Top 3 Static Sites with Svelte Design Generators to Get the Most Performance (r)

Mar 20, 2023
The Svelte static site generator putting a site together

What exactly is a Svelte Site Generator?

Frontend libraries and frameworks experience ranking
Frontend frameworks and libraries ( Source: StateofJS)

It is possible to imagine that an static site generator that uses Svelte will generate all the required HTML, CSS, and JavaScript documents at creation time and make developers able to build fast and effective websites that are easy to maintain and update.

Benefits and Use Cases static site generators that use Svelte

There are several reasons why developers could choose to employ a Svelte SSG for their web project development. Here are some of advantages:

  1. Performance: because there is no requirement for a server to generate pages on the fly websites that are static are loaded in a matter of minutes and especially on sites like ecommerce or news websites.
  2. Secure: there is no database or server-side code that could be breached and this is why it's a great choice for sites that handle sensitive data or transactions.
  3. Scalability: Since there's not a server-side software, there aren't any bottlenecks or restrictions to be concerned about.

Use Cases for Svelte Static Site Generators

Svelte SSGs are a great option in a myriad of web development projects. Below are a few use-cases with specific examples:

  1. Personal blog: SSGs like SvelteKit and Elder.js are ideal for creating personal blogs. They have built-in support for syntax-highlighting and markdown, making it easy to write and publish blog entries.
  2. Ecommerce websites: Svelte SSGs can be used to construct fast and efficient ecommerce sites because it provides a fantastic customer experience.
  3. Websites for Documentation: Svelte SSGs are great for creating websites for documentation.
  4. Interactive web apps: with Astro, you can create interactive web applications.

Top 3 Svelte Static Site Generators

As we go through these different static site generators, be aware that all SSGs generate static files, which you'd need to host online for your users to have access to your website.

Now let's look into the top static site generators that use Svelte and why they different.

1. SvelteKit

The SvelteKit homepage.

SvelteKit is an extremely popular SSG built on top of the Svelte framework, which takes advantage of the unique characteristics that Svelte offers including:

  • Compiler-based approach
  • Updates that are active
  • Component-based architecture
  • Smaller bundle sizes
  • Easy to grasp

The Svelte team built it. Svelte team and is widely thought of as one of the top SSGs made using Svelte for the following reasons:

  • SvelteKit automatically code-splits the application This means that it will only load the necessary code for each page. This means faster loading times and better performance.
  • SvelteKit can pre-fetch data for the page prior to it being loaded, which means that the pages will render faster.
  • SvelteKit comes with an integrated routing system, making it simple to build complex multi-page applications.

SvelteKit is used by numerous popular websites, including Yarn as well as Brilliant. If you're in search of a Svelte SSG, SvelteKit is surely worth trying. Be sure to read their official website which provides comprehensive documentation for how to start and more.

How To Deploy a SvelteKit static site on

SvelteKit quick start example
SvelteKit quick start

2. Astro

The Astro homepage

Astro is a contemporary static site generator that provides an efficient and flexible method to design static websites. It is designed to be light, speedy and user-friendly and is a good choice for developers who want to develop efficient and straightforward websites.

The site also uses the Island structure which is a distinctive technique that separates pages and components into isolated "islands" of code (CSS, JavaScript, and HTML).

Astro offers access to numerous integrations like:

  • MDX Integration
  • Image optimization
  • Sitemap Integration

Astro is used by a variety of popular websites like Guardian Engineering. Guardian Engineering. It is possible to check out the other platforms with a strong presence on Astro by visiting their display page.

The Astro documentation provides detailed information on how to use the framework, including its connection to it's counterpart, the Svelte framework.

How Do I Install an Astro Static Website on

Astro quick start example
Astro quick start

3. Elder.js

The Elder.js homepage

One of the key characteristics of Elder.js is its ability to integrate seamlessly with Svelte which gives designers the ability to build reused UI components that can be used across multiple pages or even project.

On top of being able to connect to Svelte, Elder.js has other exciting features, including:

  • Elder.js utilizes a highly-optimized design process that makes use of every CPU core feasible, making it extremely fast and efficient. As an example, as per their documentation the program can build a huge, data-rich site of 18,000 pages in less than 8 minutes, using just a four-core VM.
  • With Elder.js Developers have total control of how they retrieve data, manipulate, or prepare data before sending the data to their Svelte template.
  • Elder.js is compatible with a wide range of official and community plugins that can be added to a site to extend its functionality.
  • Elder.js allows developers to hydrate only the portions of the client which need to be interacted with, thus reducing the size of payloads and improving performance.

Check for the official Elder.js documentation to find out more details.

How To Deploy an Elder.js Static Site on

Elder.js quick start example
Elder.js quick start

Which is the Best Website Generator that is Svelte for Your Website

In the process of selecting the best Svelte SSG to buy, there are some aspects to be considered:

Project Requirements

This is what you should consider before making any decision or taking any other decision regarding an Svelte SSG.

Consider what kind of website you're looking to create, how complicated it is, and what functions and features you will require. This will help you limit your choices.

Developer Experience

Always look for an SSG which has features that provide an excellent developer experience for example, a built-in developer server, hot-reloading as well as clear and concise documents. These features will make the development process seamless and fast, helping the creation of your site quicker and without a lot of frustration.

Community Help

It is also important to consider the level of community support that is available. Choose a slim SSG that is active in the community, which can provide help as well as support when needed. This way, you'll be able to get answers to your questions and help you solve any issues as you build your website.


Static site generators (SSGs) are becoming increasingly well-known because of their speed, simplicity as well as their enhanced security. They're especially useful in building websites that don't require dynamic content or functionality via a server.

Utilizing Svelte-based SSGs can provide you with additional advantages since it comes with additional features in the Svelte framework, such as reduced bundle sizes as well as speedy rendering. As a result Svelte-based SSGs can be the best choice to create static websites that load swiftly and function efficiently.

You might want to try a static site generator that uses Svelte for your next project? Have you ever used one? Tell us about it via the comments!

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