What is Serverless PHP? (Bonus What to Know: How to Get Started using Bref on Lambda)

Oct 27, 2022
Serverless PHP

The cloud is an execution method that allows applications to be hosted on a cloud, without the need to maintain servers.

Ready? Let's start!

Traditionally, you needed the equipment needed to create an application over the Internet. A server computer (or machines) were physically connected to the Internet in order to allow someone connect to your app. Maintaining servers is a cost-intensive procedure.

Following, the advancement of hosting services enabled webmasters to purchase hosting space. This meant that each server could hold multiple applications. This lowered costs.

  Serverless PHP The Basics  

Trends for the term "serverless" on Google
Trends for the phrase "serverless" Google. Google

In this part this section, we'll concentrate on some key notions related to serverless computing, and attempt to address an often-asked question regarding this technology: is truly server-"less"?

  The advantages that are part of Serverless PHP  

The deployment process is simple that does not require the management of the server. You simply upload your code to the server and the rest will be handled by the vendor. The serverless platform lets you have language-agnostic functions, interacting with one another.

If, for instance, you are using a messaging program that allows login, it could be coded using one languages, while the functionality that update your status might be coded in another dialect.

Even though this is possible in the absence of serverless hosting, it is certainly more challenging to communicate with. When an event triggers your function and an instance starts up to handle the event.

The process of creating the instance can be "warm" when you use an existing instance as well as "cold" in which you create a brand new instance. There's a small time delay, especially a cold start when compared with traditional hosting where the server will always be in standby mode , ready to take care of the requests.

But, the relationship between serverless and traditional hosting is completely different in the event of a huge number of requests to handle. The ability to scale is inherent in servers that are serverless. If you suddenly have a demand for 1,000 concurrent requests, the vendor will take care of them without any extra effort or configuration from your side.

  Is Serverless PHP Actually Serverless?  

Don't let the word "serverless" make you feel confused. It does not mean that there is no "server" doesn't exist. When you run an application without servers There is a server in the background which process your input and computes the necessary output.

  BaaS Vs Serverless Architectures  

One of the main similarities with BaaS as well as Serverless is that the developers do not solely focus on the management of servers. Many organizations provide BaaS as well as FaaS packages in the same package.

These are the main difference between BaaS as well as servers-less computing:

  • Components: BaaS apps are comparable to traditional applications, however developers are not required to modify the structure of their application for adapting to BaaS. The serverless application is broken down into logical components that are referred to as functions. Each function reacts to an event and performs a specific job.
  • Scalability: Scalability is a crucial element in any serverless application as more resources are allocated with an increase in traffic. This is not an essential component for BaaS applications, but several service providers offer the option as an additional feature.
  • Triggers: A Serverless application is event driven, meaning that a particular event triggers the application each whenever it takes place. However it is possible that a BaaS application may be running in the background and using resources continuously just like a traditional application.
  • Modular Architecture: With the serverless architecture it's possible for different applications to run and be present across multiple servers. They can operate seamlessly because of their integration. The BaaS application could or might be a different model.

  Serverless PHP: Use Cases  

We've discussed various aspects of serverless computing, and how it is different from BaaS. Although we've gone over the basic principles about serverless computing let's look at the scenarios where you might want to use this design.

It is possible that you have realized it's probably not an ideal idea to host complex applications on serverless technologies. However, even if you choose not to host an entire program using serverless PHP it is possible to deploy modules.

We will discuss two examples of implementations of a serverless stack in this article: databases and storage for files.

A serverless database can be described as an on-demand database that lets you execute queries whenever you require them. Scaling up is simple due to the serverless stack as well as the vendor bills you only the duration you utilize the resource.

IBM Cloud provides you with the objects storage service. The other common uses of serverless applications are APIs and mobile backends. The designs that are built upon small, logical interdependent tasks.

  serverless PHP Benefits  

In this part we will look at the major benefits of serverless computing as well as why it is gaining traction in recent years.

  Low Server Costs  

  Easier Deployment  


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  Serverless PHP drawbacks  

While serverless computing has numerous advantages, one must be aware of possible drawbacks prior to committing to it.


The lag could prove to be significant in time-sensitive applications. As the complexity of the application, components located in different places create a delay. The added time delay could cause a negative impact on user experience.

  Vendor Lock-In  


  Serverless PHP Get to the Point with Bref Lambda  

After we've looked at the serverless framework and the serverless service, let us now look at what you require to deploy an PHP application via a serverless service.

As you may have already suspected, the implementation of serverless apps is extremely specific to the company that is offering the. This article tries to discuss the different implementation options of serverless PHP application on Amazon AWS. Bref, or brief In French, is an Composer package that allows users to run PHP applications on AWS by using Lambda.

Bref is constantly evolving, so you should probably check Bref's maturity matrix to determine if it's an appropriate option to move your app to a serverless architecture.

  Prerequisites for Serverless PHP with Bref  

To begin, visit Amazon AWS and sign up for an account. This account is required to deploy your application. The next step is to set up Serverless Framework for managing the deployment.

NPM install --g serverless

Then, generate your public-private key pair on AWS then install the serverless framework locally.

serverless configuration credentials --provider aws --key --secret 

Then, you install Bref Composer:

  composer require bref/bref  

Before you deploy, you must to install Composer's dependencies.

composer install --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader --no-dev

  Make an Hello World Application on Serverless PHP using Bref  

To create a simple hello world application with Bref, we will write a function that is triggered by an event . It will return the text "Hello World".

In the beginning, you need to add the autoload.php script, and after that you can make use of its lambda function. There is an option to declare an environment variable if you would like to gain access to data using the context.

require __DIR__. '/vendor/autoload.php';
 lambda(function ($event) 
 return 'Hello world');

When the function is complete, you need to create the serverless.yml the configuration file. This is an example of a simple configuring file from Bref's tutorial.

service: applicationprovidername: aws
running time The plugins provided are:
 - ./vendor/bref/bref
handler index.php
• $bref:layer.php-73

Bref makes this setting file automatically each time you execute the below command.

vendor/bin/bref init

Now that you are ready with your function and the setting, you are able to invoke the function to check whether it is running as you intended. This can be done by using an invoke command in the serverless program:

serverless invoke -f hello

Here is a guide on the local installation of serverless software with the sam command-line tool provided by AWS. After your project is completed then you can launch it with the deploy command of serverless. Utilize your --verbose option to find out the specifics about the procedure for deployment:

serverless deploy

  Other deployment options for Serverless PHP  

Bref PHP running on AWS Lambda is a popular alternative. However, there are a few other options for your servers-less PHP applications.


Here are key aspects that you can learn from this guide about serverless PHP

  • Prior to deciding on the use of serverless PHP to build your website make sure you're fully aware of what serverless computing actually is it's advantages as well as its drawbacks.
  • Serverless PHP is still fairly recent to the market. Be sure to run trial with Bref with one of these vendors before taking a full commitment.

While serverless is becoming very well-known, it requires profound understanding of how technology functions to make the most of its benefits.

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