Staff Pick The Top Toast your guests to the top

Apr 10, 2024

These two aspects are among two of the most essential aspects of the human experience. We can easily conclude that they are our essential needs as people. They're our bonds with one another. They help us stay together However, they could render us vulnerable. The fear of losing is more than we'd prefer to have them start. Filmmakers' task is to capture the various elements of emotions across their range. It's a daunting task. There are a few films that explore the vulnerability of human emotion without the fear of being censored. This is a powerful approach to understanding the personal experience of every single person. This brings us to today's Staff Pick Premiere: Liv Karin Dahlstrom's "Women&Wine," a comedic investigation of self-destructed pride as the film tries to maintain friendships that are disappearing. The film was awarded the distinction from the Grand Jury Prize at the 2017 Seattle International Film Festival (full disclosure: I served jury member), "Women&Wine" is an incredibly beautiful and unsettling but well-known portrayal of a woman's struggle to maintain her friendship.

The film begins by showing Turid (Marit Andreassen) and Signe (Jeanne Bee) Two females at the mid-point of their twenty-something years, who organize a extravagant birthday celebration to honor their best friends Grete (Turid Gunnes). An innocent joke turns into an attack that makes Turid to feel as if she's no longer a friend Pride can suffocate confidence and result in a funny, painful scene. An honest and sensitive portrayal of friendships and bonds that can range from delightful and funny to hurtful and destructive. Based on Dahlstrom who penned the story alongside Thorkild Schrooff. the incident was at a party hosted by a close friend. The incident led them to think about what they believed was an "humor which is rooted in vulnerability and insecurity that people seek to hide when confronted by social pressures. We're both fascinated by our minds and also consequences that can be generated when our emotions influence our behavior." In this case, for instance If Turid and experiencing confusion since Grete doesn't value the relationship between them, it will try to improve their bond, and climb the social ladder without getting behind others in the process.

The subject of jealousy and friendship might be a theme you're already familiar with, or perhaps an idea to make a snarky movie about relationships between women. Dahlstrom likes to steer away from the drama, adopting a style that is natural and focuses on her characters for captivating and engaging performances infused which are brimming with emotion. Inspired by everyday events which seem like the smallest portion of our daily lives, Dahlstrom realized that "the camera needs to track the actions as well as the actions of actors and not do the opposite." On the last day of filming, the film seamlessly shifts between various scenes, making clear the length to which we strive to safeguard our loved ones, and also our confidence.

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