Speed up the workflow of your website's content This WordPress Editorial Calendar

Jul 15, 2023

Make Your Content Workflow More efficient WordPress Editorial Calendar

Strive WordPress Content Calendar review

This is the realm of Member of which we're happy to run not just only one, nor even two, but six websites that are thriving! We're confident that it's no simple task to deal with the amount of material.

Six blogs across various websites that each offer an individual product, staying at the top of your game isn't easy. Don't forget the talented bloggers who bring their individual perspectives in the blog. There are a lot of them working in the kitchen, creating many different food items.

That's the way it looked until we discovered the game-changing WordPress editorial calendar. It's true, the calendar completely changed how we function in the realm of managing content.

It's been called the Strive Content Calendar, and I'm looking forward to sharing its magic with fellow content creators as well as bloggers like you.

Since the time I've used Strive in the past couple of months, I've come to see how beneficial it could be for improving the efficiency in managing content.

Are you willing to step improve your video game? Let's go!

This is why it's possible to Strive

If you're involved in the area of blog content or management, then you're aware of the essential importance of blogging content calendars. They are the basis of your business and enable you to:

  • Create and track the subject matter
  • Strategies to Structure
  • Assign tasks
  • Schedule posts
  • ...and and many more!

If you're as organized as we are, you know that your blog's calendar of articles is only one piece of the overall puzzle. It's your primary calendar for content. It allows you to manage more than blog posts. It also allows you to organize kinds of other content types, like guides and infographics, advertisements and PDFs which are well-categorized into categories by topic.

The Members team rely on Asana to create and manage our huge content calendar, which provides a comprehensive perspective. We did encounter several challenges during our journey:

  1. The massive size of our main calendar did not suffice as a useful blogging content calendar.
  2. The writers we employ aren't located in the office which gives them the access Asana. This was due to an extensive series of emails between us, as well as Google Docs exchanges when assigning writing topics to other writers.

We were blessed with a new beginning with the help of Our salvation came with the help of Strive Content Calendar It promptly sorted out these problems and offered us the most simple solution. Allow us to shed the details on how Strive was able to solve our issues with content management.

It's the most important part now: your Strive Content Calendar

Strive menu easy to access from WordPress dashboard

This smart solution direct address my main concerns:

  1. By integrating our blog's content calendar with the WordPress backend, each blog can have its own calendar, which is distinct from the calendar of the main site. This streamlined approach simplifies the management and organization of blog topics and guarantees the smooth operation. (Curious to know how we connect our calendar for our blog with our Asana main calendar? We'll divulge our method!)
  2. Each writer we hire has accessibility through the WordPress backend. With Strive the calendars of content for blogs are integrated into WordPress the platform they use. It's now simple to assign the task of evaluating, reviewing and processing blog post content to all involved! It's not necessary to switch to Google Doc sharing. (We'll discuss more in depth concerning this further down the line!)

Furthermore, the drag-and drop feature only enhances the incredible ease of use

Strive drag and drop feature

Are you looking to change the date on which you publish your message? That's no problem! Strive allows you to easily organize content to meet your needs and speedily transfer articles from scheduled slots into the sidebar to drafts that don't have scheduled scheduling. Every move triggers automatic scheduling within the WordPress editor for smooth organization.

The Strive plugin is one of my favorites. The Strive plugin comes with a variety of amazing options. Let's take a look at the alternative.

Additional great features from the Strive.

Additionally, in addition to the ease of configuration and seamless integration, Strive has a variety of features created to save you valuable time. Like...

Rapid content changes

In order for your site to be ranked highly and to remain in the top position for an extended period requires regular updates to the content. But, this process has its own challenges. It isn't a good idea to change the significance of content published in a blog already important.

Strive create a revision from the WordPress admin bar

Use Strive's Revisions feature. It's the most efficient way to simplify the process of revising. After you've installed the plugin you'll be able to see a "revision" option included with each blog post that is published. The option is accessible through the admin bar in WordPress as well as on the blog's post list in the lower right corner of the backend.

Strive create a revision in the back end of WordPress

This function works by requiring just two steps:

  • Clicking"revision "revision" option creates a completely fresh draft of the article distinct from the initial version published.
  • Once you've changed your settings after which you click "Publish," Strive seamlessly connects the new version to the original version. What is this referring to? A well-optimized article that doesn't have difficulties with redirects that cause confusion. The SEO juice remains intact, and you'll be able to save time.

The Strive calendar displays clearly label changes. This allows you to swiftly determine the amount of content being revised.

Alternative Pipeline view

In contrast, in contrast, since the Calendar view is my primary job area, but however, the Pipeline perspective provides an overview. If you click on the Pipeline button you'll be given access to all the posts in your blog posts in one well-organized section.

The post will be removed if they are not being read giving a complete summary of the process. If they're scheduled to be read they're waiting to be edited and have not even started, you can easily identify the status of every article. Additionally, you'll be in a position to change between column and row layouts in accordance with the process you'd like to follow.

Checklists that can be customized

The process of writing of a blog that is organized requires managing many details, from the style and grammar of writing as well as metadata and image settings. The problem becomes even more difficult especially when working with bloggers who are young.

That's why Strive Checklists function comes in. Strive Checklists function comes to assist you, eliminating any guesswork and guaranteeing consistency. Simply compile your checklist of the essential information under the Checklist tab, and you'll be prepared to get started.

Strive style checklist

If someone is in the writing process, you can access the checklist right from the WordPress editor and make sure to tick off every item when they are working. It's not only a streamlined method of work, but it also is a useful device for writing.

Clear Post Statuses

Statuses for posts serve an important function in organising the flow of your content. What can you tell that the content is in progress in progress and is awaiting edits, or if it has been revised or is ready to publish? Strive's Post Statuses feature offers unparalleled clarity in this field.

As opposed to the traditional WordPress configuration, which is unable to distinguish between articles that need editing, as well as ones that are awaiting publishing, Strive introduces a crystal-clear option.

Strive status

The Strive plugin can improve the efficiency for your WordPress experience by providing an intuitive way to display post statuses:

  • Not Started
  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Complete
  • Publication

Each status is colored according to the color of its current status. It provides an indication of the status throughout each day of the calendar of the Strive. When you update statuses in WordPress, the WordPress editor initiates an immediate reflection to Strive also, and the process can be reversed. This function allows for effective organization, making sure that you don't forget your blog's current status.

Here are a handful of amazing possibilities that create Strive an essential tool to improve the process of creating content. We'll now examine how Strive can assist you in improving your blog's workflow control.

Automate the blog's workflow and simplifying it. Strive

In this blog article, I'll explain what we do when we as the Member Content Team effectively uses Strive to control the blog post process. There are a number of bloggers contributing to our six blogs, which we oversee, ensuring the most efficient and organized workflow is essential.

It's good to know that Strive has two alternatives for you to streamline your tasks and ensure a smooth process. Find out how you can make use of Strive's tools. Strive:

New Drafts

On the left side of the Content Calendar page, the " Add New Draft" will be the starting point to create the blog post you'd like to make.

Strive Add New Draft

When you click on the button, it will show a pop-up where it's easy to enter crucial data needed for your blog post.

We utilize the Title field to show the assigned writer by including their name prior to the title of our article.

Strive New Draft Popup

Magic occurs after you click"Add New Draft". "Add New Draft button is located at lower right on the page.

Strive automatically creates a new draft of WordPress and then populates all inputs in The WordPress Editor. WordPress Editor. The combination of Strive and WordPress could eliminate the requirement for data transfer in a prolonged period of time that ensures a smooth and fluid workflow.

New Draft Blog Strive

When you've made a new draft, Strive makes a new area within the drafts scheduled column, which displays the pending tasks given to our writers. This feature allows for clear and easy visibility in addition to easy access to any currently scheduled tasks.

The workflow is simplified with color-coded the progress

Strive's bright color scheme isn't just attractive visually, but it's also a powerful tool to aid in the process of blogging.

Each color signifies a distinct phase in our workflow, which allows us to efficiently convey the next steps in addition to being a responsible individual. The way we apply our color choices:

  1. Not In Progress (Red): When I make a new Draft the system takes the Not-Started status and displays it in bold red. It signals to the writer that it's time to write.
  2. Writing (Orange): Once the writer has started writing drafts, they switch the status of writing. Then, they will be greeted with the striking orange color. The color change indicates that how the piece is functioning.
  3. Editing (Yellow): When the draft has been completed and prepared for review, the writer alters the status of the blog post to Editing. The status is displayed with a bright yellow hue. The yellow color tells me that this document requires my attention for future reviews and modifications.
  4. Full (Green): After I've completed my edits, and determine that the post is finished, the status will change to"Complete. The box for posting immediately changes to a lovely green.

Green is one of the most important elements for us since Strive offers an alternative option which automatically posts every Complete (green) post according to the day and time set in The WordPress Editor. This will significantly reduce the amount of time. This requires constant monitoring of specific dates and times to determine the time for you to "go green."

When a publication has been successfully published, the pages are black. All the work is done.

With this approach to colored content, we ensure an organized workflow that ensures an unambiguous communication as well as a seamless progress through the process of creating content. The next section will explore the other benefits and features which Strive provides to users.

seamless integration with your main Content Calendar

The calendars specifically to be used for blogging for blog posts Strive help us streamline our blog workflow significantly. What about the general Asana calendar? Are we keeping track of all items that are associated with the subjects we are tracking?

Translating every WordPress blog post into Asana is an extremely time-consuming and laborious job. Our brilliant Dev Team devised an ingenious solution using Zapier.

By using a customized Zap which is activated every time the draft of an update is created in WordPress The draft of the update can be seamlessly added in the Asana Content calendar specifically"New Blogs" "New Blogs" section I created.

The Zap will assign automatically the correct job to me, and ensures that I'm notified of whether the document exists. When I've been notified I'm able navigate to Asana and drag the draft to the proper area of the topic.

This is a complete success simplifying our processes and eliminating the need for duplicate task.

The Takeaway

Calendar Strive Calendar for Content Calendar Strive Content Calendar is an essential tool for authors. It provides a range of advantages and functions that can revolutionize how you organize your content. The whole thing at a moderate cost.

With only $7 for a monthly for the length of a month, you can access all of the incredible options we've mentioned as well as many more. Additionally, the initial two weeks are free of charge.

Think about the cost of your time. It is about $100 an hour. If you're working with Strive it will cost less than a penny per hour. It's a truly economical option. Consider the time-saving benefits which are also provided, and it's to be a bargain.

Are you ready to feel the force of Strive in the air? Click the button below and take a free trial drive. The software can transform the way you organize and manage the information you collect.

Start making your content more effective through Strive Today!


We appreciate your comments and would like to hear about your experience working using Strive. If you decide to try it out, submit your feedback and suggestions to the comment section.

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