How to Promote a Webinar to boost your online course Sales

Feb 21, 2023

Webinars are an effective means of selling your class. They highlight your skills, give potential learners an experience in the real world of what it's an experience to study with you as well as a great way to capture the attention of potential customers.

But while you may have created the perfect webinar to make a great sales pitch for your course however, it's not worth making it available if nobody will be watching it.

For course designers If you plan to make use of webinars in selling your course, not only need to put together an excellent sales presentation, you also need to master the art of promoting the webinar.

In this article we'll go over some of the most effective strategies that can assist you in marketing your online course using webinars. From optimising your landing page to figuring out the right channels to capture those all-important leads, we've got your back!

  What we'll be covering is:  

Are you struggling to put your sales event together Begin by using a template for your webinar designed around an established and tested sales strategy. There are a variety of templates accessible online, including webinar templates specifically designed for instructors.

Optimize your webinar landing page

Before we begin discussing how to promote your webinar, we'll first examine the best ways to improve the landing page for your webinar.

It's incredibly important that you spend some time doing this since every single traffic that you drive to your webinar registration page is wasted when you're not focused on making visitors convert once they've landed on it.

In order to get people registered for your online webinar is the first most important goal. Here's a few ways to ensure that this is happening.

Begin with an actionable headline

Be sure to write a strong headline that catches the reader's interest. Your headline draws people in and makes them desire to know more about what you have to give them. Therefore, make sure that it is memorable!

Make use of simple language and concentrate on explaining to your audience what they stand to gain by signing up to your webcast.

Speak to your customer's issues

Many people turn to webinars or online courses to solve a challenge or problem they're facing Make sure to provide the most important challenges that in your courses to let prospects clearly see what you can do to help!

Utilize statistics

If you've assisted someone to achieve remarkable results or your students have gone on to do great things after your course, make sure you advertise the fact!

Make use of numbers and figures whenever possible to illustrate the impact of your course. This is the best method to draw attention to your course and highlight in a concrete method what the program can help new students.

Use customer stories to leverage

Social proof is the ideal method of proving this! Making others talk about the impact of your course will make you appear more trustworthy as well as telling an interesting narrative.

If you add the name, location or photograph of every individual who provides you with a testimonial, it helps bolster your credibility.

Make it easy to comprehend

It may sound obvious, making your landing page easy to navigate is among the main aspects to keep in mind. After visitors have landed on a webpage they only need just a few seconds before they decide whether to leave. Making your website as straightforward clear, simple to read and well structured as possible makes it more likely to keep them there!

Long paragraphs or a lot of words can be intimidating for your viewers and make them exhausted while going through the material. So keep it straightforward if you'd like to increase the number of sign ups!

A strong call-to-action

Be sure to remind audiences about your CTA by placing it on every scroll of the webpage!

Now that you have your landing page up and running, let's take a look at the strategies used to drive traffic to the page. We've divided into two categories:

  • Promotion strategies for your existing audience
  • Promotion strategies new audiences

Webinar promotion strategies for your existing audience

Your current customers is your greatest champions! Focusing on the people that already understand the value of your product is among the most effective methods to attract new prospects to join your list. Before you spend all that ad money think about strategies to increase the reach and be engaging! -- your current audience.


As a primary marketing asset the website is a great way to increase the number of genuine sign-ups. Don't forget to advertise your webinar on it! Here are 3 key strategies to help you do this:

  • It is a sticky bar is one which is "stuck" on the top or bottom of a page on your site as users scroll. It is usually with a different color, and highlights any new events or announcements that may be made that make it the perfect place to announce your webinar! Here is an example of an adhesive bar that appears at the front of Carly Adam's website for her business, Tidy Revival.
  • Exit Intent Popup exit intent pop-up will appear on the landing page when visitors leave the website. It's an opportunity to stop visitors from leaving the page and request for a click. Look at this exit popup that Lewis Howes uses on his website:
  • Blog banner: If someone's already reading your blog, odds are that they're incredibly engaged. A banner or sidebar ad on your blog is a great opportunity to engage those further down the funnel. eWebinar, for example, provides a widget for marketing specifically made to advertise a webinar on a blog, such as:

Social Media

Utilize social media platforms to keep your existing audience engaged by talking about subjects they are interested in and keep the conversation going. Develop a specific hashtag and utilize social media platforms to keep your followers informed about your upcoming webcast. The earlier they're active with the topic, the more likely they will be to go to. Instagram stories and reels are particularly effective for getting the word out!

Then, invite your circle of existing participants, students and team members (if you already have them) to post about your webinar on social media as well. This will allow you to expand your reach and likely increase the number of people who sign up!


  • Invitation emails for webinars: Make sure you send out a 'save the date' email to every person who is on your mailing list minimum of 2 weeks ahead of time in advance, asking. Follow up with 1-2 reminders and don't over-invite members with too many invites!
  • Email to welcome users: After they have registered for your webinar send an autoresponder welcome message to confirm that you've received the registration information and provide them with an overview of the course along with details of what to expect and the ways they can benefit.
  • Last chance email: Create a final email on your webinar's day to remind all participants that it's their final chance to sign up. If you're offering a discount to your class in your webinar, then ensure that you promote the fact that it's your last chance to take advantage of this price reduction. Emails like this are an excellent way to increase registrations.

Present webinar participants

Finally, send a special invite to former students. Course creators who are successful upsell new offerings to past students. Students who've already discovered value from your course will likely to come back to your courses. This could prove to be a solid source of income for your business therefore, make sure that you make sure to connect with them.

Personalize this communication as much as you can to assist in converting people!

Webinar promotion strategies for new audiences

Finding new viewers to sign up for your webcast can be difficult. If you're organized and consistenttake your time and allow it to develop over time, it could truly pay off!

The world of paid advertisements is enormous and can be confusing. here are some important channels that you should be aware of:

  • Facebook and Instagram Advertisements advertising on social media is one of the top means to get in touch with those who may be attracted by your event. Its high level of targeted advertising and the low price are what make it one of the most efficient methods of spreading the word. Concentrate on Facebook because it's among the most popular platforms. It also offers integration with Instagram as well. Try several campaigns on a small size before investing a significant amount of money for a bigger campaign. Test your video advertisements as they tend to convert better!
  • Retargeting How do you advertise to than the people who already have an idea of who you are? Retargeting allows you to effectively spend ads to people who are already familiar with your brand and have demonstrated enthusiasm. Make an ad that is targeted at those who have already checked out your site or downloaded an ebook for free or commented on your blog or interacted with you in some way. It's easier to capture and convert warm leads and a retargeting campaign can really boost those sign ups!

Partner promotional

If you're hosting a webinar with someone else or supported in any way by a different company, make sure you leverage the channels they use to promote their products. Invite your collaborators to share your webinar with their audience and network. You'll gain free exposure to a market like yours, and you'll get higher quality leads to your sales funnel.

Make it easier for companies to achieve this goal by offering them images, copy and other materials that are required for posting on social media and emails, which they can customize or copy/paste as is.

Now is the time to launch your webinar in the world! Before you start we'll talk about the forever-green webinars.

Although live webinars can be fantastic however, when it comes to hosting a focused webinar on sales this may not be the most effective solution.

Keep your webcast forever fresh

Hosting a webinar for free to offer people a glimpse into the content you provide for your entire course is an effective way to find prospective participants. The problem is that regularly offering the same live webinar repeatedly can be a challenge and quickly turn into a non-sustainable.

For this reason the problem, why don't you turn your pitch for sales into a recurring webinar?

Evergreen webinars are recorded webinars available around all the time, without having to be hosting the webinars. This makes it super easy to promote your course on autopilot by automating this part of the sales funnel. When you're using the best evergreen webinar software there is no need to give up interactivity or the ability to communicate directly with your potential customers!

The benefits of webinars that are evergreen

Here are some advantages of evergreen webinars over live webinars

  • Time saved Evergreen webinars can be recorded in advance, meaning that you are able to offer as many as necessary to reach as many prospects as you want and without needing to invest even a minute hosting one of them live.
  • Increased attendance: People are able to attend a meeting at a time that is convenient for them, regardless of the time zone. That includes joining a session immediately, or at an optimum time of excitement. Giving a variety of options to attend can significantly boost the attendance of your webinar,
  • Interactive and fun: Unlike live webinars which people are more likely to turn off, you can add pre-planned interactions to your evergreen webinars that include polls, queries hyperlinks, as well as deals to keep your attendees entertained until the end.
  • Ability to close transactions through chat In the event that you choose an automated platform for webinars that alerts you to chats and allows users to engage in a live conversation with prospects when it is possible and have that occasion to conclude deals right in the moment , and encourage individuals to join your program.

Promoting an evergreen webinar

Although the methods for advertising an ongoing webinar share some with strategies for a live webinar, the approach itself is a bit more distinct.

With a live webinar, there is always an enormous marketing campaign prior to the webinar. The promotion is motivated by the high-pressure that comes in a live event happening at a specific day and time.

With evergreen webinars, on the other hand it is important to integrate them into your long-term, ongoing marketing efforts to ensure that you're continuously bringing in new users to your site's landing page.

This means it is, for instance, that you include your webinar:

  1. in email sequences that have been that are triggered by lead captures (like download of ebooks)
  2. As a link below your email signature in all your correspondence
  3. as a common module in every newsletter you send out
  4. Answers to queries on sites like Quora
  5. As your main CTA when being a guest on someone's podcast

To get more suggestions, read the following 25 Ways to Promote An On-Demand, Evergreen webinar .

Best evergreen webinar tools

If you're considering making a webinar that is evergreen, these are our top three options of tools you could utilize to create that webinar:


Prices: Starts at $99/month, which is typically the price is required by course creators.

Best Features  the most engaging user-friendly chat interface, easy to use

eWebinar is the best choice in the field of automating webinars. Features like live chat, customized welcome messages, an extensive variety of interactions such as polls and queries as well as downloads and special offers, contact forms, and responses from attendees. You can even schedule just-in-time webinars for audiences in every time zone. What's more, eWebinar lets you embed automated webinars inside courses so you can incorporate them into part of your curriculum, not just for sales. It's actually the only automated software available on the App Store!


Cost: $400 to $649,000 per year for a license depending on packages

The best feature: On-demand videos that remain accessible after the recording of an online webinar

Zoom allows you to record live webinars , and make them available afterward for attendees to sign-up for or view later in a replay. It allows you can continue to generate leads from a single event instead of hosting the same webinar over and over.


Price: Starts at $104/mo

Top Feature: Ability to repurpose recordings into online webinars that are automated (limited)

GoToWebinar is a live first webinar service that comes with some automation capabilities. Their Simulated Live feature lets you quickly upload a video, schedule it as automated sessions in the future and modify it as needed.

And that's a wrap! The tips we've provided for promoting both live and evergreen webinars will assist in getting the word out about your sales webinars and help the conversion rate of your online courses to skyrocket. Happy webinar hosting!