The most effective video marketing techniques for

Jul 4, 2024

Fantastic videos require similarly awesome marketing techniques to get your message out to an viewers. These six video marketing techniques can be used by beginners as well as experts alike.

It's been 15+ hours writing, shooting and editing another video for your channel on YouTube.

This one requires to see more attention in order to be will generate leads or sales that you're looking for to justify the two whole days that were put into it.

Don't be afraid -- gaining these views and the revenue that comes with them, is exactly that we'll assist in the near future with our six video marketing tactics that anyone can use.

Each of them is easy enough to use for a novice, yet tested and proven enough that even large brands can profit from.

Let's dive right into.

6 video marketing strategies for solopreneurs

#1: Share your videos beyond YouTube

The first video marketing strategy is to diversify your social networks beyond YouTube.

Yes, YouTube is a great place to showcase your video content, however, it's only one of the pillars in your overall video marketing strategy. All the other pillars require support.

For instance, Instagram is worth checking for if you are looking for an online platform that supports different video formats. Instagram allows you to post four main types of video that include:

Video posts that are at least 60 seconds long

Stories that are fifteen seconds or less

Instagram TV (IGTV) YouTube videos with a maximum run time of 15 to 60 minutes , depending on how you upload them

Instagram Live as its name suggests is live streams

If you're new to Instagram Stories can be the easiest format to get started with.

This is a very popular type, and that's why over 500 million accounts utilize Stories daily. Additionally, they're much easier to create than other Instagram videos, as the maximum duration is 15 minutes.

As far as video content is concerned, you could use Stories to teach an excerpt from one of your online course lessons, share a fact or advice of the day or ask your followers questions as a method to conduct customer research.

In addition to Instagram You can also make use of its sister site, Facebook.

At nearly 2.6 billion monthly active user , Facebook video formats make perfect for reaching a broad audience.

Just publish recorded videos on Facebook or make use of Facebook Live for stream live content to your viewers.

If you're looking for someone living out this strategy look no further than Mari Smith , who is a Facebook marketing specialist. She frequently posts informative videos on her Facebook page.

Are her opinions popular? No. They're really engaged and the engagement far outweighs opinions every day.

Apart from Instagram and Facebook There is also the option to create or repurpose videos posted on Pinterest as video pins. For instance, this video pin from Cara Chace .

The idea behind it:

If you've got videos already on your site it is possible to reach bigger audiences by moving beyond YouTube. Facebook and Instagram are the two most popular platforms. Facebook are two of the obvious choices. However, you shouldn't rule out other platforms like Pinterest or TikTok, either.

Try expanding the reach of your viewers by recycling your already great video content for various channels.

That said, experimentation isn't only for platforms that you post to -- you must try it out with the kind of things you post also. Let me explain in the next article.

#2. Test different formats to your videos

We all have a format we love when it comes to content. It's been tried and tested, it's reliable and is comfortable.

Also, it has a great chance of growing stagnant.

And stagnation is a guaranteed means to prevent your viewers from increasing. Break out of the comfortable every once in a while and test a different format and see what it can do for you.

It might resonate a lot better than you're expecting.

As an example, videos on how-to such as tutorials, hacks and how-to videos are popular with 46 percent of millennials as well as Gen Zers  and Gen Zers, making great options to get would-be customers to trust you and to join your sales funnel.

This is the kind of thing 60 Second Docs taps into when creating informative documentaries on a range of subjects -- like this video on embroidering cat images -- that are each 60 seconds long.

Likewise, Kroger shared this video regarding setting an food station to celebrate Super Bowl Sunday.

The video of Kroger focuses on foods viewers can prepare for the event. Rather than explicitly mentioning their product in the clip, they have saved specific details to be included in the caption of the post, which helps the brand to avoid selling too much.

That's not to say that you shouldn't incorporate sales information in your video content. If you intend to use videos to advertise your products and business specifically, you can tweak the narrative your video is telling, so it's not targeted sales message.

Take, for example, Blendtec , that created its "Will it Blend?" series on YouTube.

Blendtec blends a range of everyday objects in their blender, which, on the surface, attracts viewers. Yet the videos also serve as demonstrations for Blendtec's Blendtec blender.

No one is mistaking Blendtec's stance -- they're definitely looking to promote their products however, because the product is presented in entertaining, high-quality content the impression is more of an indirect promotion rather than a subdued aside.

With each of these videos clocking in at under four minutes and at over 190,000 views, it's clearly effective.

Let's see what this boils down to:

If you're in the market to promote something, and you're trying to do it on YouTube Try something new with your format, and don't be afraid to try formats you've never seen before.

Be sure regardless of what format you use or even the platform you're posting to make sure that your message is short and concise.

It's what people want.

#3. Make videos that are short and informative openings

Videos with long lengths are essential in your video marketing strategy, but as a general rule it is recommended to create short videos full of information, not longer ones.


The trend for short videos is nowadays. Actually, the median video was only 4.07 minutes in 2018 , with 73% of the videos less than two minutes long.

The short lengths won't offer you much real estate to spread your message or attract attention, but.

One way around this hurdle is to make it more clear in your video content. This way, you can convert customers even if they just watch your video for a short stint.

The primary thing to consider is incorporating a captivating and informative opening, which you can accomplish by posing an inquiry to the audience which instantly piques their curiosity. In other words, hook the viewers in your video's opening.

It's the way that the creators Kara and Nate take to begin the video regarding what they'd achieve after they've reached their objective of touring 100 countries.

In the opening, Nate shares that he does not know what the future plans are. This entices viewers to continue watching to find out more about the possibilities Kara and Nate are considering.

As Clark Kegley does in his instructional video on journaling for beginners, another option is to utilize your opening line to describe what the video will discuss and the lessons viewers can take from the content. Use it as a tease.

If you're a bold type and want for your content to be a bit more exciting and keep your readers' attention do not say anything at all -instead, use pictures to alert viewers about what's to come.

For instance, Insider opens their film about Iceland's Blue Lagoon cosmetics with footage of someone applying a mud-based maskwithout words.

After you've wowed the attention of viewers then quickly present your ideas so viewers can get answers to their questions as fast as possible.

In essence, if you're making instructional videos or fun videos, make sure you have a steady flow of short and engaging video content instead of long videos that aren't punchy.

When it comes to maintaining the flow steady make sure to post videos regularly.

#4. Be consistent and maintain your brand uniform

If you do not want your content to disappear, make sure you post regularly, so people have more chances to get attracted to your posts.

There's no doubt that there's plenty of lot of video content available that can compete. In fact, more than 500 hours worth of videos are posted on YouTube each minute.

To make your mark in the countless others, be an authoritative source for your customers by generating and publishing consistently.

Create a reliable schedule for publishing known, too. It is possible to specify the frequency and time you publish, just as Alley Bakes uses in the header of her YouTube channel.

It is a given that you should mean your words. Therefore, when someone takes a look at your uploaded history and sees your cadence you declare on your channel header.

In the case of the Learn French by Alexa' s YouTube channel, it is easy to see that she is posting about three times a each week.

If coming up with fresh video content that you can post on a regular basis is a problem for you, then consider repurposing non-video information (like informationgraphics and blog posts) and converting them into video.

Start with more popular pieces of content in order to increase the chances of making videos that are resonant with your viewership. It will also save you from having to go back to the drawing board every time you need to develop new content ideas.

If you're looking for a different content option, though, try adding user-generated content (UGC) videos onto your YouTube channel. Since 79% of users believe that UGC has a significant impact on their purchasing decision-making, it's an excellent choice.

While we're on the topic of how you influence buying decisions it's essential to maintain your branding consistent as well. Consistency is one of the top branding strategies for entrepreneurs, and here's the reason.

Keeping a unified appearance, including your color scheme and fonts, helps viewers identify and choose your video in comparison to other videos that are displayed on the page of results.

Many of Tasha Leelyn  her thumbnails, as an instance, feature a pink and gold color scheme, a bubble cursive font and an overall vibrant vibe.

This adds to the cohesion of her channel as well as makes her a more memorable visual for her faithful viewers.

In the end, putting out content frequently and maintaining your brand constant across your videos could be the most effective video marketing techniques for small businesses.

Consistency doesn't only apply to your calendar of publishing and branding, however. It's equally important to give your customers value and include an CTA -- which neatly leads us to the next tip for getting more profit from your marketing budget with videos.

#5. Always include the value of your product and call to action

To gain the trust of your customers as well as money you must ensure that you provide them with regularly updated practical, relevant and actionable videos.

Each video you release is an opportunity to earn a potential customer's trust and guide them into your sales funnel by taking an action.

For instance, after you've piqued the interest of your viewers You can then invite them to view an additional video, join your channel, sign up to your mailing list, or buy the product.

But to get viewers to take action You'll have to add an explicit CTA.

Check out how I like to make things! features a clickable screen-to-end feature in the final segment of the video regarding building the treehouse. This video will encourage viewers to check out two other videos and subscribe to their YouTube channels.

The CTA allows viewers to understand what to do next as well as the video clickable elements simplify the procedure.

For instance, Home Organizing by includes a hyperlink to a landing page that features a item she would like her viewers to check out.

You can follow in the steps of Alejandra's as well as I Like to Make Stuff's channels. add an explicit CTA near the end of your video so that your viewers are aware of what they need to do.

If you're worried about coming across as pushy or salesy when you include a CTA in your video (provided your video contains 90% or more not selling content) Do not be.

People don't mind CTAs. Actually, 45% of adults consider that videos with CTA are helpful.

Furthermore, 53% of adults interact with businesses following a viewing of a video social media, whether it's going to their site or doing more research. It's an easy win-win for businesses to incorporate CTAs with their videos.

Optimizing your video content for every search engine or platform -- the last suggestion -- also helps to attract and convert to more viewers, increasing the returns you earn.

#6. Use YouTube SEO as well as video SEO best methods

Our final tip today is to integrate SEO into the video you are marketing.

If you can optimize your videos Search engines such as Google and YouTube will be more inclined to endorse them.

For all we know, Google has a section of their results page exclusively for video results, as you can see in the following example.

and YouTube is by the end of the day, a visual search engine.

Based on Alexa , YouTube is the second most popular website around the globe and is able to receive almost 16% of its traffic from search engines, which makes optimizing your YouTube website's video pages extremely important for YouTube to promote your video to searchers.

Besides, an impressive eighty percent of users affirm that they often watch YouTube videos that are that are recommended by YouTube So, getting an endorsement is definitely worth the effort.

For those reasons and more, it's worth stepping up your video SEO and YouTube SEO game for a better ROI through your marketing video.

Begin by identifying the words you'd like to target. Use YouTube SEO tools, such as TubeBuddy and Keyword Tool  for finding the keywords you want to include on your video's page.

In the next step, you should include your desired keyword -- or an approximate match to your name in the title.

Do not be concerned if you can't fit your target keyword in fully. The average is 38%-45 percent of your videos will rank for an exact match keyword.

While using an exact match keyword can assist you in achieving higher rankings on the search results, it doesn't guarantee an increase in ranking.

Alongside using a keyword within the title of your post, you should make it as short as possible. A study showed that the videos that appeared in the top 20 search results contained between 47 and 48 characters in the average.

Don't shy away from using keywords within the description of your YouTube video also.

A different study has found that there is a positive connection when using keywords that are broad (or partial keyword) in description as well as the ranking of a video.

Also, ensure that you keep your descriptions focused on the information and are short. Descriptions between 300 to 350 words were the most effective in a recent research.

Don't forget to add keywords into the tags of your YouTube videos. The same study above found that there was positive correlation between the inclusion of keywords in tags and YouTube rankings.

This sounds like quite a bit it is, but I'm sure. This certainly can be particularly in the beginning when you're still in the process of learning.

However, even though it requires some thought and a strategy in the beginning making your videos optimized for search engines will pay off in spades in the future.

Use these 6 video marketing strategies to skyrocket your company's sales.

Beginning with video marketing can be difficult, and your first few videos might not turn out as you expected.

If you keep your be focused on giving the most value possible to your audience, your abilities -- as well as confidence- will develop over time.

If you're interested in leveraging your video content to boost your brand awareness and sales, you can use these six strategies for video marketing that are easy to learn:

#1. Test different social platforms in order to expand your reach.

#2. Try out different video formats as well, in order to determine what resonates best with your target audience.

#3. Keep your videos short and packed with interesting important information. You should also make sure you have a strong hook for the introduction.

#4. Make sure you post regularly and keep your logo consistent across video to establish rapport with the viewers of your videos.

#5. Fill your videos with as much value as possible. Then, finish with a enticing CTA.

#6. Utilize video SEO to ensure your videos are optimized for each device.

Happy creating -- and selling.