Six Step Lead Magnet Funnel To Capture and Convert Prospects (+Templates)

Jul 13, 2022

If you're keen to start optimizing the value of your material, a lead magnet funnel is an effective instrument to assist you in doing exactly that.

From reaching out to existing customers, to collecting and turning new leads Your lead magnet funnel has been created to allow you to get the most out of every chance.

This is everything you have to know about creating a lead magnet funnel with a six-step tutorial to make your personal.

Discover more information about how lead magnet funnels can be used to grow your business. Sign up to join our free webinar Sales Funnel Course.

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  What is a funnel for a lead magnet?  

A lead funnel is the journey potential customers take from the moment they download the lead magnet to completing a purchase and beyond.

The thing that makes a lead magnet funnel effective is that it includes multiple stepping stone. In lieu of just one interaction with a potential customer it is a unified path that guides them to the end goal, which is to make them loyal repeat customers.

  How to use a lead magnet funnel  

You can use a lead magnet funnel in order to develop and enhance the customer experience. The purpose of a lead funnel is to make the most of the potential buyer's email address - using various lead magnets to convince customers to purchase.

Lead magnet funnels can be used to:

  • Expand your audience
  • Build customer relationships
  • Enhance conversions

What's more that your lead magnet funnel can make your life much easier. If you create a buyer's journey that revolves around your lead magnet you can automate a lot of your processes for marketing. This will mean less work for you and your sales team in the long run.

  Want a head start? Use this guide to design an effective lead funnel using webinars!

  6 steps lead magnet funnel tutorial  

A successful lead-generation funnel six steps. Below is our lead funnel tutorial that will show you how.

  1. Start by creating your lead magnet

Your lead magnet might be:

  • A quiz
  • Worksheet
  • Template
  • Checklist
  • Podcast

The concept is to create a valuable source that can convince people to give up their email addresses in exchange to receive a lead-generating offer.

Your lead magnet must be located on a landing page that you direct visitors to through the promotion of your content via blogs, social media, ads, and more. Your landing page should encourage people to download the lead-generating magnet and start the flow of your lead magnet funnel.

  2. Please say thank you.

Once a person has input their email address or downloaded your lead-generating lead the next stage in your lead magnet funnel to acknowledge the action.

The most effective way to accomplish this is by sending a pleasant, personable 'thank you' email that introduces users to who you are as well as what you're doing.

Based on the lead magnet they have downloaded, your introduction will differ. While you could send out an email that is general to all however, your advertising efforts are more efficient by tailoring your email to different sorts of leads.

For instance, someone looking to download a manual to be hired as an architect will not be interested in the same things as an architectural company that is looking for guidance on how to hire students in the field of architecture.

If you could segment your mailing list into different categories of leads and leads, it will ensure your introductory email hits home. Make sure to remember this tip in order to create a lead magnet funnel that is extra effective and establish an immediate connection with your prospective customer.

  3. Request to access additional content

Once you've said hello and provided potential customers with an introduction to your brand The next thing to do is to build their trust.

The best way to nurture a new lead is to provide them with other content pertinent to their needs. That's why you'll need to bring in more lead magnets, which they might also like to have access to.

Here are some ideas to use as effective'middle of funnel' lead-generating magnets

This part of the funnel for lead magnets is known as the 'education Phase.

You are educating potential customers while also subtly showing them that they need to choose your business when they decide to purchase.

The education phase that you use to build your lead funnel must be comprised of several email messages ranging from 3-7 - an ideal number, all of which help to build a connection with your potential customer and increase your brand's authority.

It is essential in forming a more clear idea of who your lead is and what they want. Through examining the type of you find them engaging with on the internet and what they are interested in, you will be able to create an accurate image of the kind of customer they could be. This lets you segment your database even further.

This information can be helpful in the process of getting up to step 4.

  4. Investigate your lead

If you've invested the time to nurture your lead through targeted emails, content suggestions and lead magnets, it's time to take the next step: Action .

The  traditional sales portion of the lead magnet funnel.

Once a potential client has arrived at this point, they're in a position to purchase. The next step is to get them to commit to an order through the way you.

Perhaps you should call and offer your prospect an appointment to meet with them in person or write a direct, personalized email. This step can help you create a stronger connection with those you are pursuing. If they have concerns about your products, services, or resources and how you can help.

You can also introduce another lead magnet in this section to in influencing their decisions. Some good lead magnets for the base of your lead funnel would be:

  • Discount code
  • Coupon
  • Free trial
  • Consultation for free
  • Live demo

This is the point where you can tilt the scales favor of your product over the competition. An incentive such as an offer or free trial could push people toward a purchase.

  5. Turn into a loyal customer

If you're hoping to convert your leads into loyal customers who are likely to buy with your business You must create a follow-up campaign. You can do this by sending out sales emails or calls that check in on the progress of your leads after they have made purchases.

With post-purchase email flows, the idea is to encourage your customers to return to your website and buy from you again. This stage of your lead magnet funnel is all about creating a path to return to your page with your lead magnets.

Below are some suggestions to send post-purchase emails

  Feedback and reviews  

In your post-purchase campaign, you can ask the customers to give feedback on their purchases. It is an ideal occasion to mail surveys. Customers can be enticed to review your business or post photos to social networks.

Review and feedback can be an extremely effective option to enhance your service and understand how customer's expectations are aligned with what they actually experience. They are also a great chance to gather some social proof to use on your landing pages and social media. Make sure you include this in your funnel for lead magnets!

  Recommend a friend  

Take the opportunity for new lead generation by encouraging customers to refer a friend after making a purchase. Utilize your lead magnets to get customers to share your content to their friends.

One of the most effective method to accomplish this is to offer incentives such as coupon codes or discount coupons which customers are able to share with their friends, family, and coworkers. If you can add this step to your lead magnet funnel, you'll have the ability to encourage your clients to spread the news about your item or service after they've made an purchase.

Once a new contact has registered their email address and they are logged in on highest point of your lead magnet funnel, and then the process begins with a new start.

  Product suggestions  

The most important element of any good post-purchase email flow is the recommendation of products to stimulate to make future purchases. There are many ways to come up with your content for these emails but the important thing to remember is that you are suggesting products that are relevant to the specific customer.

A few popular emails that cross-sell include:

  • "Customers who purchased ... also loved ...'
  • 'We recommend...'
  • 'Add these into your library ...'
  • 'Treat yourself to ...'

Chances are, you'll have goods and services that go together. If you've successfully offered a course about  writing an entire novel', the client is probably interested in a follow-up course on 'how to market and market your book' too.

Cross-selling emails can be an excellent way of introducing consumers to different offerings or services may interest them.

  6. Stay on top of things

The ultimate stage of your lead funnel is to not let your buyers disappear from the map after making purchases.

You can create a whole range of different types of follow-up emails. The key is finding the right style and layout that will appeal your intended audience. The goal is to stay contact with your customers - not only one week or one month after purchase but for several years afterwards.

Essentials of a lead magnet funnel

Along with the 6-step guide to the lead magnet funnel and the 6-step lead magnet funnel tutorial, there are other important aspects of a lead funnel that you should keep in mind. Although the lead funnel tutorial focuses on the process of nurturing lead sources, there's other kinds of leads that are nevertheless extremely beneficial to your company.

Here are our tips.

  They're still a lead even though they're old and cold  

If you've not had a lead magnet funnel and you've never worked on lead nurturing before, it's a good idea to revisit your old leads. If you've been running your company for some time and you have leads that date back to when you first started.

  Here's your reminder to get in touch with them!  

Utilize your funnel for lead generation to contact your previous leads to show them that you've remembered them. In this case, your introduction may be different since they're acquainted with your brand. This means you're safe to launch back into one of your "education" emails and offer suggestions for lead magnets they might like.

  Leads are still leads even in the event that they're an existing client  

The most common mistake small and medium-sized businesses go wrong is assuming that after a customer is a customer, your connection with them is done. However, after someone makes a purchase, it's likely that they'll make another purchase further down the line. Don't waste this opportunity!

One of the benefits of funnels for lead magnets is that it gives you a pathway for existing customers to continue interacting with your business. If they open a lead magnet, you'll get an overview of what subjects and products potential customers are attracted to regardless of what they've previously purchased and when they last purchased that item.

  They're still a lead regardless of whether they're with a competitor  

While it is tempting to eliminate those leads who have already used a rival product or service however, the lead funnel can help you discern and understand what individuals are looking for.

If they're downloading your lead magnets, there's a need. What's the trick is finding the ways you can assist. Instead of bringing down your competition, this is about highlighting the advantages you have to offer with your service or product. In this kind of lead you should try to inform them of special deals, price adjustments as well as new features that you've added. It could help convince them to join your company.

  Do you need help to build your lead magnet funnel?  

The creation of a lead magnet funnel is a great method to boost your conversion rates . It also makes sure that every lead you acquire gets the time and attention due to it. With the right guideline for lead magnets, it is possible to make sure that your clients remain in awe long after they've made an purchase.

For more help designing your lead-generator funnel, subscribe to Neil Patel's free webinar Sales Funnel training course.

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