Set Up Microlearning Modules for Your LMS: 4 Easy Steps

Sep 13, 2024

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If you find that learners are dropping out of your courses halfway through, it may indicate that your courses are not simple to comprehend. A solution to this issue is to introduce microlearning modules to your LMS.

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Microlearning courses are where complex topics are broken into smaller, digestible chunks.

The lessons are usually less than a minute and concentrate on a specific goal, which makes them easier for learners to retain and absorb the information.

Keep reading to learn more about microlearning and the best way to create one for your courses.

What are Microlearning Modules?

Microlearning is a teaching method that breaks down difficult material into smaller, attainable pieces to help students reach some learning goals.

These lessons are usually brief, ranging between a couple of minutes and anything under ten to fifteen minutes.

Due to their short length They are ideal for modern learners with short attention spans and busy schedules, making them perfect for education on the go.

Benefits of Microlearning Modules

Nowadays, attention spans have dwindled to sub-goldfish levels. If you believe that's just a joke, there's research to confirm it..

Though you won't be able to increase their focus There are methods to keep their attention for much longer.

Breaking your course up into microlearning modules in your LMS, it will no longer seem like a mammoth undertaking to your learners.

And with the help of Interactive materials, your lessons will stop being a chore or an enjoyable experience for students!

Think about the tiny pleasure of checking off tasks from your to-do list. The same principle applies - the students you teach will be motivated by the joy they feel by completing their courses easily.

These are some of the key advantages of microlearning modules, to back up why microlearning modules are so important.

  • Enhanced Retention: Short, focused sessions improve memory and retention.
  • Increased Engagement: Multi-format and interactive formats help keep students interested and engaged.
  • Flexible: Learners can access the content easily, integrating their learning around busy schedules.
  • Cost-Effective: Reduces training costs due to the shorter development cycle and reusable tools.
  • Just-in-Time Learning It provides specific data right when it's needed, supporting the immediate application.
  • Scalability: Simple to modify and expand with new information or to customize for different audience.

Tips to Take into Account When Designing Microlearning Modules to be used in your LMS

If you can't wait to test microlearning inside your LMS, hold your horses! We've done some research and have put together a list of points you should keep in mind in order to make your microlearning modules as efficient as possible.

Content Relevance

Be sure that your modules are slim as you can and contain only relevant information.

This is more difficult than you think, especially when you're a passionate person about the subject you're studying - for example, you may want to rhapsidize on every aspect related to your topic.

However, not everyone wants this amount of detail, thus it's better to leave this unnecessary detail for a different, more advanced course.

If the course you're teaching is stuffed over with content that doesn't directly relate to the subject matter of your course You could demoralize or overwhelm a bulk of your participants.

Relevance drives engagement and motivation, allowing your users to complete the classes they were trying to complete.

Here are a few things you can do to ensure content relevance.

  • Learners are asked to take a survey to better understand their interests and needs.
  • align content to actual-world applications to increase relevance.
  • Customize scenarios to match the students their work environments or daily challenges.
  • The content is updated regularly so that it stays current and applicable.

If you design your micro-content this way it's simpler for users to comprehend. It will also entice users to complete one section after another.

Clarify the Learning Objectives

Insufficient clarity regarding a course's objectives is often why many users drop interest from a lengthy course.

One of your primary goals when you are working on the smaller modules is to provide an understanding of what learners are taking in.

The learner should know what they will learn before beginning the program by giving them an understanding of why it's relevant to the individual. This could help increase their determination through the challenging parts and through to course completion.

Here are some tips that'll assist you in providing clarity on learning outcomes.

  • Define concise objectives at the beginning of every module.
  • Utilize action verbs to create objectives that are flexible and attainable. In other words, instead of saying "Understand the basics of programming" simply say "Write basic programs using Python." The approach can make goals more concrete and helps students set a concrete goal to strive for.
  • Align assessments to the objectives listed above in order for a precise assessment of student success.
  • Communicate expectations clearly to learners at the start.

Through these methods it is possible to get people enthralled with your micro lessons.

Engaging and interactive content

One of the most well-known methods employed by teachers in person to maintain student attention is frequently asking questions.

Even the most dedicated students may let their minds wander. When you create a classroom that is engaging, you give them another incentive to them to be engaged and interested in the material.

Interactive content can have the same impact in online courses. Each microlearning lesson is concluded with a quiz or assignment will require students to show their knowledge of the content.

Instant feedback provided by these tests helps students stay engaged and motivated, or highlight the areas they need to work on before they move on.

Here are some ideas to make your lessons more engaging and keep your students on track for success:

  • to make learning interactive.
  • Keep your classes interesting and your students on their toes.
  • Use multimedia elements like animations, videos, and audio clips to cater to diverse ways of learning.
  • for added excitement and to increase competition.
  • Facilitate the social aspect of learning through the use of discussions boards and group activities.

Bite-Sized Formatting

The purpose behind microlearning is to help break down your large course into digestible information. Making each lesson concise is helpful to keep learners focused and avoids burning out.

In order to create these bite-sized courses You must be careful about lesson duration, subject selection as well as other factors. Below are some of them for you to quickly have a take a look.

  • Limit the duration of modules to 5-10 minutes.
  • Split complex topics into smaller topics that are easy to digest.
  • Make sure you focus on a important takeaway per module to avoid mental overload.
  • Make clear headings and bullet points to organize content visually.

Feedback and Assessment

Another way to customize learning materials is obtaining the opinions of users or their feedback. Making your microlearning courses based on your students' interests will help them to be more interested to complete the course.

  • Include feedback forms at different points in the trainingto gather insights on how things are going and what's not.
  • Offer quick polls or questionnaires inside the modules in order to help learners understand their preferences in real-time.
  • Students are encouraged to share their ideasand thoughts directly via discussions forums or course platforms.

Usability and accessibility

Ensuring that microlearning modules are simple to use and easy for users encourages consistent engagement. The accessibility of the module removes obstacles for students who are disabled, and good usability enhances the learning experience.

Make sure you are following them by implementing the tips below.

  • Utilize web accessibility guidelines to cater to everyone who learns.
  • because a lot of learners use their smartphones to access information.
  • to minimize learning curves to minimize learning.
  • Test Usability by interacting with actual users in order to determine and rectify problems with navigation.

These ideas will assist you divide the course into smaller, more efficient packages. Your overall course completion rates and the learners' overall satisfaction with your courses will improve if students find the courses easily accessible.

Create Microlearning Modules for Your Courses using

As you're aware of how beneficial microlearning tools can be and the things to think about when designing them, you're ready to create the modules for your customers. We're now left with the next question: How are you going to do it?

Well, that's where comes into. It's a membership plugin that can help you easily create microlearning courses and supervise students. It is possible to do a lot more with this plugin in the future, but for now, let's get straight into making microlearning courses for your students.

Step 1: Download and Install

That means that you can make your courses as granular as you want, and break up large topics into digestible courses.

Step 2: Activate the Add-on Courses

Once you've done that, you can create your classes!

Step 3: Make A Course!

Step 4: Design As Many Microlearning Modules As You'd Like

The key to microlearning is breaking your course down in to modular lessons and modules that are manageable.

With Courses you have total freedom to include any number of lessons and modules you'd like in your class, making it easier to breakdown.

For that, you need to select the Curriculum tab on the Course page.

Click "Add Section" to add a brand new module...

...and + Add Lesson to add lessons within the modules.

Repeat the process the same way as want. That's it!

Step 5: Include Interactive Elements to Make The Modules More Interesting

In order to make your microlearning courses fun, you could create a quiz in each module you have created using . Simply click the "+Add Quiz button right next to the + Add Lessonsbutton.

Why not consider a certification for your students to provide them with additional confidence in their abilities? Just select your Certificatetab from the coursesoption.

Allow the certificate to be displayed on the coursebutton. It is also possible to set the necessary details for the certificate like a logo instructor's name, title, and footer message.

Use Microlearning Modules to Enhance your LMS today!

Conclusion: Microlearning courses are an excellent way to enhance the learning experience as well as make it easier for more learners to complete their courses in your LMS.

By breaking down hard topics into bite-sized pieces, you simplify learning and make it more fun for your users.

Remember that the key for creating microlearning programs that work is to keep the content relevant. Be aware of the goals for learning as well as ensuring that the material is exciting and engaging to utilize.

Like we've mentioned the importance of keeping these ideas in mind will help you design lessons that don't just appeal to students, but also fulfill the needs of learners.

If you're looking for a powerful tool to help you implement the plans you have created, look into . It comes with everything you require to create and manage microlearning classes that will alter the way that you instruct.

 Please let us know in the comments below whether you've used microlearning in your classrooms but haven't yet. What changes have you seen in how engaged and able learners are in understanding material in your course?

If you've found this piece informative, make sure to connect with our page on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram as well as LinkedIn!

S Showrabh       From writing poems and short stories to composing technical articles regarding WordPress as well as running the site for members, lots of things have changed for Showrabh. But what hasn't changed is his passion for writing and wasting time. He is a fan of football, music as well as cricket. He can be found looking at the celling or put headphones on and writes for long periods of time. When he's not doing any of the above it is not uncommon to hear him explain why someone could love cricket and football equally at the same time.