How much disk space does Your Hosting Plan Really Need?

Nov 3, 2022


What Size disk space do you need?

Our Hosting Plans

  • Starter plan: 10 GB and 1 WordPress site
  • Pro plan: 20 GB and 2 WordPress sites
  • Business 1: 30GB and 3 WordPress sites
  • Business 2: 40 GB and 10 WordPress websites
  • Business 3: 50GB and 20 WordPress websites
  • Business 4: 60GB and 40 WordPress sites
  • Enterprise 1: 100GB and 60 WordPress sites
  • Enterprise 2: 120GB and 80 WordPress sites
  • Enterprise 3: 200 GB and 120 WordPress websites
  • Enterprise 4: 250GB and 150 WordPress sites

Average WordPress Website Usage

Let's look at some numbers regarding the usage of an WordPress site. This is the average disk space usage taken from the production WordPress sites running for 4+ years.

  • WordPress core: 8.9 MB (4.9.5+)
  • Average plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins): 100 MB
  • Average theme directory (/wp-content/themes): 25 MB
  • Average uploads directory (/wp-content/uploads): 825 MB
  • Average MySQL database size: 85MB

We've observed that the typical client has around 1GB of data for one WordPress install. It's possible that this could swing either direction. There are those who have a larger database, but smaller data usage, or even the other way around. If you choose our starter plan, you'll be left with an additional 9 GB (90 percent) of disk space left to grow.

Live Experiments

However, let's glance at some of the live client examples. The sites listed below are all currently in development: including blogs, businesses as well as e-commerce websites.

Client 1.

Client One has 11 WordPress sites and is using 4.04 GB from their 100 GB allocated disk space. They are well below the average of our site, using less than 400 MB per site.

Disk usage
Disk usage example (client 1)

Client 2

Client Two has three WordPress sites and is using 3.3 GB out of their 20GB allocated disk space. They are pretty much on par with the standard of 1GB per website.

Disk usage example (client 3)
Disk usage example (client 2)

Client 3

Client three has 3 WordPress websites and uses 503.21 MB of the 15 GB storage space. The site's performance is far below the average of our site, using less than 200 MB of data per website..

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Disk usage example (client 4)
Disk usage example (client 3)

It is possible to show you more instances, but this is the norm for the majority of our clients . In fact, we even take this a step further by offering the following additional methods to conserve disk space

  • Websites for staging aren't included. Only live websites count against your disk space usage.

Exceptions to the Average

Now, of course there will always be exceptions to the average. For those who host massive video files, PDFs, or photographs with high resolution You could find yourself at the opposite end of the spectrum. It's normal, and we have a number of clients who are in this position. Two suggestions for clients who have a shortage of storage space. One is to use our native add-on to disk space, or offloading it onto an external storage service.

1. Disk Space Add-on

  • You won't have to sign up for an account through an external storage provider like Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform.
  • The disk space extension is the only native solution available, which means that you don't have to install and set up the WordPress plugin in order to connect to the external source.
  • The billing and usage statistics for disks are managed by My. This makes it easy to keep track of your additional disk space usage all in one location.

2. Offloading to an external storage provider

  • We also recommend taking advantage of services offered by third parties, such as YouTube or Vimeo for video content, Soundcloud for audio files for audio files, and Dropbox for downloadable PDF files. These services are not only secure and stable, but they have some of the fastest networks in the world in regard to serving big file sizes.

How Much Disk Space Are You Utilizing?

Check disk usage via SSH
Check disk usage via SSH

How to Save Disk Space

Are you teetering on the brink between two plans for hosting? Here are some suggestions to instantly save on disk space to help ensure your plan for hosting has room for growth.

  • Take it an extra step with the help of a program like Media Cleaner. This lets you find and remove any unused media on your site.
  • Upload your massive documents to services like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, YouTube, Dropbox and Soundcloud to drastically reduce the amount of space on your disk that is required by the hosting company you use.
  • Make sure comments are cleaned up and deleted from junk or garbage.


We hope this clears up all your questions regarding selecting the right WordPress hosting service to suit your needs for business. A lot of times there's a good chance that you don't require the amount of disk space it seems. Examine how much space you're currently using with the above methods, and then improve your website, and you'll find a way to save dollars in hosting.

What are your thoughts? Did you notice that after some optimization, your use of disks is much lower than you originally believed? Tell us about it in the comment section.

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  • Help is available immediately assistance from WordPress hosting specialists, 24 hours a day.
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