Live Streaming: A Guide for Creators (plus 5 Platforms) |

Oct 26, 2022

If you're a writer, you're probably aware by now that live streaming is an element of your deal. It's true that not all creators live streams. However, take a look at what Tik Tok celebrities as well as YouTubers and thought leaders share in the same. The answer is that eventually or later, they'll be on video. It's not always likely to be live.

Live streaming is really effective. In contrast to its polished counterpart that is recorded Live streaming is real and energizing. You can schedule a live stream, and sometimes you may just want to shock people. The pandemic began to spread, Chris Martin of Coldplay flicked on his Instagram live stream while in his home and shared messages of encouragement, and singing songs. The stream was dubbed "Together at Home." It was not flawless, but in the end, that's what made it great.

Since live streaming is real. Also, if you ask Gen Z, the era of flawlessly polished, pre-made videos is now over. Live streaming is the way to go. In this piece we'll give you some tips about how you can ensure that your live stream is fantastic. In addition, we'll provide a list of the top live-streaming creator platforms.

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        This piece...    

    Live stream for Creators. 5 tips

      1. Select one of the platforms

      2. Choose the best moment

      3. Live streaming with a brand name

      4. Live stream to your own community

      5. Enjoy clear audio and video

      6. Bring a guest

    Five creator-streaming platforms


    2. YouTube

      3. Twitch

      4. TikTok

      5. LinkedIn Live

    Ready to be live?

Live streaming is available to creators. 5 suggestions

1. Choose one platform

You can live stream across many platforms. It is possible to join YouTube, LinkedIn Live, Facebook and possibly others.

Here's why you shouldn't do that. Not all platforms are the same, and chances are trying to master all of them will not prove to work well. Instead, focus your content to one specific platform. This could be where your audience already hangs out or where the individuals you believe would make a good group are hanging out.

Concentrate your efforts in building better the HTML0 platform, and stop trying to be everywhere.

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2. Select the perfect moment

Believe it or not that one of the most difficult parts about hosting the live stream is deciding on the moment to start. The majority of creators are viewed by viewers across all over the globe. If you select a date which is suitable for someone living in Europe or Africa, you might be offending people in North America or Asia. You'll just have to make your best guess.

However, having a better understanding of your audience could be helpful. If your viewers are made up of working millennials in North America, hosting a live stream on a Saturday at 10:00 a.m. EST might create a problem for them to reach. There could be a busy schedule working or at school. Maybe evening is best.

The best way to figure this out is simply trying different times. If attendance is low You can try changing the timing for the next one. There's a solution.

3. Live streaming with a brand name

If you are an established creator, with a large fan base with a solid income stream, a great method to ensure your live streams sparkle is with your own brand on your own app! Through Mighty Pro, we build completely customized white-label applications that live under your brand and the App Store, or Google Play store. We've created branded apps for artists like Adrian Mishler, YouTube's best-known yoga instructor, travel vlogger Drew Binsky, and mindfulness expert Marisa Peers.


While it's not necessarily suitable for newbies, there's nothing more exciting than live streaming to your audience, with your own app, under your own brand. If you're interested in finding out more about it, make an appointment with us, to discuss the possibilities you can build.

4. Live stream to your own community

If you're not willing to look into an app with a brand name or live stream within the community you manage and manage is an extremely powerful way to do it. It helps you build your brand and community, build relations with your customers, and in many cases even make money from your efforts. Then, when you stream live, you're streaming out to an audience you have grown that knows and loves your stream.

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5. Have clear sound and video

Okay, moving to the technical side but without becoming too sophisticated. A minimum live stream should have clear sound and video. With modern smartphones, this shouldn't be much of a problem. The camera on any phone can capture excellent video as long as the lighting is right (try standing with your face towards a window ).

The sound can be a bit trickier. A pair of headphones with a built-in microphone can provide better sound quality. The microphone is placed next to your mouth instead of far away with your smartphone's display. If you're planning to be live streaming a lot, it can be worthwhile investing in a lapel microphone that plugs into the phone. to your smartphone.

6. Take an invited guest

Live streaming doesn't have to be performed by yourself! If you're bored of pressing the record button, and feel as if you're speaking to yourself, find a guest who you could invite for the live stream along together.

Live streaming with multiple speakers is amazing, and is it is a fantastic way to offer higher quality content to your users.

Here are some more great live streaming suggestions for content creators.

five creator stream platforms

In the next installment, we'll look at a few creator streaming platforms. Whatever your objectives are, there's something here to suit everyone.


All-in-one Community Platform that connects interactive forums with 1:1, all-member chats, courses Subgroups, live event, and of course... live streaming!

Unlike traditional social media platforms , which rely on followers, with you can grow membership. The addition of users of your Mighty Network means that you are cultivating your community, not just throwing out an online stream to anyone who might happen to listen.

Feature Item 2 - Courses

One of the best things about this is that live streaming in a Mighty Network isn't really about growing your fan base. Your followers already know you by name, and they decided to join. Live streaming then becomes all about providing them with benefits, and getting members excited about joining the community. Of course, you receive a recorded video of the live stream which you are able to share with those that weren't able to join it.

Like we mentioned earlier, when you purchase Mighty Pro you get totally streamed live in your own app. This is awesome for established creators. This means that they own their whole ecosystem instead of praying for the algorithm gods in social media to provide users.

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2. YouTube

If we're talking about the creator platforms that allow live streaming, obviously YouTube should be at the top of the list of. YouTube is an incredible video streaming platform that offers a wide range of functionality for live streaming either from a desktop or from apps. Users who download installed the application on their smartphones receive a notice each time you broadcast live. The app also comes with a very powerful comment functionality for engagement.

Differently from other social media platforms, YouTube works on a search engine. Even after your live stream is finished, the recording will remain on YouTube. It is possible to add descriptions, keywords, and an appealing title. viewers will be able to find it with search for long time to come. Here are some helpful tips to make your YouTube channel more profitable If you've already created one.

3. Twitch

Twitch is an excellent streaming platform. It's most well-known by gamers for streaming yourself while playing video games However, there are individuals streaming videos and doing their thing. The site is changing quite a bit, yet it's preferred by Gen Z.

Twitch - Live Streaming

4. TikTok

TikTok is a great place live stream. It's rapidly growing into a major social media platform. As it's focused on video, it's not a huge surprise that live streaming is going to feature in your TikTok experience.


For live streaming on TikTok You must have at minimum 16 and you must have at least 1,000 followers. You create an image and name for your live streamand then begin your live broadcast.

5. LinkedIn Live

In the end, LinkedIn Live has become an increasingly popular live stream live for those involved in marketing, business, or career space. LinkedIn is a business-oriented network which is why it's no surprise that live streams are geared towards conversations with professionals.

While the technology for LinkedIn is a bit complicated - you have to use an external streaming service and have been approved for live streaming If you're among the people who have live streaming activated, it's an ideal place to increase an audience.

Ready to be live?

This short guide on the live stream for creatives provided you with some suggestions to start your next live stream no matter if it's the first or the fifth. Live streaming becomes better with each passing day.

And if you want to start the personal Mighty Network, and live stream to your cultivated audience, here's what people are commenting on it!

Do you want to give this a go? It's absolutely free for 14 days with there's no need for credit cards.

Are you ready to live stream to your local community?

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