Vue vs React Which Should You Choose?

May 19, 2022
An illustration of two small figures standing on two separate slate-colored slabs, with a giant hand reaching for each of them.

In this article, we'll compare Vue with React with a head-to head comparison. So, if you're a programmer who's getting started with a project, this guide will assist you to make the correct decision.

What Is Vue?

The Vue.js logo, showing a dark green letter 'V' nested within a larger, lighter green letter 'V'.


Evan You designed Vue after having worked with Google on a variety of projects using AngularJS. Then, he summarized his thinking process by saying: "I realized, what is it if I just isolated the portion that I liked about Angular and develop something incredibly lightweight," The project's first release of source code was July 2013 and Vue came out on February the following year.

Here is a list of web-based applications that are popular with Vue,

  • Gitlab
  • Grammarly
  • Behance
  • Laravel Spark
  • Adobe Portfolio
  • 9gag
  • Behance
  • Nintendo
  • Font Awesome
React's logo, illustrated by a blue atomic symbol.

What Is React?

React is an Open source JavaScript library that can be utilized to build web applications that have user interfaces with advanced features. React lets developers build reusable bespoke components, enabling speedier development. In addition, its capacity to load web pages fast makes it more user-friendly to search engines. It's overall a fantastic library for creating of basic and sophisticated enterprise-level applications.


In comparison to all frameworks of programming AngularJS and Vue, React is the most popular JavaScript library. It was developed in 2013 by Facebook in 2013 to be an application to create an interactive interface for different websites. The virtual DOM, which is a representation of DOM elements created using React components, is the basis of React.

Here is a list of the most popular web apps built by using React,

  • Facebook
  • Netflix
  • Twitter
  • PayPal
  • BBC News
  • Yahoo
  • Instagram
  • WhatsApp
  • Dropbox

Vue Main Features

Vue also has some appealing features that can be beneficial in getting an up and running enterprise application. A few of these capabilities are described below.

Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM is a concept implemented in a number of JavaScript frameworks, such as Vue. Instead of adapting to the DOM it creates a virtual copy of the DOM is built and then presented as JS (JavaScript) data structures. Any changes to JavaScript data structures are done first, and then they are compared to the data structure that was initially created.

Two-Way Data Binding

Vue offers a two-way binding feature, as illustrated in the photo, which is part of the MVVM framework. Utilizing the binding directive v-bind that is included in Vue This feature lets you to edit or apply the values of HTML elements, modify the design, and then apply classes. This is different from other frameworks, such as React that only provide one-way communication.

A flowchart illustrating how the data flow works in two-way binding.
Two-way binding


Components comprise Vue objects which have custom HTML elements, and most importantly they can be used again. Vue objects as well as HTML elements communicate with one another via props(properties) as well as events. The code block that is part of a Vue component is equally essential in the creation of Vue applications that are reliable and scalable.

Computed Properties

Computed properties assist in detecting changes made to UI elements, and then performing the necessary logic, removing the need for further coding. When we intend to work on mutating an element that relies on another property being altered using the property that is calculated. Other data attributes heavily influence the computation of properties. This is an illustration of properties that are computed.

A block of code showing a computed property.
An example of a computed property

CSS Animations and Transitions

If HTML elements are added, changed, or deleted from the DOM, this function provides multiple methods to perform a transition. The element comes with a built-in element that acts as a transition element that is liable for the transition effect's return. Developers can easily utilize external animation libraries in order to boost the user experience.


Watchers are used on the data which is expected to change regularly such as Formula Input Elements. A developer does not need to perform any additional actions in this case. Watcher takes care of any updates to data but keeps the program simple and fast.

Here's a quick code snippet on Watchers:

A code sample showing the setup of a watcher.
A good example of a watcher

Methods, watchers and computed properties are described as the three primary methods that make the most of the reactive nature. If you require something synchronous, or expensive that is triggered by changing data, then watchers are the best option.

React's Key Features

React is also packed with appealing features, which can be useful in order to get an up and running enterprise application. A few of these capabilities are listed below.

Virtual DOM

This React feature assists in rapid and agile development of development of applications. The method makes it easy to replicate a page using the virtual memory of React. A virtual DOM is thus utilized to replicate the real DOM. The entire UI is created in the same way by the virtual DOM every time the application is amended or upgraded, by restoring the components that were altered. This reduces the amount of time and money it takes to create the product.

One-Way Data Binding

One-way data binding implies that React employs a one-way data flow that allows developers to utilize the callback function for modifying components instead of directly altering these components as is shown in the picture.

An illustrated graphic depicting the data flow in one-way binding.
One-way binding

Flux is an JavaScript app design component that allows you to control the flow of information from the same point. This gives developers greater control over the software, making the application more versatile and effective. Flux has three major components: dispatcher, stores and views (components).


JavaScript XML is a markup language that describes the layout of an application's interface. It creates a syntax that is similar to HTML and is utilized to create React components. One of the most appealing features that comes with React JS is JSX, it lets you write the building blocks extremely simple for developers.


This means that a UI of a React-based application has many components, each of which has its functionality coded in the JS. This means that programmers can transmit data to the app without affecting the DOM. Applications' graphics and operation depend heavily on React JS components.

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Declarative UI

Declarative UI features allows code written in React to be more readable and bug-fixing more straightforward. It is not just for web-based apps as well as applications for mobile devices, React JS is the best framework to build an interactive and engaging user interface.

The React, Vue and the Vue App: Similarities and common features

Vue was designed using React as an inspiration. Thus, there are some similarities can be found as follows:

  • Progressive Web Applications (PWA) are supported by
  • Use of Virtual DOM
  • View components that are flexible and responsive
  • JavaScript code
  • Concentrate on a library that is a core, with partner libraries covering networks and universal state management
  • Integration with all present web-based applications

Vue vs React: Which One Is Better?

They go together in the present developer community. In this article, we'll give a comparative analysis of Vue and React based on the common problems of both frameworks.

Popularity and Job Market

This contest was won by React. Since Facebook is the technology's backer, it's not unsurprising that React enjoys a higher level of popularity and a stronger community. Vue has a less thriving population, with a limited number of capabilities and features, however it's supported by Evan You and the team.

Curves for Learning Curve

Vue is the easiest to learn and grasp of all JavaScript frameworks. It is estimated to take anything from a handful of hours to just a week to learn. All that is required is an knowledge of how ES6 operates and a basic understanding of JavaScript programming. The documentation for Vue is easy to understand since it's not as extensive as that of other frameworks.

For someone who has worked using JavaScript prior to React, it is simple to pick up. The formation of a team becomes simpler due to the less learning curve since any professional or beginning programmer can join. Only the releases following 16.0 are updated. This means that new developers could face difficulties in installing the more complex functions.

Performance (Speed)

Performance of a React application is faster, and more efficient in the user experience, and with discrete parts that operate well together. The component-based architecture of React helps in the development of more powerful single-page websites, while Reusability decreases complexity in code, and decreased DOM interaction speeds up loading of pages. Additionally, the library is focused on making the necessary modifications to the website without having to load the entire page. As a result, it avoids wasteful page loading instead, it refreshes the page's content.

Components and Extensibility

In the case of developing components-based user interfaces The extensive collection of component libraries that are available in Vue and React allow developers to reuse codes, improve efficiency of developers as well as accelerate the development process.

It's simple to add extensions to Vue or React apps with third-party libraries. The majority of React source libraries are merely components that improve on the existing components. Several of the third-party libraries in Vue are plugins which use the plugin system built into Vue.

State Management

Since state data in React is not mutable and therefore cannot be altered immediately, you must use SetState() method (or utilizeState() hook to change everything in the state.

In reality, as the data attribute in the Vue object functions as the collection point for the application's data and data, there's no need to use a technique such as setState() to alter the state of Vue.

The tools and templates that simplify the process of

Since 2016, React has provided a third-party CLI program called This helps programmers complete tasks such as app building, scripting, and so on. In the past, React programmers had to copy files from previous applications or build from scratch up. The process did not take lengthy time, but it was a tedious effort.

Vue on its other hand, offers a tool named Vue CLI which allows quick project creation. Vue CLI provides a number of benefits, including the ability to add plugins at any point during the development process and make simple changes.


Vue is a standalone framework, whereas React requires the use of external libraries. It is one of the most significant contrasts between these two systems. For routing and state management, React depends on other platforms similar to Flux/Redux. These frameworks facilitate debugging by providing a single way to modify the state. Because Facebook has delegated management of react-redux and react-router to the people using the platform, the system has been progressively fractured.

Vue offers a lesser number of partner libraries. However, Vue currently includes features that require a module in React for example, like props validation. The most important frameworks in Vue including Vuex and Vue-router, are supported and maintained by the Vue team.


Vue and React each have vulnerabilities in security, although Vue applications are a bit safer than React applications. While automatic defenses against XSS problems aren't available, Vue programmers can clean HTML codes prior to implementing or use extra libraries to protect against attacks. It is possible to directly create websites and protect the application both before and following creating in situations where you are confident that the HTML is secure.

Mobile Development

React Native is a combination of the most powerful attributes of native development as well as React, which is a leading JavaScript toolkit to create user interfaces. You may utilize React Native with your preexisting Android and iOS apps right now or build completely from scratch and create your own application. Through React Native's React-like elements it is possible to reuse as much as 99% of your JS code for Android as well as iOS. As a consequence, an app that is cross-platform and appears and behaves as a pure Android or iOS app was created.

It is possible to create widgets that are entirely native and completely control the appearance. The presentation layer is managed by the React Native framework as just an optimal state output that makes it simple to create apps for iOS and Android that have a natural appearance and intuitive feeling.

Even with Vue getting behind React however, it offers a variety of possibilities for development on mobile devices. First, there's NativeScript which allows you to write Vue applications , and have them compiled into native apps for Android or iOS. There's also Capacitor developed by the same people who invented Ionic. Using a simple API, you can incorporate Capacitor to any existing Vue website , and offer the native capabilities of iOS and Android. Additionally, Vue Native combines the advantages of Vue Native with the benefits of Vue and React Native ecosystems. In this React could be considered to be the best choice for development on mobile devices.

Debugging and testing

Reactjs includes a number of helpful test runners, which make the process of development simpler to adhere to. Test runners like Jest, Mocha, and many others, for example, enable testers to follow a common method of running test suites that helps detect flaws within real browser setups, unneeded functions as well as the place where the manipulation of functions is excessive. It shortens time-to-market, accelerates app deployment and promotes a more productive atmosphere.

Because Vue has just begun, the testing capabilities are standard however they are simple and efficient. The software does not offer lavish tools and does not jeopardize the code's ability to be tested. Vue Testing Library and Vue Test Utils are two of the official libraries recommended by Vue. Because this framework supports CI/CD and hot reloading It is feasible to create quicker feedback systems.

Support and Community

Facebook, the biggest social networking site, always is a strong supporter of React. One of the biggest advantages is the fact that Facebook has a dedicated team who are working to develop and refine React frequently. However, Vue doesn't have the backing of a major corporation. However, that doesn't mean that it isn't supported by the public or that it isn't well-known. The reason is that the Vue community isn't as large than React's. React community.

React offers more than 331,000 questions on StackOverflow. In addition, at the moment of writing it has over 174,200 stars on Github. In the case of Vue there are approximately 83,400 questions on StackOverflow within Vue plus more than 187.800 star ratings on Github.

Drawbacks of Vue vs React

As with all technologies as with all technologies, both Vue as well as React come with their own set of weaknesses. Below are some of the drawbacks of each.

Vue's biggest disadvantages Vue includes:

  • Two-way binding challenges
  • Challenges in mobile support
  • Limited plugins
  • Limited scalability
  • Programmers with limited experience
  • Too much flexibility in coding
  • Community usage is not without limitations

React's biggest flaws React includes:

  • Due to the rapid pace of development, the world changes constantly, which makes it difficult for programmers to stay on top of the latest developments.
  • Because of the rapid update and rapid growth, quality documentation is hard to find.
  • ReactJS just handles applications' UI Layers, therefore you'll have to utilize additional tools for different aspects of the development.
  • If you have a number of templates and they overlap, JSX can be confusing.


Regarding their own applications, React, Vue, or other approaches based on JavaScript are all pretty spectacular. In this scenario, there isn't a clear winner. The first step is to identify the requirements of your business then compare it with the features offered by these tools.

React is an established business leader that has corporate backing as well as an extensive open-source community. The library is more scalable, allowing you to create more complicated enterprise-level applications. As a library, React gives its users additional choices, like the manual rendering of images. The library makes extensive usage of functional programming techniques which is evident by its handling of state as well as interaction between the components.

Vue is an increasing frontend development sensation. It is a much more traditional syntax, making it much easier to migrate existing programs into Vue. The documentation is among the top that you can find. The core team has added an additional feature built in and also partner libraries to Vue as a framework. This simplifies the process of development and allows it to run more smoothly.

What do you intend to use for your next project --- Vue or React and why? Please let us know your thoughts by commenting below in the section for comments.

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