_name as well as the roles.

If you have a file, add the following code to your user model. This is after the User(BaseModel): class:

 class UpdateUser(BaseModel):
 first_name: Optional[str]
 last_name: Optional[str]
 roles: Optional[List[Role]]

In this example In this example, this Class UpdateUser extends BaseModel. Then, you set up the parameters for updatable users like initials, last_name as well as roles that are optional.

Create an endpoint for updating a particular user's details. Within the file, paste the following code after @app.delete decorator:

 async def update_user(user_update: UpdateUser, id: UUID):
 for user in db:
 if == id:
 if user_update.first_name is not None:
 user.first_name = user_update.first_name
 if user_update.last_name is not None:
 user.last_name = user_update.last_name
 if user_update.roles is not None:
 user.roles = user_update.roles
 raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"Could not find user with id: id")

In the above code, you've completed the following steps:

  • Created @app.put("/api/v1/users/id"), the update endpoint. It is a variable parameter id which is the id of the user.
  • A method was created called update_user that takes into UpdateUser class and ID. UpdateUser class and ID.
  • Utilized as a loop called a for loop to determine if the account that is associated with the ID is in the database.
  • Verified that any of the user's parameters are are not none (not non-null). If some parameter, for example names, first_name, last_name, as well as roles that are non-null, it will be updated.
  • If the operation goes well, the user id is given back.
  • If the user isn't found in the database, an HTTPException warning with a status code of 404 and a message of Could not find an individual with the ID: id is raised.

To check this particular endpoint, be sure your Uvicorn server is running. If it is not running you can use this command:

uvicorn main:app --reload

Below is a screen shot of the test.

Screenshot showing parameters for an UPDATE request.
Parameters for parameters for a FastAPI Update request.


In this video you've been introduced to the FastAPI framework designed for Python and experienced how fast you could get an application using FastAPI running. It was a great opportunity to learn how to construct CRUD API endpoints using the framework which includes creating, reading, updating, and deleting database records.

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