Isolated container technology: All you must know (r)

Mar 18, 2024


What are containers?

Before diving into containers that are isolated, we need to consider what containers are. Containers are standalone software comprising everything necessary to run an application which includes the program running time, the runtime, tools for system and libraries.

In contrast to traditional virtualization, in which every virtual machine (VM) runs its operating system on its own, containers are able to share the host OS kernel, which makes them lightweight and efficient.

The benefits of container technology

There are many benefits to making use of containers when hosting websites, including:

  1. portability: Containers encapsulate an application and its dependencies which makes them extremely portable. You can easily move a container from one hosting environment to another (like the laptop of a developer to a test environment and then to production) without having to worry about inconsistent settings or compatibility problems.
  2. Efficiency and consistency: Containers enhance web hosting through efficient use of resources and ensuring that apps run smoothly across every environment, from development to production.
  3. Security and isolation Containers create an environment that is isolated for each service or application. The isolation of a container ensures that activities within a container are not affect other containers as well as the host system. This increases security since problems in a particular container are isolated and won't cause harm to other.

Container technology: challenges and opportunities

Although there are lots of good things about using containers in web hosting, it does have a number of disadvantages:

  1. Security issues: In web hosting making sure that the security of containers is crucial as they are part of the host's OS kernel. One container's vulnerabilities could risk the security of all servers which is why it's imperative to have a strong isolation as well as security practices.
  2. Complexity: Managing multiple containers for hosting web sites can be a challenge. The management of these containers' deployment as well as their scaling and maintenance requires expertise, especially when you use tools like Kubernetes to manage larger configurations.
  3. Storage problems: Containers are stateless and pose challenges to persisting data in web hosting scenarios. It is essential to have effective strategies in place to ensure data from websites and apps remain in place regardless of whether containers are shut down or restarted.
  4. Networking Setting up and managing network configurations for containers used in web hosting is complex. This involves ensuring containers can be able to communicate efficiently with one another and external networks as well as keeping security in place and ensuring performance.
  5. Problems with compatibility Making sure that applications function in harmony across different platforms is a challenge. Differences in operating systems and dependencies may cause compatibility issues, requiring cautious management and testing of container images.

The necessity for isolating

While containers provide several advantages over conventional techniques for software deployment however, they are not without their limitations.

A major problem is the risk of security weaknesses in the event of running several containers on a single host. If one container is affected, there's a risk that the attacker may gain access to the other containers running on that host.

Additionally, containers often compete with each other for resources in the system, such as CPU, memory, as well as network bandwidth. This competition can lead to unstable performance and resource constrained problems when containers aren't adequately separated.

Container isolation refers to the practice of limiting the interactions and communications among containers inside a containerized. It ensures that each container is operating independently and in a secure manner without interference from other containers that are on an identical host.

Isolation in container technology relies heavily on two aspects:

  1. Namespaces: The containers use namespaces in order to create separate instances of system resources like networks, processes as well as filesystems. The namespaces prevent one container from modifying or accessing resources of a container.
  2. Control Groups (cgroups): cgroups are a complement to namespaces, by limiting and prioritizing the resources (CPU memory, memory, network, etc.) that processes in a namespace can use. This makes sure that a specific container doesn't monopolize system resources and maintains overall performance and stability.

Isolated container technology vs shared hosting

Shared hosting is a more conventional form of hosting in which multiple websites share resources on a single server. It is an affordable and preferred choice for small-sized businesses, bloggers, and individuals who have limited funds.

Most shared hosting providers provide user-friendly control panels as well as simple setup procedures, which reduces the technical barrier to entry. But, sharing of resources implies that high utilization of resources or traffic by one website can impact the performance of other websites on one server.

In addition, shared hosting comes with greater security risk; for instance, if an individual website gets compromised, others hosted on the same server may be affected.

The choice between isolated container technology or shared hosting depends on the particular requirements and capacities of the users. Isolated containers work well for those prioritizing security, stability, and scalability but come at more cost and demand more technical know-how.

Sharing hosting, although less expensive and more accessible to users is also more secure, and has speed, and flexibility limitations which makes it ideal for smaller, less resource-intensive websites.

Knowing how to use isolated container technology can be used

The application, database and its database, application, and WordPress hosting plans aren't categorized into traditional hosting categories. Contrary to other hosts that tend to be less expensive and more vulnerable, the infrastructure is designed for speed. We have a customized and containers-based hosting platform which does not sacrifice the quality of our services.

A diagram of ’s WordPress Hosting infrastructure
An illustration of the WordPress Hosting infrastructure.
A diagram of ’s Application Hosting and Database Hosting infrastructure
Diagram of the Application Hosting and Database Hosting infrastructure.

Our platform ensures each site runs in a dedicated, isolated software container equipped with all necessary hardware resources (Linux, NGINX, PHP, MySQL), guaranteeing absolute privacy, and zero shared resources, not including between your websites.

Additionally, we have created a customized dashboard ( My) that simplifies the development and maintenance of your website and does so without the need for an external setup. The dashboard provides access to vital details and tools like extensive analytics, logs and backups, and more.

My dashboard tools and features that helps create and manage your sites
My dashboard comes with a variety of tools and functions to help you create and manage your sites.

Our application and database hosting service helps you simplify your job by taking the stress out of managing containers, deployment, as well as maintenance. Our user-friendly dashboard allows it is easy to build databases and then deploy your applications.

Configure your application’s build environment with 's application hosting
Configure your application's build environment by using's Application Hosting.


If you now know what isolated container technology means and how it operates along with the features it offers, as well as its pros and cons it's easy to decide whether your website requires it.

If you're in search of security and reliability, as well as a secure host for your WordPress sites, we suggest using the managed WordPress hosting service, which houses every WordPress website in its own container.

Joel Olawanle

Joel is Joel is a Frontend developer working at as Technical Editor. Joel is an enthusiastic teacher with love for open source software and has written over 200 technical papers, mostly on JavaScript as well as its frameworks.