How do you increase the size of Charitable Impact by using the classroom online

Sep 19, 2024

Since the outbreak started, a number of companies have been forced to consider ways in which they could expand their reach and sustain their presence in the local community via online channels.

The charity sector isn't an industry that is known for its rapid advancements in technology advances According to Thrive For Good's Director of Operations James Woller. "Charities tend to be more traditional and cautious in expanding. The Thrive team had to come up with a different method to grow, and that required making the risk of offering the training online ," he explains.

The learning online platform helps the non-profit grow its reach. "Before it was a matter of the lives of more than 30,000. Now, it affects around 80k. From 550 communities as high as 800. Seven countries and 47. The business is now expanding into countries that we never would have dreamed of." Woller says. Woller.

A different group is being challenged to develop new solutions to the challenges caused by COV-19. Some of them are members of the Vayu Global Health Foundation. Before the outbreak of the disease Burke was traveling each week to train doctors in person. As travel wasn't feasible, and therefore, the Vayu team developed an online tutorial that could be used by anyone in the globe.

"We employ the platform only for education purposes," says Vayu's executive director Thomas Burke. "Without this platform, the efforts would have had to be brought close to a halt in wake of the epidemic ."

We had a chat with Thrive for Good's James Woller and Vayu Global Health Foundations' Thomas Burke to discuss ways they have managed to improve their effectiveness in this turbulent time across the globe. The way they could accomplish this is in two ways: by hosting online courses as well as by looking at the charitable sector from the perspective of an interdisciplinary. That's how they boosted the effect their work had for charities.

1. Online Teaching

Thrive For Good

The global population has been declining, ranging from 2 to billion and the population isn't receiving the nutrition they need. Thrive For Good assists people all over all over the globe with resources for sustainable cultivation of organic and healthy foods for the long run by providing people with the desire to know how to grow food for themselves as well with family and acquaintances who could incorporate the principles of Thrive into their plans. It generates close to one million Canadian dollars every month through vegetables that are planted in community gardens that are calculated by the cost of a 50 cent dinner.

Through partnerships through partnership agreements Europe, South America, Africa and Asia, Woller says they are not able to increase their influence if it wasn't for the introduction of online education programs.

The rapid growth of online learning is not just a boost to the quantity of money invested by the company It makes it simpler to tackle the challenges caused by covid-19. "Just the other day I had a conversation with a colleague who was from Uganda who lives in a country that is open to all and mobility is extremely limited... It's very difficult to locate instructors on site, which is one of the main reasons online learning is ."

Woller states that the firm has the potential to realize significant savings due to its move to the internet. "We're saving tens of thousands in dollars using . If we needed to give each person in the group for one month, it would be impossible for us to grow to the degree that we have," he says.

Vayu Global Health

Thomas Burke, emergency doctor and professor in his department at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, manages two of the branches of his business : Vayu Global Health Foundation and Vayu Global Health Innovations.

It's Vayu Global Health Foundations is an organisation that has charitable goals which are focused on identifying ways to provide new solutions that have the potential to create significant effects to improve the mother, infant and the child's health. Its Vayu Global Health Innovations arm of the business is a publicly-owned corporation and is recognized by the World Health Organization as well as with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as committed to the global health industry and the wider community.

At Vayu they've developed medical devices for relieving CPAP as well as asthma bronchial which Burke asserts is among the leading killers of children younger than 5 years old. older. This device for treating asthma can lower mortality by as much as 66 . Because most devices run on electricity, they're costly for countries that have low incomes. Vayu's Vayu team has developed a device priced at $300. This is just a fraction of the cost of the standard CPAP device worth $12,000 -and it's of the same high-end quality. It does not require the use of power or any bioengineering support, so it's an easy choice for people with limited funds to use. Through the use of it the users have the ability to teach doctors in their community to use this equipment.

As the CPAP course has shown to be highly effective they are working on the next course, which will instruct medical professionals on the use of the latest technology, which is the oxygen mixer. The average cost for this product is $1200. The company has created the exact product with a price of $50. The product is designed to help children with respiratory problems or pneumonia.

Furthermore, the internet-based platform makes it possible to extend the reach of individuals. It also helps to increase the consistency of the training on medical equipment. "We enjoy the benefit of being able to have expert instructors from all over the world However, this isn't enough. The training helps us to improve our teaching method quality and also the test methods. This training will be accessible to everyone who wants to learn." Trainer says.

2. Utilizing a progressive lense

Thrive For Good

Woller says that the traditional methods aren't always the most effective way to scale impact for charitable purposes. "The foundation's longevity depends by the kindness of donor as well as donations. A traditional connection between a donor, philanthropist as well as the organization that oversees the foundation's activities could result in difficulties with regards to scale" The author goes on to explain. "Donors don't necessarily want their funds to be used for technological advancements... They'd rather spend their cash towards initiatives... As we increase in technology and the possibilities of expansion increase ."

Innovation at Thrive was born out of studying companies that are now focusing on organic farming and nutrition, and then increasing their efforts. "We did not have to raise the amount of funds to gain a double benefit. Our business has changed from a B2C model to B2B models. It is our preference to see ourselves as Java in your personal laptop. It's not necessary to appear as Dell or Apple. White-labeling is a way to show what we have. This is a new method used by charitable organizations ."

The business has managed to expand its operations following having its website launched, Woller explains. "We received a call from an organization in India that has a range of schools, more than 8,000 employees along with residents and millions of customers. We got a phone call about their concerns regarding the safety of food supplies in India along with the covid-19 issue and they've asked us to intensify our efforts in education towards"Thrive. That's scale."

Woller is a firm believer in the importance of charities that are testing innovative strategies and trying out. Online learning has been a great success that resulted in benefits. "I consider that a few concepts of creativity in charitable endeavors are greatly needed. For a chance to have an impact, one must explore new ideas. I'm extremely happy we decided to explore online learning." He tells us.

But, Woller acknowledges that taking risk can be challenging, Woller believes that the results can be unpredictable, and are a part of being an entrepreneur. Woller says that "Ninety percent of companies have failed, yet entrepreneurs keep the momentum going ."

Vayu Global Health

This is an approach called the Vayu Global Health Innovations approach which is based on the idea of establishing an income source designed to enable them to grow and be self-sufficient. business without asking for contributions. "This is the most effective way to give back to charity" Dr. Vayu says.

Thanks to an upgraded lens, they've now been capable of offering online training. Now, they can gain access to a larger audience rather than only offer training in person. "We have the ability to envision the world as more multicultural, that includes a wide range of people and healthcare systems that are more efficient than the demonstrative programs ."

If you're looking into online education, Burke believes that the result will be as effective as the effort you put into it. "You should be aware that it's not easy to design educational tools with the best standards," he says. "Teaching requires some sort of teaching which is interesting in order to grab the attention of your students. It shouldn't just be on presenting facts. It's important to think outside the box and have fun when you do it ."

Burke advises that charitable organizations cooperate with people living in their local communities in the development of their educational programs. "It's an amazing idea for charities to develop by working with local residents and not rely on the same notions that of an Americanized instrument that they're attempting to transfer across the Atlantic. It's not clear if it will be successful," he says.

For the final part, having an online course is a crucial step in the realm of charity work. It can significantly enhance the ability of the organization to grow. A risk in taking an opportunity, being ingenuous and stepping out of your usual routine can help an organization in enhancing its power as well as its reach.

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