How to Sell Domain Names: The Ultimate Step through Step guide

Sep 1, 2022
Learning how to sell a domain name

The internet has a lot of value. internet. That's something people have been saying since the 1990s. The majority of them are talking about the company's web site. Your website is your presence online and the world's window into your company.

This business has grown extremely lucrative, and numerous entrepreneurs have embraced it as a side gig or full-time job. Full-time domain flippers who are successful have earned upwards of 100,000 dollars per year..

What should you consider before putting your domains for sale? And what are the steps needed to turn a profit in the lucrative selling domains? In this piece, we'll walk you through the eight steps needed that will help you understand how to sell a domain name for the highest achievable price.

What To Consider Before Selling Your Domain

What will you sell?

If you're ready for you to dispose of your domain, you need to consider where the domain will be sold. There are a variety of options to consider this. In fact, there are so many options available that it might be difficult to decide on one. It's the reason it's a good idea to get familiar with the top heavy weights.

Here are the items, in no particular order.


Flippa is a platform you can use to sell domain names, as well as entire websites and businesses. The premium service costs an amount of money per offer (up to $499) based on the size of your sale. Additionally, it takes a 5 percent commission for sales that are successful.

The Flippa website pricing page
Flippa charges a listing fee on top of a success commission


BrandBucket is the only marketplace with curated content, so it is required to list a domain and receive approval to add it to the. Following approval, your listings will be accompanied by a description, as well as a custom-designed logo. The cost is $10 to register a domain and , if you're listed on BrandBucket, you're not allowed to list anywhere else. There's also a 30% commission.

The BrandBucket website


Sedo is active since 2001 and offers more than 18 million domain listings in the marketplace. With Sedo it is possible to use the best customer support, in-house escrow services, and intuitive display and dashboard. Sedo is announcing its listings through a huge network of partner sites. The listing is free, however commission rates vary between 10% and 20 percent.

The Sedo website


Afternic website

Do You Own Valuable Domains?

The first question is how long it?

Everyone would like a domain that is short because they're more easy to recall. Therefore, if you've got the ability to recall a brief and simple domain it's possible to offer a higher price for it.

Then, which keywords are used in your domain?

A domain with keyword phrases that are high in volume will be more valuable. Because keywords are an important component of the SEO process, including a high-value keyword in your website will attract potential buyers who are trying to rank highly for that term.

Then, what is the brandability of your domain?

Create realistic goals

When you've picked a marketplace and determined the value of your domain, it's important to set achievable sales goals. Do not set your sights too high or set too low. If you believe that you're going to make a million dollars off your domain and it only is sold for a couple of thousand, you've sabotaged yourself.

When deciding how much you'll ask Take the steps above into account to better determine what you need and what's realistic for you.

How To Sell a Domain Name (8 Steps)

1. Find Recent Research on Similar Domain Sales

Before you are able to accurately estimate the value of your domain, it is essential to take a look at the present market. Although you may think that your domain is worth lots of money if the market is oversaturated and comparable sales are lower than your projection, you might need to re-evaluate your goals or wait until a more suitable time to sell.

It is possible to use a site such as NameBio to find out the latest registrations for domain names. It also provides historical data comb through domain sales which total $1.5 billion. The database is updated daily and is a great method to gauge the market temperatures to find out what of your competitors are making from their domain sales.

Namebio homepage
NameBio is a site that lets you research related domain sales

If you've got you're determined to make more than $50,000 from your domain. When you use a tool like this it allows you to see how similar domains have performed. If they're selling mostly for about $30,000 You'll realize your objectives might be a little ambitious.

When that happens, expand the search criteria. NameBio lets you look at up to five years in the past. If you see that the demand for words such as these changes with time, it may be better to hold until it is over. But, if you find that the current $30,000 average is at the top of the range in the past, it may be time to strike while it's hot.

2. Decide and set Your Domain's Value

After you've done your research on the market, it's time to attach a price tag to your domain by setting the value. But just because markets say that one thing, and you think that your domain is worth an amount, there's always the possibility that you're under or overvaluing your domain.

The estibot homepage
You may use Estibot to find the domain's name

That's why there are domain appraisal tools to aid you in understanding the situation. A tool like Estibot is able to calculate your domain's value using an algorithm which considers several factors including:

  • Length
  • Keywords
  • Pronunciation
  • Search volume
  • Cost per click

Unfortunately, these machine-based appraisals aren't ironclad. It's the reason why some property owners choose to have their domains appraised by an experienced appraiser. It is particularly important when the automated services and the price history is providing the owner with a lot of money. You should be sure that these results aren't too good to be real.

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Domain name brokers can provide you with a bias-free analysis of the issues you're dealing with. They are well-versed in the market and are able to predict the future trends. If they are of the opinion that waiting around for a few minutes will only increase your domain's value, it may be a good idea to put it back.

Remember that hiring a professional appraiser will reduce your earnings, as it's an added cost.

You can also share your domain through free domain purchasing and selling forums. But this is an open public forum in which everyone can participate in So keep this in mind when you're seeking advice.

3. Create Your Listing

The next step is to make your domain listing you'll be using. It's time to eloquently craft a selling pitch that highlights the best features of the domain you're trying sell.

If you'd like to distinguish yourself from other websites, include a lot of information. That means listing more than only the domain you're offering as well as the asking price.

But what should you include in your domain listing if would like to draw interest? How do you create an engaging marketing pitch for your domain?

For starters, talk about the traffic it generates when it's a domain that you're currently making use of. If you've used it for quite a while and it has an established record of success. Any existing authority that your domain commands should also be included to paint the picture of possibility of profit that your clients could earn when they purchase from you.

Analytics can be your most trusted companions in this case. The more numbers you can prove the effectiveness of your domain and its profit possibilities, the alluring your domain will appear to potential clients.

Then, talk about how memorable it is and how that can translate into actual dollars and cents. If you're using an ".com" URL, talk about that and hype some advantages of using that extension.

4. Add Your Contact Information to the WHOIS Directory

The ICANN website
Ensure that potential buyers can locate your contact information

These online tools allow users to search for the registration details of domain names using the WHOIS protocol as well as the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) as well. If you use the RDAP protocol option, you will have enhanced security, standardized format, internationalization support in addition to being in a position to provide different access to registration data.

It helps potential buyers find them when they're in the market for precisely the product you're offering. By listing on these directories, buyers who are highly invested can find you, even if they're not checking the specific market that you've picked.

When you post your info in one of these directories, you're essentially fishing. It's putting information on the market and waiting for somebody to take a bite.

5. List Your Domain

An example of a domain for sale landing page
A For Sale landing page can let buyers know you're selling

But, you shouldn't put up a "for-sale" website with contacts and expect it is enough. As we discussed earlier it is essential to register your domain name on a market that is suitable for your needs. There are many variables that influence your choice regarding which platform to select.

These comprise:

  • The amount of commission is deemed to be successful by the market for sales
  • If there's a fee for listing your domain
  • If the marketplace requires exclusivity rights to the listings
  • The normal traffic flow of the market
  • The rate of success in the marketplace
  • If the marketplace offers an affiliate network that can also display your sale
  • If the market has built-in escrow system

If you're looking for a faster turnaround selling your domain through an auction site. When using one of these services, simply make your list, choose a minimum bid amount, and watch as interested buyers compete and push the price upwards.

Domains for sale on GoDaddy
You can sell your domain at auction for fast results

Much like eBay you can add an "Buy it Now" price that someone might click to stop the auction for a predetermined sum. Just remember that when you're working with an auction website that the purchasers are usually domain industry buyers, and they're likely trying to buy for less so that they can flip the domain for a profit.

6. Find an Buyer

It is also possible to engage a domain name broker to contact potential buyers and manage the selling. It would require paying them a commission, but it may help you locate the ideal buyer. Of course, since the brokers earn a commission, they typically only take on high-end domains within the upper five-figure territory.

7. Utilize for Escrow Service

After you've identified the right buyer, it's best idea to employ an escrow firm to handle the cash transfer process, particularly in the case of transferring a significant amount.

It's a good thing that most marketplaces have an escrow option built into. If you choose to sell on platforms with this service, then you've saved yourself a step. However, if your marketplace does not have an escrow feature then you'll need to hire a service by yourself.

The escrow service protects transactions by making sure that funds are received at the correct amount before the transfer of ownership starts. Once that's taken care of, the domain moves into the hands of its new owner.

Escrow services can be used to secure your transaction
Escrow services can help secure your transaction

If the purchaser doesn't make payment the full amount or you as the seller, were unable to surrender the domainto the buyer, the escrow service has all the agreed-upon and signed details and is able to present them as evidence if things go to court.

8. Transfer the domain

If it's the time to make the transition of the domain its new owner, it is your responsibility to personally assist and oversee the process. If you're using an Escrow service however, it is still important to observe how the process unfolds.

This is a time when you need to be available to answer any buyer questions that might arise. By knowing how the process is progressing, you will be able to answer these questions quickly and alleviate any worries that might cause the sale to fall through.


The sale of a domain name is a lucrative venture, however If you're unprepared, you could end up having a lower amount of money. Therefore, you must educate yourself about how to market a domain and improve your chances of successful sales.

Before you start your journey, consider:

  • Which location do you wish to offer
  • The value of your domain
  • Your realistic objectives

Then, once it's your turn to market, make certain that you

  • Find Similar sales
  • Decide on your cost and your desired value.
  • Create a compelling listing
  • Include your contact details
  • Put the domain up to be sold
  • Find an interested buyer
  • Make use of an escrow system
  • Transfer the domain's domain name the new owner

By following the advice in this ultimate guide, you'll be able to ensure that the profits from your domain name go up the charts.

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