Infuse humanity back in your advertising by incorporating a personal video

Nov 23, 2022

If you think that video fuels expanding your sales and marketing customized video is next-generation and turbo-charged rocket fuel.

You can learn from eight-seven percent of folks who have seen positive returns by using video advertising like an increase in leads, traffic, and brand awareness. With regards to personalization, 81% also say customized videos have grown their revenue.

In fact, people are 13percent more likely to remember an email message that is packaged into the form of a video email as opposed to a text-based message.

If you're thinking of the use of personalization in video to increase your earnings, we'll help you get there with this article. We'll also drive home the benefits of using customized videos as well as give some tips for making ROI-positive videos.

Top 4 benefits of videos personalization

Human-centered marketing

Personalized videos are an effective way to stand apart in the crowded world of marketing and sales.

Take a look at it in the context of. Would a video with a thumbnail showing a smiling face, waving hello -- grab your attention better or a boring one that is text-based and seems to indicate that the sender been mass-distributing it to everyone in their outreach list? If you were paying attention, then the video message would you not?

Indeed, personalization via video is not just a way to draw attention, but it also allows you to showcase your personal style in order to build trust with potential clients.

The numbers support this, and 70 percent of sales reps who use customized video for outreach report an increase in their responses rates.

Time saving is for everyone

Prepping for meetings, designing captivating presentation slides, and blocking in time for demonstrations for products can take a an enormous amount in time.

Once you're able to master the art of prospecting for video the process, you'll be able to quickly create customized videos that will save you and your viewer's time.

Internally, recorded videos are super helpful for fighting the case of this-meeting-could-have-been-an-email minus the boring part of having to write and read long emails.

Externally, personalized video is awesome for effectively (and humanly) pitching new ideas, prospecting better, and educating new adoptees and power customers about your products.

Helps you implement your ABM strategy

Account-based marketing is about targeting specific firms with customized content designed to keep them in the loop and help them move along into the funnel of sales.

The key to nailing the ABM strategy though? Customized content that addresses specific queries that target accounts face.

Luckily, personalized videos are the ideal content format for nurturing these uber-important targets.

One, personalization stands out from the rest of your written content. This helps you win a client's focus without taking up a ton of their time.

Furthermore, as personalized videos can be used in a variety of uses, it is possible to utilize it in the marketing and sales funnel. You can, for instance, utilize personalized video to distribute intro messages, answer customer support questions, and develop relationships with folks at target accounts.

Makes work easier

Additionally, personalized video aids avoid confusions and misunderstandings caused by poorly written or rushed briefs can cause.

Sometimes--despite our best efforts to stay connected--we forget that everyone has different styles of working and communicating.

Additionally, you can generate your video's transcript to create a paper transcription of the message in the video. The result is that your entire conversation will be searchable CTRL-F- usable and simple to reference in the future.

9 proven tips for making an individual video

Convinced you need to start creating personalized video content for pitching, prospecting, teaming up with colleagues, giving work, and more? Get started making. And trust us when we say recording a custom video is easy.

Here are the best tips and the video personalization software to help you get started- let's kick off with these tips:

1. Write a script to stay on track

It's not necessary to have detailed plans but you don't need a detailed one. Make a list of the things you want to include on a sticky note and you're set. Use this list when you create your video so that the message stays focused in the end, and you're not missing something.

2. Keep it short and simple

Videos that are long and rambling fail quick and often. A short, simple to follow videos are better at keeping people's attention. Actually, more than 60% of viewers are likely to watch an advertisement until its end if it's shorter than 60 minutes.

Scripting your videos will remind you to use basic language, and to stick to the message you are trying to convey, which in turn, ensures the video will be brief.

A few more useful tips you can try today include:

  • Talk to your camera like you would talk to a person! The fact that you're making an advertising video does not mean you need to use elaborate words or phrases to sound professional.
  • Be authentic. You are who you are! Your potential employers and colleagues will appreciate sharing your authentic self on video. They aren't looking for an overly edited or polished version, which is why it's acceptable if an otherwise perfect video has an error or twoIt's just human after all.

3. Don't be satisfied with the very first attempt

If this is your first experience using video prospects it is recommended that starting with some preliminary work by recording the video at least a few times prior to completing the first take.

The reason? Every time you record You'll discover new information like:

  • Your delivery style
  • Optimizing the lighting and sound

It's also possible to come up with ideas to show your personality and to connect better with your viewer.

4. Be sure to add your face

Why: displaying your face is the best method to engage with your audience. It's the first step in personalizing prospecting videos and a surefire way to build your account's' trust.

For marketing video too it is useful for more than just building credibility. It also helps to establish brand recognition. Rand Fishkin's explainer video for SparkToro which he posts via social media for instance, help with branding recognition, in addition to the product's education as well as connecting with people who watch them:

5. The pepper in your life

Speaking naturally and being yourself is the most important thing to keep in mind here. However, there are other ways to showcase your character also. Examples:

  • Make an "uniquely-you" video-making space. While keeping the background clear and adding things which define who you are. For example, add books for those who are avid readers (they're excellent for starting conversations also!) and antique showpieces If you're a fan of those. Your wall art could reflect what you love.
  • Add a distinctive accessory to your wardrobe. This could be something as simple as a particular-colored scarf to a t-shirt that features your company's logo or wearing a cap in the entirety of your videos.

The tips listed above not only highlight your persona however, they also help build your brand's recognition too.

6. Find out about potential customers to ensure that you can tailor your outreach video

Personalization can be only limited to using your customer's name. But it goes beyond the scope of. If you want to leave a strong impression, and get positive results from video prospecting, you need to personalize your videos in the correct method.

How can you bring individualization to the next level?

Through researching your potential customer's problem. This helps develop a message for video that speaks to the particular issue of the prospect and provides them with a solution they need to need. It also ensures positive responses.

7. Include a helpful recap or an overview of the material you'll discuss

Depending on who your video is intended for and how long it is depending on the audience, putting up a text-based slide that outlines what you'll be talking about, or the things you've spoken about in the past can help.

In case of internal videos, we suggest making a slide with the information you'll discuss in the video . Bring it up in the course of your describe what you'll cover in the video.

If you are using external video content, like sales presentations, make sure to include the summary slide detailing how the tool could help the viewer. It should be placed before the call-to action (CTA).

8. Take it to the next level by engaging

Such a video uses features like hotspots, overlays, time triggers and branches that encourage viewers to engage with the content.

Take a look:


9. Offer the user a follow-up step (aka CTA). CTA)

It's also important to navigate your viewer to the next step they must follow after viewing your customized video.

For email outreach, it could be inviting them to reply to your message to request a demonstration of your product. In marketing emails your CTA could be a micro-conversion such as signing up to your newsletter or asking viewers to try the freemium version of your software.

In the case of internal team videos, you should make your message explicit. For example, tell the viewer to review the brief and get back you with any queries that they might have.

Begin recording your personal videos right now.

To recap, personalized videos:

  • They are easy to prepare
  • Speed things up and support async remote work
  • They are a great way to standout in the midst of a crowded world

The best part? You can create them at no cost using Record.