The 8 templates for sales emails you need for a thriving campaign

Jun 7, 2023

For anyone who's selling digital goods online The following sales email templates are the only ones you need for creating an effective email marketing campaign.

I'm going to confess:

Even as a professional writer, writing sales emails is difficult.

Heck, sending sales emails is hard.

Today, we're going to assist you in achieving this with 8 easy-to-use sales email templates.

Before we get to the templates, though, first we must break down the components of a successful marketing email to allow you to edit these templates for maximum effect in your company.

Ready to transform your sales emails from mediocre to awe-inspiring? Let go of the struggle and welcome a complete website, email marketing community, downloads, and a coaching program after you sign up to get a no-cost account.

What should I write in my emails to sell?

From the very beginning the subject line plays a significant impact on your email campaigns.

It is so nearly 47 percent of recipients open their emails solely on the subject title.

A third important thing to consider on your sales mail is a thought-provoking question.

What's the best way to get someone to think about your company's name when they read your sales email?

Ask a personalized question.

It's so effective that, when you personalize your email, you'll be able to enjoy a transaction rate that's 6 times more than an email that's not personalized.

Take a look at how the Thrive Themes begins with personal questions that make one think of a issue you've encountered while visiting other sites.

And, of course, the subject line "This is a major annoyance... please don't post this on your website" is an ideal match for agitating the addressed problem.

Additionally, by putting yourself as the annoyed user -- from topic line to the fascinating questions -- you'll be able to empathize a lot more with your own visitors.

Hopefully, enough to want to prevent them from experiencing similar frustration.

Pretty personal and thought-provoking, aren't you?

The third email feature: a convincing CTA within your sales email.

Your CTA may be as involving as asking your readers to sign up for an online course, like in the same Thrive Themes example, where the CTA includes a CTA to register for a short-course to solve the mentioned problem.

Your CTA can be as simple by asking the recipients to visit a helpful resource, like in this MarketingProfs email, which includes an CTA link to its guide about events that are agile and Can Survive Anything .

Whatever action you would like your readers to do following reading the email, it is important to at least include one. The point of sending your marketing email, in the end, is to get the reader to do some action.

But OK, that covers the basic structure of the sales message. We'll now move onto those templates.

8 sales email templates you can use for your campaigns

Type #1: Welcome email

Welcome emails score an average open rate of over 82% with a click-through rate of close to 27%.

It's pretty amazing, aren't they?

Who it's for: Welcome emails are to new customers or subscribers who just joined one of your email lists after opting in for an offer you provide.

The aim: To get your customer to be more engaged with your brand.

    The template:    

Hey [first name]

You're in! Congrats and welcome to [your offer/brand[your brand/offer].

We designed [your brand/offerto aid [your targeted audience] [results], we're thrilled to have you here.

If you can take anything out of this email it's this:

We're here to support you.

and the most effective way for us to support you is to meet your needs.

So, what's the #1 way we can make your life easier?

Click here to reply to this email and let us know specifically how we can help.

We thank you for allowing us with your needs [results]!

Welcome aboard,
      [your name]                                    Copy to clipboard

Type #2: Adding value email

Our latest template to share with you today is an email that features valuable content. It's designed to provide your audience with worth while establishing your reputation as an authority resource for your topic.

If you're wondering what format to use for adding value to your blog, you might want to consider the possibility of writing blog posts.

After all, it's growing in popularity, and an impressive 71 percent of B2B survey respondents according to the Demand Gen report claiming they consume blog content during their purchasing purchase.

Even if you don't send an email with a link to the blog post in an email message, you could still add value by providing valuable resources such as guidelines, tips, how-to's and tutorials, classes, and et cetera -- to your recipients.

Who is it to be used for: Anyone on your email list at any stage in the buyer's journey. Personalization goes a long way, make sure you tailor your useful content to your customer's specific phase of their buying process.

The aim: To build rapport and build trust, while enabling your recipient to engage in a conversation with you and your brand.

    The template    

Hey [first name],

Do you have trouble with pain point?

I've received several questions about the subject recently So I figured I'd give you a few helpful information sources.

These two are super helpful:

  1. [link 1]
  2. [link 2]

Take a look and Let me know your thoughts!

We are here to assist,
      [your name]                                    Copy and paste to clipboard

Type #3: Pain point email

Another template for email to grab is one that is designed to address your reader's pain point.

Joanna utilizes a technique she refers to as writing about your audience's moment of the most tension (MOHT) in which you draw using copywriting obviously an extremely detailed and vivid image of your audience's worst moment as it relates to your solution for them.

The point is to agitate the audience's issue while sympathizing to them.

Who is it for: People who are mostly aware of their problem and at the point of thinking about a solution.

The purpose: To crystalize your prospective client's problem and describe it as accurately as possible, so your brand becomes an established source of information and/or solutions for the client.

    The template:    

Hey there [first name],

There's bound to be a moment in your (near) near future when you're trying to resolve a [problem].

You can also do one of two things:

There is a solution for your problemYour solution to the issue.

or... you can continue to feel [story illustrating pain point in detailor.

If it's the latter, no worries. We're the reason we've created [productfor sale].

Actually, it's intended to produce results.

Don't believe me for it. Take a look yourself by using an offer.

My best,
      [your name]

Type #4: Testimonial email

Another powerful sales email type is one with social proof. For emails, we recommend using a testimonial to show the previous clients who have achieved their goals.


Testimonials work wonders. In fact, 90% of buyers look up testimonials or online reviews whenever they're thinking about purchasing something. 88% of them rely on reviews on the internet as much as personal suggestions.

Who it's for: anyone who's looking at a method to address their issues.

The purpose: To build rapport, credibility, and trust within your community and convince that you're the best solution to their problems.

    The template:    

Hi [first name],

What's the reason you shouldn't get (results) with an obstacle?

I get it, it's very common for"pain point.

So, here's an interesting tale to tell you today.

The client I was working with"[testimonial] name]" was able to [results] by [method].

They did it in [time frameand in [time frame.

Watch the video of [testimonial name] to learn more about how:

  1. [results]
  2. [method]
  3. Do it with no [old method]

Amazing enough to not share.

      [your name]                                    Copy the clipboard to your computer

Type #5: Featuring results email

Our fifth email template to share with you today is an email that speaks to your viewers' goal and expected results. It's a way to get people to think about the possibilities of a (future) existence that solves their issue.

In terms of how you can achieve this, let's look right back to the copywriting goddess, Joanna Wiebe, who advises solving the audience's MOHT by presenting them with a moment of maximum pleasure (MOHP) through explaining the issue in an illustrative and detailed manner.

If you're wondering how visualization can work, writer Eric T. Whitmoyer discusses in his book, "Success With Goals" :

"According to images of the brain, visualisation occurs because our brains, the electrically excitable cells which transmit information, perceive imagery as equivalent to a live activity."

Who it's intended for: Prospective clients who are considering a solution to their issue. They're aware of their problem and need to decide on what they'll do to solve the issue.

The aim: To nudge your reader to consider your offer as the answer to their issue.

    The template:    

Hey [first name]

If you've ever had a pain point, then you know how awful it can be.

     [story illustrating, in details the pleasure that you get in your proposal or solution].

Absolutely amazing, don't you think?

Good news is that this is something that can happen to you.

You just need the right system. You're in luck, because I've got you covered with this [offer].

      [your name]                                    Copy to clipboard

Type #6: overcoming objections in email

This email template is for the purpose of overcoming objections from your target audience. It's a way to squash their objections and find out their barriers to accepting your offer.

In this case, for instance, the biggest complaints is about pricing -- which is one of the major challenges companies confront, having 35 percent of salespersons admitting it is a top challenge -- then address your price and find ways to increase the value of your product.

If you're finding it difficult to distinguish the product you offer, something 15% of salespeople have trouble with, create a more compelling case to choose your brand over the competition's.

Whatever your issue, address it head-on within your sales message -- and then tailor the message to suit your target audience, obviously -- so you're able to conquer the sales challenge.

Who is it for: People who haven't purchased from you yet, but are a good match for your product.

The goal is to Eliminate any blockages that are preventing your audience member from purchasing from your.

    The template:    

Hello again, [first nameHello again

The most frequently asked question I receive this week is:
      [objection in question form]?

Here are my two cents:

If you're trying to get results all on your own, it's probably going to be tough.
     Most likely, you'll be"pain point..

However, if you have someone backing your case, then [results] is within reach, and it's worthwhile to discuss [topic of objection[objection topic].

Just like my type of client [testimonial 1 name], could produce [results] using the [method].

Or, [testimonial 2 Nameor name], who had the ability to produce [results] using [method] within the the timeframe.

Let us help you navigate [pain point topic] So it's well worth the"objection subject.

Go to [offer URL] for find the results.

My best,
      [your name]                                    Copy and paste to clipboard

Type #7: Email pitch

Our seventh template for you is the pitch email, where you can make your biggest pitch to your target audience.

There's lots of pressure on the email. However, it's really not that big of an issue as you might think. It's just one small part of the whole.

Every one of the emails in your email marketing campaigns are designed to generate sales.

It's also worth noting that you are able to (and should) make additional pitches in subsequent follow-up emails.

If you take this approach then you'll have a better chance of seeing some engagement from your audience. In fact, more follow-up emails can double your rate of reply .

Based on an Woodpecker study that analyzed over 20 million messages sending an email sequence with 4-7 emails returned an average reply rate of 27% as opposed to 9 per cent in an email sequence that has 1 or 2 emails.

Don't be afraid to make different versions of your pitch email with a series of follow-up emails. It can only really help.

Who it's intended for: Prospective clients who are familiar with your brand's offer and are a good match for the offer you have.

The purpose: To get your clients to purchase from you.

    The template    

Hey there, [first nameHello there

If you've experienced pain the point], you're certainly not alone.

That actually makes a lot of people cringe, including myself.

In fact, I've [story illustrating pain point in detail].

It was that bad, it (pain point).

But... I managed to get over [pain pointthe pain point.


I [methodI [method.

That's right. I did get [results].

In addition the story illustrating, in detail, your moment of delight in your proposal or solution[story illustrating, in detail, the moment of pleasure you received from your offer or solution.

Results can occur for anyone, and it can happen to you too.

Just like it did for [name of testimonial] which was able to produce get [results] using [method].
     And [testimonial 2 name] who could produce [results] within the time frame.

Ready to [results] so you'll be able to gain [results]? Simply visit [offer URL] to start.

      [your name]                                    Copy the clipboard to your computer

Type #8: Win-back email

Our final type of email present is win-back emails that re-engages your inactive audience members.

If you're thinking about how long before a customer becomes inactive the answer is different across various industries and even products.

But we can look to the ecommerce world to get a general rule of thumb that is three months of inactivity signalling that your customer may be at risk of lapse or lapses for 6-9 months which means they have stopped interacting with your company.

Whatever the duration, give your audience an incentive to stay engaged with your business through your win-back message. Like all these templates, test using a variety of them using different components to determine what combination wins majority of customers.

Who it's meant for: Inactive subscribers or customers who have fallen off in the activity levels they have.

The purpose: To get your viewers to take a second look at your company after a break or period of absence.

    The template:    

Hey [first name]

We miss you!

I haven't seen you for quite a while and would like to see if I can find out how things have changed for you.

Are you on track towards your goal?

If not, I get it. Things get busy.

In addition, there is the pain point].

So, to help you (results) you get results, here's a incentive to join [your brand/offer] at only (discount).

Just use this [link] to access your discount code.

We are here to assist,
      [your name]                                    Copy to clipboard

Mix and match these sales emails templates to suit your business

The sale of digital goods can be done without reinventing the wheel, especially when you are able to trust the files that you swipe.

Utilize these eight email sales forms for your email marketing campaign:

Welcome email

Adding value email

Pain point email

Testimonial email

Featuring results email

How to overcome objections in by email

Send an email pitch

Win-back email

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