
Dec 23, 2022

Intent on attracting clients via an online portfolio website

" My website gives me the chance to show potential clients what I have to provide as an artist" Wednesday writes. "At time of writing I've got about two years worth of work for customers accessible on my site. It's to provide future customers with an understanding of what products I offer."

"When I accept any task," Wednesday says, "I will make sure my work fits with my artistic style and also my fundamental beliefs regarding the job of an artist. I am passionate about creating work that makes people specifically LGBT or lesbians and feel comfortable. When I'm approached, I'd like to feel that my client is aware of that and would like to cultivate that feeling of partnership."

Connecting to a an ever-growing community of people through social media

"I really enjoy managing on my Social Media profiles," Wednesday writes. "My career as a whole has grown during this. I created 100 works of artwork in the course over 100 days. It became the first to be produced through the basis for an Instagram account. So, I've maintained my ability to stay current in my content."

As they've showcased their work and gained a following over time, it's crucial to each Wednesday remind yourself of the three fundamental lessons you need to remember:

"Not all works of art can make it to the top 10 but that's fine."

"Sometimes you'll get it wrong--and that's okay."

"Not everyone will like the way you present yourself. That's okay."

Have you thought about the idea of creating your own freelance job?

Are you a professional artist? There are some words for you to consider:

The quality of your sleep is essential. Human bodies aren't just a tool. Art is motivated by the desire to create and not because of feeding it.

The most important thing is to be consistent. Select a design and style that you feel comfortable with and stick to the same style for a long period of duration.

Connect to artists via the internet Find your tribe.

The article was first published here. is here.

The original post appeared on this website

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