Five steps essential to the creation of an online course

Nov 29, 2022

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Learn this step-by-step procedure to discover the steps to create an online course using CreativeMindClass, a free tool that is used by the top creators.

 - Start creating your online course

 How do you create an online course in five simple steps

An effective online course is an excellent combination of video content and a website that sells it.

Illustrators, writers, photographers, fitness instructors, coaches and all sorts of professional make online classes to provide their students with their skills and experience. They can also be an income source or the main occupation.

Online courses have advanced quite a ways since the time of emailing with PDFs or sending videos via text messages. Courses online can to contain videos, downloadable documents, exercise files, as well as feedback, receive payments and create an online community, unlocking an entire new set of possibilities to build an online-based business.

 In this article we'll teach you the most important steps to creating an effective online class making use of CreativeMindClass...

1. Online Course Plan Create a place to create your online course

2. The Course Topic Determine what and who you'll teach

3. Lecturing outline: Plan each lesson you need

4. Delivery of content Prepare videos as well as downloadable documents and exercises

5. Your course website Convince your viewers to buy with texts and images

 1. Online Courses Plan

Find a location to create your online course

A typical online course might be scattered across various social media, websites, payment pages and messages, as well as e-mails as well as laptop files. An online central course integrates all of those into one easy-to-access place. It can change throughout the lifespan of your online course but will typically include:

  • Introduction
  • Information on Equipment and Materials
  • Inspiration
  • The Planning
  • Class project
  • Summary
Online Course Plan

 How to do it in CreativeMindClass

  1. Click My Classesin main menu to open it.
  2. Click ADD CLASS button to start the course.

 2. The topic of the course

Decide what you'll teach and whom you'll teach.

Starting your online class can be stressful as you have to think of something that people are likely to buy. A well-chosen topic can set you up for success.

An online topic is a straightforward and powerful concept to build an ideal curriculum for your students.

You're passionateand have the skills, knowledge, and expertise which your customers will pay money on. It's moment to have a close at it and put it into the language of.

 Then, you must open the page of Class

You'll find the Class page tab within the Class. Then click the class page tab to open it, and begin creating your course's name and description.

First, open the Class page

 What is it? within CreativeMindClass

  1. Click the Class Page tab to view it.

 Specify what you should instruct

What are you passionate about? What is it that you love about it? What are the reasons people are looking for in your advice? What are you looking to find out more about? It will allow you to find an area you're familiar with, and will make the course's creation time much easier.

 Give your course a name

A clear, catchy and purpose-driven title assists readers make an informed decision. It grabs the attention of readers and makes them say, "Yes, I'm ready to buy this!". Use powerful words to trigger emotions and the reaction that will make them go on to read, click and purchase.

Name your course

 How to do it within CreativeMindClass

  1. Enter your CLASS TITLEto identify your class.

 Craft an offer (and identify people who would purchase it)

What will people learn from your teaching? What are the most likely participants to attend this workshop? What are the specific issues you solve? Do you have competitors offering similar courses? When you're working on your proposal, look for someone willing to pay money for the opportunity to study it.

Craft an offer (and find people who will buy it)

 How to do it in CreativeMindClass

  1. Type CLASS DESCRIPTIONto communicate your offering.

 You've finished the course subject!

Now that your course topic has been completed, you can present a a powerful and realistic offer for your online course. Keep in mind that you are able to develop multiple classes that explore the various topics of your course.

Next, we'll create a course plan so you don't get lost while recording the video...

  3. Plan of the course

Make a plan for each lesson you will need.

The entire course could seem overwhelming. Making the course content can lead to an opportunity for confusion when deciding what content should be included within the course. A clearly-defined course outline can ensure you can do it.

An outline of a course online is like a do-to outline of the videos you'd like to film. The outline typically consists of a listing of the specific lesson, along with notes about content details and the learning outcome, so you don't miss any aspect on the day you film the class.

Lessons list

  Then, you must launch the Lessons  

You'll find the Lessons tab under the Class. Simply click on the Lessons button to launch it, and begin adding your lessons.

First, open the Lessons

  How do I get it within CreativeMindClass  

1. Click on the LESSONS tab to open it.

  The things you're covering  

Start by listing the core subjects and elements you want to cover. These could be introducing yourself, the overview of your course along with a hands-on assignment, as well as concluding. You don't need to go into the specifics at this point. What could you cover in 3-10 minute video lessons?

List the things you're covering

  How do I get it in CreativeMindClass  

  1. Click the ADD LESSON click to start a new lesson.
  2. In Lesson page tab, type LESSON TITLE.
  3. Add 10-20 lessons to your class.

  Indicate the specific learning results  

It's the core of your course outline. This is where you record all the most important points in each video that you wish to record. Think about specific learning outcomes and content that answers your audience's needs and determine the gaps the competition does not fill.

List the individual learning outcomes

  How do I get it in CreativeMindClass  

  1. Click here to go to "Course Overview" lesson.
  2. Type LESSON DESCRIPTION to create your lesson outline.

  Change from chaotic to organised  

It's possible that you've created a lesson plan but have found it to require a shorter or clearer. If that's the case, consider breaking your course into segments. The lessons can be removed that have no specific outcome to learn. Try to be ruthless in this point so that it is a manageable task.

Go from messy to organized

  How to do it in CreativeMindClass  

  1. Click "Add Section"button to add a section.
  2. Type Section title.
  3. Add more sections to group your classes.

  Reference it on the video recording day  

Traditionally you'd print out your list of things to attend to when filming. However, these days the to-do lists can be downloaded from phones and laptops. It allows you to make sure that each lesson is completed or modify it as you want to.

  This is the final course outline!  

After your course outline is completed, you will are prepared for recording your video.

We'll then discuss the best way to deliver and record your content...

  4. Content delivery

Make videos, download files and work outs.

It's time to think about the best way to convey each aspect of your online class. Videos are the best method of presenting your information.

Video lessons contain interactive and fun material, providing the best learning experience for students who study online. The most effective way to convey learning outcomes is by mixing multimedia, such as videos, screen recordings, presentations, audio, hand-outs, and exercises.

Look at your course outline. Which method is most effective to convey the objectives from each class?

  Then, you must open the Lessons  

You'll find the Lessons under the class. The Lessons tab is the first to open it, and begin by adding media to each lesson.

First, open the Lessons

  What is it? in CreativeMindClass  

1. Click the on the LESSONS tab to display it.

  Include a video in each lesson  

Videos are the most engaging method of presenting your information. Video can come in many formats, such as presentations or screen recordings with audio It doesn't necessarily suggest that you have to be present in front of the camera all the time.

If you are a photographer, you benefit from the fact that it is possible to purchase an electronic camera to begin shooting. The videos you create can be created with the equipment and area at home, using the skills you already have at your fingertips.

After you've finished recording and editing your videos You'll have a number of small, high-quality, 16:9 video files to upload. Remember the superior quality of your video. The resolution must be 1080p.

Add a video to each lesson

  How do I get it in CreativeMindClass  

  1. When you are in LESSON Select VIDEOlesson Type.
  2. Download a video from your computer.
  3. Add a video to every lesson.

  Let you create a learning experience that primarily concentrates on video  

Video courses are an entirely different experience unlike reading, for instance, text on a slide presentation. It needs certain features including navigation, layout and navigation specific to video platforms. CreativeMindClass is an online learning platform specifically designed for instructional videos and is focused on giving students a pleasurable learning experience using video.

Usually, when a video uploaded to a platform, it's a best practice to create the custom thumbnail. It's stunning when you view it in view, but it can be a bit of work. We have come up with a solution that looks cool without you having to do the additional work. We choose the top highlights after you upload your videos and show a looped 3-8 seconds video. It's something you might know from Spotify videos played while the song is playing.

  What is it? within CreativeMindClass  

  1. For LESSON, select in the LESSON, select a VIDEOlesson kind.
  2. Upload a video to your computer.
  3. Visit the Preview and play the auto created lesson video.

  Upload a download file  

Downloadable documents are an excellent supplement to your class. Downloadable files make your content fun and engaging and leave your mark on students' pulpits and desks. When you upload an additional content to your class the students are able to download it, print it and fill it in or alter the file.

Video lessons can be created by combining worksheets with worksheets or native file formats. Make downloadable documents using programs such as Pages/Word, Google Slides, Prezi, Photoshop, or Canva. The combination of downloadable files and an exercise enables students to bring their own files for a class and receive your comments.

Once you've finished creating your files that you can download then you'll have quality images or editable native files to upload.

Add a downloadable file

  What is it? within CreativeMindClass  

  1. Click to LESSON - Content tab
  2. Click DOWNLOADABLE FILE to upload the file.

  Create an activity to the lesson  

The exercises are an excellent way for your students to apply their knowledge into practice. They help them learn through performing. Such active learning typically consists of an actionable task and teacher feedback.

Imagine a learning experience that you can create to assist students to achieve the goals of your students. Look at your Lessons list. What lessons might have an engaging and fun activity as a learning method? Which lessons could have homework assignments? What brainstorming activities could you incorporate? What will be the assignment in your class?

Add an exercise to a lesson

  What is it? in CreativeMindClass  

  1. Click to the tab for Content of the lesson
  2. Click on EXERCISE to create an exercise to teach your students.

  Request students to post their work and receive your comments  

A few online courses will require a class project. Your students can apply their knowledge gained in your class to finish the assignment. It is possible to ask them to upload their project to receive feedback.

Students can share their assignments and get your feedback

  How to do it in CreativeMindClass  

  1. Navigate to LESSON - Content tab
  2. Click on EXERCISE to make an exercise.
  3. Write TITLE.
  4. Type Description.
  5. If your student has uploaded the exercise, navigate to the student's workto the exercise inyou provide your feedback.

  Create an online community around the course you are taking.  

Giving feedback to students is the very first step in building communities around your online course. You can take your students learning experience to the next level growing your business and boosting your brand reach simultaneously.

Online community drives the traffic to your site, which helps in keeping customers, and increases your profits. Activity Feed is in which you can interact to your followers via blog messages.

Include some inspirational posts in the online courses you take. This will give you a solid starting point for creating an active community for your company and your brand.

What can you do to keep your students interested? What kind of content do you typically share on social networks? What techniques and tips can you offer? A good idea to keep your students entertained and motivated to finish the class is to post daily updates with inspirations for the end of the course project.

Build an online community around your course

  How do I get it in CreativeMindClass  

  1. Simply click My Postsin main menu to open it.
  2. Click ADD POST button to make the new post.

   The content is ready! content!

Now that your information is prepared, you have a powerful online course. The next step is to create copy and upload images to your course website...

  5. Course website

Convince your customers to purchase by using visuals and text.

A well-organized, beneficial website will convince people to buy your course. Why should someone choose the course you offer over others? What promises do you give your customers?

A course's website online generally includes catchy content as well as images that highlight the primary advantages. It is then closed by a clear message to take action.

  To begin, first, go to the website  

Visit the Website to load it, and to include your headline, images, and copy.

First, open the Website

  What is it? in CreativeMindClass  

  1. Click websitein Main Menu to launch it.

  Grab the visitor's attention  

When you are creating your site, you should get to the point fast before the potential client is able to move on.

First thing visitors look at is the headline. It will clearly state the benefits of your course and describes what a visitor will get.

Make sure it's short, sharp and simple. The most effective way to keep the headline short is to create a supportive headline. It can be the end of the headline phrase or an additional sentence supporting the primary statement.

Grab the visitor's attention

  What is it? in CreativeMindClass  

  1. Click Edit button on the Welcome section.
  2. Enter HEADLINE.
  3. Type the word SUB-HEADLINE.

  Add inspiring visuals  

Make sure that your readers are aware of the offer with the hero image (or background videos) placed in the upper part of the course web page. What do the images say about the benefits of your online training course? Imagine your prospective customer in a scenario you've prepared for your audience. Your images should be big, crisp, and high-quality.

Add inspiring visuals

  How do I get it within CreativeMindClass  

  1. Click the Edit button located in the Welcome section.
  2. Click HERO image, BACKGROUND VIDEO or ANIMATIONto add your visuals.

  Start your class  

Give some basic information about your online course. What does it do? How long is it? How many lessons do you provide? Do you give any bonus items? What's the project for the class? Who is the course for? This helps the people who visit your page quickly understand what they're getting.

Introduce your course

  How to do it within CreativeMindClass  

  1. Click the "Edit" button in the the Overview section.
  2. Type HEADER.
  3. Enter PARAGRAPH.

  Highlight benefits  

The benefits clearly stated will convince the majority of individuals. Give more details on the results of learning and the worth. What will the students acquire? What will the class do for the students? What is the transformation they will go through? Which high-pain issues do you solve?

A simple way to draw attention to the benefits of a product is to compose the headline in a concise and simple manner. After that, you can add a sub-header supporting the primary statement. In the paragraphs, note the most important Learning outcomes and then describe shortly the value you're providing.

Another way to highlight the advantages of your class is to use an eye-catching photo.

Highlight benefits

  What is it? within CreativeMindClass  

  1. Click the Edit button in the Benefits section.
  2. Type Header.
  3. Use the Sub-Header.
  4. Write PARAGRAPH.
  5. Click SECTION IMAGEand upload the image you want to use.

  Try a little taste of the program  

If someone is thinking about purchasing the course online is looking to have a sneak peek of what's inside. The best way to present the information about your course is about in the form of a captivating promotional trailer. For a promo trailer, you could create an engaging video that lasts between 30 and 60 minutes.

Give a taste of your course

  How do I get it within CreativeMindClass  

  1. Simply click My Classin main menu to open it.
  2. In class, click the on the class page tab to open it.
  3. Hit VIDEO TRAINERto upload your promo video.

  Use it to share with your followers  

Congratulations! When you've completed your website for your course the creation of your course online is completed. This is an exciting moment after all the effort.

Another type of work starts! The time is now to share the news with your followers. Insert the link to your website, social media, email, or blog to begin the promotional promotion.

Share it with your audience

  How do I get it in CreativeMindClass  

  1. Click Settingsin main menu menu to launch it.
  2. Copy CreativeMindClass web address.
  3. Make sure you share the lesson with your students.

  You're all done!  

Hopefully, this guide can help you organize your life and gave you the space to let you create an enjoyable learning environment for your students.

If you are starting a new online course you can use this template to get set up in a matter of minutes. It's the perfect time-saver when creating an online course. It's designed to be able to convert (sell your online course) It's also got everything you need, waiting for you to add your final touches. Slap on your photos edit the copy, add images, and voila! You've just created an effective online course. It's that simple.

   Create your online course. Today.

Start for free by using our template.

Create your online course. Today.

   - Start creating your online course

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    Teach with video as well as feedback, exercises and other materials in a separate platform              Join today to create inspiring online courses and to sell your products globally                                    Create your own course and it's absolutely free!                   No credit card required                    

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