Six Nonprofit Membership Software Solutions (2024) |

Feb 5, 2024

In the process of launching the most successful membership program for nonprofits as well as increasing and managing the number of members you have, your non-profit membership software could be the best resource you have.

The following article will address:

  • What is nonprofit member software?
  • Benefits of using the software to join nonprofit groups.
  • What to look at on the application.
  • six membership management software options for non-profit organizations. alternatives.

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What exactly is the non-profit member software?

Software used for membership by nonprofits lets members organize, track and link their members to the organisation and (often) with each other. It is the case that, typically there are two components that membership software for used by nonprofits:


  • Management of members: to manage list of members, details on payment as well as membership status and contact details, and other tools to efficiently manage lists of members.
  • Member Connection Software: It is designed to help members connect with each other and connect them. This can include messages boards email, discussion forums, and emails as well as event hosting.

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Each nonprofit should possess one or more of these alternatives. The program for managing member's membership is vital in keeping track of member details and creating a directory. Your organization might not require the tools for connecting members. They are the most efficient to connect members over the internet.

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Software examples that can be used to control the accounts of members.


  • Contact information database
  • Automatic reminders for renewals
  • Building different membership plans
  • The storage of payment information

Communication tools that can be used to communicate to communicate with members of the group


  • Discussion forums
  • Online community features
  • Chat or send a message
  • Virtual occasions

 - Graphics - Discovery Course

What are the benefits of using software to manage members?

Utilizing membership management software by your organization can accomplish a variety of tasks. Here are some advantages of software for non-profit organizations managing membership


  • Lower your burden of administrative work majority of non-profit organizations have a multitude of work to do however they do not have enough time to complete these. Administration tasks consume a significant amount of energy and time. A good software will allow you to focus on the things that matter.
  • Create touchpoints that members can make use of: Looking to increase your members' engagement, software can help reduce and streamline your touchpoints for example, whether you're making a reminder for your billing or updating your company.
  • Tools to help users self-serve Members are able to manage their accounts and preferences for billing, this makes more satisfied users, with less strain for your employees.
  • access to the information base If you are a business that has an database, the membership management software can manage the database as well as allow members access to the information base database.
  • Content made by the members Non-profit organizations are able to host chat rooms and earn money from the creation of content by their members. They also allow them to interact with each other to talk about questions, topics and thoughts.
  • Create networks software lets members connect and help users to build networks.

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What features should you be looking for in a application used by non-profit organizations to manage the membership of their members

Numerous nonprofits have different requirements in their software. Some need membership databases. Certain members require frequent contact with their fellow members. Members also need assistance in their interactions with their colleagues. Other members need invoices. Some need email.

It is important to know what you require from your non-profit organisation in order that members can thrive. Here are a few problems that nonprofit membership will be able to solve.


  • Administration of member Members management Look for the components you'll need to set up your database of members. Track the members of your organization.
  • member communications Members' communications Find the application you'll need for communication with members, like Chat, SMS emails, and much more.
  • Event integration: If you're organizing events, look for features you'll require within your nonprofit's software to facilitate membership. These include managing and organizing the registration process for an event and collecting the payments.
  • Payments & processing If you charge members fees, you should look for processing options, then you can configure autoenewals and bundles.
  • Analytics and report Reporting tools and analytics lets you know what's working as well as how your customers are behaving, and where they're using their time.
  • User interface Search for software that's user-friendly, ideal to host servers and, in the event that it is required for your users.
  • Applications and the ability to access modern-day membership management systems require methods to let both the users as well as hosts access it anywhere. It's a must for applications!

Software designed for the members of non-profit groups.


Mighty is a social-media-based membership platform which functions well as a non-profit membership software. It combines a range of member management tools and the highest-rated software from G2 to manage community.

What are you able to expect when you purchase Mighty:


  • Tools for managing members Tools for managing Member profiles of members, directories bundles Plans and bundles as well as auto-renewal and Self-service administration.
  • Communication with the member Chat & messaging Polls, questions and other polls and a ConvertKit integration for email.
  • Participation options include discussion forums Livestreaming, online courses, and even livestreaming.
  • Events on the web  chat with multi-speaker, RSVP as well as websites that provide event information as well as the option to pay for event tickets
  • Pay options Pay on the internet and accept the dues from members and then bundle them with other kinds of choices and bills with 135 currencies.
  • AI Member tools : With Mighty Co-Host(tm) you can get automated profile profiles for members, smart connections, immediately-generated load pages, as additionally as"make the site better" Text editor "make it more effective" text editor, and lots more.

Mighty provides everything you require to manage the members of your nonprofit and expand the impact of your organization.

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Student Engagemnet

2. Mighty Pro

Pro Homepage - Story Card - No code no maintanence

Mighty Pro gives you the advantages of membership , and it's available via the apps you create. It's also the name you want your customers to see in the App Store, as well as the Google Play Store, not the name of a third-party.

Pro is a formidable Pro offers:


  • Premium apps you can trademark are available on the App Store as well as the Google Play Store.
  • The possibilities that are provided by The Mighty Network: Discussions, livestreaming classes, events chat, messages and chat and also management of members.
  • The team you work with is the dedicated team of social strategists and account managers.
  • advanced analytics along with advanced analytics as well as.
  • Prior to launch, you will receive VIP support during, as well as immediately following the launch.
  • Mighty handles your move (if there is a need).


We've created applications to Cambridge University, TED, Fortune and a host of other companies. Contact us to discuss the possibilities of our suggestions with you.

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3. Hivebrite

Hivebrite community


Hivebrite can be described as an alumni management platform that has a variety of options, making it an excellent nonprofit membership application. Below are a few functions you should be aware of:

CRM software allows you to keep track of your members as well as their status at present, monitor the payment process, and take advantage of analysis. It also integrates with Salesforce. Salesforce integration.

An excellent membership directory which includes.

Classify members into distinct groups or categorize them into categories.

Email is integrated into and you can get Hivebrite apps.

hivebrite live events

The strength of Hivebrite is its tracking of members as well as its administrative functions. But it's not quite as efficient with regards to the member-engagement and community functions. The UX might look old-fashioned in certain instances. The platform lacks livestreaming as well as native videos that limit its use in delivering high-impact content to its users.

4. Join It

Join it- Image

Although the other tools included on this list provide tools for membership, including Join It can only be employed for internal management of membership. It is a great administrator tool especially for non-profit organisations that require only an enrollment system which is the backend.

Here are a few advantages that Join It gives:


  • A database for members that permits members to be categorize in various categories and types of needs, as well as create categories.
  • Self-service member portal which allows the issuance of membership cards via the application.
  • You must ensure that you are managing the regular and one-time payment, and create auto-renewal (or cancellations). The system also allows for automated renewal reminders.
  • Set up a membership site, and integrate it with the existing site if you have one.
  • Lists of memberships available for download along with statistics.

5. MemberLeap

Member Leap

MemberLeap is yet another non-profit membership program that includes the tools for managing members as well as the managing of events.

Here are a few of the features that are most beneficial provided by MemberLeap:


  • A CRM for tracking your various points of contact to your customers.
  • It is easy connecting local databases along members' data to a central database. This can be useful in managing chapters in regional areas.
  • Fantastic tools to communicate with your members, including texts, emails, and newsletters. .
  • Paying for your payments also is automatic renewals as well as billing.
  • Event registration tools and event registration tools. This includes the integration of virtual events (exhibit exhibits, booths, and so on. ).

The most appropriate MemberLeap platform is for Backend Membership Database features. It's missing features of an online community but it's a basic message board. It's also limited to live event tickets along with itineraries.

6. Wild Apricot

Graphics - Wild Apricot

Wild Apricot is an online system for managing members designed specifically to serve non-profit organizations. It comes with an excellent toolkit that can be used to simplify and automate some of more common needs.

Here are a few of the features Wild Apricot has:


  • An online builder that lets you build drag-and-drop sites to a non-profit organization and even websites to local chapter.
  • It's useful for live events and for controlling the timetable Printing badges, as well as registration.
  • It has a mobile application which can be utilized for facilitating participation in conferences and for administration.

Wild Apricot - In Person Event

There are two major disadvantages of Wild Apricot. The platform is not ideal for communities. Wild Apricot has a limited forum feature and a limited range of content options that cannot be used to host content created by users in a community. While virtual events can be held on Wild Apricot, the platform does not have the capability to host multi-faceted events.

Are you prepared to start?

If you're interested in getting into the world of nonprofit membership software, you should give Mighty an opportunity! Memberships are compatible with strong database capabilities as well as G2's top community management program. It's also free to test for 14 days, with no charge for credit cards.

This article was originally posted this site.

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