How to begin a newsletter and establish a connection with your customers

Jul 11, 2023

A newsletter via email can let to share information and establish relationships with your customers. From opt-in forms and welcoming emails, we'll show you how to begin a newsletter .

You probably see experts talking of "growth hacks" for building your email database -- and also a lot of people have opinions on emails and newsletters.

We're firm believers that newsletters are present and active and that launching the process of creating a newsletter is an easy, low-stress way to build relationships with your audience, share your ideas, and grow your business.

We've compiled this article for people who are just like you. We'll cover everything you need to start your first newsletter from gathering email addresses, to sending the first email (template provided). Then we'll teach you how to do it via your dashboard.

But first, what exactly does an email newsletter actually do? Why should you even create one?

What is an email newsletter? And why should you start one?

An email newsletter is a regularly scheduled email that is sent out to your list of email addresses. It is possible to hear them being referred to as "broadcast emails".

Email newsletters often include:

Announcements and updates on our products

Roundups of content, which include blog articles and educational resources

Stories and musings

News from the industry

Helpful tips for your audience

That is to say it is possible to include in your newsletter any content that your subscribers will enjoy or find valuable.

More than four billion people are expected to use email this year, collectively sending about 350 billion emails a every day. In addition, 73% of consumers rank email as their most preferred channel to send marketing messages.

Email is one of the most cost-effective and efficient online marketing tools. If you're a small-business owner, every dollar counts, and emails have one of the most lucrative return on investment (ROI) of all marketing channels:

59 percent of marketers mentioned emails as the most important return on investment in 2018.

Email is known to have one of the highest returns on investment (ROI) among any other marketing channel. It is responsible for 174 percentage more conversions than social media.

Email marketing has an ROI of about 40 cents for each one dollar you spend .

That ROI can be even higher when you use an all-in-one solution like .

(See the video for yourself. Try for free with no-obligation 14 days trial .)

Plus, makes it easy to start sending newsletters to your subscribers. First, you must find a way to start collecting email addresses. Learn how to add an opt-in form for newsletters to your site. (Spoiler: makes that step effortless, too.)

As vampires, marketing messages have to be invited in. If you email people without their approval, your emails will more than likely get a place in the spam folder of their email. .

When your emails show up without invitation, you could be violating people's confidence and breaking the laws. Don't buy lists that includes email addresses. This may seem like an easy way to create your list, however it could violate two of the main anti-spam laws: CAN-SPAM and GDPR.

(Quick note that I am not a lawyer and this post isn't legal advice. In case you're unsure, speak with an attorney who specializes in small-business.)

Both CAN-SPAM as well as GDPR define how organizations have access to and how they use email recipients' information.

Within the U.S., the CAN-SPAM Act is "a statute that defines the standards for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial emails, grants recipients the right to have your email address removed from their inbox, and spells out tough sanctions for violators".

GDPR is an European law which states that the consent to receive email messages must be "freely given, specific in the knowledge of an informed person and clear". Also that email recipients must sign up to receive your emails.

What does all of this has to do with your newsletter?

For your newsletter to go out to stay on the right side of the law -- you must provide your subscribers the option to sign up to be notified of your updates.

It's the reason newsletter email captures, sometimes referred to as opt-in forms, come into play.

Teacher and developer Reuven Lerner makes use of the opt-in forms on his blog to build his mailing list.

Emily Mills, founder of Sketchnote Academy , includes an email sign-up form on her homepage:

Add a newsletter form with

To begin, you must go to the website editor .

Navigate to your homepage or the landing page where you'd like to include the newsletter's capture. After that, you can click on the plus icon to add a new area to your page.

From the sidebar on the left, click "Newsletter".

You can edit the header or text as well as the call to action (CTA) button, as well as the style of the opt-in form to reflect your tone and branding.

To make the most of the newsletter's form:

You can give people an explanation that they should subscribe to your mailing list.

Let them know what you'll provide them. Your message should be tailored towards the specific interests of your intended audience as well as their pain points.

Tell them how often they should be expecting to hear from you.

Your newsletter's content will appear identical on each page on your website. And you can even embed it on an unrelated website by clicking "Copy embed code".

If you're satisfied with your sign-up form, click "Publish". The process is as easy as that.

When someone sign-ups for your newsletter, you'll be able to set up an automated email confirmation, like the one below by VNutrition and Wellness:

Inquiring new subscribers to verify their email address is called "double opt-in". It is recommended to use the double opt-in methodas it allows you to establish an email database full of subscribers who are eager to hear from you, and are engaged with your posts.

For setting up an opt-in double with a double opt in  the help of "Site settings" Then click the "Email" option.

In the Email tab, you can toggle double opt-in either on or off and modify your email opt-in content. (To find out more information about changing the opt-in to marketing emails message to comply with GDPR, check out this help article .)

Don't forget to click "Save modifications" when you're done.

Once a subscriber confirms that they have an email account, they're officially added to your list of email subscribers. Now you can begin sending them content that they'll love. I'll teach you how to achieve that next.

How to send a welcome email to all new subscribers

Set expectations. How often do they expect to hear from you? What type of information (and worth) do they expect from your email newsletter?

Introduce them to your list. Let them feel like a part of the community you have created.

Invite them to connect. Make sure you share your social media channels as well as your blog. There are other places your audience can connect with you online.

A passive income coach as well as entrepreneur Rachael Taylor excels at inviting subscribers to her email list.

I subscribed to Rachael's email list and got this message within the next day. The welcome email from Rachael:

Thank you readers for signing up.

Let them know what important content she is planning to publish.

She shares links to her accounts on social media and invites new users to interact with her there.

It makes it simple for designers like Rachael to simplify the process of sending welcome emails, saving time and creating the best customer experience.

Include a welcome message in your email

In order to set up an automated welcome email, it is necessary to develop a conditional marketing campaign. Conditionsal campaigns are emails that subscribers enter after they satisfy a particular condition -- like joining your newsletter.

First, go to the Email tab on your dashboard. Then, click "Create" and select "New campaign".

Give your campaign a name. It's just to assist you with keeping track of your campaigns, so only you will be able to see it.

Set your campaign entrance condition. In your welcome email to subscribers the goal is to have people join the newsletter when they sign up for your newsletter, so select "Joins mailing list".

Now, you're ready to draft your email's content. (If you require help in getting started, we'll share the template of your welcome email in the future.)

You may also decide the time you would like your email to go out and preview the email and then send an email test to yourself.

(For this use case, you only need one email in the campaign. If you want to know more about how to create automated drip emails that include multiple email addresses, check out this assistance article .)

The welcome email you send out will prepare subscribers to enjoy the fantastic newsletter content to come. The time has come to begin sending the promise of content to your subscriber list.

How to send a newsletter to your email list

We mentioned that you are able to share a variety of diverse types of material in your newsletter.

Are you unsure where to begin? Here are some newsletter ideas to get the wheels going:

Guides to how-to

Top 10 lists on [topic]

Commonly requested questions (FAQs)

Interviews with an expert

Ask me anything

Behind the scenes content

Industry news (and your opinion on it)

The announcement of new products

Contests and giveaways for social media

Customer reviews and customer stories

What ever type of content you include ensure that it's relevant to your readers' goals and their pain points. 71.7 percent of people who cite content as unimportant say it's too general.

Another way to make your email stand out from a crowded inbox? Craft subject lines that your audience cannot resist reading.

47% of email recipients view emails solely in the subject. In contrast, a whopping 69% of email recipients report email as spam judging solely by subjects.

Here are some tips for creating that irresistible subject line

Do not use the term "newsletter". It could reduce the read rate to 18.7 percent .

Try to find a word length that is 6- 10 word phrases.

If it fits your brand include an emoji, or two. Businesses that use emojis in their subject lines can have 56% more open rates. 56% higher opening rate than those that don't.

When I compose subject lines for emails that I write, I make sure to run them through Send Check It. Test It Send tool. This email subject line tester evaluates the subject line of your email based upon a variety of factors. It also provides recommendations to help you gain more opens.

Also, you can test different subject lines to discover which content attracts your customers to click on your emails. 70 percent of professional marketers say they test subject lines and messaging more often.

With these suggestions in mind, let's walk through sending an email newsletter using .

Send an email broadcast using

Go to the Email page in your Dashboard. Click "Create" and select "New broadcast".

Make your email subject line using the suggestions that we discussed earlier. Select the subscribers who will receive your email. If you want to send out a newsletter to your entire email list, choose "Select all".

Then, you can add your newsletter contents.

The editor is rich in text and allows you to format as well as add different types of text to your emails.


Text in bold and italic




Links (including mailto link for opening mail addresses)

PDF files

Images and GIFs and images

(Learn more about the rich-text editor in this article on how to use it .)

To see how your newsletter style will appear when the email is delivered to inboxes of people, check out your mailer or send a test to yourself.

If you're happy with how your content for email looks, choose "Review and then send" to send out the broadcast. You can also schedule your newsletter to send later, which means you can prepare the content in advance.

When you begin sending out mailers  an email service, you will be able to monitor the statistics right on your dashboard. Measures such as open rate, conversion rate, click-to-open ratio and rate will help you understand how your newsletter is performing (and what you could do to improve your newsletter even more successful).

Here's what email metrics look like in the dashboard.

Click "Email" in the navigation bar at the top. There's a glimpse of the data, like open and unsubscribe rates, in all your latest email broadcasts:

You can also see more detailed analytics by clicking the subject line in any email.

There, you will be able to look over the analytics report of your email. This report will include the number of people who received, opened the email, clicked and then unsubscribed from your email.

In the meantime, let's go to our final piece in this email newsletter puzzle The welcome email template that you can customize to on your own.

An email template that you can utilize right now

Before we wrap up, here's a welcome email template that can help you get a head start on the newsletter you want to send out. It's possible to use this template for the conditional campaign we talked about in the past, and it will go out to the new subscribers when they register.

(As as always the template was created to be a reference point. Remember to personalize your emails and tailor the content to suit your style as well as your target audience.)

Hello [first nameHello [first name,

Thank you so much for sign-up to my newsletter! Thank you for visiting my site.

      A brief introduction to you and your business. ]

You'll get (weekly or monthly) tips and resources to aid you [your audience's goal].

Let's join on social media. I'm on social platforms as well as on linksand links. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or just to be nice to me.

Talk soon,

      [signature]                                              Copy and paste to clipboard

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Begin to send your newsletter via email ASAP

Email newsletters can be an effective element of your marketing strategy. They give you a place to announce announcements, begin conversations, and keep current and potential customers engaged.

To recap, here are some easy steps to use to create the process of creating your own newsletter.

Create a form to sign up for your newsletter to your blog or site's website. Inform visitors about the reasons what they need to know about your email newsletter. Also, make sure that you follow the most secure privacy practices.

Make an automatic welcome message for new subscribers. It should introduce your company as well as your newsletter, and inform people what they can expect from future emails.

Create personalized newsletter content with captivating subject lines. Be sure to test new formats, subject kinds, or subject lines -- you just need to pay attention to your email analytics along your journey.