"The professor of creativity" Juan Munoz published his newsletter over 162 weeks. That's how his work resulted in making a revenue. |

May 6, 2023

What happens when schools are taught wrong? Discover the techniques that university Creativity Professor. Juan Munoz is making more impression as a person with a flair for creativity, by getting the most talented students.

On the beginning of the school day, students were asked to consider their thoughts and create an ingenuity mindset. Teacher Juan Munoz instructed his students that they were free to do their homework however they liked.

"It is possible to write it on a piece of paper, or drawn with your own handwriting, or even on computers. This could also be an audio file or an audio podcast. The choice is yours to decide whatever you'd like to accomplish. If you'd prefer to send a message dove at your instructor, that's okay. It's not necessary for you to use only one sheet of paper or Google Doc," he advised.

However, in the same liberty students at his school created identical PDFs with identical formatting each time.

"I was a bit angry,"" Juan remembers. "I believed that this was one of the easiest tasks to finish. What are they able to do to learn creativity should they are unable to complete the task?"

As the pattern continued to grow, Juan wondered if there was a bigger issue that caused the pattern to continue.

"Students received programming instruction during a span of 10-to-15 years of their education. The teachers at the school know that no matter how good or outstanding, you'll be given a lower mark if you violate the rules that your instructor taught students to adhere to. It's not easy to be afraid whenever you violate the rules. path."

Juan realized that the internalized system was affecting imagination, and therefore Juan decided to alter the way in which the world is managed.

Juan is a teacher who was enthusiastic about what the class was about, however the instructor was not allowed to do so because of rules set by the school. In his spare time and time, he read TechCrunch as well as other publications that focused on business that gave him the concept of business.

At first, there wasn't a thriving business climate in the nation of his birth, Costa Rica, so Juan was determined to get his company up and running.

"I have a civil engineering degree. I was aware that some might be thinking "What does this person's background mean with business? One of the first steps I took was to write all my thoughts on the blog and shared them with. The path to becoming creator began with the posting of my thoughts and ideas on the web and sharing my thoughts regarding the tasks I could accomplish."

In the present, Juan teaches creativity, goal-setting, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurialism, along with business through his educational online platform, Epico Academia . It provides online courses and a series of classes that are free, as well as an annual newsletter delivered via email for people to live more creative and awe-inspiring lives.

Discover how exploration, taking different paths, and constantly improving has helped Juan in establishing an online business. This also helps him develop an entrepreneurial mindset that's full and enjoyable.

What are you able to make to produce content that has an appearance that's not an academic institution

Drawing on his experience in creating classes for professors at universities, the development of material was no problem for Juan. It was just a matter of figuring out how to best convey the content.

"The biggest hurdle is getting people to view our video content," Juan shares.

"People can purchase classes, however only a small number of students will be able to finish the class. This is almost like going to the school system. When I'm not required to participate in a class or am enticed by something, my thoughts go back to my environment at school. The teacher. Are there classes. Then you have classes."

and Juan experimented with different ways of expressing the message he wanted to convey to his audience.

"What do I get after I sign up for the online course in which you'll receive incredible emails every week throughout the whole year ? as well as TikTok-like videos using 30 seconds of videos. Do I have the ability to design an online course that has many 30-second videos? Perhaps. Let me test it and see if it's working."

"I am awed by the fact that I have the ability to make virtually any thing I'd like produce and exactly how I'd like to do it. I could create a whole class that consists of 100 videos that are 30 seconds long that students can watch them."

One of the tests that was to be effective was a newsletter that included an ad-hoc Monday newsletter

If you're seeking to play with something new, Juan experimented with something unorthodox and created one of his most viewed source: The Monday newsletter .

As he was launching the online venture, Juan noticed a trend.

"Every Sunday night, at midnight and in the morning of Mondays everyone will create memes of the way they are afraid of Mondays." Juan declares. "I thought about it, there's always Monday. You can't escape it. What's it about you that is so fascinating to you?"

"I know that these have been the ones to contact me and say"I'm dissatisfied with my current circumstances. I'm not happy with my work and would like to be more prosperous" I've also observed this pattern. I'm a big lover of branding as well as marketing. I also thought that this could be a great branding strategy because it's easy to be overwhelmed on Mondays. The existing company can aid you with this and it's an enormous organisation. What are you able to accomplish to change the situation?"

Juan created a weekly newsletter each week in which he reflected on how much his Mondays were, as well as offering an idea an idea, suggestion or thought that could help the readers get most enjoyment of their days.

"It was a topic of discussion for a number of people those who felt unhappy about one aspect of their life. The group was discussing how to make life enjoyable. Participants could ask"Why do I dislike Mondays?"

Today, this experiment-turned-newsletter continues to grow through word-of-mouth referrals, and Juan still loves writing it every week.

To be a better creator Find out as much as you can about the areas in which that interest you.

The ideas don't always come together in the same way as a Sunday newspaper. Juan realized that the most effective method to understand the content or product idea was to study the idea and then revisit it.

"I'm continually amazed by my privilege to be part of an organization that has an opportunity to share our information with all of the world, and anybody can learn from us. It's amazing. If I'm interested in marbles I might meet a person with an interest in marbles. They'll teach me something new. They could be from Singapore and I could not know who they are. But, I could benefit by reading their works."

If you're looking to be a successful creator soon, you should take every class that you can with regards to subjects that you're fascinated by.

"I encourage people to read the things they're fascinated by," Juan recommends. "Often there is content at no cost on social media. If you choose to read the post and discover that it is not all that fascinating. The writer is referring to marbles. There is no requirement to have the Ph.D. in a subject."

"There was a time that there were experts in the field," Juan explains. "There were experts who knew the entirety of a subject However, they had just the very basic information. The information wasn't as comprehensive as which we can access nowadays. It was in the hands of someone. It was clear that there was one person with all the information and also officials. But that's no anymore."

"There is a lot of people who are extremely knowledgeable, but there are a lot of people who aren't so sure There is a tendency to come across individuals who know less that you. Develop the content that you want to create an impression."

Simply put, the greater opportunities you will have to study as much as you can, the more information you'll be able to impart to other people within your field. If you're not sure what you can teach or perhaps what you are able to do, consider shifting the role of your students or becoming one yourself to rekindle your interest.

How would you feel If you made items that you be happy making?

One thing Juan has learned through his experience through the world of business is that the many avenues available to individuals to share their passions.

The act of making does not only revolve around the achievement of an end result either financial or an audience number. Instead, you must find a balance with Telic and Atelic goals.

"Telic goals" are goals that can provide results with some certainty that is easily monitored. These are great goals that can be pursued to achieve these goals. The way to think about the process of creating something is by keeping the two goals in mind." Juan talks about.

"If you're helping people by helping them, it's not necessary to matter even if you're helping only one individual or millions."

Additionally, it's worthwhile to work to simply be everywhere on earth.

"If you post a tweet, Instagram post or video, but no one is able to see it, then it's out in the wilderness. Someone will find it. In addition, getting people to like your blog and assisting people to read your blog post are completely different things. There are many products that I do not duplicate tap. If no one has duplicated tapped or tweeted about your tweet, that does not mean it's useless. is not valuable."

"Creating is an intensely emotionally charged experience. It's a feeling, it's an extremely intimate and genuine experience," Juan relates. "It's an expression of your self along with your thoughts." ideas, but putting them up for an audience and having not one person engage in it is atrocious."

"But regardless of whether or not anyone purchases it, it's worth it. The book will teach many aspects. It could be utilized for a consultation at your next job or any other place. There is no way to get rid of it because you love it. It's the connection between soul and spirit."

To stay close to the things that matter most to you, Juan explains how important is it to remain aware of the roots of your family, and to acknowledge the achievements things you've accomplished over several years.

"I would suggest artists record notes in journals. You can take a moment to look at the work that you're making with the eyes that were five years back. It could be 10 or perhaps twenty years back in time. Imagine what you'd be thinking about the job you're currently performing. If you had been before, you'd probably consider the work amazing."

And, Juan reminds creators that what is most important is getting the job accomplished. The goal isn't about making the most sales, followers or even customers.

"I find it arrogant believe there's not a need to use your services. It is arrogant to make assumptions about the needs of other reasons. Let them decide for themselves. decision. If they're interested in it and want to buy it, they'll purchase it. If not, they'll pass it by. Let it be accessible to people. You'll be amazed by the world around you. Discover the best you can and then come to the conclusions that you might draw on your personal way."

"Create your own fashion and then put your work out there for the world to enjoy," Juan tells us. "You aren't aware of forthcoming events to come within the next few years."

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