
Apr 17, 2024

Bookings 1.8 offers a variety of fresh options to help your company run efficiently. The following functions are discussed in depth:

What's new in 1.8?
What's new in 1.8?

This release means that you can now make reservations that span multiple days. We've also added the possibility of offering discounts when guests book reservations at the same time. You can also add the time between bookings.

This review will cover the best features that are available to be discovered in Bookings Version 1.8.

The reservations are extended until the following day.

Prior to Bookings 1.8 until 1.8 Services that had minutes or hours of time did not have the ability to be extended between one day to the following. 1.8 has this capability, which means you are now able to provide the option of overnight reservations.

As an example, suppose you run a company that leases party busses. There may be a need for an overnight lease (such between 6am and 11pm on the day following). Reservations 1.8 allows you to accomplish this.

Buffering times

There are plenty of reasons that you might require extra time between visits. There could be a need to run a clinic that caters to dental patients, and need ready the place for the next customer. It is possible that you will need to make an unexpected break.

1.8 lets you set time buffers and define times for minutes, hours and daytime scheduling. The buffers permit breaks to automatically fit into the daily routine.

The products that have a time duration of minutes or even hours might have buffers which can be set in minutes, giving the appearance of a scheduled programme. Products with a length of days can be equipped with buffers for the whole day.

As an example, suppose your company leases equipment, then you deliver it between clients. In order to allow yourself ample time between bookings order to get your item to the next client you could use 1.8 to establish a duration of a few days between each.

Priority of availability rules

At the beginning of Bookings let you establish rules at the global level of resources and products. The global rules will always have precedence over the rules for products, and the rules applicable to products are given precedence over the rules applicable to resources.

     1.8 is now offering better control thanks to the capability to determine the priority of rules. It is possible to set the schedule you prefer to it.

Offer discounts per person

In Bookings 1.8 it's possible to make coupons that offer a specific amount of discounts for every user on the same reservation.

If, for instance, you operate an escape rooms company, and want to get clients to join your company and invite more members to join and take part, then you can design coupons offering a discounted rate of $2 per participant. If a group of four participants, you can reserve an escape room, they pay $8 off. If a ten-person group of participants book the escape room, they will get $20 off and so on.

Bookings 1.8 comprise...

  • Corrections for multiple bugs, improving the general quality of Bookings.
  • The latest "partially reserved" indicator that is available on block days, allowing multiple reservations.
  • Adjustment that respects your format to set the date and time.
  • Some developer improvements including translation fixes, a new get_wc_booking_statuses() function, and support for person types in create_wc_booking().

Guide to upgrading

Version 1.8 is a major update to the Bookings extension, and includes numerous modifications. Before updating, please:

  • Be sure to make sure to update all extensions.
  • Make a backup of your database on your website along with the data stored therein (need an automated backup program? We'd recommend VaultPress for users of Woo which gives you the initial 30 days absolutely cost-free)
  • Check every plugin, customized codes, as well as payment gateways that are running version 1.8 on a test site for the money you have.

Have a look at Bookings 1.8 now be sure to keep checking back for new announcements.

The above is the only information we have to offer, but we've got more in the pipeline! Be on the lookout in the coming months, as we work to improve Bookings and enhance it so that it can be more effective.

Are you experiencing any issues or suggestions regarding Bookings? Let us know in our comments - we're delighted to hear from you.

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