How do you start a fashion Blog in 2022?

Oct 19, 2022
how to start a fashion blog

Fashion blogs are hot and this is the best time to start your own. All you need is to learn what to do in order to begin one.

Here's how you can do it!

How do you start a fashion Blog

It all starts with the foundation of your soon-to-be blog. This includes the name of your domain and your hosting provider.

Select a memorable Domain Name

Here are the characteristics that make for a great domain name:

  • It's comparatively short in size.
  • It's easy to recall.
  • When someone hears the word, they'll be able to spell the word.
  • It's unique

Sometimes you may not get the precise name for your blog, however an equivalent name is usually nevertheless a great option.

You can select a domain name which is spelled wrong or that's a made-up word. Sometimes, it can work. Make sure to look at the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a name that has these attributes.

It is a good option on Reddit as well as Pinterest However, it could not be right for your fashion blog. It is because these two sites are strictly online.

If you followed in the footsteps of fashion bloggers and are planning to make appearances in person during fashion week in the near future or you want to participate in podcasts or even TV show appearances, it helps to have a memorable domain name where its spelling will stand out.

This way, readers will actually visit your blog even after they've heard about the blog.

Once you've decided for a domain name you are able to purchase it through the domain registrar.

Illustration of a domain name
A domain name is the address of your website and is used to represent your blog.

Finding a reliable WordPress Hosting WordPress Hosting

Hosting is the place where your blog's information is stored, to allow it to be accessible and there are various options to choose from from a variety of hosting companies.

If you want to know how to start an online fashion site the first step is choosing a hosting plan and setting up your blog with it.

Choosing the right plan is vital. If you pick one that does not have sufficient resources, and your blog goes viral the site could be shut down until you upgrade to a higher plan. You could also be forced to pay a tiny sum of money in overage charges.

On the other hand, if you get a plan that's too robust for your needs it will cost you more for features that you do not even require.

In the end, if you want to learn how to begin an online fashion site, and especially when you plan to make into a profitable business then you must choose the perfect hosting plan.

In other words, you're left with a pair pants that don't fit from three seasons ago in the event that you're going to meet Ralph Lauren.

It is not advisable to gamble in either case.

The Reasons why free blogging platforms aren't the best choice

In the beginning, no-cost hosting services display ads on your blog in order to cover costs. This may not seem like an issue until you realize that your visitors might abandon your site and never return for a second time.

Sometimes, the ads may have a connection to your company however not in a favorable manner.

Hosting for free comes at cost of having complete control over your blog as the plans usually have restricted features and capabilities so they're financially viable.

While it may be okay starting out, once your blog gets bigger, no hosting isn't going to cut it.

How do you choose a Reliable Host

With a stable host and excellent assistance, you'll be able to rest secure knowing that issues which may occur are rare and quickly fixed.

If you require help managing your blog, managed hosting can be an excellent choice since many crucial aspects of managing your blog are taken care of for you such as the security of your blog and its updates.

The  website
has reliable, stable, and speedy managed hosting.

Picking the Best WordPress Theme

There are WordPress themes that are free and beautiful, however premium themes tend to look better and more polished. These themes also have many options for fast customization in addition to assistance.

Selecting and Setting up Plugins and Tools

The next item on your to-do list for learning how to begin a blog about fashion is to create your own WordPress site and add any tools and plugins you require to the site.

These are the most common kinds of plugins:

The majority of these plugins are necessary to ensure your blog runs and is kept in good order, while others like photo gallery plugins are completely optional.

As per Pingdom:

"From the above graph, we find that the typical bounce rate for pages loading in less than 2 seconds is 9 %. If the page load times exceed 3 seconds, bounce rate soars, to 38% by the moment it reaches five seconds."

Although speed optimization tools can significantly improve the speed of your site but it's equally important to make sure your hosting provider is also fast. So, you're secure on both sides.

If finding a web hosting service isn't the top of your "how to get started with your own fashion blog" checklist, you should consider seeking out hosts already optimized for speed.

Finding an area

There may be a lot of fashion-related blogs on the internet, but there isn't one that is unique to your point of view. The ability to narrow your focus can make you stand out from all the others.

If you do some research, you can see what other fashion blogs are up to. Then, when you're familiar of what your competition is working on, you'll be able to think about how your fashion blog is different and select a particular niche.

It's also important to consider which style of writing yours will be like since that can help further your brand and differentiate you from the competition.

Whichever you pick, make sure your content is authentic and easily understood. This will help draw people to your site and keep them hooked.

Content Strategie for Your Fashion Blog

Content strategy is basically a plan of what you'd like to accomplish in relation to your blog's blog's content and creating, managing the marketing and development.

A good content strategy includes:

  • Competitor research and analysis
  • Editorial calendar
  • Market study
  • A chosen niche

After you've analyzed each of these aspects, you will be able to plan the kind of content you will publish on your website to maximize engagement and conversion of readers to clients.

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Create a Blogging Schedule

You're now beginning to get somewhere with figuring out how you can start an online fashion site of your own. After you've established your content strategy in place and you're getting started to brainstorm posts ideas for your blog, you need to set up your publishing plan.

For this it is necessary to determine how often you're going to post blog entries.

Studying similar fashion blogs and taking a look at the frequency with which they post content can help you figure out how frequently you should post articles.

Ideally, you want to release content as often or as frequently as the competition.

Blogging frequency
The frequency of blogs (Image source:

The more frequently you publish, the higher your traffic. Based on Hubspot, blogs that published more than 11 articles every month saw twice more traffic than blogs that posted only one or two posts a month.

If you post articles regularly than the competition, search engines take notice and mark your blog as active and relevant. Your blog posts are ranked above the results of searches and allows them to be read by more users.

For helping you plan your posts quickly and efficiently You can make use of an editorial plugin like Editorial Calendar or the PublishPress plugin..

Creating a blogging schedule is a step to knowing how to start a fashion blog.
A publishing plan will help you post regularly.

Content Marketing and SEO

When you're ready to begin creating blog posts is a great idea to learn about SEO and content marketing.

Content marketing is the art of writing captivating pieces that provide information and aid in promoting a brand naturally, and without sounding salesy.

This will help bring more people to your blog without you having to pay for advertising.

Below are a few resources that provide details:

Keyword Research

One method to incorporate SEO into your blog for fashion is to do some search engine optimization.

This helps Google recognize that if someone types in the keyword you're using, your website should be listed in the results.

Adding keywords to your content is beneficial because it can help to increase the number of people who come across your content as well as your blog.

There are three types of words:

  • Short-tail is a keyword that's only one word and is typically difficult to rank with because they're used frequently by a variety of sites
  • Medium-tail - Keywords that are roughly two to three words long
  • Long-tail is a phrase that may contain several terms or phrases that could contain words such as "at the, at the or" as well as others.

Long-tail keywords are generally the best ones to go for since they're specific in their descriptions and are less well-known which means that not all people are writing content around it. However, they're also well-known enough to warrant that hundreds or more are looking on a regular basis for it.

If you're really keen to learn how to create your own fashion blog and make it effective, content marketing as well as SEO should be a key area of focus.

Write Blog Posts that are SEO-friendly and users in mind

Once you've selected the keywords to include in your article, make sure to write them in natural language. If not, search engines may think that your content is unnatural.

The core of writing for SEO is to ensure that your blog article answers queries that users ask when they search for your topic or a keyword you have chosen.

It is vital because it can help you rank well in search engines, as well as aid in establishing yourself as credible and trustworthy to the readers.

How to Earn Money From Your Fashion Blog

If you're looking to learn how to start a fashion blog, a big part of the process is the technical aspects, but equally as important is knowing the way you're planning to earn income from your blog.

Here are some suggestions:

Selling digital products

  • Ebooks - You can write an ebook to enhance your reputation or even plan to convert your blog entries into an ebook in the future, later, you could sell and market them on your blog.
  • Online courses teach various techniques related to fashion that can range from learning how to properly style clothes and how to dress in practical fashion, for fashionistas to get employment or get a job in the fashion industry.
  • Other products that are digital - You could also make money selling practical things like downloadable clothing patterns.
  • Website for members Create an online paywall that requires users to register to access premium, exclusive content like how to create and design your own clothes and clothing range, like.
  • digital magazine or the look book You'll be able to keep your customers informed about the latest trends in fashion and sell ad space for an additional income.
  • Ads Adverts that are displayed directly on your blog to take part in the profits that they earn.

Provide a service

  • Fashion Consultant - You can let clients book consults directly on your website and then meet via an app for video chat that is free similar to Skype or an option that is premium to give a professional, upscale appearance.
  • Events and event tickets If you're looking to venture off your laptop and engage with your fans in person, you can plan events and conferences and even sell tickets via your website. You can even use webinar software to make digital events if you prefer to remain at your home.

Social Media Marketing

After you've begun to build your blog about fashion and are getting comfortable of how to create a fashion blog You can begin to do social media marketing to help increase traffic to your site by connecting with other bloggers and sharing relevant content on social media platforms.

Making a social Media Calendar

A social media calendar is the form of spreadsheet in which you have the social media posts you want to plan to go out.

This is the date and time you want to schedule each post, the content you'd like to share, which includes images, text, and links and the social media platforms where the posts will be shared.

Calendars for social media are helpful since they allow you to stay on top of your schedule and help you consistently post content so your blog will be more noticeable to the public. If more people are exposed to your posts, the more likely there are to visit your site.

This also helps boost brand recognition.

Calendars of social media must be created with varying kinds of content to keep readers entertained and interested by your content.

If you publish only just one type of blog post and it gets really dull, very quickly and readers will skim over your blog posts in a certain point. It's the reason why you should not just blog when you write blog posts.

Below are a variety of social media posts you are able to plan:

  • Informative articles, like guidebooks for users, as well as practical suggestions
  • Recently published articles with some details that will pique people's curiosity
  • Promotion of other articles by others which are pertinent to your blog
  • Inspirational quotes and phrases
  • Humorous posts like jokes and anecdotes
  • Striking images, especially accompanying other types of social media posts
  • Your daily life and routine
  • Fashion-forward daily picks and fashions that you will love
  • Ask questions to your fans

Insofar as you're adding to the conversation rather than squashing it or spamming, you can increase engagement on your blog posts. In turn, this leads to a rise in the brand's visibility.

Although the number of social media platforms available can be overwhelming, it's not necessary to join all of them. Look for the sites where your potential fans are and stick to those ones.

In general, as a principle If you're looking to reach your ideal group to comprise of people aged 18 and 35, ComScore's survey results suggest that you must focus your efforts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Data from ComScore showing Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are the most popular social media platforms for ages 18-35.
The most important social media platforms available to millennials.

Social Media and Promotions for Your Blog

What's the most important step you can take in learning how to start a fashion blog? It's networking. It can help you by helping spread the word about your blog.

There are a few ways that you can leverage networking as well as other strategies for advertising:

  • Write articles and submit them to blogs and fashion magazines.
  • Look for fashion shows and conference to promote your blog. It is also possible to provide coverage of these events in your blog as posting about current, trendy events helps elevate your chances to be noticed.

Think about the possibility of a campaign for marketing as well.

The plans include different marketing strategies. You create a calendar of advertisements, content and other promotional items for a long period of time. They're focused on a specific message that resonates with the audience and your brand.

When executed correctly, marketing campaigns can boost the brand's image and boost the engagement of customers as well as increase efficiency. It can also lead to increased sales.

For more information, refer to The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Campaigns, Use These 5 Steps for Creating a Marketing Plan in addition to 13 Strategies to Create A Successful Marketing Campaign on An Expensive Budget.


If you have thought of writing about fashion, it's much simpler to begin now than it ever was in the past.

To start your own fashion blog, you'll have to

  • Select a domain name, and a reliable WordPress hosting
  • Choose one of the WordPress theme
  • Set up plugins and tools
  • Pick a niche
  • Go all-in with a solid Content Strategy (editorial calendar, SEO, social media) including all of the fields and platforms where your potential customers hang out and engage with them

It's your turn: do you plan to start a fashion blog? Did you launch an entirely new blog? Let us know about it in the comments!

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