SaaS Vs IaaS and PaaS: What's the Difference?

Jul 11, 2022
Deciding on iaas vs paas

The words SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS are often used interchangeably -- even though they're anything but interchangeable. So what's the difference between the three?

SaaS vs IaaS vs PaaS graphic
SaaS vs IaaS vs PaaS (Source: eG Innovations)

What is the definition of IaaS?

An image showing WordPress hosting and other services provided by an IaaS
WordPress hosting as well as additional services offered by IaaS ( Source: FileCloud)

The majority of these services were previously on premises Many businesses have adopted IaaS or similar cloud services to cut costs and increase agility.

The benefits are due to the fact that providers allow users to "pay for what they use." In the end, companies limit their infrastructure expenses to exactly the amount they require, while not having to pay for costly maintenance and repair.

What makes a good IaaS provider? In the following section, we'll explore some basic features shared by an excellent IaaS and a few examples of an IaaS operating.


IaaS platforms come with a number of distinct characteristics that set them apart from the other cloud service as well as traditional infrastructure. The goal is to give you more quality and lower cost than traditional infrastructure .

Though it might sound a little crowded, it's an extremely efficient approach to share and allocate servers' resources. Rather than just renting a server for a single user, resources from a single server can be allocated dynamically to many users on an as-needed basis. In other words, every part of the server is under-utilised, which allows IaaS providers to charge less.

  • Online access for many customers:Though every IaaS provider offers a distinct user interface or dashboard, all of them provide their services on the web.

This is true for every cloud service, it's especially important to keep in mind when planning workflows and stacks based around the IaaS platform. As using IaaS will mean you'll access crucial infrastructure using APIs or dashboards, you might need to build your plans around it.

Thankfully, this is mostly a major benefit. Through the distribution of the same service across multiple interfaces IaaS providers ensure that all users will have all access (and complete control over) their infrastructure for computing.

  • Pay-as-you-go pricing:As an extension of providing a flexible pricing option many IaaS providers also offer flexible pricing.

Typically, most IaaS service providers are charged by hours of use. The metric breaks down into two main elements: (i) resources consumed and (ii) the amount of time used. As you might imagine, both of these variables are adjustable, with the majority of service providers offering low-cost fees for both long hours of minimal resource use as well as short periods of high resource consumption. Here, resource consumption might be determined by the RAM (memory) utilized each hour, or storage capacity by gigabytes (GB) as well as the list goes on.

Although the pricing structures differ between different providers, IaaS is almost always more cost-effective than maintaining your infrastructure.


If you've recently been searching for platforms that offer IaaS chances are you've seen the most popular of these.

Amazon EC2

Amazon EC2 homepage
Amazon EC2

What makes Amazon EC2 an IaaS is it offers "bare-bones" infrastructure that is in the cloud.

This is, in other words, a virtual server space without any operating system, software, and so on. It allows users to run and evaluate operating systems of their choice or even create multiple instances of virtual machines.

Google Compute Engine

Google Compute Engine homepage
Google Compute Engine

The advantages and limitations

IaaS offers unbeatable flexibility and scalability in setting up infrastructure. It doesn't necessarily mean it's always the right option, nor is flexibility or scalability always the most important factors in all situations.

IaaS Advantages

For example, where an ultra-performance server rack could cost thousands of dollars in repairs and equipment, IaaS has been shown to decrease IT expenses by as much as 79% in the course of five years. Together with savings from expanding, IaaS is often the most effective way to save money on IT budgets.

  • Low maintenanceNo no matter how reliable servers are, they require regular maintenance to guarantee the right quality of performance and security. Although it is necessary, maintenance can be very costly and often requires an entire IT team to handle the server infrastructure.

This benefit is especially impactful when companies have to adhere to security regulations. In the event that maintaining internal infrastructure may require countless hours of audits and procedures for compliance Certain IaaS companies handle all the above for the company.

  • More accessible:With server administration and maintenance taking the form of user-friendly dashboards and APIs, you don't have to be (or need to be) an IT expert to manage your IT infrastructure.
  • Simple to scale:Whether scaling up or down, an IaaS will always have exactly what you need -regardless of whether your needs regularly shift. It is also possible to replace or modify existing systems without having to lose cash on hardware investment or time-consuming changes.

IaaS Its Limitations

  • Compatibility issues with older platforms:While most IaaS services offer a wide range of compatibility, support for software that is older can be a hit or a miss. Be sure to check that your IaaS service can work with your system prior to making the switch!
  • Training hurdles:Switching to a brand new platform always comes with a growing curve of knowledge. Moving onto an IaaS platform will require you invest your time and resources on staff education.

What is PaaS?

An image showing Email and other apps provided by a PaaS
The email and other applications are provided by PaaS ( Source:

While it is helpful to consider PaaS as being a more complete variant of IaaS, it can equally be regarded as a distinct flavor of SaaS Both assumptions would be correct.

The essence of PaaS is a sort of "middle space" in between virtual hardware (IaaS) and virtual software (SaaS) which provides instruments for creating virtual programs on hardware that is virtual.

Of course, like every cloud service, PaaS is accessible through the internet. It's what you're accessing that can make the difference. Now let's dive into the unique characteristics of a PaaS and how it differs from other cloud services.


PaaS platforms share some of the same features and benefits as other cloud services such as IaaS. However, the general principle is to give the same flexibility and capacity with respect to platforms that can support applications and software.

In the following section The flexibility of PaaS also stems from easy integration with other providers. However, PaaS makes it easy for developers to develop by delegating the server and deployment administration to the provider.

  • Pre-configured environments:Speaking of different environments creating an environment for development from scratch is one of the major hassles of building an app. That's especially true if you have to develop or test in multiple environments to test different scenarios.

While developers can definitely create custom environments using PaaS however many PaaS platforms already come equipped with pre-configured environments. Together with fast deployment, this feature makes it remarkably easy to deploy, test, and host apps without consuming IT resources.

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PaaS platforms are becoming incredibly popular as software and app development continues to grow. Below are two excellent instances you've heard of (or maybe even utilized).


Built specifically for app development, Heroku is an application-as-a-service that lets developers to create and publish apps.

The Heroku homepage

While extremely convenient for sharing and prototyping, Heroku also supports full-scale app deployments. A PaaS service, Heroku provides developers with fully-scale applications without the headache of maintenance for servers.

Google App Engine

The Google App Engine homepage
Google App Engine

As it is a PaaS service the App Engine is responsible for setting up server software and importing whatever frameworks or libraries the app developer wants.

As with other PaaS offerings, the purpose is to provide virtualized development environments that would otherwise be time-consuming to set up and maintain using hardware on site.

Benefits and Drawbacks

As with IaaS, PaaS provides remarkable flexibility and capacity. But, just like IaaS and other cloud services, virtualization still has its own limitations.

PaaS Benefits

  • Easy setup:Whether creating an development environment or hosting an application that has been developed creating the system you want is hard to do starting from scratch. PaaS solutions are able to help. PaaS solution doesn't just set up an environment for you, but also give users the freedom to alter the settings and deploy other environments without having to do manual work.
  • Rapid app deploymentBeyond the tools for development, PaaS platforms also make it easy to host and test apps. Even Heroku's free version allows app developers to make their apps accessible to the public on the internet (albeit limited processing).
  • Lower pressure on ITWe've been mentioning that creating environments from scratch can be time-consuming and can be complicated, frustrating, and resource-intensive. Even though many developers build their own environments, it still requires the use of an IT backbone when using on-site devices. Therefore, shifting to cloud computing also relieves the stress off IT personnel and resources, allowing the IT team to concentrate on other essential matters.

Limitations on PaaS

  • Risks to data security:Using third-party vendors for storage of data poses an inherent security risk, and PaaS platforms are no exception. Your choice of vendor could also limit what security tools you are able to use, depending on their compatibility.
  • Compatibility is not guaranteed.Speaking of compatibility, certain applications you use could not always work with the PaaS platform. This is typically the case only for old platforms.
  • not always optimizedBecause they're flexible and capacity, PaaS platforms aren't always optimized for specific language, libraries, or frameworks. They'll be able to do the job however, they may not be as fine-tuned as some teams might like.

What Is SaaS?

An image showing WordPress hosting and other services provided by a SaaS
WordPress hosting as well as additional services offered by SaaS ( Source: Medium)

Users don't need to be concerned about complicated installations and device compatibility. As long as they have an internet connection, they are able to utilize the application.

SaaS is also the most popular cloud-related service. As technology continues to change in rapid speed, SaaS has become essential for keeping technology stacks lean as well as flexible and ready for the future. The general idea is to provide users with software that they do not need to install, update or maintain it.

The characteristics

As you can imagine, SaaS shares some of the characteristics and advantages as other cloud services. It is however unique by being both the most readily accessible and easy to use.

  • Hosted by a 3rd company:While this point is the case for all cloud-based services however, it's particularly true for SaaS. While traditional software needs the manual installation process and is not compatible with your device, SaaS applications are hosted on a remote server by a third party. We'll look at this later. it has numerous advantages.
  • Flexible and scalable: If you're looking to add more users or install an update or modify any setting, SaaS platforms are flexible and adaptable enough to handle the majority of things in a flash (and for updates, without input). Where adding another user would require manual installation with conventional software, it's easy and fast with SaaS.
  • Full-featured:SaaS platforms don't just provide software, they also handle all the software updates, server maintenance, and security checks necessary to do that. Therefore, the majority of SaaS platforms offer all-inclusive services and all you have to do is login through your browser and start using the service.


Google Workspace

The many apps available through Google Workspace
Google Workspace


A Salesforce dashboard
Salesforce dashboard

Since it is Salesforce is a SaaS platform, every part of Salesforce is available through the cloud. This makes it indispensable for large marketing and sales teams who are spread out across various regions and different time zones.

Advantages and Limitations

SaaS comes with far more advantages than limitations. Like the majority of cloud services, placing security and maintenance on the shoulders of third parties can pose the risk of exposing your business to some dangers.


  • Installations are no more required:Since everything is hosted on the provider's servers You won't have to install (or upgrade) the clunky software for your desktop.
  • Completely managed behind the scenes:Providers not only provide the software, they also do all the maintenance. Where conventional software requires regular updates and sorting out problems with compatibility, SaaS is seamless and maintenance-free.
  • Collaborate from anywhere:With tools available in the cloud, you and your team have access to your SaaS platform to collaborate from anywhere there is a reliable internet connection.
  • Quick setup:Most SaaS platform are immediately online after registration. users needing to set up accounts, privileges, and various other administrative elements.
  • Flexible pricingMany SaaS platforms also provide flexible pricing plans that adapt to your requirements as well as your usage of resources. However, it's not as prevalent as with IaaS as well as PaaS.


  • Risks to data security:Placing your data security in the hands of an outside party is always accompanied with dangers. While most major providers offer top-notch security, it's important to be aware of.
  • Control and customisation are limited:Unfortunately, the convenience of SaaS usually comes with the price of customization and control. Based on the provider you choose it is possible that you will have limited choices for customization and lesser control on operating systems, server performance as well as resource allocation and other essential features.

SaaS Vs IaaS Vs PaaS The Best Uses of Each

After you have a better understanding of the differences between Saas, IaaS, and PaaS IaaS, it is likely that you are aware of which option is best for your needs.

An image showing the roles of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS in cloud computing
The functions of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS in cloud computing ( Source: Teradata)

How To Use IaaS

Cloud infrastructure is something you can configure it by yourself. IaaS is an IaaS platform can help you to avoid cost-intensive overheads and lengthy maintenance of on-site servers and other IT infrastructures by renting space from a third party.

When To Use PaaS

It is your intention to create and launch your own app using the cloud. PaaS is quick and simple to setup the development environment and then deploy your apps in the cloud. You can also utilize IaaS to accomplish this, PaaS comes pre-configured for your language, frameworks, and libraries.

What is the best time to use SaaS?


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