Episode 2 of the podcast: John Childers - WordPress Membership Plugin Member Sites

Jul 8, 2022

[PODCAST Episode 2: John Childers

The episode features our hosts, Tracy, interviews John Childers who has been working with online businesses and courses in some way or another since the 80s. To give you just a an idea of what you'll learn when you listen to this podcast...

  • The secret to captivating any audience -- regardless of whether you're a presenter, YouTuber, podcaster, teacher, or coach. If you've never delivered an address previously. (03:29)
  • How to create a new course from idea to completeness in just a few days A course that'll outdo 99% of courses available (that likely took months of sweating over every aspect, to create). (19:10).
  • A clever way to turn your online courses into top-quality service that requires no additional work on your part (36:10).
  • Word-for word what to say when someone accuses you of "selling classes" but not on the subject that you're giving a class on (23:04).
  • How do you "bluff" your want in any field. It doesn't require an expert. You don't require a product, it's not even necessary to be running your online business full-time, but you do need to be. It's a clever method that's old school direct marketers got into the new market without experience, no credentials, and nothing to sell (05:20 ).
  • A sneaky way to convince bestselling authors, famous personalities, and multi-million dollar internet business owners to develop your course curriculum for you (16:04).
  • You will never run out of material for your site's membership. It's a clever method of tapping into the endless supply of content discovered by an old school telephone salesperson (30:08 ).

           Once you've listened to the full episode, it would aid us in reaching out to greater numbers of people if we could do two things:          

  1. Give a 5-star review or rating in case you gained something from the show.
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Take a look at the 10 Membership Models Video

Discover the 10 Most Profitable Methods of Earning Recurring Revenue from a membership site                                                       First Name                                                        Email                                                           Yes, Send Me your video!

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