What is the cost you should be charging for online courses? (132,000+ data analysis) |

Jun 14, 2022

Online courses don't need to be difficult. We reviewed more than 132,000 classes to find out: how much should you be charging for an online course?

The bottom line is that here's the data on the cost of online courses.

I'm curious, who begins an article with the word "bottom line? That's an appropriate question, but hear me out You're probably stressed and came to this page looking for an online course's average price for you to decide your own price.

The price of the course average

Here's the top-level data on online course prices:

From 132,009 sales of course The average price for a course is $137.

In the same group, the average deviation of online course costs, which measures how spread apart the data is from the central point, is 167.

The information these two bits of information tell us isn't as simple than what it appears at first however, don't worry that it's nothing to worry about. The average deviation is very high. This means that there's plenty of variance among the data. This means we aren't able to rely on averages to be able to predict everything. However, it's still not excessive enough to make it useful.

For you to get an idea, SAT scores, which are an standardized test designed that is used by students who are seeking admission to college, have a higher standard deviation of 211 points .

For pragmatic purposes the meaning is that the majority of online courses are within 167-167 points of the mean for either. Since we're talking about cash and nobody is selling an online course that needs them to pay their customers, we can condense these data points into this statement:

The average of costs for online courses ranges between $0 and $304.

Now you're likely to be wondering: "Great. This helps me to zero in the range, which is huge."

Although it's not as tidy and tidy as our straight average, there are other data details below that make the range even narrower, which we'll discuss later.

Our main point we have gathered is that we recommend $100 as a minimum price for creators who are just beginning their careers.

Does this number sound for you?

$100 isn't risky regardless of whether it seems like it is because it's the first time you've sold anything on the internet before. It's not so high that it's inaccessible to most buyers, yet it's also enough that you're guaranteed to lose money with it, even without the Titanic-sized vessel of sales.

If your course is nota beginner and are trying to price your new course, this can be used to justify raising the price of your course over that $100 level.

Based on the range we offer, customers are used to seeing courses go from $300 to some. Actually, 89% of all online course prices are under $350..

So if you've already created the basis for an audience that is engaged So why not consider testing rates that are higher than your average range? I wouldn't suggest going wild, but consider at least testing the boundaries of your normal prices.

There's nothing stopping you from changing the plans in the future and then relaunching the site if you don't get the results you want. If it is successful you'll gain a completely new insight into your audience's desire to support financially your business, and a likely higher take-home income from it.

If you continue to create more courses that sell for the same price, great. Speaking of, how many online courses do you want to develop if you wish to keep up with the trends?

The number of courses that are offered in the average.

What we found out about the typical amount of courses:

From the sample of 18,133 creators online, the median number of online classes is 13.

In contrast, the median of courses created by a creator is six.

The mode, the most often repeated value in a data set, is 1.

All of these numbers are helpful, but this is the case to us. In essence, although many creators have a handful of courses , around six courses -- many more creators who have only one course.

There are also numerous creators that offer more courses than you can count on two hands (or the equivalent of four).

If you're hesitant, attempt at a minimum of three courses and see how far that can take you. There is no current correlation with success -- the best growth rate is the one which is sustainable for your needs.

The course cost is the average of a creator's first online course

Here's what we've found out about the first creators' online course sales specifically:

From a total of 12,818 creators the cost of an online course creator's initial sale is $157.

The average selling price for the first course created by a creator is $89.

The mode value of an online course's initial price is $97.

The average deviation of an online creator's first course cost is 185.

That's a lot of numbers. Because our dataset is so scattered and encompasses all kinds of creators, there's no clean average in this data set, neither.

But with the mode and median being close in comparison, it is possible to declare (again) that the majority of price ranges for online courses are between $100 and $100 for first-time creators.

However, let's take a look at the whole image in this article. What's the overall shape of the information? There's both good and negative information.

The probability of online course costs (or price variations by groups)

In the event that we study price cohorts or group our prices in increments of $50 to determine how much space they hold in the data set The shape of the data tells us many things.

Here it is in an angular graph of bars:

47.1% of creators surveyed are charging $50 or less for their courses.

Combined with the second biggest group, 65% of online courses are priced at less than $100.

That first number that is 47.1 percent -- could be a bit alarming. For mini-courses, and that may be exactly what the case was, as our research did not distinguish between them, it's more than a reasonable cost.

But if you've spent weeks making, polishing, and losing sleep on your online course and feel attracted to joining the 47.1 percent and have your price for the course of $50, I'd like to encourage that you reconsider.

Making your pricing too low could impact the perceived value of your course, which is how customers will look at the desirability of your offering, conscious or not.

It also requires more effort for you to earn half as many profits. If you want to make $1000 off your online course within seven days, you'll need to either convince 10 people to pay $100, or 100 people to pay $10.

The first is considerablyeasier.

Here's another way we can examine the pattern of pricing for online courses data. It's illustrating the same principle like the bar graph and reveals the likelihood that we will find a given value, or the likelihood of its distribution.

The solid line represents price point clusters. They've been that have been stretched out to provide us with a pleasing design to look at, and the dotted line is the linear trend line.

It's basically one big tsunami. Prices for online courses begin rising and then begin to peak around ~$100-$200 range and then descend smoothly down until $600-$650 and the prices flatten.

So, batting for $100 to $250 is achievable, and, more important is that it's already being accomplished. The next thing to consider is the time it takes creators to sell their courses once they join .

The average time between signing up a new creator before making their first sale

Let's face it:

There aren't many who can be accomplished at what they do. (But everyone canbe.)

For most creators, it boils down to the very first month.

38% of creators make their first sale within two weeks.

20% of them will have their first online sale within four weeks.

Together, this means that 58% of all creators who sell their products do so in their first month after signing up. Other figures are:

11% of creators sell their first online course within six weeks.

77% of courses sold online are the first time in 8 weeks.

23% of course creators will sell their first online course on after 3+ months.

Then, it begs an obvious question.

Which of your options will you be within that group of people and offer your online course the first time within a month of launching? If you're one of the 23% of course creators who don't make a sale until after three months What can you do to get out of it?

To help with this I would highly suggest you check the following resources:

As for the former selling your first product immediately There's lots of possibilities to speculate about why one group has a higher rate of sales than another. That said, this is what we've seen work:

Both methods require most of their marketing and selling activities prior to program's start, and there is minimal maintenance afterwards. They can respectively be intense however if you're trying to make most of your gains quickly, rather than in time, they're an option.

We don't suggest it as your first online course, or using the general launch strategy in the beginning of your journey. Instead, think about evergreen sales, and play your long games. It's less difficult, and more taking up your time, and provides you with an opportunity to walk before running.

The people we'll be discussing in our next section give their customers the same chance, too.

How many creators are offering payment plans

Payment plans that allow your customers to pay for the online course in time and reduce the entry barrier, have a good showing through our research. Check it out:

From 14,617 creators 3062 offered installment plans.

In percentages, that is 21percent of the course designers tested used payment plans to reduce the initial cost for their course.

If you're trying decide whether or not to utilize payment plans in your pricing strategy, we recommend using them only for online classes that cost priced at least $99.

There's no way to know if a payment plan on an affordable course can hurt the value perception of your offering, the same way as a too-low cost or discount could. However, that doesn't mean there's no way to avoid it. Your area of expertise may be unique as well, and nobody knows more about your customers than you do.

Yet, since our information suggests that the most popular race cost out in the wild is around less than $100 so you shouldn't charge more than your competitors orracing towards the bottom of the barrel If you had a limited number of payment plans for your high dollar items.

And, did you recall how we stated that it's more straightforward to market an online course worth $100 10 times over a course of $10 a hundred times? The same method goes here; if you have income goals, and I'm assuming you do, then you'll manage be able to meet them much faster by collecting your dues upfront.

Think of payments as opening up the door for more clients to take advantage of your online course. If it's not also creating a pathway to earning money for yourself then it's not the best fit. It needs to work for everyone.

An overview of how we handled the information

We've looked at courses priced from $9 to 850 dollars, which comprised 91% of the initial sample (145,000) as well as having the lowest degree of spread (~160 in comparison to. ~1012). The final set of data comprised 132,009 students, which was then divided into smaller sets according to the particular question.

This was done to ensure it was providing price information which was as close to real-world conditions as is possible, so that you could act upon the information, and hopefully be able to profit by the data. The difference between the highest 10% of prices as well as the lower 90% is shocking The outliers we removed were largely tests for products.

Or, if you think about it differently, we can say the data we provide will be accurate 90% of the time for 90 percent of the population.

This now concludes our analysis. If you're interested in learning what all of it means an additional bit and to get the majority of your price-related questions for online courses answered, keep reading on. We'd also love to send you more content such as this monthly newsletter.

Click here to sign up to our mailing list. we hope this data can help answer your questions.

Now that we've got that mathematics out of the way and figured out where we can find the information, let's wrap up by addressing a couple of frequent pricing queries we get from our customers.

What to do if you're trying to determine between various costs?

You have income goals, however, they don't align to what you believe you ought tocharge. Does this sound familiar?

It's likely that you're unsure of a high price and a higher price, but regardless of the price you're struggling to decide on what's most crucial to check is whether it's valid.

I'll explain more on exactly the process of validating pricing in the following inquiry, but the main point I'd like to share in this article is that ultimately your choices are just one aspect of pricing.

Your customers -- either new or old customers reacting to a price increase, and potential customers -- are equally responsible for setting your online course price.

If you offer such a low price that your product isn't worth the price compared to competitors which is why you will not get the return you want for the course you've created.

Likewise, if your price is such that students always compare their educational course to the expense of the course, and finding it wanting and unhappy students on your hands.

Your price progression should look something like this:

Calculating your minimum and maximal cost should be an ongoing conversation with your clients over the duration of your company. Do not undervalue your course content, but too, listen to the advice of your customers.

If they claim that they will not cover it or even better, prove that they will not, don't believe them.

It's a good thing that the same is true with the reverse. This brings us to our next question.

What is the best way to verify your price with your target market

The learners come in a variety of kinds of shapes and sizes. However, among audiences, their purses and their willingness to pay tends to be stable. Therefore, the most effective method of determining if your price point works for your audience is to inquire.

Yes. Really.

A simple request on social media could make a difference. One of my favorite examples can be John D Saunders, who shared a special method he employs to attract early investors.

His proposition to his audience is straightforward. He tells them "Hey I'm looking to join and paying for a course, I'll make a landing page for you to complete and then pay $7."

Participants who take advantage of the deal will receive a huge discount off the full cost of his upcoming online course.

John provides a bit more information in this great tweet thread about creating quality online classes:

If you do not have potential students to ask, take a look at these tips for understanding your target audience and building relationships with them.

Our Passion/Profit Matrix, which you can make use of to categorize topics and their profitability based on the answers you get in return, could also assist:

Be aware of their rules. Just as you wouldn't have someone swarming around your Facebook and Twitter accounts with endless advertisements, so do these groups. Begin to get acquainted with people, answer questions helpfully and remain a keen listener whether you're reading posts or talking in groups.

If you can give your group first, the better they're most likely to get your message, and eventually, your product.

Are you allowed to charge a cheap price or a premium price?

Higher prices have a lot of appeal, and we recommend that people start closer to $100 instead of further, however the different pricing levels are beneficial with different authors.

Are you only starting out and you have an email list of just a few friends or family members? Start slow and low and then set your price to the middle. Or, if you want to build your audience to be able to charge an attractive price later think about creating mini-courses.

Courses via email, which are typically mini-courses in the form they are and are an excellent marketing method for both new and veteran creators alike.

Beyond that, a premium price requires an equally premium marketing approach. The more expensive your cost is, the more challenging for your audience to join depending on whether your target audience is new or been a staple in your life for years.

At a minimum, we recommend investing in email marketing, whether you're offering an online class for free or an eight-digit (or even more!) course.

However, especially when it comes to online courses with a premium price , you need to make use of your email lists to advertise, create case studies on your customers as well as collect feedback for your sales pages.

Imagine it this way : If you spot a lemonade stand on the streetside for a quarter, you probably would not question how it's costly. If you saw the same lemonade stand and they were charging you $25 for a jar and you'd be asking a lot more questions before you buy.

Your customers want to know that your course content will live up to its price. Help them see that by demonstrating it in every way possible.

As well as testimonials on your landing page, one effective way to improve the value you can get from the course is by including templates and worksheets (or workbooks) along with videos and text. Printouts are a simple and usually free to add to the appeal of an online course.

Other elements that could aid in obtaining a higher-priced land are live Q&As which are provided either online webinars that are part of group sessions or a special session about social media.

Additionally, you can find FAQs which are displayed on your sales page for a long time and are able to resolve any doubts.

Or it can be vastly different. What's important is not to come up with an uniform policy, but to provide unconditional refunds, but to make it readily available.

Specifically for creators charging an additional fee, I recommend placing your policy on refunds in the same like Reuven is in the previous illustration. It will create peace of minds for both you and your customers to have it in place before issues be triggered.

Have you ever heard an ounce of prevention is worth a pound cure, that's wholly true for the provision of customer care as a creator.

Plus, it's a breeze to do on . But don't just believe me Get your own free account now.

We would love to see you there!

What does it mean?

No matter how bad the pun is this, these are some of the most important insights into our analysis of data, apart from the data:

The $100 mark is the ideal starting price for an online class -- and our price data proves it.

Pay-per-course plans are offered in the majority of five online courses. They are recommended for courses more than and equal to $99.

Try to expand your course portfolio as time goes by. The average of course value for creators is 6. It's likely that the truth lies in the middle of those, so don't compare yourself to the point of utter joy. Three online courses are sufficient to help you grow your Infopreneur enterprise.

If you want to charge higher than the $100 recommendation You'll need an audience willing to pay it. The only way to find this out is to speak with the people you want to reach directly- and then plan to devote more effort to marketing to convince customers to buy the extra.

One of the most significant points in this post is that there is no magical "right cost" to purchase an online class. Data shows that online courses can be as varied as the industries they're offered to. Beginning at $100, trust your gut, then go from there.

Remember, If your initial online course price doesn't work for the audience you're targeting, you're able to modify it. Only thing you can set to be fixed is the of the past. Your business's future is entirely yours, your rules, and your prices.

Good luck to you out there And if you require assistance in selling your online courses, you're just a phone call or call away .