What is the 70-20-10 Rule For Learning & Development?

Apr 4, 2023

The 70-20-10 framework is very useful to design a mix of training that maximizes learning outcomes through social, experiential, and formal education.

As a course creator as well as a corporate instructor, the final goal is to have the student to benefit from the course, retain the knowledge provided, and make an improvement that is clearly demonstrated by the ability to attain the intended outcomes of the course. For a corporate audience the best way to judge success is through increased productivity in the workplace or shift in behavior. For an individual course creator, when the learner achieves the desired transformation and is motivated, they might be enticed to buy additional courses or products that they offer.

The 70-20-10 Model designed by McCall, Eichinger along with Lombardo

  How does the 70-20-10 rule how does it work?

McCall, Eichinger, and Lombardo conducted a survey of corporate executives to get their views regarding learning theories. The results were rather surprising!

  • 70% of the information learners retained was related to hands-on experience, job-related skills and the decisions they made in the work environment.
  • Learning from co-workers and peers or coaching accounted for 20% of information retention.
  • The smallest percentage, 10%, covered was in traditional education, with the 10% retention percentage.

Here's a summary with illustrations, use the links to jump to each section:

Experiential: 70%
  • On-the-job Training
  • Gamification
  • Online Simulations
  • Virtual Reality
  • Scenario-based Learning
Social: 20%
  • Mentorship
  • Discussion Boards
  • Online Meeting formats
  • Webinars
  • Social Media
For formal training: 10%
  • Onboarding courses
  • Lectures
  • Instructional videos
  • Textbooks
  • Knowledge Base

  Experiential (70 percent)  

Experiential learning is an opportunity for learners to get involved in the kind of training that is offered on-the-job, like completing projects, or routine tasks. Instead of reading about the best way to accomplish something learners are pushed to learn through experimentation and trial.

If they are stuck, they are able to draw on the internet and formal learning resources to fill the gaps.

Digital content is able to provide different levels of involvement and also provide immersive experiences, which can lead to an increased level of retention. There are many ways to implement Experiential Learning through online course development.

Here are some examples:

  Simulations online  

Online simulations of situations are a method by which this could achieve this. Virtual reality is a tool that can give students scenarios they will face and how they can handle the challenges they face. It offers a secure environment to try, learn and grow for a multitude of skills, imagine practicing hitting a tennis ball, creating a gourmet meal, or making sure you are ergonomically correct as you work from the comfort of your home office.

Another type of learning is scenario-based learning. For this kind of class it is where the student is immersed in a situation, having to make choices which will lead them in the course, get immediate feedback regarding their decisions as well as an opportunity to think about the decisions before proceeding. It is possible to achieve this by utilizing branching scenarios, the learner immediately sees the results of the choices they are making within the context.


With , you can integrate gaming apps that can improve the student experience overall. Learn about the available apps in the App Store.

  Social (20 percent)  

Social Learning, also known as the 20% portion of the model 70-20-10, is a crucial component must not be left out.

Discussion and peer-to-peer learning are essential elements in the learning process as they help to build better relationships with content as well as with other students. This type of learning is possible through mentorship as well as feedback. It can also be accomplished through connections with co-workers.

Platforms like Zoom, and social media websites are ways that collaboration between coworkers can be made easier. The social interaction piece can be a fantastic way to inspire learners to connect with them personally. Even though this element is just 20% of the model, the overall value should not be dismissed.

Speaking of social learning, did you realize it is compatible with Zoom and has a Community feature along with the ability to switch on discussion within a course? Giving learners the opportunity to connect easily and not needing access to multiple places also allows for a more consistent user experience.

  Formal (10 percent)  

Most of you have heard about the traditional lecture format of instruction. The content is often pre-recorded with slides designed to reinforce the message or videos that are narrated that remind the viewer of a movie, while we shouldn't discount this method of transferring information but it is the time to think about how we can incorporate more of the experiential and social aspects into the learning.

A an interactive and enjoyable experience will provide better results and happier learners.

  How to implement the 70-20-10 model in learning and development  

A well-planned course is essential in the process of having a course created and ensures that every component that comprise the 70-20-10 Model is reflected in the course. Each element is vital and should not be minimized.

A tremendous amount of effort can be put into developing a course with all types of gamification and scenarios however if the content provided is weak at best or the student hasn't been adequately prepared with the necessary information to effectively navigate, the course will not yield the desired results.

Similar results would be expected if the course is created to let speakers speak to the student for hours and hours, but there is not any opportunity to engage in peer-to peer interaction or other form of interaction of the learner to the content. The key is balance.

prior to creating your course content. While you write your course content consider ways in which you could incorporate experiences learning in addition to social and the traditional method of transfer.

Maybe you could share a shorter video, then an activity followed by a discussion with your peers, not just what was covered by how it can be applied to the individual's present circumstance.

Incorporating and applying the 70-20-10 method, you're getting closer to offering a transformative education experience to your viewers.

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