Building an online course business starting from scratch

Jun 30, 2022

Read the case study, or watch our full interview featuring Marlene... and if it inspires you to develop your own web-based course, (and we believe that it is!) get started at

Marlene Hielema, the Image Maven

Marlene is an amazing photographer and video instructor. She's the brain behind and Go to both websites for great video content and suggestions to enhance your video and photography within a matter of minutes.

Why get started with the teaching of online classes?

Flash from 2004. Marlene was teaching photography in her classroom at the local community college. She loved being in direct contact with students, she was burning out.

It became more and more tiring for her. She could never enjoy a break when she want: "I was just teaching every day."

Her goal? She wants to be flexible and free in her schedule.

Marlene is now saying, "I want to enjoy my life... my life is very short. I want to go skateboarding! I'd like to ride my longboard at the end of the day , and not be ashamed."

The desire to be free and flexibility led her to create an own online courses.

From where did she draw the ideas she had?

Marlene started taking some classes in photography online. She found it to be "clunky." Marlene said to herself "this needs to be changed better."

She started looking for ideas for her own courses. And in the fall of 2010 she began her first full online course made with ..

Marlene is now offering 8 courses online, some of which she's repeatedly taught with various classes of students.

She's developed a mixture of short, inexpensive, specific courses, in addition to longer, more intensive courses (some up to 8 weeks long).

Marlene develops her course in response to specific queries which people send her emails: "I've had this question at least 10 times within the last 3 months, maybe I'd better create a class about the subject!"

And she pays close attention to the questions people make about. For example, when she started getting questions about her videos, she would ask: Could you show me how to make a video similar to the one you have?

Overcoming challenges

Marlene states that one of her biggest challenges is sales  "I'm naturally not a salesperson."

As time has passed, she's discovered ways to connect and instruct people, before making them purchase a course.

Currently, she offers the possibility of signing up to receive 10 free photography lessons via email. After 10 free lessons, she offers the option of a course for purchase.

Though she found sales intimidating initially, Marlene now says "I regularly sell classes -- people find the course they want to take, enjoy it, and they purchase the course."

Building a successful business around courses

One of the most important lessons for Marlene is that classes and services (one-on-one consultation for private clients) go hand-in-hand.

Her courses can lead to leads for one-on-one client service. When they complete a course, "people just want a little extra hand-holding and are willing to pay for it."

In particular, students who are taking courses in video want assistance with editing and producing. Photography students need private critiques, as well as technical help.

So her statement reads, "My revenue has increased more through my clients than it has increased through my classes."

Courses offer tremendous value as a stand-alone item and are more powerful when combined with services.

Marlene also adds value to her services by offering courses. Marlene explains that "If someone hires me from the beginning, I will be grateful.

[for consulting] For consulting purposes, I provide the course free of charge." This makes her services even more attractive to new customers.

Making connections with students

Marlene utilizes her classes to build relationships with her students -- not just for the purpose of delivering information. Marlene has observed that in many cases "People are actually less shy on the internet."

Connects with her students by being active and present in her teaching classes: "I respond to every question, every email."

Marlene says that the process is fun and rewarding for her "I enjoy teaching, I love to help others... I enjoy watching people achieve their goals! I feel like a proud parent whenever someone shows on the screen and show a video that has stunning white backgrounds that I've assisted them in creating. It's my goal to assist those who are frustrated."

In the future

In the future, Marlene is looking to build on the success of her current classes. Marlene plans to "relaunching and revitalising her current courses, designing more appealing sales pages as well as raising the standard across all her offerings."

She also tries to create at least one or two new courses per year, according to the requirements of her local community. She explains that "I've not created courses from scratch." Instead she often thinks about the question What are people asking about?, and builds courses that are based on the needs of her community.

She is also looking to collaborate with other experts to develop creative new ideas for courses. In the past, for instance, she worked with a counselor in order to develop a course for personal growth: Take a Break - Photography for Self-Care.

Marlene's top advice and tips for getting an online course start-up off on the right foot

1 - Just Do It!

Marlene tells us, "My first course only was attended by about 20 students and 10 friends, and it was so rewarding!"

So put your procrastination in the past and start working. Take a risk-free course to start regardless of whether you just have to invite a few friensd for free!

Be able to overcome the obstacles as you will gain so how much from the first lesson! Just go for it.

Don't be too focused on getting things right for your first time -the people will be very understanding.

#2 Connect

Concentrate on creating a bond with your students -- be sure to make connections with them.

If they believe that the information they're learning from you is useful stuff, they'll ask you questions, and you'll be able to learn from them.

If they feel confident in you, then you are able to help them.

Engage fully participating in discussions by answering any questions as well as posting any questions.

#3 - Express Yourself

Incorporate your unique personality into your courses. Marlene says, "I act a little goofy in my videos." The more that she reveals her character in her videos and courses, the more she builds an intimate relationship with the students she teaches.

Start today. Start by taking our FREE training course, and learn the 5 steps to start making and selling your course, so that you can build your online business of online courses starting from scratch.