News: Potential Apple App Store Policy Changes Due to EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA) -

Nov 21, 2023

App developers and game developers might be interested in latest news about Apple making preparations to conform with EU's Digital Markets Act.

The European Union's Digital Markets Act continuing to increase, Apple may be making modifications to its App Store's policies to ensure compliance with the latest law.

TechCrunch recently reported that Apple's 2023 Form 10-K application includes a revised version of the risks and could point at "a more definitive stance on possible changes to App Store's policy."

Apple declares that this may affect how it manages distribution of its apps beyond the App Store, what it will charge for the use of its platform offered by developers, and also how they are able to communicate with purchasers "regarding alternatives to purchasing."

The Digital Markets Act is "the EU's law to make the market in the digital space more fair and more contestable."

Specifically, it takes aim on large platforms which that the Commission considers to be " gatekeepers," which have goals that include an environment that is more fair for users of business, greater and more efficient services for customers to select from, and more.

In September in September, the EU Commission designated six particular gatekeepers, which included Apple. Six companies that comprise Alphabet, Amazon, ByteDance, Meta, and Microsoft received an entire six-month period to guarantee respect for the DMA of the companies' relevant core services.

Apple's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commision (SEC), including current and prior Form 10-K reports is available in the Investor Relations sections on their website.