Ten Ways Jo Kelly Coaches People To be Great Actors

May 8, 2024

Jo Kelly isn't your average acting instructor.

In reality, she is in fact not using the word "teacher" in any way "I am not involved with instructing people on how to behave" she states. "I help people to stop becoming a human being."

Through a series of exercises that are experiential, Jo coaches mainly actors and other artists and non artist "seekers" on how to attain their own inner peace and become their true self. So, actors are able to stop doing and become. "I prefer to think about myself as a midwife more than a teacher, since I aid people to come back to who they are as well as helping them reenergize themselves," she explains.

She believes the success for an actor is in their abilities and satisfaction by putting their all into their role. "When your character is fully secured and your story is told, it will be reported and the public is affected," she says.

Her distinct method of leading artists, she assists them to bring out their childlike interest, fascination as well as play. What exactly is that? They offer authentic, energetic, and raw live shows.

In the year 2016, Jo transitioned from in-person coaching and founded an online business through . Since the time, she's led three consecutive learning adventures and given over 8,000 lessons to students. Students have seen amazing successes after working with Jo and have been offered positions at the most prestigious studios like Netflix, HBO, Disney, Showtime, ABC Studios and many others.

It's the way she started an online company she's keen on:

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She conducted her own research

Jo had an unusual path into acting.

The girl was born in Belgium Her home country was Belgium. She graduated with an MBA prior to focusing on human resource management and psychosystemic psychology. After that, she worked as a corporate coach. "The working environment I was in wasn't exactly like the one I had grown accustomed to." the writer explains. "I chose to quit everything and move to Paris, and start over ."

Her main goal in her first steps into the world of acting was to experiment with acting. The first thing she did was fall in love with. She was a hard-working, motivated person who devoted all of her time and money in acquiring abilities in order to become the finest actress she could be.

Despite her dedication to her work, her mom affirms that she was a good actor, but not a great actor. Similar to others who were plagued with stage anxiety. "Most performers suffered from similar issues," she says. "We were all extremely committed and determined, however when it was to perform the part, the actors were anxious. ."

The actress wanted to learn about the obstacles that were preventing her, and many other actors, from being professional actors. "My curiosity became the main focus of my life" she says. "I am interested in understanding how actors who are committed and committed to their craft reduce the quality of their performance ."

In the following years, she researched why that people were feeling confined. This led to a understanding that when kids play, they're in charge. When adults play similarly and are confined to the freedom they enjoy due to social norms. "When I discovered that I had been spending all my time really aiding actors break free of their limitations and so that they could express themselves, and have that youthful energy that they had previously," explains Jo.

Her coaching began in the year 2000.

Jo's research-based experiences led her to investigate various methods to heal through the use of somatics. She also experimented with clients through group and private coaching sessions in the beginning of 2000. Following a few years, she renamed her business to Or Not To Act.

They soon realized that the people she coached did not have the same commitment. "No whatever hard-working my team members were, they weren't able to show up every single day. Although we held monthly meetings, we only met three times. however, there was not any obligation between meetings. Balls were often dropped when I wasn't around." Jo declares. Jo.

She was of the opinion that classes online could aid students stay consistent with their practice. They refer to their classes online in the form of "journeys," and the beginning of the journey she takes students on is The Reset: From Resistance to Freedom, which was created by her in 2014. "I invented The Reset so that I could aid people during every single day the course takes," she explains.
    "Since that it's available on the internet, users have the ability to access it at their own speed and establish their own schedule."

Jo believes that humans possess an inherent nature. However, the conditioning that comes with society forces us to behave as we think, feel and behave a certain manner. As per Jo, the purpose of The Reset is to help people engage in daily exercises that help to remove the habits that have been conditioned and return to the normal behavior. Every day during The Reset, Jo offers recorded exercises. Jo gives two Q&As and 2 sessions during which pods are used to work in groups as well as a semi-Q&A in which Jo answers frequently asked questions on an online community on Facebook which is only available to Jo's.

Adjusting the time of your online experiences makes it possible that Jo's students may take part in class whenever they like at the time they rise or before bed and whenever they've some time. "The most appealing aspect is that you can tailor them so that they are able to fit in with their daily routines," she explains.

It was an online venture that enabled her to live lifestyle that was more flexible

When Jo first started her online Reset journey and journey, she could log every single daily session on her site. In the years which followed, she moved to Reset after she was recommended to the website from her trainer. "You people know the way to go, but I don't" she says with a laugh.

In the last few years, since she began coaching on the internet, Jo's life has changed. When we conducted our interview with her, she was calling from the hospital in which she was with her daughter. "Eight years ago my child was born to the genetically-determined condition that is why she has to undergo hospitalization every month," she explains.

" allows me to be mom, while having full control of my own lifestyle and keep my business running when I'm in hospital and my daughter gets her monthly blood transfusions that she needs," she says. "Working online allows me to take care of my child as I would like, and also be at my home 24/7 for her. It allows me to be able to travel in the event of hospitalization as well as being actively involved in my profession that I am passionate about, without worry. ."

Then, she traveled to other places and created her own creations.

When people are done with The Reset After completing The Reset, they are given the option of enrolled in a 3-month program named The Intentional Actor. The Intentional Actor course is a 3-hour class over 12 weeks. "The participants in this program are a somewhat more autonomous approach regarding accountability and proving that they are able to prove. There are certain guidelines they need to follow every day, but they do not have to count on me for the completion of their tasks. The students must think of what motivates them, which is the reason to have this course." Jo writes.

Jo will also be hosting Q&A sessions throughout The Purposeful Actor Journey as well as every all day, for three days. When people are done with the Purposeful Journey you can decide to join a annual membership called BAMF Actors In Action, which is short for Bad-Ass Mom F***ing Actors In Action. "I created the membership in order in order to help people who have completed these two walks would like to continue their education along this pathway," she says.

The membership program has been running since 2004. The program is a monthly content-based one. every month, as well as group activities that include weekly pods, regularly scheduled Q&A sessions with Jo along with an annual summit of 6 hours every three months. "The membership lets people choose what they'd like to do for themselves in order to travel the world and achieve what they're supposed doing, to connect to professionals from the field and write content they as well as raise the quality of their work," she explains.

She performed along with performers of various types

According to Jo Jo, the vast majority of the clients who attend sessions are actors. Others include artists such as dancers, performers, artists as well as regular individuals who "want to transcend their physical limitations," including mothers and professionals like professional athletes, television hosts as well as professional athletes as well as therapy professionals. "Freedom is the issue of all who want to be fully expressed," she says.

As the tours are conducted in English as well as the guides are fluent in English the tour draws visitors from all over the globe. "We receive visitors from all continent, but we're mostly America, Europe, and Australia," she shares.

A majority of her admirers are within the 20-to-50 range of age. Additionally, there are individuals who are approaching the conclusion of their third decade, and are on her side, and it's rare to hear her invite individuals who are 70 or 80 years old to join her on adventures.

Her clients did all the talking

In terms of advertising her travels, Jo says the word was spread mostly through word of mouth.

On her homepage site, she's included a video testimonial reel. This provides proof of social standing and boosts the credibility of the work she puts into it. Additionally, visitors to the site can sign up to her newsletter on her site. In order to collect email addresses, she offers two seminars for free for lead magnets that will get people engaged. An Excellent Actor to Give You the chance to be Excellent and The Instinctive Actor. Trainings aid her in attract the attention of her intended audience, and deliver the message to them. They also provide people with a glimpse of the way she interacts with her clients.

Additionally, she updates regularly on her Instagram page which boasts more than 10,000 followers. She also receives attention from outside sources such as interviews on different podcasts, blogs and in magazines.

The price she picked was an excellent value

Jo will do everything to ensure her trips are accessible to everyone, because actors are generally in a state of flux in terms of the amount they earn. "If you were to attend an acting school once a week, it could cost between $300 and $400. The majority of the time, you watch other actors in action and occasionally you're invited to play the stage" she says.

"These journeys online offer more affordable alternative, and is also cheaper," continues Jo. "The benefit of our travel is 10 times greater than the services we provide our clients. ."

The Reset cost less than $1000 USD. The Purposeful Actor costs $1250 USD. The membership is $270 USD a month.

She was at the top of a star.

Even though she is the chief executive Of To Be Or Not To Act, Jo is firm in her determination to devote each moment she requires in her field that is awe-inspiring creativity. This includes coaching other people and developing material. Jo isn't certain she's tech-savvy, and prefers to stay "in flow" working at her highest level. "The additional aspects of running a business aren't my area of expertise because they're not what I'm skilled at" Jo says.

Jo believes that her success was due in achieving her goals to acquiring a coach early in her career. At the end of the day, as she was ready to start creating permanent adventures, Jo took the risk and enrolled in a class with a budget of $20k, to understand the process of making it. "It was an enormous amount of money which forced me to take on the loan which was half the sum. It's a relief that I managed to get it done," she shares.

She's convinced that anybody can create an online course that's effective. But, she cautions that it's not something easy to accomplish.

"It is a process that requires commitment and determination. You must also be in love with what you're working on. As for me it's all I've been doing ever after changing jobs in my in my early 20s. It's my only job. It's my passion. that no matter what happens I'm determined to continue working until the end but I'm determined not quit. ."

Her creation was born out of her heart.

The author suggests that entrepreneurs who are online remain open about the work that they'll need in order to establish an online company. She advises them to do this only when the subject they're teaching comes close to their hearts.

"The problem is now that the moment you join social networks, you'll discover that everybody proclaims that they are experts, and everybody will claim to know how simple it is to earn millions within two minutes but it's not true," says Jo. "It is a proven fact that you have something important to you and wish to show it off to a larger audience than your own. It takes effort, including falling before getting up. The process involves coaching and making money and exertion until the foundation is established. ."

Like Jo When you begin an endeavor from the heart, it can help you discover the motivation to stick with it even during difficult times.

"An online enterprise isn't only an opportunity to make money. It must be designed by your gut, and in keeping with what you're expected to achieve. If you fail to do this, you'll be losing the ball since it'll appear too heavy." She elaborates.

"If you're serious about it and you're determined then you'll accept the challenge. If you're in search of an easy cash-flow boost, it's not possible to take on these challenges. I recommend that you focus on items that matter to you. It is essential to perform top-of-the-line within your field because you're facing such a large quantity of competition. You must be confident about your job ."

Her integrity was protected by her work

In response to a question about what we could be seeing in 2024 Jo thinks it will likely to continue to the over-use of websites in on-demand classes. Jo believes that the most significant distinction in "McDonald's" classes and "gourmet" classes is classes that have been created with integrity.

"When you're surrounded by an abundance of things, you'll have two kinds of jobs on the internet. There are McDonald's kinds of programs. There are also high-quality and trustworthy classes. There's a plan for doing something or another in your daily activities. This won't originate from a genuine source, but there are people who have been following the same pattern for a long time," she says.

In order to create a truly memorable dining experience, the most efficient method to do it is to return to your core being.

"There is huge opportunity for people who are rooted in their heart and desire to give back," she continues. "The those who are in need of your help are most likely to find them ."

"I'm happy that this makes us human beings to the issues that are important to us. It's incredible."

This article first appeared on this site

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