It's the drip on the Skinny Content

May 8, 2024

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Content you post can draw users to your site. The drip of content keeps visitors on your website.

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Dripping content could be an approach to release content to your customers. Information is provided to users in tiny amounts, and could last for a few months before they can access the entire collection.

It is also possible to drip particular posts or menu items and require users to browse the content in a particular sequence. For example, requiring users to supply an email address before getting access to the rest pages on your website can be considered content drip.

In this post on our blog, we'll provide details of the many reasons you could consider incorporating drip content on your website. Also, we'll show you how to get it set up. Let's do it!

 What is the reason Drip Content Could Be an ideal fit for your Website

Drip content keeps people coming back.

The content that drips is usually required for customers to have regular interactions with your site. Because they can't get all information on the site simultaneously, they need to visit frequently.

Imagine that you design the course online. The course is designed to last around 20 hours over 5 weeks. But the student completes all of the lessons in just two days. After they've completed the course, they're no more allowed to log on to your website. This can be harmful for the company you manage.

When users have to take the route over a period duration, they'll need to revisit the route repeatedly. That means you'll get an increase in views, more opportunities for marketing, and even more possibilities to connect with your customers.

Similar to watering your tomato plant using drip irrigation. Making all your details available up before a potential buyer is similar to spraying your plant by using the hose of an uninhibited flame. While the plant receives exactly the same amount of water in each case, one that has received water spraying soon goes to waste however, one that has been watered in a slow manner in time will flourish.

HTML0 drip-based information helps users to stay focused.

This drip-based content helps make life easier for users.

One example is that one can enroll in an online class but still aren't sure what they'll be learning about the content. After finishing a few chapters, there is an opportunity that one may are overwhelmed or dissatisfied and choose to move on.

If you share data over a prolonged duration the users are provided with tiny bits of information in order to complete the section. In essence, it sets the deadlines to complete them. The small projects that are spread across a lengthy period which is a short time frame generally less stressful than the whole class. Drips of information give students the chance to think about the material and aids in the retention of the information.

If you decide to share content by providing additional information after signing-up or when you purchase the account could aid in creating a sense of engagement. People will likely return to the website because they've put on time or at least the email address that they've previously used.

Warning Be careful when you distribute the information you have

One of the drawbacks is the fact that there's a segment of individuals who wish to complete a whole course or other related material within seconds. They may possess a particular skill they'd like to improve or need information which they can't put off a few months.

This may be a project which needs to be completed within the next couple of months, or an approval which could prove useful right away. If the business you run makes it challenging think about implementing a new strategy to prevent drips. This can be as simple as asking users to sign-up using an email address prior to when they can read your blog's content.

You can then find out how efficient Dripping will be to meet your requirements by experimenting with various methods on your site.

How can I configure Drip Content for Your Website

If you decide to drip content, how do you do it?

  1. Click here to go to WordPress Dashboard > Rules.
  2. It is possible to create a new rule by click "Add New Rule".
  3. In general the best option is Drip/Expiration.
  4. Check for an Accept button that allows drips of content.

The menu can be customized for drips of content. Users can get access to new material right from the moment they sign-up for your website at the date and time that you determined, or once they purchase an item through your website, or sign up for an individual subscription through the menu.

The summary

Drip content can be a great option to ensure that your customers return to enjoy the fantastic product that you can offer them.


  • Drip content may help users in staying on the right path and improve your site's views.
  • Additionally, it can allow users to be more active rather than feeling bored or overwhelmed.
  • Some people don't enjoy drips or following the timetable. Be sure to know the potential target audience, and then decide what method you'd like to use to get the message out.
  • The content can be dripped using an application like .

Avoid causing damage to your customers by through the fire hose. Make sure they have the right information in order for them to be able to help you to flourish.

   Are you having success using drip-content? Have you got any questions regarding how you can handle drip-content? We'd like to hear from you in the comments below.

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Michelle Carpenter Amy Michelle Carpenter is co-owner of a company that prints 3D objects named STEM Garage. She is a renowned international blogger as well as YA editor as well as a professional in marketing. She also instructs youngsters in China every day at a very early hour because she loves it.

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