Memcached and Redis The Choice of Your In-Memory Cache (r) (r)

Jun 16, 2023
Illustration: Memcached vs Redis.

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Let's take a close look at Redis and Memcached's pros and cons, and common use cases so that you can choose the right one for your particular project.

Memcached Vs Redis What's the difference?

At first glance, Memcached and Redis appear identical. Their huge popularity and open source design have led to broad community support. As one of the earliest cache solutions, Memcached has seen widespread adoption among numerous organizations. Redis is a bit more recent however it has gained substantial popularity thanks to its extensive feature list.

But, they have several notable differences and it's important to pick the solution that is most suitable for your needs. Here are some important features.

What Is Memcached?

Memcachedis the highest-performance shared memory caching system. Its principal function is to store frequently used data in order to lessen the burden on database which allows for faster responses.

One of Memcached's guiding principles is its strong emphasis on simplicity and speed. It uses a straightforward key-value data structure which allows users to quickly gain access to information without having to learn complex query languages.

A large Memcached logo.
The Memcached logo.

What Is Redis?

Redis is a in-memory structure store for caching. Its functionality extends beyond traditional caching systems, supporting various a variety of data types. Additionally, it supports transactions which ensure grouped commands execute continuously and in a continuous fashion to ensure consistency across data modification operations. Redis additionally supports publish and subscribe messaging, which allows for highly-scalable communication between different components of an application.

A large Redis logo.
The Redis logo.

Comparing Memcached and Redis

Even though Memcached along with Redis are both simple to use and highly performant, there are key differences to consider when choosing the best one for your particular project.

Information Structures, Data Storage and Storage

Memcached is a simple key-value storage that can handle small and arbitrary types of data like strings and objects. It's perfect for apps that require simple caching functionalities as well as quick lookups using keys. As a result, it's not the best choice to more intricate use scenarios that require advanced methods of manipulating data.

In addition, Redis supports a more extensive array of data structures, including strings lists, hashes bitmaps, sets and. This allows greater complexity in use scenarios, like implementing real-time analysis as well as retrieving data based on location.

Scalability and Performance

Memcached is a high-performance caching system that provides outstanding response times. It also scales vertically, permitting you to add additional servers to the caching pool to cope with an increase in data traffic and increased volume of data.

Redis offers comparable performance for basic caching tasks, and adds options for more complex use cases. Redis allows for synchronous and non-blocking operations on I/O, allowing your application to take on many concurrent activities. This improves the performance under heavier workloads. Redis additionally supports clusters to allow that allow horizontal scaling. It also allows for the continuation of operations in case some nodes fail.

Persistence and Durability

Memcached operates in-memory only, meaning it stores all of the data it can in RAM it doesn't come with integrated persistence. This approach ensures maximum efficiency and low latency access to information. However, Memcached doesn't automatically save information in the event of failing systems. It is good news, newer versions provide data recovery upon a restart and persistent memory using DAX file system mounts.

Contrarily, Redis offers optional data persistency by using two methods including snapshotting and append-only files (AOF). Snapshotting involves taking snapshots of data in the cache, and then saving the files to disk after a specified duration. Additionally, AOF is a more robust method, which consists of affixing commands to AOF for modifying the data. This method, unlike snapshotting lets Redis to fully reconstruct the data after a computer failure or a restart.

The Features and Flexibility

Memcached is a straightforward easy method of caching. While it excels at this, the limited support for data types restricts its capacity to meet more complex data modeling requirements or to perform specific operations. Such constraints limit Memcached's extensibility for scenarios that require sophisticated data structures as well as data manipulation techniques.

Additionally, Redis offers numerous features aside from the standard caching features, like transactions, publish/subscribe messaging, and Lua scripting. Transactions allow you to execute many commands at just one step in order to ensure consistent data. Pub/sub messaging is a method of communication that uses messages between components of an application. You can use this feature for real-time communication, chat rooms, and event-driven architectures. In addition, Lua scripting allows you to execute server-side scripts for complex data operations and transformations.

Memcached vs Redis in the Web Development

Although Memcached and Redis both have caching capabilities, they have unique features which target various use-cases.

Memcached Use Cases

Memcached works best to:

  • projects that need simple caching for speeding up web application. In storing data that is frequently accessed (such as the results of queries -- within memory Memcached reduces the need to repeatedly query databases which results in quicker response times as well as improved performance of the application.
  • A high load for read and writing for a simple key-value store where a simple key-value store and quick data access are vital.
  • The projects have no caching requirement with limited types of data, like caching configuration settings, user authentication tokens, or static content.

Redis Use Cases

Redis is optimally suited to:

  • Advanced caching that can handle complex data structures, such as sets, lists, and set sorted. Redis lets you cache more complex data models and allows for specialized operations on each supported data type.
  • Message brokering using publishing/subscription, real-time analytics and search. Redis's compatibility with "pub/sub" messaging functionality can make it an ideal solution for setting up messages brokers as well as real time analytics systems. Redis's low latency is what is ideal for real-time analysis and processing stream data. In addition, Redis offers powerful search capabilities via features like Redisearch that allow for efficient data indexing and searching.
  • projects that require data persistence as well as durability. Redis has a variety of methods for data persistence through the snapshotting process and append-only files (AOF) methods that permit the data to be stored to disk and recovered after the system fails or is restarted. This makes Redis ideal for applications that require data persistence, such as user sessions, transactional data, or the storage of crucial information.


When choosing between Memcached vs Redis to develop your website project, there is no one "best" choice, but only the one that is best suited to the specific needs of your project. The understanding of each's qualities and strengths is vital in deciding which one is best the best for your needs.

Memcached as well as Redis are both highly regarded and well-supported options, both for entirely different reasons. Memchached's simplicity and high performance make it a great solution for simple requirements for caching. But, it is worth making use of Redis when you require additional caching capabilities and other features that go that go beyond the caching.