How to add a Shopping Cart on Websites for FREE

Jun 9, 2023

Making money selling physical and digital goods on your site doesn't need to be a nightmare or complicated. Let go of the days of complication in coding and technicalities. Seamlessly incorporate a shopping cart to your current website and watch as it springs to life, welcoming transactions and creating exciting income streams. Then you can unleash the complete potential of your website and transform it into a bustling online store in three easy steps!

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of adding a shopping cart to your site. We'll be focusing on an easy-to-use, free, but very powerful shopping cart application. There is no coding knowledge required and no complex interfaces to use. It's time to unlock the benefits of online commerce with ease. Let's get started!

Below are the subject areas that will be covered in this post:

What is a shopping Cart?

add shopping cart to website

Before we get into the procedure, let's briefly explain the concept of what an online shopping cart is.

An online shopping cart is, within the context of e-commerce, can be described as an online container, or software that enables consumers to pick and save items they want to purchase from an online shop. It acts as a centralized platform where shoppers can place orders for items, look over their choices as well as alter quantities before they proceed to the checkout process. The shopping cart offers an easy and intuitive interface for managing the items selected for purchase prior to closing the purchase.

In simple terms, a shopping cart software turns your website's static page into a website where you can sell stuff and buyers can buy items through it.

The Reasons to Include a Shopping Cart on Your Web Site

how to add shopping cart to a website

Adding a shopping cart to your site has numerous advantages, with the most notable is the potential to earn an additional revenue by creating income streams online. With direct online shopping on your site, you provide a seamless and convenient shopping experience for your visitors. In the case of, say, you have an art-focused blog the addition of the ability to purchase items from a shopping cart lets users to buy products on your site instead of having them redirected elsewhere. This removes obstacles that could hinder your site's visitors and greatly increases the likelihood of conversion, maximizing your earning potential.

If you're new at creating websites, you may be acquainted with one of the most arduous questions people ask: "I created my website using a web-based builder. Doesn't it already come with Shopping cart?"

Answer: It's not always the case. There is a built-in shopping cart depends on the builder for your website you're employing. Some platforms like Wix offer options for users to create static websites or to pay a premium and upgrade to their more expensive plans that allow shopping carts on your websites. You'll need to check the features and settings of your website builder to find out the availability of a shopping cart. currently available.

In this article specifically we'll show you how to add an online shopping cart on any website for free so you'll not be a victim of those websites that require users to pay annual fees to use their cart functionality. And...don't be concerned, there aren't any technical skills needed here Anyone can learn how to do it!

The Different Types of Online Shopping Carts That You can Choose from

There are various types of shopping carts, including hosted solutions and self-hosted solutions.


Let me first start with a warning that shopping on your own isn't recommended for individuals who aren't as tech savvy.

With self-hosted shopping carts, you have more control and accountability. They install the shopping cart software on your server and control it on your own. The most popular self-hosted choices are WooCommerce (a plugin built for WordPress), Magento, and OpenCart.

Self-hosted solutions require more technical know-how and involves the installation and configuration of purchasing carts on your own server.

Hosted shopping carts work great for entrepreneurs who aren't technical experts or do not wish to tackle the technical difficulties of adding an online shopping cart on their website.

This is the method we'd recommend to all businesses, plus there is free hosting shopping cart software that could be used.

They are offered by companies that host your store online. They take care of the technical aspects, like server management, and security. Examples include platforms like , Shopify, BigCommerce, and Wix (and in fact, most shopping cart software also offer web-based building programs. The platforms listed above offer both functionalities)

Here are some of the main advantages to shopping with a hosted cart software:

  • Technical knowledge required
  • Comprehensive package which already includes web hosting, as well as pre-installed eCommerce functionalities. It isn't necessary to install or download anything to login to your control panel using the web browser. The software that powers shopping carts handles the software's updates as well as other technical issues of the system. Instead of paying separately for software and hosting licenses, most people pay a monthly or annual fee for one of the plans offered by the company (unless the software is free, like !)
  • The store management interface is robust and reliable. You'll be able easily and effortlessly publish your product listings and make infinite subsequent edits to your product listings without having to address any technical issues

It is among the most well-known shopping cart applications on the market, and best of all, it's absolutely FREE!

Using to Add Shopping Cart on Your Website (for free)

Here are some of the best benefits that you'll enjoy when using as your shopping cart:

  • Generous free plan: You'll have unlimited access to full range of features on the platform for no cost! It's just a the 5% cost for every purchase, with a maximum of $99 per month. This also means that when you're not making revenue yet, you'll not have to pay any fees - which is perfect for entrepreneurs who are only starting their journey!
  • Securely accept payments from all over the world, and get your money instantly and safely via the most trusted payment gateways, PayPal and Stripe
  • Integrate your shopping cart into any blog or website (no technical skills needed!)
  • Options to sell a variety of digital goods, including online courses, digital downloads as well as coach services, memberships or physical items
  • Digital VAT is handled automatically. UK & EU VAT
  • Enable powerful marketing tools with your shopping cart. Increase your sales with 's free marketing tools like discount codes, affiliate program and referral system, cross-sell as well as upsell. more

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How to add a Shopping Cart to ANY Websites absolutely FREE (5 Simple Steps)

Before diving into the step-bystep instructions for integrating a shop cart into your existing website, make sure to emphasize that it comes with a powerful store builder that allows users to build an entire website for free. If you do not have a site already, this is an comprehensive guide on building a website from scratch for free and with integrated shopping cart functionality.

For the purposes of this post, we'll assume that you already have your own website or blog, and are seeking ways to incorporate an online shopping cart on your blog or website. Here are the steps:

 1. Register for an account

Visit the site and sign up for an account for free for a start. Since the platform is completely free, you won't be required to provide the details of your payment. This also means that you can take your time to explore the platform and determine if it's suitable choice for you.

 2. Install your payment gateway and payout data


This will ensure that you can accept various payments (credit card and Paypal) from clients around the world, as being paid and receiving the money once orders begin pouring in.

Join your account through the preferred payment method, such as PayPal or Stripe or both. If you do not have a payment account through PayPal or Stripe yet, do not worry about it, as it takes under 10 minutes create an account via the dashboard (no costs! ).

 3. Incorporate your product

add new product

Upload your products, including photos, descriptions, as well as prices, with's user-friendly interface. It is possible to offer a range of physical or digital products including ebooks, classes, or products. also provides a comprehensive instruction on setting up various types of products including digital downloads, courses and coaching services or memberships as well as physical items.

 4. Include your items on any blog or website

Every single product that you've uploaded features a "Share/Embed" button which allows the embedding of these items onto blogs and websites.

You can make adjustments to the embed button such as text colour, and the type (direct purchase, or add to cart).

Click the Get Your Embed Code button then Copy and paste the code on your webpage.

It's that easy! When a visitor to your site clicks this button on your website or blog you'll allow them to buy your item without leaving your site at any time!

 5. Start testing and launching your online store

We suggest thoroughly testing the features of shopping carts to make sure that it's functioning as you'd prefer it to. Make sample purchases and verify that the cart, checkout and payment procedures are working flawlessly.

TIP: Create an 100% discount coupon discount code with our free marketing tools. It allows you to conduct testing transactions on your website without the need for real-time payments.

Take a look at the short video to see a preview of how your shopping cart would appear when visitors purchase items directly on your website.

In this instance, the seller has chosen to use WordPress as their primary website and has embedded their "buy right now" button from to enable the shopping cart to be displayed on their WordPress website. Credit to for this example.

Still need some help?

If you still have any questions about creating your cart for shopping, we suggest directing your questions to [email protected] who would be happy to help!


Here are a few frequently asked questions about adding a shopping cart to your website:

I created my website with an online builder. Do I already have a shopping cart?

If you created your website with a site builder and you have a built-in shopping cart is dependent on the platform. There are some site builders that offer shopping cart functions if you pay higher prices and some may offer this for free. Review the features and settings to determine if a shopping cart is offered.

Website builders are also referred to as CMS, or content management systems (CMS), simplify website development without the need for coding. The majority CMS programs such as WordPress lacks the built-in features for shopping carts. eCommerce-related plugins that are available are available for CMS typically have a limited capability, as CMS platforms mainly focus on informative websites.

For optimal online selling is recommended to choose a specific eCommerce platform such as . These platforms are purpose-built specifically for eCommerce and provide an integrated CMS alternatives. They provide comprehensive website creation, making them ideal even without an existing website. They can connect seamlessly your website and store for an integrated web website.

Which is the easiest and economical way to include an online shopping cart on my website?

A hosted platform, such as is typically the best way to add an online shopping cart on your site. provides user-friendly interfaces, handles technical aspects, and offers strong tools for a variety of physical and digital goods as well as strong marketing tools (coupon code, affiliate program as well as upsells) that allow the focus to be on selling your product and expanding your business.

For access to the most powerful tools for selling online and run your business with ease, without programming knowledge or developer expenses, your best choice is to use because it's the one that offers the most bang for the buck. It offers a wide range of essential eCommerce functions for free. In addition to allowing you to design a website with built-in shopping cart features as well, it allows the user to effortlessly integrate eCommerce features on your current website.

Last Thoughts on The addition of Shopping Carts to your Small Business website

Integrating shopping cart functionality in your store online is a crucial requirement. This not only helps with the smooth sales process but improves overall shopping experiences for your customers, leading to a higher level of engagement and loyalty in the long run.

Selecting the best shopping cart software will ensure that your checkout process will be easy and simple. This can encourage returning customers to ensure the growth and success expansion of your shop. Sign up for a free account to to add a shopping cart to your online store today!