The Definitive Method for Identifying and reporting fake Facebook Pages

Aug 13, 2022
Learning how to report a fake facebook page

The initial step is to submit your Page immediately to Facebook and then have the Page deleted for breaching standard of the community. However, Facebook is not proactive at finding and deleting these fake pages; it's left for you and your team.

In this article in this post, we'll explain how to report a fake Facebook account and prevent new ones from popping on the scene. If this is the case it is best to defend yourself with a good offensive.

How To Track Down a Fake Facebook Page

Facebook does not have a method of identifying fake pages on its own. It is dependent on its community to flag fake accounts; this is true for both businesses and personal users. If you own an account on Facebook, you'll need to proactively check for fake profiles to safeguard your brand's reputation as well as customers. Spotting a phony account can be difficult, especially in the case of a brand that isn't established and you're not equipped with the staff to monitor the account.

False actors create fake profiles to cover a variety of reasons. None of them good:

  • Stop traffic from coming to your Page
  • To scam your customers
  • Insisting that you will give your company a negative reputation
  • Steal your customer's confidential information

There are three strategies you can try and track down impersonators prior to revealing how you can complain about a fake Facebook Page pretending to be your company:

  1. Google
  2. Customer Reports

Let's have a look at each of them.

1. Google

A google search in action
Search by site for results that narrow the search results so that only the pages of Facebook

Here's what you need to do to help make identifying fraudulent Pages on Google simpler:

  • Step 1. Head to Google and type this into the search bar: + "Your Brand Name." This will narrow down the search to the most relevant Facebook pages that mention your brand.
  • Step 2: Look through the initial few pages of search engine results.
  • Step 3. If there are any suspicious hyperlinks, you should open them and check. It is possible that there are other websites which have mentioned your company, and no further action will be needed.

It is necessary to conduct reverse image searches to see if this is happening. This requires using a search engine like Google Images or TinEye to discover where an image is utilized on the internet. If the image is being utilized in the Page which isn't yours There's a possibility it's a fake.

Reverse image search your products to find out if any other Facebook page is using them
Perform a reverse image search

To do a reverse image search on Google Images:

  • Step 1: Click on in your web browser
  • Step 2: Select the Camera icon on the search bar
  • Step 3:Upload the image you want to examine or copy the URL to the website where it's currently being used.
  • Step 4: Press Enter or click "Search using images" and then filter the search results by to narrow the results of your search to only Facebook.
  • Step 5: Check any pages on Facebook that you aren't familiar with and see if they are employing your photo in an inappropriate manner.

3. Customer Reports

Encourage your customers and fans to report any fake pages they come across in comments to your posts or in private messages. It will allow you to keep track of new fakes and give you an idea of the extent to which the problem is. If a fake Page contacts the user, they will forward their message to you so you can also report it.

Also, pay attention to any reviews or negative remarks that you have posted on your Page. If users claim to have been fraudulently scammed, that's an indicator that someone has tried to fake your company's name using Facebook.

What to do to report fake Facebook Page

If you discover a fraudulent page impersonating your business It is important to notify Facebook. This is the only means to ensure that the Page taken down and stop the scammer from using your business to take advantage of people. Facebook has made this process straightforward, and you are able to do it from wherever you're located, as it's as long as you've got an internet connection.

We'll walk you through how to report a fake Facebook Page on desktop and mobile.

Report a Facebook Page on Desktop

  • Step 1: Visit the webpage that you have to submit.
  • Step 2. The next to the Like and search button are three dots which provide other choices. Click the drop-down and choose Report Page.
Find the three dots to bring up the menu and select “Report Page"
Locate the three dots in order to bring up the menu. Select "Report Page"
  • Step 3: Pick the appropriate reason, in this case, Scams and Fake Pages.
Click through to the correct report form
Click through to the correct report template
  • Step 4: Pick the motive for the report. It is best to choose "fake web page" or "pretending to be another business."
Choose the most appropriate reason for reporting the page
Choose the most appropriate motive to report the page
  • Step 5: Affida a hyperlink to your business page as evidence that someone is impersonating your brand and submit the link to Facebook.
Add the link to your Facebook Page for investigation 
Link to your Facebook page for an investigation
  • Step 6: Facebook will examine the page and make any necessary changes when required. This could mean removing or hiding the Page. In some cases the administrators may not do anything.

Report a Facebook Page on Mobile

When you're in a hurry and notice a fake Facebook profile and want to report it, you can do so from the Facebook app on your smartphone. It's possible to use the mobile site or Facebook app. The process is similar to what you'd do on a desktop.

  • Step 1: Head to the offenders Page to begin the process of reporting them.
  • Step 2: Find the three dots under the Like button, and then click on the the Report Page.
Head to the fake page on your mobile
Head to the fake page from your phone
  • Step 3. Click on Locate support or report Page.
Click on “Find support or report Page
Click on "Find support or report Page
  • Step 4.Select fraudulent and scam pages from the menu and keep reporting.
Report the page as “Scams and fake Pages"
Report the page as "Scams and fake Pages"
  • 5. Pick the reasons you are reporting this as a fake web page.
Choose how to report the page
Select the method to report the page
Add the URL for your Facebook Page
Add the URL for your Facebook Page.
  • Step 7. Someone from Facebook will be looking into the issue. Once the investigation is complete and they have a decision to take down or remove the Page.

It's important to remember it is that Facebook is a site for users from all over the world. Therefore, it could take a while for them to review your complaint. They also may not take action if they don't find the Page to be in breach of their guidelines.

What happens following the reporting?

After you report a fake website to Facebook They will then investigate the matter. The investigation usually involves checking the Page in question to determine whether the Page violates any of the Community guidelines. Facebook utilizes a combination of technology that is automated and human reviewers to decide which content should be removed from Facebook's platform.

Once the investigation is complete, Facebook will take one of three steps:

  1. Eliminate the Page The most ideal scenario. If Facebook discovers that the Page is in violation of its rules, it will entirely take it off the platform. This means that the scammer will no longer be allowed to exploit your company to profit from people.
  2. Hide the Page Sometimes, Facebook may not find sufficient evidence to eliminate the page completely. But they may hide it from the search results, and block the sharing of it through the platform. This is making it more difficult for the Page to be seen by new users.
  3. Do Nothing The problem is that Facebook may not take any actions at all. The reason for this is that usually the Page isn't in violation of one of their rules or since they don't know whether the Page is genuine. In the event of this happening, you may have to consider other precautions to ensure your business's security, like contacting the scammer in person or filing a suit.

Whatever action Facebook decides to take, it is important to keep an eye on the Page and make sure that it doesn't pop up again. Scammers are often persistent, so it's important to remain vigilant. Also, you should inform your customers about the fake Page to help them avoid the scam. Advise them to only interact with your company on official channels, such as your official website, or on verified social media accounts.

If you've filed a complaint against a Facebook Page and believe it is violating the intellectual property rights of your company (i.e. you are committing counterfeiting of your trademark), Facebook may share this information with the suspect account. This means that the person running the fake Page may be able to determine who submitted the complaint. But, most of the time the account that is accused won't be able to see the identity of the individual who made the report.

Use the trademark report form if someone is infringing on your trademarks
Utilize the trademark report form to report someone who is infringing on your trademarks

Facebook likely won't update you with the progress of the investigation, so it's essential to keep checking to see whether the Page is gone or hidden. It is also possible to search to find the Page on Facebook to see if it comes up on the results page. If it does, that is a sign that Facebook hasn't made any moves at this point.

It's tempting to attempt to file a complaint about a fake Facebook page several times in the hopes that Facebook will respond faster. However, this usually doesn't work. Facebook states that it won't speed up its internal procedures. The best option is to make a report on the Page one time and then sit back and wait for Facebook to take action.

What Do You Do If Facebook Doesn't Take Action?

If Facebook rules that the Page doesn't break their community guidelines They won't be able to take it down. First thing to try to do is appeal the decision to Facebook. The appeal will cause Facebook to take a second examine the infringing Page If your appeal succeeds the Page will be deleted or concealed.

It is also possible to take the matter in your own hands by directly contacting the fraudster or filing a suit. This may not be possible or practical in every situation however it's something to consider when you've exhausted all other options.

It is important to be aware that fraudsters are usually persistent, so even if you manage to have your Page removed and removed, they could make another. Keep in mind your business and ensure that you're taking steps to protect your customers and your reputation.

Make sure your customers know that a bad actor is posing as you online. Give them information on how to identify the fake Page and refrain from engaging with anyone who sends messages to them pretending to be you.

5 Ways To Prevent Facebook Impersonation

The best method to deal with the fraudulent Facebook Page is to prevent it from being made in the first place. There are a few steps you can follow to safeguard your business:

1. Get Verified

Facebook has a verification system for businesses and public figures. It puts a blue mark next to your name on Facebook, letting users know that you're the real authentic. This can help deter scammers from impersonating businesses.

Facebook verification proves this is the legitimate brand profile
Facebook verification proves this is the authentic brand profile

Here's the process for getting verified by Facebook:

  • Step 1:Check your verification eligibility. You'll need to have your profile picture and profile in place, be in compliance with Facebook's community standards, and be sure that your account been in compliance with Facebook's terms of service. Any false information will cause the denial of your application.
  • Step 2: Visit the verification page and complete the form. If you're signed in, some of the application will automatically be filled in.
  • Step 3. Show proof of who you say you are. This can be personal ID, utility billsor the articles of incorporation or an e-filing for tax purposes.
  • Step 4. Prove your notability by putting up links to media articles or press releases as well as specific information regarding your customers. Facebook will only validate accounts where there is an established benefit for the user.
  • Phase 5: The process of verification can last as long as 45 days, so you should be prepared to sit for a while.
  • Step 6: Facebook will be on the lookout for you after your account is confirmed.

If you are approved for verification, you'll receive the blue badge that appears next to the name of your profile. This is a telltale sign that you're a legitimate business page and not a fake.

2. Set Up Monitoring Software

Consider setting up monitoring software for proactive measures to prevent someone from impersonating your business. The software searches the internet for any instances of your company's trademark or name being mentioned without your permission. This can help you catch the fake Facebook Page before it gets excessive momentum.

There are many different types of software for monitoring available, so do some research to discover the type that's suitable for your company. Google Alerts is a free choice that you can set up in just a few minutes.

Paid plans offer better choices for customization and assist in tracking more than just your business name. Additionally, you can create alerts that are sent to you by either text or email, so you are able to take swift action in the event of a situation.

Monitoring software could be a helpful way to protect your business from online impersonation. However, it's not 100% secure. Still, you should monitor your social media profiles and be on the lookout for fake profiles or accounts that appear.

3. Daily, we publish fresh, original Content

If you are able to keep them on your Page you can ensure that they don't find an impersonator. The posting of fresh and unique information is an effective approach to attract your target audience and help your company stick out from the rest.

Make it easy for people to discover and follow your business on other social media channels through linking your profiles through your Facebook Page. It is possible to include the links to your site or blog as well as other profiles on social media on the "About" section of your Page. This helps to ensure the people who visit your page are following genuine profiles.

It is an effective strategy to increase the number of followers across multiple platforms, as well as protect your company against impersonation efforts. Using your other social media accounts is also an excellent way of advising clients of fake Facebook profiles.

5. Educate Your Customers

It is important to inform your customers the signs of an unauthentic Facebook Page. This can help them avoid being swindled or scammed by fakes. Add a note to your site and in your newsletter which warns users of fake Facebook Page.

You can also share helpful advice through your social media pages. For example, you could tweet a link to an article on ways to identify false Facebook Page. You could also post a status update with some tips about what to look out for.

It's equally important to frequently remind your customers to find your real social media accounts. Make them aware that you will never DM them seeking personal or financial information.


Being proactive is the best way to combat online impersonators. Facebook Pages are an easy method for fraudsters to communicate with your customers. Finding out how to report fake Facebook pages using the methods mentioned in this article is the easiest method of removing them.

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