How do you run an online Training Course

Jun 3, 2022

If the Great Resignation has taught us something, it's that companies must invest in their employees! There's no need to offer fashionable perks such as hosting Friday happy hours, catered lunches every Tuesday and expensive gym memberships. Keeping talented employees means offering reasonable salaries, providing them with reviews and increases, investing in their health as well as keeping them interested.

It is about acknowledging the changing working environment, by providing flexible work schedules, work-from-home stipends, and providing them with updated devices and tools. However, keeping employees involved entails investing in their careers by creating learning opportunities.

To stay ahead of the competition in your field, businesses need employees who are knowledgeable, willing to study and eager to develop the skills they already have. One way to achieve this is presenting them with online training classes.

If you've been assigned an instructor role within your company, or you've thought of offering your skills to companies, we'll show you how you can run an online training course to join the growing number of businesses taking steps to invest in their workers.

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        The piece...    

1. What is a Corporate online online learning course?

2. Who should run an online course for corporate trainers?

2.1. Companies

2.2. B2B Educators

3. How to run an online training course

3.1. Define the organization's needs

3.2. Select the topic of your class

3.3. Select the best member

3.4. Choose the best way to distribute

3.5. Select your preferred platform


4.1. Make the course

4.2. Promo

4.3. Feedback & Adjustment

5. Conclusion - Come join us in building!

What's an Corporate online learning course?

Training online will be around for a while, as more and more people desire the freedom and flexibility to study from any location regardless of whether they are on a sandy beach on Bali or from the comfort of their own homes.

An online training course (also also referred to as distance learning , or e-learning) is intended to impart the required skill or knowledge for learners via the internet. Instructors can accomplish this by incorporating a variety of elements to keep students engaged, like polls, Q&As, video, and more.

When we speak of an online course for corporate training, we mean ones specifically designed for enhancing the skills of employees. They could be company-wide modules, like security, process improvement (work better and not more), or diversity, equity and integration (DEI) education. In contrast an online corporate training course can be targeted to a specific sector of the organization like the department of digital marketing or the sales team or the leadership.

Although an entire industry has developed around corporate online training, many firms design their own courses. Let's take a take a look at the people who run these classes and the best way you can design them.

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Who is the best person to run a corporate online training course?


Companies that want to retain their staff should invest into them. In the current competitive marketplace for talent, including growth opportunities and the development of employees is more crucial than ever to boost workplace satisfaction and retention of talent.

This is an effective option to not only invest in your employees , but also boost your bottom line. When you improve employee performance and involvement, it will also improve customer satisfaction.

The online training course can assist in streamlining and automating of processes in ensuring that employees are knowledgeable about the best practices of your business. It saves time, minimizes mistakes, and also saves the company money.

B2B Educators

Online training for corporate clients isn't solely created by corporations for business, but they could be developed through third-party consultants. If you're an educator, or you have experience/knowledge which can be beneficial to companies, why not sell online training courses for businesses?

B2B (B2B) educators are particularly valuable for those tricky topics, like DEI, where companies might not want to create or offer courses on their own.

Think about the subjects you have experience with, and consider how you can use that knowledge to help your employees develop. Remember that an organization might not realize it needs the training program on a topic until you pitch the idea as vital to their bottom line.

The online learning course as a B2B educator provides you with a consultancy model that can be scaled to provide services to many businesses simultaneously, and assists you to develop and maintain your intellectual property.

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How do you create an online course for training

Before you even start creating your online course, you need to lay the groundwork. It's important to understand what your topic is about as well as who your target audience is as well as the type of platform you'll be using.

It will require some brainstorming, some interviews as well as some tests, but it will help you more later on Otherwise, you'll end up trying to put things together using a manner that won't make sense. This is why we'll get started with the fundamentals.

Define the organization's needs

If you're an enterprise seeking to develop an online learning course to your employees, then you're likely to know how your organization can boost its learning. You may still have to conduct internal research (even an easy, anonymous survey can be used) to identify the knowledge gaps.

Perhaps the marketing department has just started and is in need of the help of a search engine optimization (SEO) course, or maybe the entire organization has begun using the latest technology and all employees require a cybersecurity essentials training course.

If you're a B2B educator, you may have to do more preliminary analysis of the company's requirements. Which areas do they fall short in? Which areas could they be improved on?

You might spot something they're not even aware of (e.g. they're losing top candidates because the lengthy and long recruiting procedure). Do you have the ability to save the company time? Money? Are you able to help employees to become more productive or learn a new skill to lead the industry?

Be confident in asking questions! Develop connections, conduct interview (more on this later) Do the necessary research. Make sure you are prepared to ask questions about the organization, but also be prepared to sell yourself and demonstrate your worth.

Select your course topic

Before getting into the process of choosing the topic of your training course, you should first decide if an online training course is the right solution to your organization.

Do you really have the ability to solve their problem with an online training course?

The solution might be more straightforward and they require a style guideline to their marketing department (which could be beyond the scope of your company but is something that they must sit down and actually create).

However it could be that the issue is much more complex and requires a complete overhaul of the upper management (which is something that can't be solved by an online course of training).

If you realize that an organization can benefit of an online online training course It's awesome!

It's now time to pick the topic (we would like to call it your Big Purpose) that your students are likely to enjoy and require. Let us remind you that you can be an expert on whatever topic you decide to choose However, you do not have to be. There is no need for extravagant credentials or even a PhD, but you definitely need a unique perspective as well as a sense of humour.

In the end, this will require work from your side -- find something that doesn't really appear to be a good idea, or an area that you like, as it makes the process much easier.

Whatever your view is, it's essential that you focus on a specific subject! Don't try to cover everything. For example, let's say that you've worked in sales and have worked in various sectors. In lieu of trying to cover all aspects of sales, choose one area you can contribute to: turning leads to clients with a better sales software, or building authentic connections via social media. Be specific in what you're teaching can help you avoid a number of headaches, help you focus and increase your confident.

On top of that, when you have a clear purpose for launching an online course of training , your group members will be united by a objective that will bring everyone together.

Below are some of the questions that you could ask yourself to get better acquainted with your own unique viewpoint:


  • What problems have I successfully solved on my own?        
  • What can I learn about this topic?        
  • How can I teach others?        
  • What makes me a good mentor/educator?        
  • What's unique about my perspective? Think about your background, your identity, your story (things/experiences/events that have shaped you) - all the things that make YOU a unique course instructor.      

These questions can make you one step closer to establishing and marketing your online online training course.

Choose the ideal member

Once you've narrowed down your subject Next step is to figure out the target market for your course. When we say Ideal Member is referring to the people who would benefit the most from your corporate online course of training. The participants will be highly engaged, and motivated regarding the content and topic the course offers.

If you are aware of whom your ideal member is and you know who your Ideal Member is, you can modify your content to meet their requirements (e.g. the areas they want to understand, learn about or improve their skill to be at). The ideal member could be the entire organization (e.g. in the case of security protocols) or even a particular department (e.g. when the topic is UX/UI design ).

To clarify who your Ideal Member is, conduct 1:1 interviews. Ask questions like:


  • What dreams and goals are you pursuing?        
  • What are you hoping to advance your career?        
  • Why haven't you been capable of achieving these objectives by yourself?        
  • What's your top mistake about this topic?        

In our community Design(tm) We recommend that you interview individuals one-on-one to ask these questions. Your training course will have the best foundation, as well. On plus you'll be in the presence of a large group of participants who will need your course and will be looking forward to your course!

Speaking of the Community Design(tm) method One of the last stages is called A Year in Life. The purpose of this is to imagine what your students' lives will look like within a year after they took your course.

In this case, for example, one year down the road the students of your class could be:


  • Assisting others within the organization grow        
  • As a manager or been promoted        
  • More efficient        
  • More detailed information in X        
  • Better communicators        

Remember that you don't need to promise the moon with your corporate online training program. All you need is to create an understanding of the things your ideal customers are capable of before you can create an extensive plan for the content you offer and how it will assist them in their path to achievement.

Choose the best way to distribute

When it comes to courses' content, an important aspect is to think through how the course will be delivered.

It's important that you take everything we've discussed up to this point into consideration- the organization's needs as well as the course's topic and your ideal candidate to decide on the length of the course and the method by which the course will be taught. Imagine that your online learning course is focused on LinkedIn marketing and marketing for companies The total training is four weeks long.

It is up to you to determine if the content will be distributed, that is, modules are made available in the middle of every week, or if content will be live, such as if you release each Tuesday around noon. Or if it will be totally pre-recorded and asynchronous (or any combination of the two).

Select the platform you prefer.

The most crucial aspects of creating an online online training course is choosing a reliable online learning platform that will ensure your course can thrive. Before, it was an expensive and time-consuming endeavor even if you weren't experienced in the web-based development (e.g. know how to code and build the features needed for online courses, and also have a way to charge the online course ).

This is much easier to attain due to the fact that there are several great all-in-one platforms that are available.

    Here's what to search at:

Interactive course

The best courses out there provide a range of content that keeps their members engaged. If you are able to design a broad range of content, your options are endless and allow you to play around with ideas for the things that work and don't make sense.

This kind of content may be:


  • Polls: You could ask, "What percentage of your working day are you spending getting organized and re-evaluating your objectives?" or "How do you feel about work-life balance? A myth or attainable ?"    
  • Videos: instead of the slideshow format, why not go on camera and discuss the subject?        
  • Posts: try doing an event for members that celebrates one member's motivational Monday or story, in which you ask your participants to tell you what inspires them.        
  • Virtual occasions  You can have a guest speaker on your event, or hold "office hours" where your members can ask questions and connect with the people you.      

When you're writing posts, don't solely rely on text-based content! Consider using images and graphics or even videos. Certain members might be bored or have visually impaired (so they aren't able to stare in their devices for prolonged durations of time), so offering different kinds of content is likely to be appealing to them.

Don't be afraid to experiment and experiment with new methods to find out what's working to benefit your group!


While there are many online courses platforms that you can choose from, many fail due to the lack of an area for creating a community. Having a space where your members have the opportunity to engage with you, the material, and one another is crucial.


Since it provides them with an opportunity to understand the subject together. Additionally, it lets them be able to learn from one the other. This isn't only essential to their achievement. This is crucial for your course's performance as well.

Humans are wired for community. Your members will find happiness, meaning and energy when they're part of something larger than them. They'll grow stronger together, by working towards the same goal.

In addition, online communities are more open to a greater number of people. Especially with so many remote employees This is a crucial option to connect like-minded individuals together.

Although employees may be completed with your class and are done with your course, they'll have the opportunity to interact with others, make connections, study, and expand.


Speaking of accessibility, people have a tendency to interact with content and communities through their smartphones and mobile devices. Online courses that are the best and communities let you build a space that is open to everyone who is.

Take, for instance it has the power to make your online course and your community accessible at any time, wherever.

When you use a Mighty Network, your members are able to browse your content wherever they are online and also via the app , which is accessible for both Android as well as iOS. Through Mighty Pro, you get an app that is white-label to present your brand to your members anywhere they happen to be. This helps give your brand more authority and improves engagement with your members.

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Feature Item 1 - Courses


If you're an enterprise that is creating an online education course for employees of your company then it may make ideal choice to make it available for free. If you're an educator for B2B and you're offering your course online to businesses, you'll want to establish a cost.

It's not uncommon for authors to undercharge for their online classes. It could be tempting to charge your course for less if it's your first one. Don't! Remember, you're taking students to a new level and helping them to learn something new , and acquire knowledge to evolve in their careers. Many companies also have a budget set aside for employee learning and development.

A way of determining the cost of your course is to find out the value of your online training program is to the clients you serve and decide on a price which reflects the value.

Ask yourself the following questions:


  • If you didn't offer an online education course, how else would the ideal student achieve results?        
  • What can you do to stand out against your competition? Does your ideal student achieve faster results? Does your online course more comprehensive? Is your course easier to understand?      
  • When your ideal students get the results you claim to have, what does they think of it? their employers?        
  • What price would bring it to a high point to you?        

You've created an online course of training that can help participants achieve goals that they wouldn't be able to achieve without help, which is massive! Remember too that you're selling to organizations with the financial resources to spend more money and require your online training course. They're investing in their workforce, so make the price worth it for you and your hard work spent on creating your training course.

Another option is to think about value-based pricing - what would your client have to pay for the same result. If you're running a social media marketing course as an educator for B2B, how much would they be required to spend to recruit new social media marketing professionals or train current ones? Probably quite a bit. If your course solves the problem for them It's worth it.

We're not suggesting that you overcharge your customers, however it's crucial to understand the importance of people and companies to what they pay for. They value items in proportion to how much they pay.

Essentially, the higher the price they are willing to pay for something, the higher they'll appreciate an item .

There's a chance that you'll be rejected by a couple of companies who feel that the online course you offer is too expensive, but do you really want clients who don't value your work? The ones who recognize what you've created and are willing to provide it to their employees are the ones you want to sell to because they are the employees that will take it seriously, be on time, and perform the task.

Make the course

When creating an online training program, something you should consider is the way students are going to be learning the subject matter.

Is it the case that learners learn in real-time, the same time you're delivering the instructions? This means that you're teaching the class in real-time. The instructor-led virtual training trend is growing in importance. Learning online is particularly popular in the corporate world due to the fact that this type of learning can be conducted at a large scale.

Here are some benefits to synchronous learning:


  • Students have a higher feeling of belonging and community within their group when they all learn together.        
  • Enhances accountability (e.g. motivated to stay until the end ).    
  • Some students may be able to learn more when they are in a real-world setting.        
  • The students become more involved.        
  • Students can ask questions in real time.        

Asynchronous learners are not learning while you're instructing them on the subject. Lessons are pre-made and not presented live. However, they may include text, videos questions, surveys as well as other activities.

Here are some benefits of synchronous learning


  • The course is auto-paced  which means that students are able to go through the course material on their own timing and according to their schedule.      
  • It's accessible - in the event that a child has a learning disability and requires longer time to master the subject. If the student didn't understand what the instructor said and wants to return to a section, or stop a class. Live instruction doesn't allow this.      
  • Instructors can scale their offerings, meaning they are able to record their content one time and then distribute it to many businesses.        
  • Instructors will be able to spend less time in teaching, and more time on helping their students and engaging with students, making sure they achieve their goals in learning.        

One of the biggest challenges for this style of teaching is that learners often fail to get through the content due to the fact that it demands a higher amount of autonomy as well as self-direction. In order to combat this, you can increase responsibility by using engagement tools. This is why Community Design(tm) can be so vital: even in the case of an online course the participants will keep returning to the social network you've established.

A course management platform such as lets you give synchronous or asynchronous training (or both)! It is possible to present live, or even add the content live, providing many opportunities for interaction with your students. However, it lets you deliver classes at a scale that is suitable for your audience, freeing up your time to interact with your students and create stronger connections.

Read our comparison of synchronous vs. Asynchronous education on this page .

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If you're creating an online learning course within the company, then it's important to let employees know it's in place. It's possible to send out a corporate announcement email describing the courses offered as well as place it in a messaging platform your business is already using, like Slack. If you choose to advertise the course, you must be sure that you provide your employees with sufficient notice to allow them time to plan for it and make room in their calendars.

Stay in touch with the people you want to be in touch

If you're a B2B educator and you're a B2B educator, then it's time to develop a strategy for your marketing. Did you remember how we talked about conducting 1:1 interviews to determine your ideal member or client? Well, that's where this is going to be of great help again. As a result, some of these participants will be your first clients.

Consider this: you talked to these people in depth about the challenges they face And they'll most likely view yourself as the ideal person to help them solve these issues by offering an online course of instruction. Therefore, make sure you keep connected to them and let them know your online course is now ready!

Use social media

Utilize social media platforms to benefit. Professional networking sites like LinkedIn and even more informal platform such as Facebook (where you may have friends who are looking for an online program similar to yours) can be great places to promote. Begin by slowly building a content strategy that will create excitement and anticipation for your course in no time.

Host a free webinar

Think about the times when you were offered something for free and actually decided to purchase the product or service. This could be free meals from a food delivery service, a bottle of wine, or even a coaching session where you got free advice on your resume. The exact identical thing to promote the online course of your company by offering a free webinar to potential students.

How? Create an informative webinar introducing you, your viewpoint as well as the course you'll be teaching. Perhaps you can even offer actionable tips so that attendees leave with something they can implement.

No matter how you choose to promote your online training course, make sure you include the call-to-action (CTA) in the course's end (whether the course is an email message, social media announcement, or webinar) in order to ensure that your desired members know where and how to purchase your course for their business. You'll be getting clients quickly!

Feedback & adjustment

After you've launched your online corporate training course, the job doesn't end there! As you release the content you've created for your course you'll find out what your learners enjoy and what's not exactly ringing with their needs. If you don't know for sure how your students feel... Ask!

Reach out to your students to ask for feedback. Also, you can offer "office hours" or hold a live event in which students can share their ideas. Ultimately, you want your students to be enjoying the best experience possible from your course, so hearing their thoughts and then making adjustments is critical. It builds trust, it creates more engagement, and the students will understand that you care about their goals.

The feedback you receive will assist you in designing your course and marketing. When you've identified the characteristics of your preferred members and dislike, you'll know better how to market your corporate online course in order to reach more people.

Conclusion - Come build with us!

The steps we've taken to run an online course, but nothing will be of any use when you do not choose an excellent community and platform to build yours on. There are a ton of choices available, but none are as good as a Mighty Network.

If you create your course on a Mighty Network you can create stunning content that is tailored to your business or the B2B buyers you're selling to. When you upgrade to Mighty Pro, you can have all the features (including the native mobile application that works on iOS as well as Android devices) branded and customized according to your preferences.

We have outstanding community features such as online tools for creating courses as well as virtual events as well as many more! The platform is constantly evolving and growing as you do.

We're excited to hear what ideas you create!

Ready to start building your course?

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