Recommended WordPress Plugins for Membership Sites

Jun 16, 2023

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Plugins are certainly one of the most appealing features of WordPress blogspot software. With just a couple of mouse clicks, it is possible to include new features that allow you to market products, redesign your website, keep your content protected and safe as well as many more.

With the many plugins available to choose from, which one should you install? Read our comprehensive list of recommended WordPress plugins specifically for membership sites and be filled with new ideas for increasing traffic and participation.

Let's roll!

The majority of suggested plugins we have listed are available for free. They are equally important for normal WordPress websites just as they are on Membership sites.

Website Backup Plugin


If you only install one plugin following reading this article, it must absolutely be an WordPress Backup plugin.

The plugins make a backup of your website, which permits you to recover lost data in just a few clicks.

If you're not certain if you're in need of one, consider how you'd react in the event that your website were to be erased tomorrow and gone for good.

WordPress Security Plugin

After you've got backups in order, you're now able to secure your site.

It is crucial if you run a site for membership and have a client base to be sure that the users are satisfied and their personal information safe.

A good backup system will assist you in recovering from a website hack or other similar problem If you have a reliable WordPress security plugin reduces the chances of something getting wrong at all.

Website Caching Plugin

WP Super Cache

Utilizing a caching plugin that is reliable can make your site run quicker. And speedy websites have been shown to improve the conversion rate. Which means more paying customers!

Which makes sense. After all, fast-loading websites make it more fun to browse and create trust for your brand and the high quality of your content.

Because of its popularity its ease of use and wealth of functionality, WP Super Cache is our top free caching plugin.

Image Optimization Plugin

Optimizing the images on your site is another way to increase the speed of your membership site.

The right plugin can take this task off your shoulders while providing amazing outcomes in terms of decreasing size of the file and boosting speeds of pages.

The best plugins available in this area automate the optimization of existing images on your site as well as any new files you upload.

Contact Form Contact Form plugin

A contact form plugin is the easiest method to get messages from people who visit your site without revealing an email address.

Lead Generation Plugin


Contact forms can be useful to those who would like to contact However, some visitors may need a little nudge.

That's where lead generator plugins can be found. Promoting specific activities on your site, such as adding your email list to the mailing list, utilizing a discount coupon, or signing up for a free trial.

Broken Link Checker

Along with slow loading times broken links can be a surefire way to annoy users and visitors.

Thankfully, there are free plugins out there to scan your website for any links no longer that are pointing to the right place. These include pages on your site, pages on other websites, as well as files or other resources you could be linking to.

Our suggested plugin in this category not only notifies you when broken links are identified, but also offers a a quick and easy way to repair the link, without visiting the page where the link was published on.

Thanks to its features that are helpful as well as proactive scanning Broken Link Checker is our go-to plugin for this purpose.

The Website Audience Analytics Plugin

Monster Insights

We've previously written about the benefits of using Google Analytics on your website for members in the past.

But if you're still in the process of using this free tool to find out more about your website visitors and the activities they're engaged in on your site, it is the right time to do so.

Better yet, you are able to install our suggested Google Analytics WordPress plugin to get your data directly through you WordPress dashboard.

The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) The Plugin for Search Engine Optimization


Making sure that your website is optimized and the content it contains for search engines is essential to allow more visitors to find your site.

While there are many excellent SEO techniques for websites that are membership-based to help you grow your user base, the most important stage is installing the best WordPress SEO-related plugin.

Drag-and-Drop Page Builder Plugin

Beaver Builder

A free version of WordPress opens up more opportunities to get creative in WordPress. Design pages that are custom, add widgets on your site, work with different styles, and so on!

If you're looking to improve the capabilities of your WordPress capability to edit content You have two incredible alternatives to select from.

Final Thoughts

The following list of ten suggested plugins for WordPress membership sites should assist you with improving the quality of your website with a low cost.

 Which of our suggested WordPress membership plugins should you download? We'd love to know what you think in the comments below.