How (and how and) do you remove your YouTube channel

Nov 9, 2022

YouTube is overflowing with content. The creators upload over 500 hours of video each minute.

Although some upload content for fun, many (if not the majority) content creators use the platform to generate income from their work, whether by the process of monetization by selling their products or services on the site, or both.

With 122 million active daily users, it's easy to appreciate the power of YouTube. The potential to connect with customers you may not reach otherwise is high. It's also a tough race in which the chance of being lost in a crowded online pool of users is present.

Not sure if your channel on YouTube is doing enough to help you? There are several ways to consider re-evaluating your strategy, hide, or even delete your channel on YouTube.

In this article

  1.    Why you might want to remove the YouTube account you have on
  2.    How to delete your YouTube channel in 7 steps
  3.    How to hide your YouTube channel
  4.    Alternative strategies to YouTube
  5.    Final thoughts

Why you might consider deleting your YouTube channel

You're in the market for a completely ad-free player

YouTube makes money from displaying ads in videos its algorithm believes are advertiser-friendly regardless of whether an individual channel is monetized.

If your channel is receiving thousands of viewers and the channel is monetized -- this can result in positive payments from Adsense. If the channel isn't able to pull these numbers, your users may be subject to less than ideal viewing experience.

Although YouTube lets creators decide on the placement of advertisements so as to reduce disruption however, well-placed advertisements can hinder users from experiencing the seamless user experience they'd want particularly with longer-form video.

If you want to earn money for your content but not YouTube

There are many great ways to make money from your content without YouTube.

  • Be sure to follow YouTube's guidelines for monetization
  • Participate in one of the participating countries or in a region
  • Have 1,000 subscribers and at minimum 4,000 hours of watch time
  • Do you have an AdSense account connected with your YouTube channel(s)

Second, the details around the monetization process remain unclear. No one knows exactly how YouTube's algorithms determine who earns what--and given that Google is responsible for 45 percent of the users' adsense earnings and you'll get about half the revenue the videos make.

Lastly, AdSense payouts depend largely on views, subscribers, and the advertiser-friendliness of the content itself. If your content isn't earning constant amount of viewers within an advertiser-friendly niche the earnings you earn will be quite low.

It's not happening. you want

If the engagement of your channels is low It's most likely an opportunity to evaluate the content strategy you've implemented. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you targeting a well-defined group of users who spend time watching YouTube?
  • Are you able to clearly define what your content is for and the benefits it offers?
  • Do you consistently model that value in the videos you publish?
  • Are people able to go on your website and comprehend in seconds what it's about and what they can expect from it?
  • ...Or are your channels' content all over the place?

Working through these ambiguities to create a cohesive branding experience is a great method to increase people to view your channel. If your content meets the expectations of viewers, a steady trickle of followers who are similar to them will come along.

All that said, some marketing channels work better with certain audiences in comparison to other channels. If you're a tiny B2B brand trying to stand out on YouTube, for example, it may be harder to be seen because your audience looks for relevant content elsewhere, like LinkedIn.

Instead, you should share videos on channels where your ideal customers are most likely to be interested in it.

Do you need better embeds?

Similar to how it is the "look and the feel" of your channel is important for viewers who find your channel on YouTube, how your content appears when embedded on websites or landing pages also matters. Much.

There are only a couple of seconds to capture most viewers' attention. However, blurry thumbnails or footage are a sure way to derail your efforts. If your video doesn't appear professional and polished, or viewers are having issues buffering or playing the video and bounce.

If you're thinking about video hosting platforms, look for one capable of fast and top-quality transcoding, has high dynamic range (HDR) as well as accommodate video quality in 4K or better.

How to delete your YouTube channel in 7 steps

If you've considered the advantages and disadvantages in removing your channels, and believe it's the best decision for your business You can have your job completed quickly on your desktop.

The following is how to erase your YouTube account with seven steps:

  1. On the YouTube website app, go there to YouTube Studio.
  2. In the menu on the sidebar Select Settings.
  3. In the Settings menu, select Channel, followed by clicking the Advanced Settings tab.
  4. Go to the bottom of the Advanced Settings tab and click Removing YouTube Content.
  5. Enter your password again if you are asked and click "I would like to permanently erase my personal information."
  6. Make sure to check the boxes in order to confirm deletion. Click "Delete my content."
  7. Enter your channel name or email address. Click "Delete my content."

A few things to consider:

  • Deleting your YouTube channel will be permanent. Make sure to save any content you'd like to keep or repurpose--once you delete your YouTube channel, all your videos are gone for good.
  • You can't delete your channel on mobile. This is probably a good thing, but it does require you to remove your YouTube channel via your desktop account.
  • It's safe to say that your Google account will continue to exist. Eliminating your YouTube channel will not impact the functionality of your Google account. If you'd like to remove your entire Google account be sure to know exactly what you'll be deprived of access first.

How to hide your YouTube channel

If you'd like to have the ability to revisit the content in the future, then hiding your YouTube channel is an alternative to keep your videos off the market.

The following is the best way to block your YouTube channel :

  1. From the YouTube web app, go on to YouTube Studio.
  2. On the sidebar menu Click Settings from the sidebar menu.
  3. In the Settings modal, click Channel and then click The Advanced Settings tab.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the Advanced Settings tab and click Remove YouTube Content.
  5. Re-enter your password if prompted and then click "I would like to block my account."
  6. Make sure you check the three boxes, confirm and Click "Hide my channel."
  7. Check out the disclaimer and select "Hide my content."

 Some things to be aware of:

  • Your presence will completely disappear. Until you re-enable it, your channel's name, video subscribers, likes and subscribers will remain private.
  • It is impossible to re-enable all of your YouTube channels. Hiding your YouTube channel means any comments you've made on videos (including responses) are permanently erased.

Alternative strategies to YouTube

The decision to delete your YouTube channel is a big decision for any creative, so don't rush in. There could be other methods to make your YouTube channel work harder to benefit your company.

Here are some strategic methods to make the most of your YouTube content YouTube:

Final reflections

YouTube won't be going away in the near future, so whether you should delete the channel is based on business priorities and preferences. Being able to manage the presence of YouTube could not be the best option for your company, particularly if you're seeing better performance and engagement on other channels with less impact.

The truth is that YouTube assists content creators in earning. But the road to revenue isn't an easy one for many, and in the end, you're not really driving the car.

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