The power of WordPress with Python and Redis - (r)

Apr 8, 2024
An illustration with stylized versions of the Redis and Python logos.


It is possible to bring the two worlds together when you manipulate that WordPress content with a Python software.

In this video, we demonstrate how to upload content directly onto Redis by creating an Python app that uses the popular redis-py library. We also show how to post through Redis using WordPress REST API.

What is Redis?

Redis is distinct from other NoSQL databases by the database storage system. It's usually called a data structure store as it can hold files that are similar to the kinds of data that are used in many programming languages. This includes sets, strings lists, dictionaries, and sets (or hashes). Apart from supporting basic data structures, Redis supports advanced data structures to perform tasks such as geolocation and stream processing.

Python app prerequisites

Prior to making your application it is necessary to download the following three things locally.

  • Redis -Read the Redis official Redis installation instructions in case you require direction.
  • Python along with pip -- As of Python 3.4 pip, an installer for the Python installation program, is added in default.

Once you have the necessary components installed then it's time to create the things work. Particularly, you're developing a Python app that takes the user's WordPress post in dictionary format and saves it to an Redis cache.

Create the Python app to store an article in the Redis cache

Redis cache can be described as a powerful caching mechanism for websites. It stores frequently requested information to provide faster, easier access. The cache is organized in a key-value data arrangement.

pip Install redis

Begin by installing the newly installed redis-py library. Set the Redis host and port address:

import redis
 redis_host = 'localhost'
 redis_port = 6379

Next, determine the key and value of the WordPress post as key/value pairs in an index. Here's an example

posting = 
 'ID': 1,
 'post_author': 1,
 'post_date': '2024-02-05 00:00:00',
 'post_date_gmt': '2024-02-05 00:00:00',
 'post_content': 'Test Post  related blog post',
 'post_title': 'My first post',
 'post_excerpt': 'In this post, I will ...',
 'post_status': 'publish',
 'comment_status': 'open',
 'ping_status': 'open',
 'post_password': 'my-post-pwd',
 'post_name': 'my-first-post', 

Add to the code with an redis_dict() function that will allow you to connect to your Local Redis server, and save the above post to the Redis cache, and then print the created values successfully to the console:

def redis_dict():
 r = redis.StrictRedis(host = redis_host, port = redis_port, decode_responses=True)
 r.hset("newPostOne", mapping=post)
 msg = r.hgetall("newPostOne")
 except Exception as e:
 print(f"Something went wrong e")
 # Runs the function:
 if __name__ == "__main__":

If you did not launch Redis from within Docker or Docker itself, you can invoke Redis' command line interface. Redis Command Line Interface by using these commands:


Run your Python script:


When you execute the script, it will add the script in the Redis value store for key values. It should show the following response in the console of your terminal:

Screenshot of the terminal showing data posted via Python to a Redis database.
Console output that shows Python app posts added to Redis storage.

The post has been saved on your home Redis database.

Upload a post to WordPress by using the REST API

WordPress REST API WordPress REST API is an assortment of endpoints that to call via your application in order to connect with WordPress. We utilize the the post-endpoint for creating a blog post within WordPress.

Step 1: Create the password for your application in WordPress

The WordPress API needs an application password that allows your application access to data on the WordPress website. The password consists of a 24-character secret key, which you need to include with every call to the REST API.

Create an application's password using the User Profile page of the WordPress Dashboard. You are able to assign a user-friendly name for each password you create, but you won't be able to view the password once you have created it (so take a photocopy now):

Screenshot showing the interface for generating an API password in WordPress.
The process of creating a password for an application is done through the WordPress Dashboard.

Step 2: Post on WordPress with your Python app

The first step is to install first the Python Requests library for making the HTTP connection to WordPress API. For this, you must run this command in the terminal:

request for pip installations

In the Python-redis folder, create an file. After that, you can open the file using the text editor you have installed.

Start by installing the requests, json and bases64 modules:

import requestsImport JSON import Base64

Determine the API base URL as well as your WordPress username as well as your password. For the password variable, select the password for your application that you generated using WordPress:

url = 'http://localhost/wp-json/wp/v2'
 user = ''
 password = ''

Then, sign in with your the user to create a password, encode the result and pass it to the Request headers:

creds = user + ":" + password
 token = base64.b64encode(creds.encode())
 header = 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + token.decode('utf-8')

Here's the body of the post:

blog =  
 'author': 1,
 'date': '2024-02-05 00:00:00',
 'date_gmt': '2024-02-05 00:00:00',
 'content': 'Test Post  related blog post',
 'title': 'My second post',
 'excerpt': 'In this post, I will ...',
 'status': 'publish',
 'comment_status': 'open',
 'ping_status': 'open',
 'password': 'my-post-pwd',
 'slug': 'my-second-post', 

Create your POST request to the API and a command to show the status of the response

r is + '/posts' headers=header, json=post)

You can run your script by using this command inside the terminal

Screenshot of the terminal reporting a 201 response code after posting to WordPress via Python.
A response code 201 will be provided after successful submission.

Make use of Redis cache directly within WordPress

WordPress websites are able to use Redis cache. Redis cache to temporarily save items, like Pages, posts, or even users. This object is then accessible from the cache whenever it is required. This saves precious time, decreases latency and increases the capacity of the website to handle more traffic.

Customers can use Redis to purchase

Installation of the Redis plugin

Let's say, for example, we download Redis Object Cache, for example. Redis Object Cache plugin on your local WordPress site.

Screenshot: Selecting the Redis Object Cache plugin for installation in WordPress.
The Redis Object Cache plugin.

Start the wp-config.php file in a text editor and add this code into the section for customizing variable configurations:

define('WP_REDIS_CLIENT', 'predis');
 define('WP_REDIS_HOST', 'localhost');
 define('WP_REDIS_PORT', '6379');

Note: The address of your Redis host will depend on the server configuration.

Navigate to the Settings > Redis within Redis on the WordPress dashboard. You should see something similar to this:

Screenshot: Settings page for the Redis Object Cache plugin in WordPress.
It is the Redis Object Cache plugin is accessible via the Settings tab.

Redis cache has been replaced. Redis cache has since successfully replaced the previous MySQL database.

Furthermore, the frontend WordPress site uses the same cache that is used in that used by the backend Python application. It is possible to test this using a different terminal, and then running this command:

Redis-cli Monitor

As you navigate your site your website, the requests from your site will be result in a command prompt

Screenshot showing Redis server requests within the terminal.
Monitor server requests within the terminal by using redis-cli.

Now that both the front and back end are aligned, you are able to add a new post to WordPress using the Python app through the API for REST.

In order to do this, change the POST object within to include the new post. Then, execute python to add the post to the cache.


In this tutorial, we learned how to connect an Redis database to the Python application using the Redis Python client. The client is compatible with a range of formats for Redis data stores including lists, sets dictionary, and various other command data types.

We also saw how it is possible to incorporate Redis into a WordPress site via the REST API and Redis Object Cache. Redis Object Cache plugin.

The possibility of using Redis memory cache to power your site makes it a potent and flexible software for developing. Redis is extraordinarily effective at increasing the speed of your database queries as well as the performance of your site as well as the overall satisfaction of users.

Steve Bonisteel

Steve Bonisteel is a Technical Editor for the site. He began his career in writing as a print journalist, chasing ambulances and fire engines. The journalist has covered internet-related technologies since the mid 1990s.