Selling recipes In-depth guidance -

Oct 14, 2022

 Updated: October 13, 2022

Do you think of the possibility of selling your own recipe? We'll show you how to sell recipes online and to businesses, such as:

If you ever felt that the world needed to test the recipe for cookies from your grandmother or believe that your own version of BBQ sauce will become the norm and become a household name, you might want to look into selling your recipes on the internet.

As more and more households are being occupied as a result of the virus it has led to an increase in cooking and baking at home. In fact, there has been a five-year increase of 54% and 46% increase and 46% increase, respectively.

This band wants to alleviate boredom, try something newand indulge themselves to something delicious at the same time. A great audience for you!

If you put your tasty recipes out for others to try, you'll not only make money from your recipes, but depending what route you decide to go, you'll also have the chance to earn money from your home, make your name credibility in the food space If you're an aspiring chef, and maybe even make your family name famous. (Just note that this item is not within the scope of this guide :))

Let's get started!

How to Design Recipes for Sale: Step-by Step Guide

1. Determine the people you're selling your product to

You can go about it by two methods: either take an existing recipe and modify it or make your own recipe, that is based on trends in the market for the specific audience you are targeting or your company.

It's likely that the former is what you'll be doing if simply want to market your grandmother's cookie recipe, while the second could be than you'd like to do if think BBQ sauce is a hot thing on the market right now and want to sell it via eBay.

TIP: Explore the newest food trends making use of Google Trends. Look at the increasing interest in diets based on plants in the US over the past 10 years!

 (August 2010 to September 20, 2020)

2. Get inspiration for your next recipe on the internet

Make sure you find recipes that appeal to the people you want to serve them.

  • Note down the changes you imagine would result in:
  • Changing quantities
  • Changing ingredients
  • Changing cooking/baking methods

3. Outline the recipe

After you've chosen the meals you'd like to develop recipes for, you should outline the essential information you need to know:

  • List of ingredients and approximate quantities
  • Approximate portion size
  • Steps that are high-level and will be followed to prepare the recipe.

This provides you with a great recipe skeleton that you can include in the process of testing your recipe during the final phases of the recipe development procedure.

4. Check your recipe

This is the most important element: invite your family members, friends and others in your target market to give it a go!

This applies to grandma's recipe in the same way as the one that you made yourself.

Keep going until you have consistent results.

If your directions aren't clear, if the test chef gets confused with the measurements or you're asking someone who's not experienced to perform a task that needs more experience, your recipe could fall short or be not taken seriously.

5. Finish your recipe

When you're satisfied with the taste and quality of your food then it's time to put together your recipe for the sale.

Below are some additional things to consider...

  • Congruous cooking measurement in imperial or metric (or the conversion to use either, based on your target market)
  • The number of servings and estimated cooking time
  • If some of your ingredients are difficult to locate suggest substitutes
  • A clear and precise language (Tip If you're not yet, become familiar with the vocabulary by studying similar recipes)
  • Amazing food photography photos to showcase the entire process as well as the finished product

 How to Create Menu Plans for Sale by Step

This might not be the first thought you go to when you're looking for recipes, but meal plans are pre-packaged collections of recipes focused on an exercise goal or type of cuisine.

Since you already have a targeted market already identified and you have a meal plan for your recipe could be another great way to make money consistently.

Think about it - weekly meals plans are equivalent to weekly earnings. Or however often you want to plan it.

1: Determine whom you're selling to.

Just like if you were creating a recipe you must figure out who you want to buy for your meals.

Check out Google Trends, similar bloggers as well as food websites that sell meal plans in the area you're considering. Also, if you look at it from another angle What kind of meal plans is your audience interested in?

Step 2: Create the menu plan

  1. Determine the ideal plan. Week-long plan? Month-long?
  2. Find recipes that match the theme as well as the time
  • Tips: You could take these recipes for inspiration to create your recipe of your own (see "How to Come up with a Recipe" earlier).
  1. Place the dishes in accordance with the schedule
  • TIP: Remember to leave enough room for leftovers!
  1. Organize the shopping list to ensure you have enough ingredients to cover all meals

Step 3: Test and try again

You can test it yourself as well as others to find out what's successful and what doesn't.

Make notes of what's confusing for people, in the event that you've miscalculated the list of items, or if your portion sizes aren't exactly right at this point.

Continue to test until you are satisfied with the meal quality customer feedback, the quality of food, and the consistency of your results.

Other basic points to include...

  • Make a list of the meals you'll cover
  • Serving size - Can it provide enough food for a family of four? A single person?
  • List the groceries required
  • Estimated budget
  • Time needed for preparation
  • Everything in is included in the "How to Create Recipes" list above

How to Market Your Recipes and Meal Plans Online

1. Pick the publishing format that you prefer.

If you're hoping to earn profits from your recipes, when you've got your menu plan or recipe prepared, you need to think about how you can publish them.

There are two basic ways to read ebooks: books and ebooks.

 Publish Your Recipes as Ebooks

The beauty of selling recipes ebooks is the fact that you're not restricted to physical sources and your reach can be as big as you want to make it. It's also simple to modify and update.

As with any other ebook, you'll be required to be able to pull off a number of different hats or outsource to someone else that will do things better than.

In order to create an ebook recipe, you'll need:

  • Writer
  • Editor
  • Food Tester
  • Photographer
  • Photo Editor
  • Designer (for the layout as well as the cover)

Based on the amount of work you'd like to do an ebook on your recipes, it can be as simple and straightforward three-page document (typically it's a PDF) or it could rival a physical cookbook in scope and design.

And speaking of books on cooking...

 Make Your Recipes Available as Paperback books

With a real book with recipes at your fingertips If you spill oil around, there's no moisture damage to worry about. If you are away from the screen longer than just a few minutes, you don't need to consider how to get your screen to come back.

When you create a cookbook of recipes, the list of tasks of the recipe ebook still applies; you'll need to fulfill the same duties. But now you'll also need determine how to create them, and also how to handle distribution.

There's the standard route of acquiring a publisher but this is a long procedure and the return on investment might not be worth it.

You also can go the self-publishing route, using online printers to do the work for you. Pay attention to costs - as they're making use of their own resources for printing your recipe book and you'll have to pay for it in some manner by a percentage of your price or another way.

2. Start an online store

The next step is to create an online store where your customers would be able to buy your products through.

It's a favorite among cookbook authors because the platform is packed with features which include, but not only:

  • Industry's most reasonable rates, With a plan called Forever-free that charges only 5percent when you complete an offer
  • Fast and secure payouts for sellers using PayPal and Stripe integrations
  • Rapid transfer of files to your customers
  • PDF stamping to prevent your clients from sharing their recipes with anyone else.
  • Download limits
  • Support Multiple files and many versions
  • Automatic UK & EU VAT management for international sales
  • Marketing toolsinclude coupon codes and referrals, affiliate marketing cross-sells, coupon codes, and many more.

3. Promote your recipes

In no way is it a surprise that advertising your recipe will allow you to find your audience and potentially increase the sales. One of the best ways to do this is to research what similar recipes are being shared with others, then follow their methods.

Here are some more ideasfor you:

  • Upload videos of yourself preparing the recipe via Youtube or Instagram Live
  • Join online communities to connect with other food and recipe creators as well as lovers
  • Facebook Groups
  • Reddit
  • Pinterest
  • Free recipes are available on recipe websites or other food blogs
  • Offer free chapters to your ebook on recipe
  • Recipe highlights in a newsletter that are based around a particular niche

Make sure you include stunning photos of your finished dishes because it's the initial point of attraction for many avid viewers.

The name you choose for your dish or recipe collection is important too - pick something that is unique but obvious upon reading. Don't be afraid to offend your readers!

Lastly, create marketing campaign using 's free marketing tools for even greater engagement through all your promotional channels.

Strategies from recipe experts who have succeeded

Lissa who's a big fan of raw veganism, has a different method of doing things. Her site, Raw Food Romance with her storeand has customized the webpage to fit her preferences. Since the page is a part of her website and her customers' journey from discovery to payment is seamless.

Also, there's Bianca Lixandru who's selling her ebooks through selling her products on Instagram. There are two editions of her Delicious Protein Cookbook: English and Romanian!

 How to Market your Recipes for A Company

Businesses are a distinct market to sell to than the public whether that's on the street or via online. Food companies, food brands Restaurants, food brands, and other restaurant chains have an image to protect, business strategies to adhere to, and a lot more individuals you'll need to impress.

Think carefully about the way you develop your recipe.

Easy steps to make recipes that you can sell to businesses:

  1. Figure out who you're selling to and what they're looking for
  2. Find recipes to test that might work for the company (skip this if that they'll appreciate cookies from your grandmother's recipe)
  3. Adjust the ingredients, quantities as well as baking/cooking techniques in order to be more consistent with the needs of the organization.
  4. Taste test
  5. Check the recipe in real time for accuracy and make sure that the recipe's instructions are easy to follow.
  6. Determine your ideal selling price

Here are two aspects to keep in mind when you're formulating a plan to market to businesses:

1. Their audience and what that audience likes to consume

If you're making a dish specifically for a company then you must familiarize yourself with who their customers are and what they tend to like.

Do you think it's time-saving meals that can be prepared in just 10 minutes to help the stressed college student? Or is it the kind of vegan family meals that everyone of all ages will enjoy?

2. What makes your dish stand out in comparison to others

So, what is that you can do to make your dish unique?

Businesses are attracted by recipes that will be attractive to their audience If it's suitable for people who follow a particular popular diet or maybe only needs four simple ingredients, make sure they understand that!

How to sell Recipes to Companies, Food Manufacturers, and Restaurants

1. Widen Your Net

In the context of the target audience of your recipe Consider taking some time to brainstorm other companies and restaurants that could be interested in your unique recipe.

As much as we're rooting for you to seal the deal with your first option, it's important to think of alternative options, just in case. (And perhaps, in the worst case scenario, maybe you can create a little bidding war.)

2. Create Your Credentials

Whatever you're doing sell your recipe an establishment or brand, you need to show them that you know exactly what you're doing.

In addition to your recipe, include relevant details about your food history, such as the fact that you have attended culinary school, have obtained a diploma in nutrition, related fields in the field of food, or have food service experience.

3. Pack It All Up and Send

Create an attractive presentation with the recipe you have created, your bio, and great photos of your finished product. Next, go through the list of businesses and send it out! Good luck!

FAQ and other considerations

Are you able to earn money by making recipes?

This is an easy answer that is yes, you could definitely sell your recipes on the internet to make money.

What are the best places to sell your recipes on the internet?

Here are some suggestions on various mediums where you can market your recipes on the internet:

  • Your personal blog/website
  • Other food blogs
  • Social media
  • Recipe websites
  • Food magazines as well as other publications
  • Freelancing gigs (Fivver, Upwork, etc)
  • Online marketplaces (Etsy, eBay, etc)
  • The collection of recipes for ebooks published by Publishing
  • Recipe contest
  • Patreon membership

Let's talk about the most likely ways that you can earn money from selling your recipes online. Selling it on your own blog/website and social media.

If you are selling your product on your website it is possible to write the text and photos you'd like to advertise your product. You can market your recipe or meal plan wherever you'd like.

If you are selling your products through social media, your previous images and posts are sharing your personality and style. It's just a matter of adding an option for users to buy your product directly from an individual they follow.

For both cases you are able to alter the cost of your cookbook or recipe ebook at whatever price you wish and with no overhead fees, especially if you use .

How much are recipes sold at?

So here's where it gets hard to figure out. It's all about where and how you get it published.

If you're trying to sell your recipe for a single item, like selling it on the blog of your choice or by the winning of a contest for recipes that could fetch anywhere between $5 and $5000. (These numbers are only guidelines and you can find more or less.)

If you choose to release your recipe in an ebook recipe collection and sell it via an online marketplace such as Etsy or eBay or even create them for clients as a recipe developer, then pricing will be different but it will likely be higher overall than a one-time sale. The price difference is because you've created the chance to earn passive income or a repeat business. Furthermore, you're able determine the cost of the recipe, and not be subject to someone else's budget.

Because we're dealing with intellectual property, there's likely to be legal issues when it comes to the sale of recipes as well as meal plans.

When selling products or services on the internet or your service is offered for hire, be sure you're clear on the rights of your text and photos and any royalties or commission.

If you're selling on your website, this part is much more straightforward -- you just have to be clear with the client about what they can or can't do with your recipes.

If you are a copyrighted recipe in the US, you can copyright provided it fits their criteria. According to the US Copyright office in the event that the recipe goes beyond simply an ingredient list and has "substantial literary description" that is explaining your instructions, you are eligible to.

The copyright law will likely vary with different countries. Therefore, check with a local lawyer to understand how it works in the country where you reside.

Do you have the ability to make recipes patentable?

If you live in the US The short answer is yes. You can patent the recipe.

However, the long-term answer it is that your dish needs to meet certain specifications to qualify. The tricky aspects to prove include that your recipe can be described as "novel" and "nonobvious". That means that "your recipe cannot have been made before" and "not an improvement over something existing". It is the reason that most recipes are not allowed.

As this is only relevant to the US, again you'll need consult an attorney local to you or your country's patent office in order to know how it works for you in the country where you live.

Does it violate the law to offer meals plans?

Are you a registered nutritionist or registered dietitian? If so, it's legal.

If you're a personal trainer, food blogger or not licensed as a professional, then tread lightly. It's possible to provide general suggestions (i.e. suggesting adding more water or vegetables to your diet) but you can't dictate a specific meal plan for the individual.

If you're just giving recipes or suggestions on how to, let's say, live a more vegetarian lifestyle, that's acceptable. If you state that your meal program will aid in reducing the condition, it's not legal.

We're not lawyers so please discuss this with a local lawyer so you're aware of the options available to you.

Ready to Start Cooking?

Whether you're trying to sell your recipes to companies or restaurant, or simply looking to earn money by making money selling your recipe online We hope that you are aware of how to start your journey.