How do apps make money? 10 Proven Strategies - (r)

Jun 12, 2023
People standing around learning how apps make money

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With millions of apps being distributed worldwide (and expanding) You have to think: how do apps generate revenue?

While not every app is designed to generate revenue, even the simplest apps can have a few effective ways to make money. It doesn't matter if it's displaying a tiny advertising banner in a calculator or providing subscription tiers for an advanced health-monitoring app There are a myriad of methods for apps to earn money.

But, the strategies for monetizing apps vary as widely as the apps themselves. In this post we'll discuss the basic principles of app monetization, analyze the methods used to monetize your app, and discuss different strategies for making the most out of your app. Or, making the most money that is.

How do apps make money?

Apps might use a number of methods for making profits, and this does not stop at just making an upfront payment. Indeed, "free" apps can be some of the most profitable apps of all!

How does it function? How can a free app make thousands, or millions- of dollars?

A chart showing that worldwide app revenue is expected to reach over $930 million in 2023.
Global app revenues are predicted to surpass 930 million by 2023. (Source: Tekrevol)

The answer comes down to the strategies for monetizing apps. The term "app monetization" is precisely as the name implies: making your app make profit (in other words, making it monetizable). While charging an upfront fee is perhaps the most obvious option to earn money for your app, there's a myriad options to choose from.

Before we can get to business, we should first examine the monetization of apps.

What exactly is app monetization?

The process that generates revenue from app users.

While strategies for app monetization can vary, most successfully businesses that have been monetized employ a variety of strategies for monetization. The right strategy comes from understanding the users as well as the reasons they utilize your app as well as, obviously how the app functions initially.

In-app ads are one effective form of app monetization
In-app ads are an effective method of monetizing apps ( Source: Creatopy)

Many applications earn money by showing advertisements at the top of the screen. They reward users with points after watching the commercials and even permitting a third-party ad network to gather user information for analytics or future marketing campaigns.

However, that's only one of numerous ways you can earn money through apps. Some apps already have a built-in monetization feature. The apps could be personal shopping apps or those that are mobile extensions of existing online stores (such like eBay as well as Amazon).

As a result, anyone who wants to develop an app for monetization will need to look beyond mobile and smartphones. Although mobile devices are likely to present the greatest chances for interaction (read: monetization) for some time to come, different devices might already be offering more opportunities to sell certain goods such as services or experiences.

Whatever the case, app monetization is a big topic. But before we dive even deep, you're likely to be wondering what you could expect to make.

How much money can free Apps Make?

Long story short The answer is: it will depend on.

While there are many applications that are free and generate millions in annual revenue however, this is usually not the case from the rule. However, that doesn't stop thousands of free apps from generating at minimum thousands of dollars in revenue every month.

However, how much do you anticipate to earn?

The real number varies depending on the app with the exact monetization strategy (revenue-per-click or revenue-per-thousand impressions etc.) differing between genres of apps as well as the amount of users, device(s) used, as well as the country of origin.

In general, the app's owners and advertisers employ the eCPM (effective cost per mille or effective cost per 1,000 impressions) as the key metric in determining the impression-based income.

A chart image showing global average eCPMs by country and device
Global average eCPMs per country and device. ( Source: Appodeal/Business of Apps)

In the year 2020, the median cost per click for banner ads on mobile applications in the United States ranged from $0.37 for Android apps up to $0.46 for iPhone applications. It means an American-based iPhone application that displays an ad with 5,000 impressions per day would get an average per day income of $2.30.

Free vs Premium vs. Freemium Model

Why offer free apps instead of charging users in advance and earn revenue in a matter of minutes?

Free apps may get more downloads but not always more engagement
The free apps might get higher downloads, but they don't always get greater participation. (Source: CleverTap)

The ability to download an app free could actually offer a variety of advantages. First, they are able to get more downloads and are more likely to receive positive reviews because of their lack of a fee for entry.

But creative revenue streams are just half the battle when it comes to the monetization of applications that are free. Developers have to also contend with uncertainty inherent in the revenue stream, and an overall decrease in interaction with users. In addition, due to the majority of available apps already being completely free, it may be difficult for new apps to be noticed or make it into the top of the list in app stores.

Freemium pricing models (free/premium) can be a great way to overcome some of these disadvantages.

Freemium and premium can both work well, just in different scenarios.
Freemium and premium can both be effective, however in different scenarios. (Source: CleverTap)

The freemium model lets players get basic functions of the app without cost but they are able to avail advanced premium features at an extra cost. The model is widely used in the app market that ranges from in-game purchases to paid subscriptions.

The majority of freemium apps are easy to use and can be a lucrative market. This allows app owners to provide a basic basic offering that is able to satisfy every user, but also provide additional features (and make additional money) for different types of users that may require something more.

Even though freemium offers an ideal blend of free and premium services, it's not the right choice to use for all applications -- in fact, premium can sometimes provide the greatest value.

Premium is best for apps which are extremely specialized and cater to a specific market with specific needs. When this is the case it is rare to find existing apps that satisfy those requirements. Moreover, prospective customers are likely to shell out a premium upfront to get the features that they are already aware of.

Top 10 App Monetization Methods

After we've learned the basic principles of app monetization, and the various types of apps we can explore some of the most popular methods to earn money through apps.

There’s a business model for nearly every app.
There's a commercial model that applies to nearly every app. (Source: Itobuz)

There's a model for business and a revenue plan for virtually every app. Take a look at some of the most well-known listed below.

1. Freemium Apps (Paid Features)

We've covered it earlier: the ability to offer a combination of both paid and free services -- freemium -- is a very popular monetization strategy.

Spotify is one successful example of a freemium app.
Spotify is one successful example of a freemium app.

For a better understanding of why this happens an issue, imagine yourself in the shoes a potential user. With so many different apps that are in the market (and perhaps for the exact same thing) Wouldn't it be better if you could play around witha variant of this app prior to committing to a purchase?

These are basically what's known as the "free trial period" of the world of apps. Although the majority of users are fine with the free trial throughout the time they are using the app, there is a chance that enough people would opt to buy the premium version to generate stable revenues. For example, the freemium app Spotify earned over $12 billion in 2022.

2. Premium Apps (Paid)

Some developers ask themselves, "how do apps make profits without advertising?" The answer is by charging users to download the application.

Although not all people want to shell out a large sum to download an app, the majority of users don't hesitate in the event that the app they download is the one they require and if the app's name is already known.

Therefore, using a premium service generally requires a satisfying market niche with a loyal customer base. Once a premium app becomes the "go-to" solution for specific needs, it's not an issue.

Newer apps without an established reputation can also transition into the premium version by providing trial-only trials for a limited time.

3. In-App Purchases

Like freemium, offering an application for free and with in-app purchases is an extremely efficient way of generating the revenue.

In-app purchases are a popular revenue stream for mobile games
In-app purchases are an increasingly popular source of revenue that mobile game developers use. (Source: Intego)

Game apps are among the most frequent example of this strategy, where players make digital payments to buy game currency or in-game virtual items such as special loot, capabilities, or cosmetics. The popular game Candy Crush Sagaearned more than $600 million in 2022 just using this method.

In reality that model of in-app purchases can work just as well with a game-free app. But, they are considered "extra content" which won't affect the experience of your default app.

4. Paid Subscription Models

The different users will have their own needs which is why it's important to be able to meet all their needs with different subscription models?

An app offering various paid subscription plans
Spotify Paid subscriptions

Applications with lots of features that cater to a diverse range of customers often employ the model of subscriptions for a better user experience. Alternatively, some subscription apps could offer a trial period for a limited period of duration before you need to sign up for an agreement with a subscription provider (kind of like a certain amount of articles for free before needing to sign to a subscription service for news).

Subscriptions can be an extremely efficient method of keeping customers for a long time, particularly if they are of the correct value for the right cost.

5. In-App ads and Sponsorships

The model of in-app advertisement is utilized by the majority of the apps available on market, in one way or another.

Full-screen pop-ups and other ads are found in most apps
Ads with full-screen displays and other advertisements can be found on most applications. (Source: GermaniaVid)

From simple banner ads to full-screen adverts and rewards for video apps come in all shapes and sizes -- as do distinct revenue levels.

Similarly, many apps use a company partnership or sponsorship model as a means of generating income in the beginning. A sponsorship may also provide new apps with the needed credibility and credibility.

6. Email Lists

7. Ecommerce

Ecommerce apps can offer users a more engaging shopping experience.
The E-commerce app can give customers a more engaging shopping experience. (Source: Dribbble)

8. Text and SMS Marketing

As apps tend to be installed on phones of users using SMS or text marketing can often be an effective way to boost participation.

SMS marketing offers a quick and easy way to reach mobile users.
SMS marketing offers a quick and easy way to reach mobile users. (Source: Mayple)

While you won't get compensated for delivering texts to your customers It can be simple and efficient to speedily send reminders, updates, alerts, and promotional messages to all your users audience.

Texts can help entice your user base to interact with the app in a way which generates income by allowing them to view new content ( and watch ads) and then browse the price of a product ( and buy it) and even try out special options ( and then subscribe).

9. White Labeling

New app developers as well as big companies have a lot to offer each other than they might think.

White labelling in a nutshell
White labeling allows developers to sell their apps under another brand. (Source: FourWeekMBA)

In the end an app developer business could turn to existing business owners to purchase their app and put it under their own label. The development firm is provided with a quick source of revenue, while offering existing businesses a new and interesting product.

10. Data Licensing

Users can be an an excellent source of revenue especially their personal data.

A chart showing third party data licensing on apps
Numerous popular apps sell customer data to third party. (Source: PCMag)

Data is the driving force behind everything, more and more companies are spending big bucks for the best information from their customers. With mobile devices being an ideal source for behavioral information, the most popular apps could quickly become goldmines for companies that want to analyze patterns.

Enticing as this may sound but be aware that your apps' user information could be protected by national and international laws unless they sign a user agreement that grants you ownership.

How To Choose a Winning Monetization Strategy

Needless to say, there are plenty of app ways to earn money, but which one is right for the needs of yourapp?

Choosing the right app monetization strategy isn’t easy
The right app monetization strategy isn't easy. (Source: Mind Inventory)

The answer, of course is contingent on the app and the value it provides the users. There isn't a right or wrong answer, taking a look at these suggestions can help identify a profitable method of monetizing.

Identify Your App's Unique Value

The reason for your application and the benefit it offers your users is the single primary factor when it comes to deciding the best way to make money from it.

In the case of a basic calculator program probably won't wish to make users pay upfront. In that scenario, it could be monetized using small-scale banner ads or sponsorships from the manufacturer of calculators or an educational source.

Alternatively, an advanced graphing calculator program could justifiably charge an upfront cost if it provided enough premium tools and functions that mathematically be worth the price.

Study Your Users

Being aware of your clients' desires, requirements as well as their behavior is another crucial factor.

Different types of users will respond differently to monetization methods
Different users could respond differently to specific monetization strategies. (Source: CleverTap)

A monetization strategy that might seem appropriate for an app might be wrong should it not be a good fit with active users. In particular, smartphones with smaller screens might not like endless pop-up ads that clog their view, while Android users are likely not to wish to shell out more for the privilege for the integration of iPhone app content.

User spending habits can also affect the choice you make. For example, apps that help users find deals on groceries probably won't be benefited by the option of paying for additional contents.

Find Out What's Working

In case you're unsure it is always a good idea to check out similar apps for a look at what's successful. Doing so also allows you to take a more in-depth look at your competitors as well as trends within the mobile app market, which can further help you fine-tune your app's value and monetization strategy.

User reviews can also help streamline this process by giving insight into user experiences and issues. A user, for instance, could have posted a 1-star review because of annoying advertisements or a lackluster premium experience. Similarly, positive reviews can be a good indicator of how users respond favorably to.

Consider Hybrid Strategies

Many successful apps don't stick to just one method of monetization. Indeed, many can'tbecause leveraging only one method usually won't generate enough revenue to deliver a solid return.

There are many possibilities to use the use of hybrid strategies. For example, a freemium app might display ads within the free version, but it also offers in-app purchases and premium content. This same app can keep its users informed through texts or emails and give their information to interested third parties.


Now that you've seen how apps generate revenue, you'll understand that app monetization can be a tricky process. And, most important of all, you must stay open.